Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The podcast is called "Figure Recruitment Out" and it focuses on growth, career, and motivation. The host, Darina Kravchenko, wants to help listeners grow, develop new skills, and live their dream life. She believes that recruitment doesn't have to be scary or confusing with the right tools and systems. The podcast aims to provide simple solutions to problems and create a supportive and authentic environment. Darina is excited to have conversations with listeners and answer their questions. She encourages feedback and wants the podcast to be a helpful resource for the audience. Listeners are encouraged to follow, rate, and connect with Darina for more information. Hello, everyone, and welcome to Figure Recruitment Out, your weekly podcast on all things growth, career, and motivation. I'm Darina Kravchenko, your host, and this is our very first episode. Wow, I'm excited. First thing that I want to say is congratulations. Yeah, congratulations. If you're here, it means that you're a person who wants to grow, develop, learn, acquire new skills, and eventually become better and get to that version of yourself that you want to be and live your dream life. Why not? From my coaching calls and throughout my career as a recruiter, I can say that, yeah, recruitment doesn't have to be this thing. You don't need to feel scared, lost, confused, rejected. If you have the right tools and system, you can actually make it work for you. And this is why I'm here today. And, yeah, I want to make things simple. I don't think this needs to be something difficult and complicated. So, yeah, this is how I want to have this podcast. I really want it to be like a call between friends that you feel heard and understood and you actually get replies and solutions to problems you even maybe didn't know you had. And also, I'm the type of person who really thrives seeing others succeed. If you're successful, I'm successful, too. So, yeah, why not, right? Many of you guys know me from my newsletter on LinkedIn, and right now we are already 2,333 people. Wow! What a number! We could definitely be right now more than 2,333. Why not? Incredible, right? And I'm definitely not a shy person, and I thought, why don't we make this number bigger, right? So, yeah, I'm here to help you understand recruitment, to understand recruitment experience, interviewing, and other topics. Starting from, are cover letters actually something trendy right now? I know this is a very good one, right? Or, I don't know what to do. I'm not motivated anymore. How can I get back to my true self? And people who know me know that I'm a positive person, so you can also expect this from me. And, yeah, I do think that you have no idea how high you can fly if you give yourself the opportunity, of course. So, yeah, time to time, I'm here to remind you, your opportunities are how you can do things right now, right? So, yeah, going back to this idea of conversation, this is the type of concept I want to have here. I'm not a big fan of, like, editing or, like, not being authentic, so if you hear some noises, or me coughing, anything, yeah, let's just keep it crisp and authentic. So it really feels like we are in the same room or on a call with a friend, as I said. Of course, you can feel free to listen to me while you are, I don't know, doing your laundry on a Sunday or on your way to the gym, doesn't matter. The thing is that sometimes we can get information that will bring us back to who we are and will help us to perform and to feel confident again. So, yeah, let's do this together. I am definitely very, very excited. I have many ideas. I'm like this small little factory of ideas that we can share together. Of course, I will eventually do some Q&A, so if you have some suggestions, I don't want to be this type of person who is like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and I don't hear from you. So that would be very nice to know what you want. So, because this is all about you. So, yeah, don't forget to follow this podcast, rate it, and you have all my contacts and socials in bio. I'll see you next week. Take care. Bye.