Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker emphasizes the importance of getting firm commitments when closing deals. They suggest that by focusing on obtaining clear commitments from clients, one can save time and increase efficiency, ultimately leading to more financial success. The speaker provides an example of how to ask for a commitment from clients by summarizing their goals and aspirations and asking if they are willing to implement the proposed strategies. They emphasize the need for directness and assertiveness in asking for commitments. The speaker concludes by highlighting the significance of closing in achieving wealth and success in business. Okay, guys, you know, getting firm commitments is an essential part of closing. One of the things that, if you focus on getting firm commitments when you're on appointments or when you're talking to people, you're going to really waste a lot less time, and you're going to get people to act much more quickly, and you're going to be more efficient, which means you're going to make more money in the time that you're spending, all right? So how do you do that? Let's assume that you're on an appointment, and you're sitting with a client, and you've gone through the presentation, and you've actually gone all the way through, and you've done the F&A input sheet, and now you're done, and you're going to leave and go run the F&A and come back another day with all of the solutions, right? You might have closed a life sale already. You should have done that, but assume that you didn't close a life sale, and you didn't close any business yet, and you just finished it. What I would do, and what I used to do before I left somebody's house, is I would focus very intently on getting a very clear and firm commitment from the client, because it was my thought that if I couldn't get a firm and clear commitment from the client, I would not come back to visit this client, because there's no point to go through all the work of doing an F&A, and all this research, and all this work, spending an hour, two, or three, or four hours working on an F&A program for a client, and then come back and then say, you know, sounds good, I want to think about it. That is not going to happen. So the way that you prevent that from happening is that you get very clear on the commitment with the client. So let's say I'm sitting down with Martin and Denise Flores, right, we've gone through the whole thing, we didn't close any business for whatever reason, they don't have their policies there, and so I couldn't really do that. So I put my, everything down, and I look over to them, I say, Denise and Martin, you told me that you guys, you know, you wanted to live at the beach someday, you want to send your kids to college and be able to pay for that, you want to travel more, you want to retire really well, you want to have less stress in your life, you know, Denise you were telling me that you don't want to work anymore and you'd love for the fact that at some point then Martin could make more money and so that you could stay home with the children, and you have all these different goals and aspirations, and then we also discovered that based on your current level of income and your current career, accomplishing all these things is impossible, right? Is that right? And I'd get a call and they'd say, yeah. I'd say, okay, well when I come back, I'm going to come back with some solutions that are going to either completely or at least partially move you in that direction. There's no doubt in my mind that's going to happen. I am going to help you in a really dramatic fashion, all right? And I'm going to help you with your, you know, protection, I'm going to help you with hopefully we can do a loan for you. I don't know. If not, we're going to help you in another way. We're going to put together an investment strategy for you to accomplish, you know, all of the goals you have financially, and then I'm going to talk to you about get involved in our business. So I'm going to go back and I'm going to be spending a lot of time on this plan of yours. I'm probably going to spend, you know, four or five or six hours working on this and putting together just an awesome plan that helps you get exactly where you want to go, exactly where you told me you want to go, okay? So if I can do exactly what you want, if I can help you get where you want to go, can I get a commitment, a firm commitment from you tonight that you're going to implement each and every one of the strategies that help you move in the direction of the goals and dreams that you told me tonight? Can I, can we look at each other, you know, man to man, you know, man to woman and say, look, I'm going to do this stuff. I'm going to commit to putting together, to implementing the plan that's going to get me where I want to go. I just want to know that because I don't want to go and put all this energy back and then come back and you go and you tell me, you know, this sounds really good, Hector, but I want to think about it because there's no point in me going through that exercise if you're not committed to your financial future, if you're not committed to doing the things that you need to do to move you closer to your goals and dreams because I'm going to do work hard to do that and there's the part that you have to do is you have to commit to doing that. You've got to get your guy's commitment that when I come back, you're going to implement all of those things and if I don't get a yes, I'm not coming back, okay? And if they say, well, you know, Hector, I want to think about it, you know, I'll look at it, well, I'll tell you when I get here. No, no, no, I'm asking you if I do all these things that we've talked about tonight and I can help you move in that direction, what would there be to think about at that point? It's either yes, I'm going to do it or no, I don't want to reach my goals and dreams. There's no in between. So I just want to know that I'm not wasting my time and I don't want to waste any more of your time. If you're not committed to your future financially, then there's no point in us going any further. Can I get a commitment from you that you're going to say yes to everything that makes sense that night to the loan? If I can show you how I can reduce your debt, if I can show you, well, we already know you need the protection but I'm going to get your policy and if I can improve upon your life insurance policy, can I assume you're going to say yes to that and if I can show you an investment strategy and investments that will help you move where you want to go, can I assume you're going to go ahead and do all those things? Can I get your commitment tonight? And then shut up and listen, right, because they're either going to say yes or they're going to say I want to think about it. I say, look, well, I need to know for sure. If they say, you know, I can't make that commitment, I want to think, okay, well, great, I tell you what, I'll take this stuff. When you're ready to make a commitment to completely take care of your financial future, I am going to be more than happy to come back with your plan and help implement that plan. You can give me a call. Here's my card. I'd love to talk to you. Most of the time that's not going to happen but I'm telling you, if I can't get their commitment, I'm not coming back. So you can only get run around in Prime America if you let people run you around. If you're going to do a lot of work for somebody, you deserve to get compensated for that and the bottom line is this, you know and I know that this plan is going to move them where they want to go. It's going to help them dramatically and if you don't have the directness to tell them you're going to do that and let them know that they need to do this, then you're not helping them. You're not helping them in any way, shape or form. So you've got to make sure that you get a really, really firm commitment and you can do it in a nice way and smiling and just look, I would just tell people all the time, look, I'm in business, you're in business. When you work, you expect to get paid, right? When I work, I expect to get paid. I'm going to do a tremendous job for you and I'm going to do everything I said I'm going to do and if I can do that, all I'm saying is are you going to go ahead? That's all, right? Because if you show up to work and you put in time and energy, you expect to get compensated, correct? I do too. That's all. Do you think that's fair? Well, great. Well, let's go ahead then and that's what you need to do. Don't be afraid to ask for commitment and a lot of you are hearing this right now and you're going, oh, I don't know if I can do that and you're going to be afraid to get a commitment and this is what's going to happen to you. You're going to get run around, you're going to have to go back two or three times and it's going to be your own fault and you're not helping them and you're not helping yourself and then what's going to happen is your wife or your husband is going to go, you're gone all the time, you're not getting any results, I think you should quit that Primerica thing and that's your fault. You need to be direct, you need to ask for what you want, you need to get a commitment, you need to deliver on what you tell them you're going to deliver on. That's the key. If you deliver, it'll all work out. Believe me, okay? And if you can't deliver, you don't deserve the business but if you can, you do. So get commitments. Make sure you always get a commitment whether it's on an appointment, if you're sitting down with a potential recruit, you should get a commitment from that person as well or if you're calling people for an appointment, you get a commitment. Always be working at getting commitments. The key to getting what you want is asking directly for what you want. One of the next CDs is going to be overcoming all the objections and the next CD is going to cover all of the information regarding how to do that. In conclusion regarding closing, guys, it's everything. If you're ever going to become wealthy, if you're ever going to build a great business and even if it's not Prime America, your ability to close which means basically getting people to say yes to you, yes to your product, yes to your service, yes to your opportunity. That's what closing is, getting people to say yes. If you learn how to do that, there's no limits to what you can do. If you don't learn how to do that, everything's going to be difficult. That's going to be frustrating. It's going to be tough. You might as well just learn how to do it because it's all technique. It's simply learning how to ask questions in the appropriate way. Once you learn it, you'll learn it forever. It's kind of like riding a bike. Folks, I've been doing this a long time. I haven't ridden a bike in, I don't know, maybe a year. I know for sure if I went out and there's a bike out there, I can get on that bike and ride it. I have no problem. I know that I can do that. It's just like this stuff. I've mastered it so well that I haven't really even been on an appointment for years, since 1992, 1993. But I know it so well, it's like riding a bike. Once you've got it, you own it. You never have to relearn it again. You always know it when you really get it. I promise you, it will help you become wealthy if that's what you want to do. It makes everything fun and exciting. Some of the things you're going to learn here are going to help you in your personal life too. I promise you. Just the idea of learning how to get what you want and ask for what you want makes every part of your life better. I promise you that. So, good selling, good closing.