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The speaker is discussing a financial needs analysis appointment with a couple. They assure the couple that they will take good care of them and customize a plan based on their specific situation and goals. The speaker asks the couple about their current jobs and their aspirations for the future. The couple expresses their desire for more money and time, the ability to travel, and to provide financial security for their family. They also mention their charitable inclinations towards children. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a plan for their children's college education. The following material is copyrighted. It is intended solely for training purposes within the Lamarck hierarchy. Any unauthorized duplication, reproduction, or distribution outside of the Lamarck hierarchy is prohibited and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent allowable by law. Hi everybody. Today we're going to be talking to a couple about Primerica. It's actually going to be a financial needs analysis appointment. Everything we're going to be doing is going to be geared towards motivating the couple to want to have a financial needs analysis done on their particular situation. So that's what we'll be talking about today, how you do that, the questions you ask, and I think you're going to enjoy it. How are you doing, Martin? Great, great. Hi, I'm Denise. Nice to meet you. Thank you for having me in your home. I really appreciate that. And I just wanted to, you know, we have a mutual friend now in the humanities, right? Oh, yeah. And Vivian and I are the ones that referred me to you. Right. And I know you guys have a good relationship and I wanted you guys to know first of all that, you know, I know you guys have a trust between you and I told them I wouldn't do anything to violate that trust. I was going to take good care of you. I wasn't going to cause you any, you know, any... Take care of us. Yeah, I'm not going to do anything. It's going to be really casual, real comfortable. And I'm not going to do anything that's going to offend you in any way. I want you to know that. Okay. And then the second thing is I know you guys are really busy. You've got two young children. You both have careers going. You're going 100 miles an hour. I know time is valuable for people like you and I'm not going to waste your time. In fact, the stuff I'm going to share with you is just really, really going to be exciting for you. It's going to help you in a significant way. By the time we get done, I think you're going to see that and you're going to be really glad that we got together. And then lastly, when we finally put something together, it's going to be very customized. You know, one of the things that I feel good about our company is that we don't do a one size fits all. It's not cookie cutter. Everybody that we sit down with, we take their particular situation into consideration and we do something customized to where you guys are now and where you want to be in the future financially. Okay. Because I'm sure that having some sort of a plan and knowing where you're going is that important to you guys? Absolutely. Okay. Then this is going to be really fun. And I want you to, as we're going through this, I've done this hundreds and hundreds of times. So what ends up happening sometimes, you know, I might go through something that's new to you and it doesn't quite make sense. I want you to feel really comfortable to ask questions if something's not clear. Okay. Because if it's not clear, then we're going to have a challenge. You're going to feel uneasy and I don't want you to feel uneasy. Okay. So if anything comes up and it doesn't make sense, please ask away. So would you mind if I ask you, I want to first of all, you know, I want to be able to do something for you that accomplishes exactly what you want. You know, that's the whole point of this exercise, to get you guys from where you are right now financially to where you really want to be in the future. Okay. That's what everything that we're going to do is going to be revolving around. Okay. And accomplish all your goals, all your dreams that you have in those areas. So what I'd like you to do is allow me to ask you some questions. Just kind of get to know you a little bit better. Okay. Would you mind if I did that? Yeah, go ahead. What do you do right now, Martin? I work at Frito-Lay. Frito-Lay, okay. Delivering chips, you know. Oh, you stock the stores and stuff like that? Yeah. Okay, so you're driving all over the city. I drive a truck and I do sales and you know, all kinds of things. So you have to talk to people about what, carrying more of your stuff? Yeah, basically you know, selling the chips in the stores and you know, merchandising, loading the truck up, you name it. Everything. Yeah, from getting it from the warehouse to the store. Is that physically demanding sometimes? Yeah, it can be. A lot more hours. A little bit more often in the summertime when it's 100 degrees, right? Yeah, my truck is like 115 degrees inside. So you see it. Made out of aluminum. Oh my goodness. Did you see yourself doing that forever? No way, man. So if there was a way for you to break out of that and do better, you would obviously entertain that, right? Yeah, I would look at it. Yeah, okay, good. Fantastic. What do you like about it? I like that my boss isn't with us, you know. Kind of on your own. Yeah, I'm on my own all day long. I just go into the warehouse in the morning, see him for a few minutes and then I'm out of there. Right. And then I can get done, you know, early sometimes if I wanted to, you know. And I just deal with my own customers. I don't have anybody looking over my shoulder. I like the freedom of it. That's good. What do you dislike about it? Everything else. So that would be the money? Yeah, definitely. I mean, the money could be more. The hours. The hours. Working for a company. Yeah. I mean, if you had your way, would you rather work for a company or work for yourself? No, work for myself. Absolutely. Is that something you've thought about? Yeah, I've thought of actually starting my own businesses, you know, several times but they just never panned out. You know, no guidance and stuff like that. But you're obviously really open to that if the opportunity was right. If it was feasible, yeah, I would entertain it. All right, great. And how about you, Denise? What do you do? I'm a bank teller. Bank teller. Great. How long have you been doing that? About two years. Yeah. And so, you love it? No, I don't. I don't like the hours and my biggest fear is getting robbed. Oh, wow, yeah. Because we've had a couple of robberies. Wow, that's scary. That's very scary. Especially having two kids. Yeah, right. And I mean, I don't know. Some women like to be career women. Some women would rather be home more and kind of take care of their children. Where do you see that? I'd like to be home more and get involved with the kids. So, if Martin was able to make a lot more money, then you would love to stay home? Definitely. I would love it. I can't wait for more hours. Yeah, I know. But I mean, if that were possible, that would be the best of all worlds, right? Yes, definitely. Okay, good. Well, I think I'm going to be able to help you. I think we're going to get along really well. It's going to be fun. Okay. Okay. So, can I ask you guys a question? What's really most important to you? Usually there's three things. Could it be work? Would it be your spiritual life? Or would it be your family? If you could categorize which is most important, which would it be for you guys? I would say it's our spiritual life and then our family. Yes, definitely. And then work would be last. All right, great. Okay. So, then I guess if I were to ask you if it's unimportant or important or very important to provide financial security for your family, you'd say? Very important. Very important. Okay, great. So, I want you guys to dream a little bit around. Because one of the things I find when I'm meeting with people, they're in their jobs and they're living week to week. They take a two or three week vacation. They kind of stop dreaming, really dreaming big, because a lot of the stuff that they would really like to have doesn't seem feasible. Right. Okay. But I want you to think, what would it be like if money weren't an issue for you guys? All of a sudden you had two, three, four, five hundred thousand dollars a year coming into your household. Wow. Okay. Where would you guys live? Not here. I'd live by the water. Yeah. Probably Newport Beach, Santa Barbara. Definitely. Somewhere where there's water. Yeah. Clean air. Yeah. Yeah. And how about cars? I mean, I like cars. You guys have some ideal cars that you'd like to have? Range Rover. Range Rover. Those are awesome. Yeah. I love those. Something fast like a Bentley or something like that. Yeah. Something sleek and sexy. A GT. Yeah. All right. Those are awesome cars. How about travels? Travel is something you guys would like to do more of? Oh, yeah. Definitely. Tahiti is something we'd definitely. Europe. More of Europe. Yep. Europe. Hawaii. And you haven't done those because... Well, obviously the money. Jobs. Finance. Money and time. Money and time. Okay. So you really want more money and more time. Definitely. All right. Good. Fantastic. And you have two kids? Yes. And their ages are? Fifteen and nine. Fifteen and nine. So fifteen and nine. They're not that far away from going away to college, right? No. My daughter is like four to three years away. Three years away. Oh, boy. So that's creeping up quick, right? So you have a plan for that right now? Kind of? Not really. Not really? We don't have anything set. But you want to do more? Yes. Okay. So let me ask you a question. If money were an issue, would you do more? Absolutely. Okay. All right. Good. So that's important. So if we could find a way to do that, that would really be important. Yeah. They would definitely go to school. Okay. Fabulous. All right. And then, you know, again, if money were an issue, what kinds of things do you feel charitable towards? Like, you know, it could be anything. Church or? Definitely church. Or family. Definitely family. Family. Yeah. Anything to help them use more money. Yeah. Anything that has to do with children. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anything that has to do with children. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Great. Boys and girls club. Right. Anything we can help them. Use kids, et cetera. All right. Good. All right. So that's awesome. And then hobbies and recreation. Like, what do you guys like enjoy doing in your free time? I mean, you guys have things that you have. I like to shop. Yeah. Okay. That's a great hobby. Yeah. That's good. A little bit too much. Yeah. Would you like to do more? Oh, yeah. Definitely. More. Great. I like golf. Golf. Yeah. And I like water sports too. Good. Maybe have a boat. Yeah. Jet skis. Things like that. Yeah. Cool. I'm a golfer too. Yeah. I love golf. We've got to get out there and do it sometime. Oh, that would be great. So would you guys say you're on track for your ideal retirement age right now? I mean, based on what your current situation is. I mean, we're saving a little bit of money in the 401ks and stuff. But I have no clue. You don't have like a formalized plan and everything, right? 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