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Submissive Subduers

Submissive Subduers

Fear No FearFear No Fear



We don't have to rest in failure and being battered around. We can be armoured in Jesus. We can be sanctified toward Him. Every day standing against every thing -- big and little -- that comes at us. We can do it. Jesus said so.

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This is a series of devotions and meditations on scripture that rejects fear and promotes faith in God. It emphasizes the importance of accepting God's word as truth and experiencing His perfect love, which casts out fear. The transcription also discusses the need for discipline and correction from God, as well as the importance of being obedient and praising Him. It encourages resisting the devil and being subject to God, which leads to a victorious and blessed life. The ultimate message is that God's love is unconditional and He loves us just as we are. Welcome to Fear No Fear. Grace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. May the Holy Spirit embrace you today. This is a series of devotions and meditations on scripture. We reject fear in any and all forms. Fear is a spiritual force, the currency of darkness and ignorance. It's what we inherited when Adam gave up his faith and Satan uses it to keep people down. His only weapon is words. If he can get you believing or looking at words of fear, he's got you. Instead, we champion faith as an allegiance to God, as a belief and trust and loyalty to the Lord God Almighty. We accept the evidence of his word as unvarnished truth, as is, just as it's written. We get close to his perfect love through the word, and perfect love casts out fear. 1 John 4.18 All scripture is taken from the World English Bible, which is in the public domain. Visit eBible.org Job 5.21-22 You will be hidden from the scourge of the tongue, neither will you be afraid of destruction when it comes. You will laugh at destruction and famine, neither will you be afraid of the animals of the earth. These seem like good words for this day and age. If nothing else, the recent pandemic and political climate have unleashed a multitude of scourging tongues and violence. So this seems like a good promise to stand on. But it isn't a promise. This isn't a thus says the Lord thing. This is simply the reality of life for a particular type of person. While in the main it was an old covenant person, the principle holds true in the new covenant. This was the reality of life for any person whom God reproved. You have forgotten the exhortation which reasons with you as with children. My son, don't take lightly the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when you are reproved by Him. For whom the Lord loves, He disciplines, and chastises every son whom He receives. It is for discipline that you endure. God deals with you as with children, for what son is there whom his father doesn't discipline? Hebrews 12, 5-7 God corrects us, reprimands us. Because while we have been given the righteousness of Jesus, that perfection is in our spirit. Over here in our flesh, we're still dealing with things. Because they are a habit. And let's face it, we're children. We get excited, we jump ahead, we don't listen. We leave underwear on the floor. We do not have to sin. But we frequently visit the old us out of habit. Something happens and we react the way we always have. To put it another way, we tend toward laziness. Spiritually, we're desperate for the rest that we enjoyed in Yahweh before we fell. Our flesh hears that cry, and so it also desires rest. But the only rest the body knows is the cessation of work. Since we have a choice as to what we do, we are constantly choosing. The flesh, when aggressed, likes to not choose. To go to our default, which through training from birth, is selfish. We choose what feels good. We choose what is easiest. God's ways are simple, but we are not called to easy. And not making a choice is still making a choice. Because if you don't choose the Lord, anything else you choose is not the Lord. Choosing can be hard because we have to think about it. But our consciences help us with this. You know when you're about to lose your temper. You can feel it come upon you. You know with how a conversation is going the type of answer you'd normally give. You know what you're going to say, even if it's mere moments before it comes out of your mouth. Oh, no, I don't, you say, but no, really, you do. Because your mind has to conceive the words in the language you're about to speak. Orders have to be relayed down your nervous system to the muscles, so that tongues move, mouths move, throats contract, air is taken in and pushed out, etc. There is a process to this. It is a fast process. And a lot of it can be unconscious, but it's a process nonetheless. And it starts in the mind. For though we walk in the flesh, we don't wage war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before God to the throwing down of strongholds, throwing down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10, 3-5 We are not going against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers. We're not going to an outward location to battle them, because the battleground is in our mind. We are armored against them, equipped through the grace of Jesus to stand. But not everything is defensive. We must also be offensive, to tear down the strongholds of our habits, although this verse refers to more than that, and throwing down those things that we dwell on that aren't of God, instant pictures of what could be, as well as thought-out explorations of ideas, fantasies, and desires. This isn't just sexual terminology, and it applies to a lot more than you think it does, if you meditate on it and look it up in the dictionary. It also gives us a mandate to bring every thought captive to obedience, every one. We're to reject any and everything that comes at us from the outside that isn't Jesus-centric, which means full of faith, going along with the principles, morals, and actions of the Word. For example, thinking on a movie or a TV show isn't anti-God. Thinking on ones that idolize immorality is. We should never forget what's behind what we are spending our time thinking about. A million thoughts a day flash through our heads. Some of them are from the outside, a bullying voice, a depressed voice, an anxious voice. It can take time to learn what it is that is coming at you. But if you're in the habit of rejecting everything negative as it comes at you, it's easier to identify them and put a stop to them. It isn't a sin to have a thought a dozen times or more. It's a sin to engage it in actively participating in what it represents. It's sin to take that thought and build on it. Example, you can see an individual dressed in body-accentuating clothing. That isn't sin. You may appreciate that they are beautiful or handsome or built. That isn't sin. Then you can go on your way with your eyes and your thoughts. Not sin. Or you can engage that person's image, dwell on it, salivate, and imagine things that would certainly not be done in public, which is immoral and sin. Oh, but that's just natural, you say. No. That is intent. And that is a choice. Isaiah 11, 2-3 gives us a method to walk by. Yahweh's Spirit will rest on Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of Yahweh. His delight will be in the fear of Yahweh. He will not judge by the sight of His eyes, neither decide by the hearing of His ears. Holy Spirit can help us judge what comes across our mind's eye, balancing it against His nature and rejecting what isn't profitable. Like anything, it takes practice. But if you think about the number of thoughts that come up in a day and how quick we can communicate with Holy Spirit, you can see that it won't be long before we will be proficient with nano-prayer. It's all about staying focused on the Lord and listening to Him. He's always talking to us. It is a major ministry of the Holy Spirit to bring to our minds what we have heard from the Word. Are we hearing, though? Are we taking the time to read it, hear it, ponder it, and study it? We have to fill up our tanks if we expect to draw on them in times of trouble. We're to be offensive, using our weapons, making sure that not even a single thought is left unfiltered. And we're to make everything captive to the obedience of Christ. If we do this, we will walk in victory. Remember that kingdom faith or sonship faith is being fully persuaded you are already walking in victory in Jesus. We're not struggling to make a victory. We're telling the enemy to stop trying to steal it. We're not sick trying to be healed. We're healthy refusing to get sick or accept disease. We're not denying the sights and sensations of the flesh. But we're demanding they bow to the name of Jesus and our kingdom rights. Not because of hope or words. Not because of our will or what we deserve. Not because of positive thinking or desire. Because we're sons and daughters of the Lord God Almighty, members of the family, co-heirs in Christ, and residents of His total and complete righteousness, partakers in all that He partakes in, and full to overflowing in His Spirit. We are the redeemed, and we say so. What would have been the point of resurrecting us to life in Christ Jesus if it didn't hold the possibility of completely changing our lives and manner of living right from the beginning of receiving it? Eternal rewards are wonderful, but if my life isn't changed now, I'm going to have trouble keeping up the enthusiasm for things I can't see, touch, taste, and get access to for possibly many multiple decades. That's the reason for the journey of sanctification. It is a lifelong process of being changed from what you were to what you will be. Lifelong. But it starts immediately and never stops. If we get fully persuaded that sanctification is immediate and ongoing, we'll dare to start living like it's true. How do we get fully persuaded then? How do we walk in kingdom faith? How can we be offensive in our spiritual walk, not just defensive? How can we decide to remove the enemy and expand our area of operation? James 4.7 tells us how. Be subject, therefore, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. A. Subject yourself to God. B. Resist the enemy. C. Be left alone. Simple, right? When we're subject to God, we're living in his victory. When we resist the enemy, we're saying, Nope, this is ours. Go away. And when he flees, he flees. Sure, he isn't going to stop trying. But this time, we have him. Next time, we could too. In fact, if you're walking in God every step of the way, we don't have to fail ever. We're humans, so I won't say that we won't fail ever. But we don't have to. It's a choice. The Word says Jesus was the only human who ever never failed ever. But if we're being like him, if we're obedient to him, if we're striving to abide in him, we will never, ever have to fail. There will always, forever and ever, be the possibility that we will succeed every time. Because it's God who does it all. Without him, we're nothing. John 15, 4-8 Be subject. That means to submit. To be in subjection or submit to. Defined as being one who lives in the territory of, enjoys the protection of, and owes allegiance to a sovereign power. Subjection also refers to the mind, the ego, or agent of whatever sort that sustains or assumes the form of thought or consciousness. That's the agent of whatever sort that sustains or assumes the form of consciousness. That's interesting to me. Why? Well, let's put it in wordspeak. We are to be the agent, Matthew 28, 18-20, of he who sustains, Psalm 55, 22 and Genesis 17, 1, by renewing our mind to his word, Romans 12, 2, assuming the form of Jesus, Ephesians 5, 1-2, who should be the form of our consciousness, Galatians 2, 20. I'll say it again. We are to be the agent of he who sustains, by renewing our mind to his word, assuming the form of Jesus, who should be the form of our consciousness. In other words, 1 Corinthians 11, 1. Be imitators of me, even as I also am of Christ. Or, be like Paul. He's like Jesus. We are to be like Jesus. It's that simple. But if we haven't mastered the habits our flesh has, then we'll miss it from time to time. We'll go the wrong way, stay still, fail to stand, say the wrong thing, etc., etc. God will need to correct us. But that isn't a bad thing. God is never selfish, abusive, or unfair. He's good and just. Deuteronomy 32.4 and Psalm 9.7-9 He's this way always. God's correction never has an ulterior motive. He wants us to be disciples of Jesus and to make more disciples of Jesus. Matthew 28.19-20 and Mark 16.15-18 He wants us to be obedient and to give him the praise that he deserves. That's it. No life lessons. No working things out. No suffering so he can bring us understanding. He doesn't promise no persecution or suffering. Quite the contrary. But just that he won't use it to teach us something. We haven't been sent to earth to perfect ourselves or refine ourselves or any other spiritualistic mumbo-jumbo. This is not our first of five or seventh of twelve times around the clock. What is the meaning of life? Here's a spoiler. We're to be obedient and to sing his praises. That's it. We have a relationship with him. That is the meaning of life. Why we are here. Why it all exists. But what about all the other gods, says the atheist? Well, there are none. No living gods but the Lord God Almighty. He who sustains. Yahweh, Jesus, Holy Spirit, three in one. The unique one. That's it. Be obedient and praise the only living God. And as you sing, remember that everything we say is true. We're not stroking his ego. He has no use for attempts to puff him up. Everything we sing to him is truth. They're all facts. Pure and unadulterated. You couldn't overdo it if you tried. So long as you praise him with honest intent. To recap, we need to armor up with the armor of God. We need to defend offensively. We need to be like Jesus. Willing to take up our cross and in seriousness examine everything in our lives internal and external. Obey the Lord and praise his name. Resist the devil. Be willing to be corrected by the Lord. Please choose to be willing to be corrected. You could choose to resist, to rebel. Throw a hissy fit. Your life will reflect that. Spiritual and natural. The flip side to that is you could choose to be obedient. Your life will reflect that as well. Tune your heart into his word and his spirit. Receive any correction. Humbly and thoroughly. Which means changing our behavior to reflect what he wants. To obey and not kick up our heels. To be subject. It can rub us the wrong way if we're focused on our earth life. Flesh hates seduction. Focused on your kingdom life, it won't ruffle. It will be simple. As simple as saying, yes Lord. What will your life look like then? At peace with the beasts of the field so you're not afraid of them. And also wise enough to leave the ones that eat you alone. Not afraid of the destruction that surrounds you. Economy tanking? Not yours. Grocery availability shrinking? Not in your cupboards. Your home safe and secure. Finding nothing amiss there or when you return to it. Long life. Reaching the grave in a satisfied old age with full faculties and abilities. Most important, you'll be happy and fortunate. Happy because in the Lord you're content. And fortunate because everything from God is a blessing. Whether it is a trailer or a mansion. Like Jesus when we walk this earth we'll be surrounded by storms. Hated by those who hate righteousness. Persecuted by those who don't love God. But we will be asleep in the boat that sits in the middle of the storm. Not panicked or stressed. Matthew 8, 23-27. Singing praises while in prison. Acts 16, 25. Victorious in Jesus forgiving all who wrong us. Acts 7, 60. Happy in the Lord and fortunate. Romans 15, 13 and James 1, 2-3. Because we know who overcomes the world. And we know who wins. He let us speak at the end of the book. Our daily affirmation of God's love is Psalm 48. Who doesn't like a good celebrity? They're everywhere. Social media, television, magazines, those that still exist. And the internet. Oh, the internet really likes them. And people follow them, look up to them and emulate them. Why is that? Escapism, good qualities, accomplishments. Did they portray a beloved or hated character on screen? Probably a bit of all of them. But there's one who's known across the whole world. Jesus. The name above all names. He's known everywhere. By everyone. They don't all agree about him. They argue his appearance, speech, humanity, teachings, life, journeys. And whether or not he was indeed God's son. But what do they all agree on? Even his haters. What is most associated with his name? Love. The God loves. Some mock it, some doubt it, some bask in it. But all know it. God is love. It is pure, righteous, and steadfast love. God's steadfast love, like his name, like his praise, reaches to the ends of the earth. All the while, his hands are filled with glory and his people rejoice. His love is correcting. His love is righteous. There's judgment in it. There is accounting. But it is still love. The nature of God is selfless love. This is not here to hurt, to do bad. It is all about life, growth, saving, help, and goodness. But it is also righteous. There are standards that we are called to. Behavior we are meant to embrace and participate in out of love for him. It is the dual sword of his love. When you follow his commandments and listen to his guidance, we are blessed and full of all that we can desire. If we kick against the goads and try to force our way of doing his things, we will get correction. It will cut out the dross, right down to the marrow. But through it all, there is love, his love. Acceptance of you into the lifetime journey of sanctification unto his righteousness. Like a loving parent who seeks nothing but the best as they guide you, so too our Father in Heaven guides our steps in word, deed, and thought. And it is all about relationship, hand in hand, mind to mind, heart to heart, togetherness. Now how can you be sad with God loving on you? He's the ultimate celebrity, the only one who deserves to be celebrated with all that you have. As we close, remember that you have worth. You are precious and valuable. Declare this. Today, God loves that I, now you, fill in the blank. Was it a meal you made? A smile you gave? Did you get out of bed? Read? Put on socks? There's no wrong answers here. There is no end to God's love, and no end to the things about you that he loves each and every day. Pick one. And remember, the Lord loves you, just because you're you. 1 John 4, 9-10 tells us, By this, God's love was revealed in us, that God has sent his only-born Son into the world, that we might live through him. And this is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son as the atoning sacrifice for our sins. His perfect love turned away God's wrath because of sin, and it casts out our fear too. See verses 18 and 19. We love because he first loved us. He just loves us. Can't get enough of us. And that is wonderful. See you next time.

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