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The investment strategy does not involve trading in Nifty Bees but focuses on other derivative instruments instead. Synthetic Nifty Futures are used to create a synthetic position in Nifty futures, allowing for flexibility in capturing gains in both bullish and bearish scenarios. Buying a put option is done for hedging purposes to protect against potential losses. These trades align with FIN ideas' investment strategies and enhance risk management. Regular monitoring and adjustment of trades may be necessary to adapt to changing market conditions. In all plans, the following trades are applicable. No Trades in Nifty Bees The investment strategy does not involve trades in nifty bees, focusing on other derivative instruments instead. Synthetic Nifty Futures One Lot Call Buy One Lot Put Sell These trades are executed to create a synthetic position in nifty futures. By combining a call buy with a put sell, investors replicate the performance of holding nifty futures. This approach allows for flexibility in capturing potential gains in both bullish and bearish market scenarios. Put Buy for Hedging One Lot Put Buy This trade is specifically for hedging purposes. Buying a put option helps mitigate potential losses by providing a downside protection, acting as an insurance against adverse market movements. These standardized trades are designed to align with the overall investment strategies offered by FIN ideas. The inclusion of synthetic nifty futures allows for a dynamic approach to market conditions, while the put buy for hedging enhances risk management within the investment plans. Investors should be aware of the specific roles these trades play in the overall strategy and how they contribute to the risk return profile of the chosen plan. Regular monitoring and adjustment of trades may be necessary to adapt to changing market conditions and maintain the desired portfolio balance. you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you