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The importance of closing in the Prime America business is emphasized in this information. Closing refers to helping people make decisions that are in their best interest. It is essential to believe that sales can positively impact people's lives and to be persistent in convincing them to make a decision. Closing is crucial for success in Prime America and involves getting prospects to say yes to doing business, buying policies, investing money, or joining the business. It is important to close effectively in order to be successful in Primerica and to help clients improve their financial situation. The following material is copyrighted. It is intended solely for training purposes within the Lamarck hierarchy. Any unauthorized duplication, reproduction, or distribution outside of the Lamarck hierarchy is prohibited and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent allowable by law. This next CD is the importance of closing. You know closing is the art of helping people and make a decision that's good for them. This is one of the most important things you can ever learn. The key for the professional is that the decision to go ahead must always be the best interest of the person you're helping. If it's not you should never ask nor allow the person to go ahead. If it is you have a moral obligation to ask and to help them clearly see how and why it's in their best interest to go ahead. You know closing consistently and artfully is directly related to your beliefs about selling. See if you believe that salespeople are pushy, overbearing people who are out to take advantage of people, it's going to be impossible for you to ever act in a way to successfully help people make those decisions that help them you know move forward. You're going to constantly avoid asking the tough questions that allow people to see why they should go ahead. You know what's going to happen is if you see that as being pushy, as being direct, as being a pushy salesperson, you're going to always be a really hesitant about doing that. You're going to feel self-conscious. So you've got to see that closing is really truly about helping people make a decision that truly helps their life in a positive direction. On the other hand if you see sales as a way to easily and effortlessly help people make decisions that are truly great for them, you're going to always be looking for creative ways to help them make the decision to go forward. You know I've always believed that people are just infinitely better off meeting with me and doing business with me because I believe that it allows me to pleasantly and professionally and persistently ask questions that motivate them to meet with me. See my intention when I set appointments is to create the feeling that the prospect is going to lose a significant amount of money if they don't meet with me, which by the way is true. I found that people are much more motivated by the fear of loss than they are by the prospect of gain. The reality is the success of our economy is completely and totally dependent on a product or service being sold and purchased. If that doesn't happen then no one has the ability to earn money and take care of themselves or their family. See even the government workers are dependent on selling. Without the sale of a product or service taxes aren't paid. Without taxes being paid there can be no government jobs. Everyone's livelihood is dependent on a sale in one form or another. There is nobody that's immune to this. Every industry, I don't care what you do, even if you're a school teacher, professor, believe me that money comes either directly or indirectly from a sale being made somewhere of some sort. There is no getting around that. The important belief to develop is that sales made that are good for people, that enhance people's lives, are good for everybody. The great news about Prime America is this. We only do sales that positively impact people's lives, that improve their current financial situation. We only close, we only help people make decisions that are truly good for them. That's one of the things I've always loved about Prime America. When I would sit down with a client I would never close if it wasn't right for them. But if it was right for them I would be looking for every way to get them to go ahead and to say yes. I would be very persistent about showing them why this was in their best interest and I was direct about that. I think you need to do that because I cared about those people. I cared about those families. I cared about and I cared that my trainee that I was training could see that and that they could see that this is the way you need to be with people because people have a hard time making decisions. People are very afraid of making decisions because they're always afraid of making a mistake. They're always very hesitant to make any kind of decision, any kind of commitment. They're going to easily make that commitment when they see and they feel and they believe it can enhance their situation. That's what you've got to get great at doing. The importance of being a closure in Prime America cannot be overestimated. Your ability to stay in business and to effectively train others to stay in Prime America is completely dependent on your ability to teach people how to close and to learn how to close. When I say close I mean just having the prospect say yes I want to do business with you. Yes I want to buy that policy. Yes I want to invest money with you. Yes I want to do that loan. You've got to get people to say yes if you're going to be successful. See in order to get the appointment you have to close people. You have to get them to say yes I'm willing to meet with you. Yes I can see some advantage to meeting with you. Yes I'm curious about finding out what you do. When they meet with you you've got to close them on becoming clients and if it's in their best interest of course and you have to close them on giving you referrals. You've got to get them to see why it's a good thing to give you referrals. If you close them on joining your business, if you recruit somebody, you still have to close the recruit on putting together a warm market list and then you've got to close them on calling those people and setting those appointments and then you've got to convince them to go on more than one appointment and go on maybe 10 or 20 appointments. Everything about what we're doing is closing. You've got to also close them to come to the meetings. When somebody gets in you've got to get them to understand why they need to be at every meeting. That's a close. You've got to convince them. See if you aren't able to close effectively, Primerica is very difficult. A lot more difficult than it needs to be. When you become a master at closing, Primerica becomes fun. It's effortless. Boy is it extremely profitable too. See motivating the client to give you a check is the only way for you or your people to get paid to make any money. If the product enhances the client's financial life and solves a fundamental financial issue, you deserve to ask for and receive the check. I'm going to repeat this again and again. So your beliefs regarding asking someone to go ahead, right, closing either your opportunity or products is going to determine whether you become successful or not. It's going to be everything. It's the whole ball of wax here. You've got to get great at this. If you truly believe the client or the potential associate will be better off involved as your client or your teammate, you're going to be really comfortable and convincing at closing at every opportunity. It's going to be easy for you. I really felt like people were way better off if they did business with me and they got in my business because I believed I could help them. I really believed that. It wasn't something I just was saying to close a sale. I believed that and I performed and I made that and I made that be a reality and true for everybody that I got involved. You see if you believe that asking again is being pushy, rude, or obnoxious, you're going to automatically not going to be asking for the business. You're not going to close, right, and in that case everybody loses. So you've got to work on the beliefs you have about what sales is because that's going to have a fundamental part of your success in Prime America, how you think about that. So what you believe about closing, which again is asking people for money or asking people to go ahead or asking people to make a commitment, it's going to determine your viability in Prime America. Remember we never close unless it's completely and totally in the prospect's best interest in every way. That being true, when it is in their best interest, you have an obligation, a moral obligation to close and ask for the check and ask them to go ahead. If you're sitting with a client and you know them buying this policy is the best thing for their family, if you're sitting with them and you know they should be investing this money if they have any chance to retire, if you're sitting with them and you have a loan proposal that's going to save them $500 or $1,000 a month, it's going to allow them to get debt free and financially independent much sooner, or if you're sitting with somebody and you know they need to make an extra $1,000 or $2,000 or $3,000 a month and you're not closing them, shame on you. Shame on you. That's ridiculous. You should be closing them. You should be getting them to say yes. Because if you care about your fellow man, if you care about other people, you've got to help them make decisions that are good for them. And that's what closing is.

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