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BHC - Andy Onstead & Mario Arrizon

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Andy Onstead, an SVP, shares his recruiting tips during a pre-call segment. He emphasizes the importance of being enthusiastic, using people's names, and maintaining good body language. He also advises addressing potential objections and being upfront about the work required. Andy emphasizes the use of tie-downs, asking questions to gauge interest and commitment. He suggests using a best-case, worst-case tie-down and an ownership question to transition into closing the deal. All right, well, we're going to kick it off. I'm going to do the countdown, and then we will have you run for about 12 minutes with your recruiting tips, your best recruiting tips, which I know a lot of people are excited to hear about your recruit tips this morning since you're up there, you know, that fast, insane pace you're growing at right now. And then we'll keep you on for the main call with Mario to ask some questions and jump in there. But looking forward to an exciting call this morning. All right, here we go. Five, four, three, two, one. Welcome to our pre-call recruiting tip segment with SVP Andy Onstead. Andy recently received his seventh diamond, has had 328 base shop recruits in December, over 3,600 in the last 12 months, and just broke the own company base shop record for a third year in a row. Good morning, Andy. What recruiting tips do you have for us today? Hey, Adam, thanks. Super excited to be here. Excited to hear my coach Mario on the call. Dang it, Adam, I'm fired up. I feel kind of starstruck about this. I don't know if you – that's kind of a big deal, man. You got to say I got Mario Arizona this morning. Anyways, listen, number one is I would tell everybody you got to be excited all the time. You got to tell your face. Some people have RBF like you wouldn't believe, especially on Zoom or in person or even on the phone. Nobody can see my face right now, but you can tell I don't have RBF. That would be the number one thing. The second thing is you just got to get great at overcoming objections. Most people don't realize the smallest things on appointments, they actually break down and they mean the biggest things at the end. Number one is, Adam, you got to use people's names over and over and over again in the presentation. If you're like me, and a lot of people are, they have all kinds of attention issues that they can't focus. There's literally been studies that show that people's number one favorite thing to hear is their own name, okay? So I'm using people's names, Adam, all the time over and over and over again to keep them engaged and keep them focused on what we're doing. And if I see them start trailing off, Mario, I start using their name and all of a sudden they snap back to it and start paying attention. So I'm constantly using their names to be engaged. The other thing is smiling and nodding. Like it's crazy because, Adam, even if you're on the phone, if you're smiling and nodding on the phone, you can tell I'm smiling and nodding and the person across from you gets an agreement. So it's super important to have the good body language and eye contact. And this is a Zoom hack for my Zoom people out there. So we're 100% remote on Zoom. And one of the things we teach our hierarchy is even if you're on Zoom, the eye contact is really moved towards the camera hole or lens on your computer, which actually, Adam, it makes it really, really easy for brand new people to cut the fear a little bit. Because if you just look in the camera hole and you're smiling and nodding, right, it gives the illusion that it's eye contact. Adam, we've all been on the phone. You know, Adam tried to FaceTime. I'm going to tell everybody. Adam tried to FaceTime the other day. And I can tell on the FaceTime that Adam was just looking at himself the whole time. I'm just kidding. But, Adam, seriously, unmute yourself, brother. Adam, have you ever been on a FaceTime with somebody before? And, Adam, you could tell that that person on FaceTime, all they're doing is looking at themselves? Yeah. Yeah. Isn't that crazy? But it's the same thing, Adam, when you're on Zoom. It's so important for people to make sure that they're not looking at themselves. We already know Mario is pretty. Mario doesn't need to be looking at himself the whole time. He needs to be looking in the Zoom. Wow. Right? The other thing I do is I always cut right to the chase of people. I don't BS people. And the thing is you have to understand if you're recruiting people and they're in front of you, you've already got them. And, Adam, that's one of the things, Larry, we teach our hierarchy is if they're sitting in front of you, you've already got them. They're already a recruit. They need you. You don't need them. Right? So one of the recruiting tips I have is ask people, why are you in front of me? Why are you here? What are you looking to get out of this? Most people, they spend all their time trying to pitch and sell a recruit. I'm not trying to sell anybody. They need to sell me on why I'm going to let them join into my opportunity. And I ask them, hey, why are you here? What piqued your interest? What are you looking for? Right? And then that's how I tie them down later on how to get out of it. Right? Or how to get out of that rat race. The other thing is I address the elephant in the room. Everyone's always thinking, what's the catch? This is too good to be true. What's the deal? Right? So most people, they're sitting there wondering if the person's going to join, wondering if they got that $74, $124. And then the new recruit is sitting there thinking, what's the catch? What's the catch? What's the catch? People are always looking for the catch, Adam. So what I do is I just call it out. I always teach our team, it's called I take the elephant in the room and I put it out on a silver platter in front of everybody. I say, hey, listen, Adam. Adam, people are always trying to wonder what the catch is. Right? Right. And I say, Adam, the catch is you've got to do the damn work, and you've got to get license. Adam, are you willing to do the work and willing to get the license? Yes. Yeah, great. You're hired. That's it. I talk to people, and all the little tie-downs, you've got to ask a very question-based recruiting presentation. Right? And all the little yeses equal the big yes. So we're really, really big on tie-downs and how to master the art of selling by Tom Hopkins. Right? And I always talk to people like, would this be something you're interested in? The fun thing is, Adam, if you're actually listening to people and they're talking to you and they're telling you why they're here, why they're in front of you, whatever, I can build up a whole bunch of tie-downs, and at the end of it I'm going to tie that down into why they need to move forward. Right? So, like, Adam, let me ask you a question. I know you're doing your gym tour right now, but I know you need the flexibility and stuff like that. But, dude, Adam, if I was able to give you an opportunity where you can make a couple thousand dollars extra a month but still have complete flexibility to be able to travel the country on your gym tour but yet still make income, is that something you'd be open to taking a look at? Absolutely. These are no-brainer. Right? Or my other favorite tie-down is wouldn't it make sense? Like, Adam, let me ask you. If we could get you over here and I could help you build you a massive team with overrides where, Adam, you were making money as a business owner without even having to be there at some point, and the money was just coming in the mailbox, and you were able to live your life and do the financial tour all over the country, dude, wouldn't it make sense for you to look at this thing? That sounds very exciting. Yeah. And the last thing I always want to give everybody is this is the biggest tie-down ever. What I've realized is people suck at transition. People, whether it's a life pose, an investment, whether it's a PLPP, whether it's a Medicare, whether it's a recruit, people don't know how to transition from a presentation or a quote into the close. And that's one thing I really stress with our hierarchy is knowing how to be skilled up enough how to take the presentation to the close. It's a transition, and that's how we use a big tie-down. The recruiting tie-down is the easiest tie-down and transition of all, and that's why you've seen our explosion of numbers. So what we do is we always do a best case, worst case tie-down, okay? So I remember, Adam, when I started, I was like, look, I don't want to sell life insurance. I don't want to talk to anybody. I don't know if I can do this. I almost quit a couple times. I'm like, I haven't been to school in 20 years. I don't know if I can get that stupid license. But I thought to myself, Adam, if at worst case I just got the financial license and I knew enough so I didn't get ripped off again, wouldn't that make sense? So I take that and I apply that now to all of our recruiting appointments. What do I mean by that? It's as I'm forming them in the beginning of the recruiting appointment, and I'm talking to them about why they're here, what they're looking to get out of this thing, what they're doing, I'm building up ammo for my arsenal, and then at the end of the presentation, I give them a huge tie-down, okay? So, Adam, let's be honest here. Adam, let's be honest here. Best-case scenario, you're able to come over here, make great, incredible money around your super-busy gym schedule, but you're able to do that from anywhere in the country and make unlimited amounts of money. But, Adam, let's be honest here. Worst-case scenario, you're able to come over here, get some financial licensing, learn enough how to protect your own family and get yourself set up forever. That's a no-brainer, am I right? Exactly. That's it. So, the last thing I'm going to give everybody is this, and I'll be done yelling at you in a second, okay, is an ownership question. Ownership question is a great way to allow you to start filling out paperwork, whether it's an IVA, whether it's a quick quote, a life insurance policy, whether it's an easy key, whether it's – it doesn't matter – whether it's shareholder services. It's a great way to allow the person you're sitting across from to start talking and to allow you to kind of let your brain relax and let them start talking. But, more importantly, Adam, what it does is it starts letting them sell you on why they're doing it. So, what I do is I use that big title and I ask them the ownership question. Easiest one on the planet for recruiting. You ready? All right. It's great. It's great. So, Adam, I want you to be ready because we're going to role play here in a second for the people, okay? All right. So, Adam, let's be honest here. Best case scenario, you're able to come over here, make incredible money around your own schedule, but be flexible enough not only with your time but location, and you could be out doing your gym tour, getting as swole as you want to get. Great. But, Adam, let's be honest. Worst case scenario, you're able to come over here, make a couple hundred bucks here or there, but get a financial license, knowledge, and information, and make sure you and your family are set up forever. That's a no-brainer. Am I right? Yes, sir. Awesome, man. What are you most excited about? The opportunity to make some extra money wherever I am. And, listen, I love you, brother, but I don't even care what they say right there. Because at that exact moment, I'm starting the IBA, and I'm filling it out. And now the new recruit, I'm sitting across from them. They're now selling me, Adam. I'm widely joining my opportunity. Does that make sense? Yes, sir. Look, I just tagged you down one last time. I had to go. Hopefully everybody saw value. I love that. I'm excited to hear Mario Arizona. Man, I'm fired up. Let's go. Get to Mario. All right. Fantastic. Andy, to listen to Andy Onstead's recruiting tips and more, visit our website. Or to download Andy's recruiting tips and more, visit the website at ydaleonwinning.com. Just click on the big hitter link at the top of the website and enter username E-R-I-U-S-E-R and the password go, go, go, both, all, lowercase. All right. We'll do our sound check. We got a good morning, Mario. Good morning, Adam. Great job, brother. Amazing job. Andy? Yeah, he did fantastic, which is no surprise. That's my boy right there. I'm so proud of him. He's on the bullet train to a million. Unbelievable. This is his first senior leadership, and he's about across 800,000 this month. That is, like, unheard of, unreal, what's going on in his business. He's a beast. Some of the guys are unbelievable. Brittany, what's going on, man? Can you hear me pretty good? Yeah, yeah, very good. And then we got Larry on this morning. Good morning, Larry. Good morning, everybody. Hello, Mario. Good morning, good morning. Good morning. You know, Andy just kills it. It's just, I love, Andy, how you take control in a very easy, natural way. And, you know, you move it. It's like a football team, a well-oiled football team moving the ball down the field. You know, you don't have one play and get a touchdown. You got to move the ball down the field. You know, you got to get a series of yeses and agreements and this, that, and the other. And what I heard there was almost like the West Coast offense in football, you know, how organized he was about starting wherever, you know, these people are in their mentality about joining and being able to move them down the field towards, you know, joining the company at all. I just thought it was eye-opener and also exciting to see the professionalism, Andy, that you've developed. So congratulations. Thanks, Larry. That's high praise coming from you, sir. I appreciate you. You know, I feel like you two are, you know, I just, you know, I'm so out of touch about the online media and everything. I just recently found out about Mr. Beast on YouTube, and he's got like a billion views a month, but he came out of Greenville, North Carolina, and I feel like you guys are like the Mr. Beast of Primerica right now. It's very exciting to see you taking charge, and I'll tell you, when you have someone like a Mr. Beast on YouTube, it revolutionizes, you know, and energizes everybody else that's on YouTube, and you guys are having that kind of effect inside Primerica. This is why I always wanted big hitters, because big hitters go out there and do great things and electrifies, energizes, inspires, and also wise of educating everybody else, because you're going to do it big or fast, you know, fast or quick or better than everybody else. You've got to develop systems and presentations that allow you to do that, and then everybody learns from that. So congratulations. So glad to be in the company with you guys around, and I'm super excited about your weekend coming up. Yeah, we're excited, too. It's going to be incredible. All right. Go ahead. Go ahead. One last question. Adam, what's your capacity over there, Andy? 3,000. Okay. All right. Okay. Probably going to have people standing out in the parking lot looking to watch it on the big screen. That's good. They can't get in. Okay, Adam. I'm out. I'll get out of the way. All right. Here we go. Five, four, three, two, one. Good morning, Monday morning conference call crew. Welcome to the big hitter call. This is Adam Wydell. It is Monday, January 8, 2024. Let's say hello to our speakers this morning. Good morning, Mario. Good morning. I'm excited to share. Good morning, Andy. Good morning. And good morning to Larry. Good morning. Good morning, everybody. As of today, there are over 100 RVPs and above with 30 or more in recruits and over 100 RVPs and above with 30,000 or more in premiums. There are over 100 below RVPs with 30 or more in recruits and 50 below RVPs with 30,000 or more in premiums. The top five base shops are five, Tony and Shelly Narain, 49 by 136, four, Miguel Elledge, 223 by 155, Lorenzo and Daniela, 172 by 161, Andy and Brittany, 328 by 168, and number one, the Pinals, 278 by 195. On today's call, we are spotlighting S&SD and million-dollar earner Mario Arizona, kicking off new years of success. Mario is number seven in year-to-date recruiting with 1,833 recruits and was also number nine in year-to-date premium with over 1.3 million. All right. Let's get the call started. Larry, I'll turn it back to you for a minute. Hey, thank you, Adam. And Mario, congratulations on another phenomenal year, and thanks for being on the call. We're excited to have you. I'm looking forward to this morning. And Mario, this isn't for everybody who doesn't know, Andy's kind of new to the game, but it's an annual tradition here on the Big Hitter Call to have Mario either close out the year or kick off the year because, you know, he symbolizes the Big Hitter message and the Big Hitter example. And so it's always, you know, Mario's elevated to the point where he's got his own time on the calendar on the Big Hitter Call. Thank you, Larry. You know, we might have to just double up and get you a mid-year time, too, because it's always too long to let you go. But, you know, and then Willie Naranjo has kind of moved into that category. We had Willie around the late December. But it looks like Andy may be moving into that category eventually if he stays on track. And, you know, you never have too many superstars. You never have too many winners. And Adam and I were watching the, you know, we watched the entire, re-watched the entire Michael Jordan, you know, series on Netflix, I guess it was. But, you know, just to get in the feel, the spirit of that energy and what it takes to win a championship is not always nice, not always pleasant. You know, you've got highs and lows and you're questioned every step of the way. And the higher you go, the more people will, for no reason, they get bored of congratulating you and they start looking for something, you know, wrong with you. And, you know, to my attitude is, you know, like they kind of criticize the 100,000, the big Bay shop is like, well, they're holding people back or this, that, and the other. You know, we had Mario, you probably didn't hear this, but I had forgotten about it. But Bob Stafford, early in his career, first two or three years, way back in the early 80s, mid-80s, did, and again, these were unreported, these were, you know, unofficial numbers because we all had to call our numbers in. In March of one year, 83, 84, 85, he did over a million dollars in his Bay shop and he promoted like four or five RVPs out of that right after that. But they'd had a mission to go out there and do a million-dollar Bay shop and, you know, they pulled it off. And Tom reminded me of that, Tom Stafford, when he was on this call a few months ago. And, you know, nobody criticized them about holding anybody back. They were doing something great, something for the ages, something, you know. And my attitude is I'll deal with the problems of you giving me too many $100,000 Bay shops. Somehow the company will survive. Give me too many Michael Jordans and, you know, somehow we will survive. And, you know, it's just never going to be too many of the superstars. And what a great thing to have the company that can be home base for superstars. So when you recruit one who's capable of unlimited type growth like yourself, they can go out there and they can do it and no one's going to hold them back. And that's the kind of opportunity you're putting in people's minds, you know, is the question of whether they can do it. But they might be the greatest person we've ever recruited. You know, that's what we're going to find out. They might build it bigger, faster, better than anybody in the history of the company. And to have that opportunity put in people's hands and then to give them examples like you guys are providing of what's already been done, it cements in their mind that this is a possibility. So I'm just proud of you, grateful to have you in the company, appreciate you taking the time. You know, we sent out the message at East Coast time like 8. The staff sent us a message, good morning, here's a reminder of the numbers and everything. And at 8 o'clock, which is 5 o'clock on the West Coast, Mario said, typed back in, good morning to the group text. Mario was already up and ready to go at 5. He's not only up, he was ready to go and watching the text at 5 this morning in preparation for this call. So Mario, I love you, I'm proud of you. You know, the only thing I get upset about with you being so successful is we don't get a chance to talk as much as we will, but there will be time for that. And we'll look forward to that. And that's why I really was upset that I couldn't get out to Dallas because I got one of those head colds and my ears blew up and I didn't want to get on the plane and those pressurized cabins. So I had to bail out at 545 at the airport on Friday or Thursday and cancel the trip. But I really was looking forward to see you guys because with these split conventions, you know, we don't always get to see everybody when we go to the convention, but you do with the senior leadership. So I'll look forward to the time where our paths will cross and we can talk. You guys can call Andy, you and Mario, call me anytime. And so, Mario, we're excited about where you are, what you've got going on, and I just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate you. And I'm always curious to know what you're learning, what you're emphasizing, what are the things, the biggest thoughts dancing in your mind when we get on these annual calls. So take it away, Mario. Thank you so much, Uncle Larry. I appreciate you so much. And I consider you family. You totally changed the direction of my life and business, and I'm very grateful. And, guys, that's why it's so important that you have the right people in your ear. We all hear this our entire life. You are who you hang around with. You are who you hang around with. And everyone agrees to that, to a certain point. We all agree. But yet we hang out with people that we don't want their business. We hang out with people that we don't want their marriages. We hang out with people that we don't want their life. And we wonder why we're stuck. And I don't care if they're even in the business with you. If you don't want their business, guys, I'm telling you, you've got to either grow with them or, like, you've got to make a decision. Are you going to be great or are you going to be great? And one of the things that we hear Andy and we see his numbers, and I have the privilege and honor to mentor and coach this young man. Him and his wife, Brittany, they're just absolutely amazing and coachable. The one thing that you do not know is nobody outworks this couple. When they're on it, it is just they're a freak of nature, and you're going to see over the next 90 days what they're going to do. I really believe they're going to go for it. They're going to cross that million-dollar mark, and it's going to be unbelievable, but it's going to be them. When you check their schedule, you think, like, man, they're doing something. It's a secret. Yeah, their secret is they're on 20 freaking appointments a day. How is that even possible? They're overbooking themselves. They're double-booking themselves. They're triple-booking themselves. That's the secret. Like, no, no, there's got to be another way. They flat-out just outwork you, and they're tweaking things as they go. As things mess up, they go back to Franny and I, and they're like, hey, what can we do here? What do you think here? And you know what? Not only do they get great advice from us, but they give good advice. They're not leeches. They're just like, give me, give me, give me. They help Franny and I out also tremendously, and our entire team. It's such a privilege to have them part of our organization. And, man, I can't tell you how honored I am to kick off this meeting, because I know there's somebody here that's going to get inspired. I know there's someone here that's going to go after it one more time, and, man, change the direction of their life forever. And it's super important that you have the right people on your side. I was taught, man, Larry, unbelievable. If you think about this, in 2011, when I first heard about the Big Hitters Call, I was on here, and I was hearing the Giants speak here, and I was like, wow. And I was struggling to do $30,000. One month I did $50,000 in my base, and I'm like, okay, like, dude. And I don't know what happened, but you challenged me. Like, hey, you think someone like Mario can be running a 100-by-100 base? And, Larry, I remember calling you and saying, Larry, we did it. Oh, my God. I was so excited. We did 100-by-100. We were like the first in the West Coast, like in California, to do 100-by-100. We were so darn excited. And you're like, great. Now, 2012, make it a way of life. I'm like, wait a minute. You just wanted to do it one time. I'm like, no. The surest thing, like the common thread in youth is inconsistency. Like you're on one, you do it one month, and then you're gone. You're excited one month, and you're like, that's the surest thing. Like, be different. Be different. Make it a way of life. Now you did it one time, you can do it again. And, Larry, I'm proud to say since 2011 when we started doing it to last year, we've been averaging 100-by-100 for over a decade now. That would be now 12 years. And the ripple effect that has happened, the people that have given me the honor and trust to say, Mario, we want to be selected, Franny and I, say, hey, we want you to take over and help lead our team. And to me, that's like the biggest, biggest honor. Larry, I never ask someone, hey, sell me your business. I want to know how to ask. I think someone would be insulted if someone asked me that. Like, sell me your kids. Like, what the hell? No. I would never do that. I have an honor to do that. And the ripple effect, the people that are so darn grateful, man, it gives me life again. I'm telling you, when you get someone like Andy and Brittany that are not only grateful, like he inspired me right before I spoke. And, Larry, it's crazy. A kid that jumped on this call just wanted to win, just wanted to be somebody. They asked me to close the senior leadership meeting, and I'm just so honored. And, man, Larry, I prepared, and I prepared, like you said, like, man, in the meeting, like, I'm preparing because I want to deliver. I see it as such a privilege. It's not like, well, I'm going to wing it. When you're winging, perhaps because your heart's not in it. Oh, I'm going to speak from the heart. B.S. B.S. You can be prepared and still speak from your heart. I take this business, I take people's lives very seriously. That's why I prepared, you know, and I gave it everything I got. And one of the things that I shared in this meeting was you've got to be very careful who's in your corner. Like, who's in your corner? See, you're getting in a boxing ring. You're getting in the ring of business. And what you need to understand is this. In business, you're going to get hit. You're going to get a jab in there. They're going to give you a hook. Sometimes an unexpected uppercut. Like, where did that come? And sometimes you're going to get a combination of hits. You're like, man, adversity after adversity. And, unfortunately, sometimes they're going to hit you below the belt. You're going to get a low blow. And what do you do after that? You go back to your corner and they can guide you. They go back to your corner. And what happens while you're there? If you have the right people in your corner, they're going to redirect you. They're going to ice your eye so you can have vision again because it was going to be swelling up. Your coach is going to remind you why you got in this fight the first time, to get in there one more time, to give you your heart, to give you your everything. But if you have the wrong coaches on your corner, the wrong people giving you advice, what are they going to tell you? Oh, man, you paid the price long enough. Now it's your team's turn to do it. Oh, man, you know what? That business just ain't working for you, man. Go do something else. And so many people fail in business because when they get hit, and you're going to get hit, that's life. You're not just going to get hit in business. You're going to get hit in life. Who are you going to? See, when I wasn't right mentally, when I was hitting some adversity in my marriage, Larry, I could have went to people that had crappy marriages. And guess what they were saying? Oh, Mario, you're young, man, you're successful. Why are you dealing with that? There's plenty of fish in the sea. Dude, I'll cut your losses, man. Throw in the towel. Go get someone else. And I would have had a horrible marriage. It would have ended up in divorce because my corner was telling me to throw in the towel. But luckily in my corner was Susan and Art Carion. They've been married for how many years now, love? 40 years. 40 years. And I said, what? That's all? You want to throw in the towel because of that? You know what we went through? And I felt like, oh, shoot, get back in there and fix your marriage. You don't quit. The hell? Boom. Now I have a great marriage because who was in my corner? When I wanted to throw in the towel in my business, who was in my corner? Do I go to people that are not even in the business? Or did I go to leaders that were freaking giants? I'm so grateful for the SEBC, the Southern California Builders Club, that I would have every Friday, and my leader would let me be around other leaders, and they would pour into me. And they would talk to everybody. I would act as if they were talking to me. And then it would fire me up to keep going one more time. And it's unbelievable what has happened because of that, the ripple effect. I can't even describe it. Guys, I'm telling you right now. You've got to really evaluate who are you going to for advice. Who are you associating with? And see the greats? You've got to understand that every great. Larry Weidel, that is a giant in the business, a giant that has giants in the business. He's been hit. He's been rocked. He's probably been even knocked down. See, if you're in a fight, you're going to get knocked down. It's going to happen. You're going to get rocked. You're going to get shut up. It's going to happen. You might even get knocked down. That's okay. But it's not okay to stay down. That's not okay. See, some of you guys are still down on what happened in the pandemic. Some of you guys are still down on what happened 10, 20 years ago. You're still complaining. You're still pointing the finger. Well, if my best guy wouldn't have quit, if this guy wouldn't have took him. You're still complaining. You're still down. That's not okay. You've got to get your back up and get in the ring and finish the fight, the fight of your life. That's the mentality you need to have. And you need to realize this. All the greats, all the greats, all of them. You mentioned about Michael Jordan. There's no Kobe Bryant without knowing Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan was the hardest working individual, even when he was the best. No one outworked Michael. No one out trained Michael. The hardest worker, the hardest worker. See, this is what happened. A ripple effect of a generation happened. Kobe Bryant, that man, unbelievable, like his work ethic, his mindset. This is the year of 24, and this is the Mamba year, right? That Mamba mentality, that relentless mentality that no one will outwork you. See, there was this documentary I was watching on the plane of Tom Brady and why he's the greatest. And, you know, it's so crazy. His resume, I think out of 198, he was picked 199 or something like that, like the last person to be drafted. And he wrote down every quarterback that got drafted before him. And he used that as fire. He used that as fuel. He outworked everybody, everybody. Some of his teammates were saying after practice, they just practiced for like two hours, like hard, hard practice, like really hard practice. Come on, guys, who wants to play catch? Let's do this. And they're like, no, man, we're tired. He's like, what? How are we going to be the greatest if we don't outwork everybody? Like, let's go. And he would push his team to practice harder than everybody else. He was not the most talented, but guess what? He outworked everybody. They did a story about they were talking about this man in Tiger Woods. And before, this guy had the privilege to go play golf with Tiger Woods, and before they even started playing, Tiger was already out there for a couple hours practicing. They played. It started raining, so they went in. The only player that did not go in in the rain was Tiger Woods, the only player that did not go in. And I'm like, dude, wait a minute. He asked them, like, isn't Tiger, like, right when he was in his prime, like isn't he like the best? He's like, wait a minute. He's the best and he outworks everybody? He's like, they're like, yes. So wait a minute. If he's already the best and he's outworking everybody, how are you ever going to catch him? They're like, we're not. They already accepted that. Think about that. That's like bananas. See, guys, the only thing stopping you from being where you want to be is your work ethic, is your mindset. Stop comparing yourself. Compete. But stop comparing yourself if it's destroying you. See, comparison is good if you know, like, dude, that guy ain't better than me. The hell, why is he earning more than me? Why does he have a bigger base job? Why does he have a bigger hierarchy? Damn, look how arrogant he is. There's no way. See, comparison in that way to get your butt going is great. But comparison to make you feel less, that you're not worthy, that it doesn't make you work, that's wrong. You've got to learn what throws fuel to your fire and what throws ice cold water to it. If comparison destroys you, stop doing that. But if it moves you, keep doing it and keep feeding it. That's it. It's that mentality. And I'm telling you, if you do this, you're going to be freaking unstoppable. Larry, I don't know if you want to hit on something with that. But, man, I wanted to share that because I know there's someone here that's going to dare to be great. And it's going to get in the ring one more time and change their family tree forever. Mario, he might want to jump in a minute. This is Adam. Let me jump in real quick because we are rolling, and I don't want to get the momentum stopped once we get rolling again. So I'm going to go ahead and do the mid-call announcements right now, even though it's a little bit early because I just have a feeling this thing is going to break train through to 10 o'clock. But there's a fine line between mediocrity and greatness. Here are three tools to give you that extra boost this week. First, check out Larry's latest blog, Goal Setting Unlocks Your Power. Second, check out Larry's podcast. This week's episode featured Kelly Thornton. He started with an idea in 2015 and is now shipping over 1.5 million packages per month. Using common sense principles, they built it up from nothing to where they now have 350,000 clients in over 110 countries. Third, listen to this week's call on our replay line or download the call on ydellonwinning.com, click on the big hitter link at the top of the page and enter username PRIUSER and the password GOGOGO, both all lower case. The replay number for this call is 667-771-7907 and the PIN is 982755-POUND. To stay in touch with Larry, follow on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, and be sure to follow at Big Hitter Club on Twitter for all your big hitter updates. Be sure to leave your thoughts and comments on this week's call. Larry, do you want to jump in before you go on again, or do you want me to jump in? I'll let you handle it, Adam. All right. Mario, absolutely nail on the head with that. You know, like you said, such a great point with, you know, some people see, compare themselves to others, and they want to bury themselves a hole, but a winner compares themselves to others and it motivates them to greatness. And that is such a fantastic point that people need to be aware of, and you have to police yourself on that, police your own thoughts, and everybody knows what motivates them and what gets them going and what sends them down a rabbit hole. But, man, it's so exciting to have you on and you guys that are actually killing it, and I'm excited for this coming weekend. I'll be there up in Tampa to sit in and listen as well. But, Mario, those are the things. What's the biggest mistakes you see people making, getting started in the business or just in general? What's the biggest mistake you see them when they come in and get them off track instead of staying, keeping their eye on the prize right out of the gate? It's a focus issue. It really is. It's where they're putting their energy, where their focus. It's crazy. I was telling my team yesterday, I'm like, you know, I'm so grateful Netflix wasn't around when I was growing my business. Maybe it was around, but I didn't even realize it because I destroyed, I dismantled anything or anybody that was in my way. I'm not kidding. When I joined the business, I was 19 years of age, and at that time all I was thinking about was parties and girls. That was my focus. But I had to get my insurance license. I literally called all my guy friends, all my girlfriends. I was like, hey, you know what? Right now I'm focused. I can't talk to you right now until I pass this exam. No one even knew what exam. I'm like, dude, I can't. And I literally cut off everybody that did not have to do with my business. Like I literally did that because I knew I was going to fall to that. And it's so crazy. Like I got my life exam out of the way, my securities license out of the way. It was a matter of focus. Like so many people are watching so many series on Netflix, on Hulu, on this other thing. But guess what? They don't even have their Series 6 license. Like it's a matter of priorities. How bad do you really want it? Everyone talks a real game, but where's your focus? Where's your attention? If you want it bad enough, you're going to prioritize what you want. And you're going to eliminate the things that are holding you back, relationships that are holding you back, distractions that are holding you back. We live in such a distracted world. Like people can't even stay focused for a bit. And they wonder why they fail. And they're going to blame their up lines. They're going to blame the system. They're going to blame the company. But they won't blame their lack of focus, their lack of commitment, their lack of work ethic. That's just a loser. You know what losers do when they fail? They point the finger at their up line, at their coaches. They point the finger at the system. They point the finger at the customer, at their parents, at their spouse, at their kids. They make every freaking excuse. It's crazy. When you get punched in the face with adversity, some people flip the switch. The same reason why they jumped in the ring of business, they say, oh, well, you know, my kids need me, you know, for my spouse, and I'm going to do this and this and that. The same reason why they decided to do something great with their life, why they wanted to build a business, now it becomes their crush. Now it becomes their excuse. And you know what? I was in the airport, and I was telling this young lady, like, look, I'm going to help you this time, but I'm your coach. I'm not your crutch. What do I mean by that? I'm not going to be the one that every time you're getting in trouble that I'm going to bail you out. I'm your coach, not your crutch. And some of us, we're a crutch to our kids. We're a crutch to our team. Because every time a little bit of trouble hits them, we're there bailing them out. We're there bailing them out. And you'll never be great if you're always dependent on somebody. You've got to look in the mirror and man up. You've got to look in the mirror and woman up. You've got to look in the mirror and say, you know what, I'm a leader. I got myself in this situation, I'm going to get my butt out. Some of you guys will never be great because you have a crutch in your life. See, one of the stories I want to share with you guys was this. I remember giving it everything I got. And I just recruited this amazing couple that was super fired up about the business. They just sold their mechanic shop. Like literally they sold their mechanic shop. They closed it down to go full time with me. And these guys are adults, man. I'm 22 years of age and these guys are in their 30s. And I'm like, oh, my goodness. Well, at least he was. And I was like, man, dude, these adults are following me. Like they believe I'm a leader. I can't let them down. And I made some stupid financial decisions. I got a car that was the interest rate was super crazy because my credit was shot. And, man, I couldn't keep up with the payments. And, man, with the payments and gas and I was like, oh, man, I thought because it was a hybrid, like it goes gas and electric, I'm going to be good. Dude, it was just a nightmare. My insurance was crazy because of tickets and everything. Like, I mean, it was just crazy. Plus I had office rent, all this stuff. And I remember he called me excited, man, like, hey, I got somebody, man. They're going to join the team. They're going to meet me at this time. And I drove to the office with my last, like my car was already on empty, and I drove to the office. I'm like, dude, hopefully the hybrid thing kicks on and I just drive on just electricity. I'm good. I get there. I'm ready to give it. I'm dressed sharp. I'm ready. My guy's counting on me. I give it everything I got. I'm like, I'm going to be ready, right? Guy never shows up. I'm like, damn, people don't know the pain of being dark house or a no-show after you spend your last dollar on gas, right? And I told my boy Tony, I'm like, Tony, this is part of success, bro. This is why we're going to be winners. I'm firing him up and I drive back. And on the way back, right before I'm going to get on the freeway to get home, my car stalls out. And I'm frustrated. I'm like, come on, God, please. I'm giving it everything I got. Help me, please, please. I'm frustrated. I'm like, man, God, give me a sign. Give me a sign. Please give me something. And my dad calls. I'm like, this is my sign. I'm like, what's up, Dad? And I'm being positive. I'm holding back tears and I'm like, Dad, what's going on? He's like, son, was that you on the side of the road? I'm like, oh, yeah. I needed to take a call. He's like, on the side of the freeway? No, you didn't. What happened to the car? I'm like, Dad, I ran out of gas. He's like, son, why don't you tell me? He's like, you're my son. How embarrassing. What if a neighbor sees you? What if someone notices you ran out of gas? Like, I don't know about that thing. I don't know why I put you in that thing. He just goes. And this night he's like, ask me. I'm your dad. Ask me for gas money. And I said, no. And he's like, what do you mean no? I'm like, no, Dad, if every time I get in trouble I go to you to bail me out, how am I ever going to be a man? I got myself in this situation. I need to figure out a way to get out of my situation. I don't want you to be a crutch in my life. I'm grateful for you. I'm thankful for you. I need to figure this out. And my dad respected that. And the level of commitment went to another level. And I told my dad, my dad, please, please, instead of always discouraging me why I give enough, like either I'm going to win or I'm going to die trying. So if you want, like, I'm not going to do something else. He's like, you should do mortgages. You should do real estate. You should do this other thing. My dad, if you come to me one more time with any of that stuff, you're not going to see your son. Either you help me, you throw me referrals, we do this, or we're done. Like, don't tell me about this. Like, I planted my flag here. My dad respected that. And every time he would talk to me, he would throw me a referral here and there now because he's seen the level of my commitment. Like, dude, my son is all in here. And you know what? He respected that. And so many times you don't give it your all because you know your spouse is going to bail you out. You know your sister is going to bail you out. You know your brother is going to bail you out. You have a crutch. And, guys, I'm tired of being people's crutch. I'm their coach. I'm not their crutch. And that's a life-changing decision for me. And I tell my people that I believe in, like, hey, enough. Because every time they get in trouble, like, hey, coach, can you help me with this? Like, enough. I'm not your crutch. I'm your coach. And that's the mentality, guys. Find out who is your crutch in your life and cut them off, and you're going to grow. I'm telling you, you don't give it everything you've got because you keep on depending on that person. You've got to depend on yourself. You've got to be like, man, hey, you've got to have some coaches, but you've got to put in the work. And, guys, there's, what, 6,000-plus RVPs? How many thousands and thousands of people that make 100 grand to 900 grand a year? Almost 130 people, individual different leaders, that make a million to over $5 million a year in this company. Are you kidding me? Not all those people are better than you. They just outwork you. They're just consistent. That's the difference. You've got to stop making excuses. That's the difference. Get out of your own way. Some of you guys, man, you're still at home all day. Oh, this is our way. Like, dude, you need to get out of your house and be around people that are learning, that are working this. Dude, that's why you're not winning. That's where you're not where you need to be. Like, Brandi and I made the decision, like, dude, you know what? Monday through Friday, we're going to be in the office. Monday through Friday, we're going to grind it out. We're going to be in the office. However we can help, whatever we've got to do, we're going to lead from the front. And you know what, Larry? We're blessed. We're blessed. Our original business pays us well over $2. something million a year. You know, all the other businesses you have, you know, combined, it's like $5 million a year. It's not about the money. It's about the greatness. It's about the people that helped us get to where we're at. Like, we're not prepared. Larry, I turned 38 years of age now. My wife still looks like she's in her 20s. It's unbelievable. But guess what? It's not about that. I have a 9-year-old. That's amazing. I have an 11-year-old. That's amazing. But guess what? I can still work my butt off and still be a great husband, still be a great father. There's no excuse. There's no excuse. I can still have it all. It's time management. It's a focus issue. So many people are so unfocused. It's ridiculous. And they want to blame the world why they're not successful. Get focused. Get serious about your life. You know, there's so many people already. They said that they were going to get in shape. They said that they were going to give it everything they got in their business. And it's the eighth. And they already laughed. They already stopped. They were like, oh, next year. No. Right now, recommit. Give it everything you got right now. Stop being that person that you were last year or the last 10 years. Where's that gotten you? Make a decision to be great today. Keep going. That's the difference. Man, you are on fire at this point. Exactly. Exactly. So many people nowadays expect nothing for nothing. You know, everybody wants to be a social media star by posting motivational quotes from their house and never actually doing anything and thinking they're going to make millions of dollars sitting at home. But nobody wants to put in the work. Nobody wants to grind. Nobody wants to quietly grind, you know, like you have for years. Nobody knew who Mario Arizon was, you know, when you were going through all the struggles and the hard times. They think, oh, man, you're lucky. Man, you're lucky. Because all of a sudden, man, all of a sudden Mario exploded. No, Mario has been slowly exploding over the past decade. But people only see the top of the mountain and think they can make a couple moves and put in the effort for a couple minutes and get to the same place that you and a lot of these other people have successfully. You know, Andy's putting in – you know, Andy has now become urban legend with how many appointments he does weekly. I've heard from – I've heard anywhere from, you know, 20 a week to 50 a week to 20 a day. I don't know what it is, but he does so many that, you know, it's become, like I said, urban legend on how many appointments a day or a week that Andy said is doing because he is doing, you know, massive numbers and he's growing. And this, that, and the other. Like you said, he's out there every day setting appointments every day because if you don't set up your week, if you don't set up your day in advance to force yourself to get out there and meet people, to force yourself to get out of the house, then you don't. You just sit at home, well, I'll do this, I'll do that. But if you are setting up an appointment, if you are expecting – if there are people out there expecting, you know, to count on you and expect you to show up and be there, you have to be there. And like you said, you're in the office every day, you've committed to being there every day. I'm sure there's – you know, I'm sure there's days you wake up like, man, I don't – I'm not really 100% in the mood to go in there today. But you've already committed to that. And once you get in there and get going and kind of get warmed up, then you feel a little better. You know, the first set of your workout is not always going to feel that great. Your knees are sore, your this, that, and tired. But you get in there and get a few sets, get a few reps, man, things are warmed up, you start feeling pretty good. I'm sure it's the same thing with the office. Some days you go in there and it's like, in your mind, not where people can see you if you're thinking, I don't necessarily want to be here today. I'm kind of like not feeling 100%. And then you get in there and get warmed up and get around the energy, and then it's just – it's like, you know, everybody's jumped on the wagon now with it's not motivation, it's dedication, which has been the case from the get-go. But that's what everybody's preaching now. But it is dedication. It is the dedication to yourself and the people around you. Because if you are not setting the bar, if you're not, like you said, leading from the front, why should anybody else follow you? You have to be the type of person that you want to follow, you know, and you don't want to be the type of person – you know, nobody wants to hear – the truth is, except for a very few people, nobody cares what you're going through for the most part. Nobody wants to hear your sob story. Nobody wants to hear you feeling sorry for yourself. You know, your real close friends might understand for a minute or two, but they want to feel the energy of the winner. They want to see – you know, they want to hear the – they want to be around the positivity of success because it's contagious. And, you know, whoever you're plugging your energy into – you know, I said something about this the other day. Everybody around you is kind of like a light socket. And when you plug into those people or are around them, they're either going to – two things are going to happen. They're going to light you up or they're going to blow your fuse, one of the two. There's no in between. So if you're not around people that are lighting you up, giving you energy, giving you electricity, and you're around people that you're plugging into that are blowing fuses and driving you out of your mind, those are people you need to get away from, get out of, and you need to be the type of person that when people see you coming, they're happy to see you coming. They're excited. I mean, you know, everywhere you go, Mario, I hear people, Mario's coming, Mario's coming, here comes Mario. Because, man, every time you show up, Mario, you are just lit up. You're excited. And you can't fake that. You know, you can't pretend. And people feel that energy. People feel that excitement. But, man, what an exciting call this morning. What a great way to kick it off. And I'm going to let Andy. Andy, you want to jump in with a question here? No, I don't have any questions. I'm just sitting back taking notes for Coach Mario. I'm excited. Didn't he light it up, Adam? Yeah, and he is just on fire. Mario, go ahead. Let's talk to me. Go for it. Go for it. I'm just going to start. No, no, go for it. Okay, perfect. Look, your mindset, your mindset is yours to set. You make a decision. Like, God has given us the greatest gift, and it's free will. You choose your mindset. It's yours to set. And, guys, look, I'm not going to lie to you. Man, Brandi and I, we've done well. We've made millions of dollars in this company. And we've invested millions of dollars. We own a lot of real estate. We own a lot of cool stuff. Like, it's amazing. But, guys, that doesn't make us like we've traveled all around the world. That's amazing. That's one of the dreams we wanted to do. But, man, we realized that it's not just about our success. It's about significance. We were chasing success, success, success. But, man, believe it or not, real success for us is having significance, like impact, generations that we're changing generations. And it is tougher. I'm not going to lie. When you don't need to get out of bed, when you can stay at home and you've got to go to the office. And we don't have to. We choose to. You know why? Because we have people that are so darn grateful, that we feel so appreciated, so loved. I told my team the only time I would hang it up, the only time that I would retire. I don't know if I'd ever sell my business, to be honest with you. I don't think I would ever cross that road. But I mean, like, retire, like I'm not doing it no more. I'm just collecting overrides. The only time I would do that is the moment that I feel our team takes this for granted, that we show up and we're just like, meh, that's the only time. Well, we don't need to. We're financially set. That's the only time. Oh, I'm not a fan of you. You're like, oh, that would kill me. And maybe that's why God has blessed me, because it happens naturally. Your kids take you for granted. They don't know. I took my parents for granted. I took my coaches for granted. I don't know. And it happens naturally. Maybe God, that's why. He just knows my heart. And he's blessed me with amazing children. Say, hey, by the way, adopt these kids. And the fire that I get from feeling that love is unbelievable. And our team, the way they respond, like, honestly, our original team inspires the hell out of me, how they take a brand-new team in, and they treat them like they're their brothers and sisters. Like, I've never been prouder. It's like my kids. Like, if I adopt a little girl, a little boy into my family, and later on I probably will, and my boys just embrace them like that's their little sister, like that's their little brother. Like, that would make me so proud as a dad. Like, man, I raised great children. My upline, Susan and Art, the way they embrace, like, they're my upline. Like, guys, anybody else? They would have been like, I don't override them. I don't want nothing to do with opposite of Susan, opposite of Art. They treat everybody like it's theirs. Like, I couldn't have had better uplines in the business. I don't think anyone could have led me, I'm being honest with you, but Susan and Art. The patience they've had with me, the way they treat my new family that joins us, unreal. And it just teaches me to this day I'm learning, to this day I'm growing, and just preparing for life. It is just so amazing. Guys, you have no idea the life that is waiting for you if you just get off that stool in your corner and get in the fight one more time. But don't have assets. Give it everything you've got. If you're going to do this, do this. Get out of the house. Get in the office. Figure out something. Start a momentum. If your team is dead, go create another team. If the job's not done, go get after it. But there's no way you're going to light people on fire if you're not on fire. You've got to be excited. Man, guys, you've got to be a battery charger, not a battery drainer. Some of you guys, man, you can walk in a room and you light up that room. And some, you get in that room and that room got dark because your energy is so off. I recommend you pray. I recommend you get a higher source. I don't know what it is for you. For me, it's having God in my life, for my wife and I. And, man, that's my higher source. Man, without God, I would not be who I am. I'm just being honest with you. There was a great man that told me, and it's like, Mario, where does greatness come from? And I was lost. He's like, from God. He's great. When you decide to be great, guess what? You glorify him. And so many people claim their faith so much. God, they know every verse in the Bible, but they don't apply none of it. As soon as adversity hits, boom, they're scared. I told somebody that I love so much. I'm like, you know what? I'm not going to associate with them no more. No more. Because they're around me so much, and they're just failing. They're losing. And that makes me look bad. Because imagine someone's around Jesus Christ. They're around him. And they lack faith. Every time they're around the normal people that are not around him all the time, they're like, man, they're fearful. They're doubtful. There's no hope. Like, oh, my goodness. And you associate with Jesus. Like, I got no shot. I tell the people around me, dude, if you're around me, you better be winning. You better be winning because, man, they need to know, like, man, if I get around coach, I will be better. There's no way you can be around someone like me or Franny and not be driven to do more with your life. I'm intentional about that. I'm going to make your butt uncomfortable. You're going to be better. You're going to grow if you're around me. That's my mentality. I talked to Andy, and I'm so freaking proud of him. I'm like, Andy, this is what you've got to do in your household. This is what you've got to do even in health wise. Like, dude, like in every area, dude, you're going to inspire the freaking world. I'm so freaking proud of Andy. Dude, he's on it. I'm like, hey, you need help in your office administration. You need help at home. You need to get a delegate done. Hey, Andy, you need to get in the best shape of your life. Dude, here's my trainer. Here's connection with this. I'm like, Tony, man, you should see Tony how good he freaking was. Tony, I'm so freaking proud of him. You know what, Tony? Dude, I'm in the best shape of his life, best shape of his life right now. He's connecting Andy with different things. Like, dude, we help each other. We're brothers here. We're, you know, brothers and sisters here. That's the key of greatness. That's a great team. Guys, I'm telling you, who's in your circle is everything, your level of commitment. That is everything. I promise you, you have what it takes. You've got to start looking at that. And, look, I'm serious. It's not what happens outside. It's what happens inside you like a basketball, like a basketball. Guys, you need to understand if the basketball is flat, guess what? You throw it against the floor, boom, it stays down because it has nothing of significance inside. It has nothing. It's full of nothing. But if that basketball is full, you throw it on the floor, boom, it bounces right back. It's your bounce back factor. That's the difference. Everyone's going to get hit. It's how fast you bounce back. What's in you? That's it. What are you putting, like, man, in your mind, in your business? Dude, like, do you deserve to win? Do you feel like you deserve to win because you put in the work? Or are you telling yourself, I don't deserve to win because I don't put in my everything. I held back. I don't put in work. And guess what? You're self-sabotaging your success. You're not even conscious of it. Your subconscious mind is telling you, bro, you don't deserve to win. How fast is business? Oh, you don't deserve to win. Look at your upline. Look at this thing. You're just blaming everybody else. Guys, decide to be great. Your mindset is yours to set, your mindset. I challenge you. I challenge you to set your right mindset. I challenge you to stop making excuses. I challenge you to identify any crutches in your life and eliminate them. Thank them. They did it out of love. And some of you are probably helping some people out of love, but you're the same reason why they're not big. You're really telling them, I don't believe you can take yourself out of here, so let me bail you out. And they'll never be big because of you. And I know you're trying to help them. And I'm guilty in so many cases with so many people in my life. But I've told even my brothers, my sisters, like, hey, no more. I ain't your crutch. No more. I'm your example. I'm your light. Now, if you're in a dark space that you don't have something to have a roof over your head or a foot in your foot, I'm going to bail you out. But I'm not going to reward your bad habits. No more. That ain't me. And, guys, that's what I had to do. I had to make that call. And it was painful. But guess what? It was the greatest thing ever. So I challenge you, man, to start self-developing. Start putting in the work. Start identifying who are you listening to, who's in your corner, who's your crutch. Like, man, I got to eliminate that. You want to be great, watch what happens. And, man, your confidence level goes to a whole other level. Like, dude, I got this. I won because of me because of what I'm doing. Got great coaches. And at the end of the day, everything I've helped Andy with, I can't even count my own because of me. B.S. Andy and Brittany are putting in the freaking work. I tell everybody the same thing. They freaking apply it. And we're having success. You know what's the sad part? I've helped more people outside of my business be more successful, million dollar earners and above, than people in my business. It happens. I don't know why, but you know what? I read the Bible. I'm like, man, they did that to Jesus. Who am I? I ain't nobody. And I would get frustrated. But you know what? I have a couple players on my team, man, that they're going after it, that they want to be big, that they want to be giants. And, man, I'm excited about that. That lights me up. I have a couple people in my base that are going for it, man. They want to get promoted big. They want to get promoted number one. They want to follow our footsteps. Man, that gets me freaking excited. I can't tell you. And I have a renewed spirit right now. I'm excited. I've never been better. I really believe this is my prime for the next 10, 15 years. The greatest version of Mario and Franny has yet to be seen. It's going to be right now. Franny and I are recommitted to greatness. So I'm fired up. So Coach Larry, Uncle Larry, I call you Uncle Larry because you're family to me. I promise you, you're going to see the greatest version of myself. Not in the past, not what we've done. That's cute compared to what we're going to do now. Well, Adam, do you have a question or do you want me to jump in? Well, go ahead and jump in. I was just going to ask Mario what his vision was coming up for this coming year from now towards the convention. But either way, you can jump in. Yeah, let's go ahead and do that, and then I'll jump in. Go ahead, Mario. Well, one thing, because I'm blessed beyond measure. I get to lead seven hierarchies. I don't just have my own. I have seven of them. So my goal always when I get a hierarchy is, like, break records. Like, all right, what's your best? I don't care if this hierarchy has been around for 35 years, 40 years. What's their best? Recruiting, premium, income record. And we're blessed that in every single hierarchy we've broken some type of record in there. And it's time to recommit. I'm going to recommit those leaders to break their all-time records. So I'm going to help them, guide them, what they need to be doing to be rocking that. But also, in our original business, like, dude, I need to break our base shop records. I need to break our through first records. And the only way to do it is to throw new blood in there. I can't just motivate my guys to do it. I have to create some new leaders in our base in order for our base to grow. It has to happen. Some of the leaders are going to grow with us and grow to that amazing, and we need them. But Frannie and I have to put some new blood in there. We have to put some new blood in our first generation. Our first generation is going to continue doing what they're doing. Some of them are going to step up, and we need them. I'm grateful. But the only way to grow our first generation is to add new blood to it. And our second generation, our third generation, it's going to naturally happen that way. There's going to be some leaders that are going to pop up. And, by the way, Andy is second generation. I don't treat him that way. I don't treat him that way because he doesn't act that way. Like, he doesn't act like, well, I'm second generation, so I'm not as important. Hell, no. He's like, dude, I'm your biggest guy. Pay attention to me. Not screaming at me verbally. Screaming at me work ethic-wise. Screaming at me numbers-wise. Like, I'm your guy, coach. Everyone talks about it, but Brittany and I, we're your people. We don't take you for granted. We got you. Like, coach, whatever you ask me to do, I'm going to do. I'm like, wow. Why would I treat – I don't care if he was third or fourth generation. Why would I treat him like, oh, well, you're not first. No way. It's that mentality. So, guys, make your coaches want to coach you. I'm not winning because my coach doesn't call me every day and get me out of bed. Like, you're winning. You're like, what? Why would they? Would you want to coach you? Come on. I hate that victim. Just because my kids around mentality. Dude, I made sure that Susan and Art knew that I was their guy, that Franny was their girl. Not by like, oh, you're not coaching me. That person's winning. Dude, I outworked everybody in that team. And I don't mean it disrespectfully. I wanted to show, like, I don't take my coaches for granted. It was going to be evident that Mario and Franny are their ones. That's it. Can your coach clearly say that about you? I'm serious. And not what you've done. Like, do you run the biggest base shop? Are you the most hungry? Well, it's not just about that. Guys, it is. It is. It is super important. Dude, you want to be like, this is how I pay you back. Your best example. Not just characterized. We need that. We need loyalty. It's super important. Being a team player, amazing. But we need you to start being big. Stop justifying with other things why you're not big. Be the one. Susan and Art, they can't wait to coach me. I wasn't waiting. Susan and Art, they would help me. Of course, they would put me in the right direction. But you know what? They have to inspire everybody. They have to pour energy into everybody. They're pouring into. When they call me, I'm going to be like, Coach, don't worry. I don't care if the base shop's flat. I'm not flat. What does the team need? Susan will tell you. Art will tell you. What does the team need? I got you, Coach. Don't worry about it. The only time I would miss Saturday training is because the base was down. Then I'd go, Mario, we need you. I got you, Coach. I'm going to pick up $10,000, $15,000 this weekend. I got you. The base is not going to hit their – like, I was their pit boy. I got you. I got you. I'm not going to let this team down, whatever it takes. That's the only time because Coach would call the play, like, hey, we need Mario to go be Mario. Go. And I'll go get it done. I would figure it out. Are you that for your RVP? Are you that for your – if you're an RVP, are you that? Like, are you that giant? And if not, be it. I'm serious, guys. Like, we always want to – oh, I'm not because – you're just a we. And you'll never be big. You're showing your team how to be a victim. You're showing your team how to point the finger, and you'll never be big. Go win anyways. Go win anyways. Go be big anyways. That's the difference. I promise you, you got what it takes. You just got to have the right mindset. That's it. That's it. Stop making freaking excuses and go for it. There was a thing in the Olympic Dream Team practice. There was one of the practices. I think they were Monte Carlo. Nobody's in the fans, just the teams practicing. And you had Magic Johnson and Charles Barkley on one team, and you had Michael with the main guy on the other team. And Barkley and Magic, their team was killing the Jordan team. And, of course, Jordan never wanted to lose. And so there was about five minutes to go in the practice session, and Magic put in his pass, and Jordan said – he said, if you don't turn into Air Jordan here, your team's going to get trashed. And Jordan went absolutely ballistic. I think he scored like 25 points in the next five minutes or something in practice. And he was, you know, barking at them. And, you know, that was just what it took to get him on fire. And the thing is, we've got to look, what's it going to take to get you on fire? But on the bus, it was a big tension. You know, like they were on razor edge because these are all alpha players, and they'd just been at each other's throats. And Jordan had just emerged. You know, he just elevated himself. And it was really quiet on the bus. Everybody's kind of afraid to say anything. And then out of the silence, Magic said to Barkley, he said, well, Chuck, next time, he said, we just better keep our mouth shut and not piss off Michael. And then he said, everybody just burst out into laughter, you know. And the thing is, you know, are you willing to be the guy? You know, the company's going to – we're going to face things, you know, in your town, in your state, in your area, and in the country, this company's going to be challenged. And are you willing to be the person who stands up and rallies your team, say, I don't care what's, you know, negative publicity, I don't care negative this, negative that. We're going to go and do what we do and inspire, you know, pick up the slack and cause us to keep winning anyway. And Mario, doing what you're doing, you're never going to have that day. Unless you stop being Mario, you're never going to have that day you go into the office and your people don't pay attention to you and are not fired up because you're not going to let them. You're not going to allow them. You're going to have new people in there. You're going to be having the challenges in to break records, you know, to get that promotion, to do better to everybody. You're going to have new people in there, meeting everybody else, the old people. But you're going to have that thing on fire because that's what the leader's job is. And I want to just, Adam, end by saying I encourage – what I was going to ask, I was going to have Mario review, like, what would you do this year to set, you know, really set yourself up for success? And, you know, as he was talking there in that last little bit, it dawned on me, that's what Mario has been talking about this whole time, get yourself in a different environment, get some goals. You know, I would encourage everybody. Andy's talk was so good, so specific. Mario's was so good, so specific. I'm going to urge those of you all out there that want to turn your life around. I mean, you say you're dead serious. Here's what I'm going to encourage you to do. Here's what I would do if I was in your shoes. I would get this call. You can either listen to it on replay. You can download it over the website. I would listen to it about five, 10, 15 times. I would outline this call. I would look for the specific things Andy went through in his recruiting, the specific things, the topics. You know, like an outline. This is what I used to do with Bob Turley, Art Williams. This is what I did with every Art Williams meeting for the first 10, 15 years I was in the business. I would go back, I would outline it, long outline, then short outline, then one word outline, and then I'd have it be imprinted in my brain. But I would go down, you really want to change your life, I would go back and I would listen to this call over and over and over. I would write down the notes that pop out to you, the specifics, so you can take specifics away from this thing, and I would make those changes so you can make a difference this year because there's been so much phenomenal information, Adam, in here that as they roll through it, it's so easy to miss specifically what you need to take away. I encourage everybody to go back through it, listen to it again, dig in and get things, because Mario's put them out there, Andy's put them out there, that you can make a difference so you can become more productive, more excited, have more results than ever before. So thank you so much, guys. This was an incredible call. And Mario, when you get an opening, Andy, you get an opening in your schedule, you get a call and let's have a chance to talk a little bit and not the pressure of having to put on a call and everything. We can kind of catch up. But proud of you, looking forward to this weekend. And that was my takeaway from the call, folks. Go through this again. Don't think you've got it. Go through it again, because this thing is a powerhouse of information that can change your life and revolutionize your business by revolutionizing your activity between now and the convention. Okay, Adam, back to you. All right. Andy, give us your final word on the call, then we'll give Mario to get his final word, and then I'll give the replay number out one more time. Yeah, thanks, Adam. Just, you know, like Coach Mario said, didn't Mario do a great job? It starts with you, and that's exactly why we, Brittany and I, sell out to massive, massive recruiting, because I knew those people were out there. We always teach our people you've got to stop trying to move a dead body or ride a rented mule in your business. Most people, Adam, I find they make the mistake in Primerica of trying to get people to win that never wanted to win in the first place. And when you sell out to doing massive recruiting numbers, it forces you in your timelines to only be working with those ones. And like Coach Mario was talking about, when you get those right people in there, when you start coming across the ones who want it as bad as you do, like Coach said, it gives you a renewed spirit of this thing does work. I am fired up. I am going to do this. There are other people out there like me that are willing to do this, and you just want to run faster and harder, Adam. That's exactly why Brittany and I sold out to massive recruiting in our business, and what the explosion you've seen is our time is only spent with the winners who want to win. And like Coach said, you're looking for a coach, not a crutch. If you want to be coached by some giants out there, go give your coach something to coach. I tell my people all the time, like, you want my coaching, but you're not doing anything. If you want my time, go show me you deserve my time and give me something to coach. Quit waiting for someone to kind of come to your house and do it for you. You've got to go. You've got to put up the numbers. It starts with you, and your team is watching, and they're waiting to see what you're going to do in 2024, and it's on you. And we're so excited. Coach Mario, Brittany, I love you so much. We cannot wait to explode and cross stage with you and Coach Franny and Tony and Manal and Manny and Karina as not one, not two, but three of the newest million-dollar earners. We're just getting started, baby. I'm so excited. Hey, with me, I just want to end with this. Like, hey, ask yourself, have I been wanting a coach, or do I want sympathy? I'm serious, guys. This is the year that we man up, that we woman up, that we do what's required. Like, man, guys, exactly what Andy said right now, guys. Like, this is it. It's go time. And give your coaches something to coach. Man, that is powerful. Guys, and stop looking for sympathy, like, oh, like, get out of that freaking victim mentality and go win. This is your time. This is your moment. What are you going to do with it? I challenge you to have the greatest year of your life. This is the Mamba year, the year of greatness. Let's go get it done. All right. Thank you, Andy. Thank you, Mario. Let me give the replay number out one more time. One more time so you can write it down. If you don't have it, 667-771-7907, and the PIN is 982755. Thanks so much, Mario. Thanks so much, Andy. I will look forward to seeing you guys this weekend. Have a great rest of your week. Thanks for a fantastic call. All right, everybody. Have a great week. Talk to you soon. Thank you. Have a good one.

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