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01 Spirit World part 2

01 Spirit World part 2

Finis Dake



2nd part of Spirit World while speaking at a church in North Ga in late 70's

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Angels are real, material beings who can eat and wear clothes. They are confined and have to wear clothes. There are different compartments in the underworld of departed spirits, including Paradise or Abraham's bosom for the righteous and a separate compartment for the wicked. When Christ ascended, the righteous souls were taken to heaven. The wicked souls will remain in their compartment until the end of the millennium, when they will be judged and cast into the lake of fire. There is also a separate prison called the abyss for demons and fallen angels. Hell is eternal and a place of conscious torment for the wicked. In the new earth, there will be all flesh, both resurrected and natural, and they will have the choice to go and worship the Lord. No more in heaven. So you see, angels are real. They're material. They're capable of eating food, wearing clothes. God eats food, and God wears clothes. He does everything like the rest of the folk do that is legitimate. These beings are bound. They have to wear clothes. They go from place to place until they're confined. That gives you that idea of 2 Peter. Jude 6 and 7 refer to the same group when he said the angels that kept the first estate, but left their own habitation he had reserved and chained under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. Then 2 Peter 3.19 refers to it, by which also when Christ was in the tomb, in the body, his soul went into the underworld of departed spirits into this prison here, and preached unto the spirits in prison, which sometime were disobedient when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah. Amen. You all awake? Second prison in the underworld of departed spirits is this called Paradise, or it was called Abraham's bosom. Oh, you say, what a funny name. Well, it may be a funny name to you, but any name that God gives anything is not funny. Hmm? You could call this church here Abraham's bosom. How many of you will come to Abraham's bosom in the morning, and hear me preach? Huh? Whatever you call it, that's the name of it. That's what the word name means in the dictionary. So here we have Abraham's bosom, a place which was called Paradise in the lower parts of the earth. This is the place where all the righteous went before and since the resurrection, I mean before the resurrection of Christ, not since the resurrection of Christ. All of the Old Testament days Abel and everyone who died in Christ went to this compartment, a place of bliss, a place of comfort, a place where they were held captive by the devil against their will. In Hebrews 2, 14 and 15, we read for as much as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he himself likewise took part of the same, referring to Christ. That through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil, and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. When Christ and the thief went where they were set up on the first day, where they stayed for two or three days, I know that, why, it was down in the lower parts of the earth. He told the thief on the cross, today thou shalt be with me in Paradise. That was this compartment, down underneath the earth, not the Paradise in heaven. So here we have a place of comfort where the rich man saw Lazarus, the great gulf between the two compartments. This is a place where all the wicked souls from Abel down to the end of the millennium will continue to go, awaiting the time of the resurrection of the bodies of the wicked, at which time they will be resurrected at the end of the millennium to be judged at the great white throne judgment and then be cast bodily and alive into the lake of fire, the eternal hell and perdition of all rebels. Here we have two compartments for human beings. No angels ever went into these places, no demons ever went into these places as far as we know. These were strictly for the righteous and for the wicked. The wicked continued to go in here, but now when Christ took all these souls captive himself, he took them to heaven with him when he ascended on high. Now when a Christian dies, he no longer goes into the heart of the earth, held captive by the devil against his will. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5, 8, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Philippians 1.21-23, I am in a straight matrix, too, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better. Nevertheless, to abide or stay in the flesh is more needful for you. Hebrews 12.22-23, You are not come unto the mouth that might be touched with fire, but you are come unto the mouth, Zion, the city of the living God, unto an innumerable company of angels, unto the spirits of just men made perfect. See, they are still conscious, they are still alive. They are immortal, the same as the wicked are immortal. The wicked are fully conscious in here, the righteous were fully blessed in here. But now no one ever goes there. They go to heaven when they die instead of going in this compartment. The wicked still continue into this department where they will be until the end of the millennium. Then we read in Revelation 20, verses 11-15, that death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them, and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This represents the abode of demons and fallen angels and where the Satan will be bound for a thousand years. It's called the abyss, or the bottomless pit in your King James Version. It's a place for demons. No human beings ever go into the abyss, into this particular prison. I'm afraid those angels and human beings wouldn't get along very well since they deceived the human race. There might be some wars down there and somebody will have to get hurt. So God just made different compartments for them. So they are confined here. Now then, the fifth prison in the underworld of the part of spirits is that of the lake of fire, the eternal hell of perdition of all rebels in the universe. All those angels in that first prison, all the men in this prison, all the demons and angels in this prison will be brought out and judged and will be cast into the lake of fire where they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. That's the eternal hell. We might call that the penitentiary. You might call this just the city jail or the county jail awaiting the time of the trial at the great white throne judgment which will be at the end of the millennium. This prison is the final hell of all rebels, angels, demons, human beings and what not. Now then, that is a hell after everybody else's hell who gets rid of hell. Their hells are passed away. There is a hell still remaining. And all the king's horses and all the Jehovah Witnesses and all the Seventh-day Adventists and all the Armstrongites and all you folks who don't believe in a hell, has a hell just the same continuing eternally, in the new earth eternally. You know, time would fail me to tell of everything, so I'm going to have to cut this short. I've got a two-hour session on the radio before I ever get there tonight. And who's the programmer is that anyway? What? At what time is it? Nine to eleven o'clock. What station? W-what? Do you folks know what that is? Can you get it? Tune in up to eleven o'clock then. Well now, to make the long story shorter, let's get right at this one fact then. Hell is eternal. And hell is a place of conscious torment of the wicked, in fire and brimstone. Will you turn with me to one verse of scripture, and I'll let you do the interpreting. Then we know it done right. Sixty-sixth chapter of Isaiah, verses twenty-two to twenty-four, concerning the new heavens and the new earth, saith the Lord, they shall remain before me. So shall your seed and your name remain. Now this is about the new heavens and the new earth, now keep in mind. That's way over beyond the millennium, after Christ has reigned on earth a whole thousand years, that we're now over in the new earth, the eternal future. Concerning that, he said, they shall remain before me. So shall your seed, talking to Israel, and your name remain. And it shall come to pass that from one new moon to another, and one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh, all flesh that are in what part of the universe? In the new earth, and in the heavens. See, after the thousand years reign of Christ, we're going to have our dominion given back to us. Not only the resurrected saints, but the natural peoples that we'll see tomorrow night. The eighth psalm says, What is man that thou art mindful of him, or the son of man that thou visiteth him? Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and didst set him over the work of thy fingers the sun, the moon, the stars, which thou hast made. Here he said concerning that new heaven, there will be all flesh, all natural men, and even all resurrected men, who will still be flesh eternally. For your bodies in the resurrection will be made like the body of Christ, which according to the 24th chapter of the book of Luke, verse 39, tells us he had a flesh and bone body. He said, Handle me and see. A spirit doth not have flesh and bones as you see me have. So when you hear the Ruffles and all these cults tell you that Jesus Christ was not resurrected bodily from the dead, he was resurrected as a spook of some kind, you forget about it. But right here he said, I have a flesh and bone body, handle me, Thomas, and see. Put your fingernails, finger if you want to, in my side. I'm the same Jesus that died a few days ago, you remember? You saw me before, didn't you, Thomas? You remember me? Well, I'm still the same Jesus. And his body was taken to heaven in Acts 1.11. The same Jesus which is taken up from you shall so come in like manner. And in the 13th chapter of the book of Zechariah, verse 6, one will say unto me in that day, in eternity, What of these wounds in your hands? He will say, These are they that I received in the house of my friends. There are two classes of eternal people. I don't want to jump the guns on tomorrow's lecture, but one thing's sure. Two classes. Resurrected saints who become immortal bodily, and the natural people who go from this period into the next, from the next period into the next, right on through eternally, as would have happened if man had behaved himself. But Paul doesn't do away with God's original plan. It only postpones it until the times of the restitution of all things. So here in Isaiah 66, we have all flesh on the earth yet. Is that what it said? It didn't say spooks. All flesh. And what are they going to do? If they want to, they're not obligated to do so, but that they shall go and do what? Come on now, you interpreters. What are they going to do? Can you read? How many of you can read? Isaiah 66, 22 to 24. Same scripture we're dealing with. What does it say? Go to come and worship him. What else now? They shall go and do what, these natural men on earth? Go and look what? Look upon the carcasses of the men that have trespassed against me, that is the people that are in hell. For their worm shall not die, their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh. One so-called great Bible scholar of America who has the habit, and publishers give him the honor of recommending this book and that book, sees name and all, introduction to a lot of books. He wrote me a letter, and I was a scorcher. Said the idea, believing in a hellfire like that, I said if I believed it I wouldn't, I'd never say it. He, you know what he called that place, you reading about there? He called it Dake's Hell Holes. I'm glad I didn't make them. I might put him there. No, I wouldn't. I want him to stay out there. I'm going to do everything I can to keep him out. But you see how simple this is? I don't interpret the Bible, I just tell you what the book says and where it says it. That's all my responsibility. If you haven't got intelligence enough to grasp it, or if you don't want to grasp it, you want to fight against simple truths, that's your hard luck. That's his. That's not my hell hole. You can see here, all I had to do was pass on this information, that's where he got the idea. I don't know why he hadn't discovered himself so many years ago. I take the Bible literally myself. Here we read, they'll go and look upon the carcasses of the men that are transgressed against me, their worms shall not die, their flies shall not be quenched, and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh. Now if that was the only scripture in the Bible, he might have some complaint. But in the 14th chapter of Revelation, verses 9 to 11, you want to turn to that? It says, If any man worship the beast in his image, and receive his mark in the right hand or in the forehead, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture in the cup of his indignation, and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone, in the presence of whom? In the presence of the Lamb, and in the presence of the Holy Angel. So you see, all natural men on earth and all angels and the Lamb, in the presence of the Lamb, and the smoke of their torment is in us forever and ever. They have no rest, day or night, whoever worships the beast in his image, and whoever receives the mark in the right hand or in the forehead. So natural men on earth, angels, the Son of God, God himself, the Holy Spirit, cherubim, seraphim, everybody who is out of hell can go and look into it if they want to. You say, What's that for? That's an everlasting monument of God's wrath on sin, to warn coming boys and girls that will be born in all eternity, stay out of the sin business. That's where you'll land if you don't. God will never tolerate sin in one angel, one cherubim, one seraphim, one pre-Adamite, or one Adamite. He has never done it. He has damned his sons in hell of the human race as well as the spirit race. There are some sons of God in hell tonight. They're called sons of God. In Job 38, verse 4 to 7, Where were you, Job, when I laid the foundations of the earth? declared, Thou hast to understand, when all the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy. The sons of God were not human beings. They hadn't been created yet. Referring to the angels, that's why you read in Genesis 6.2 and 6.4, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair, and took them wise of all they chose, and they produced races of giants in the earth, both before and after the flood of Noah. Sonship doesn't mean a thing, my friend, when you commit sin that damns your soul. Just remember that. All through the Bible, the Bible very specifically declares that God is just as much under obligation to damn you as he is to save you, if you'll just meet his terms. And if you don't meet his terms, he'll damn you just as quick as he'll save you. If you'll turn to him and ask forgiveness, he'll forgive you that quick, and blot out everything in your life that's contrary to his will. But if you persist in sin and rebellion and going on in the death penalty sins, he's obligated, he cannot lie in your case or anybody's case. You'll have to pay the penalty. God said to Israel and God said to the church and God said to people all through the Bible, that I set before you this day a curse and a blessing. A curse if you will break my commandments, a blessing if you will keep my commandments. The whole business of Christianity is up to you. It's up to you. But God will not tolerate sin in any one person in all eternity to come. Just remember that. These are serious things we're talking about. You can't afford to be lost. You can't afford to have your soul damned under any circumstances. Or you can't afford to have your soul deceived by people who don't know any better. But I know better. I know the truth. I've got over 1,600 scriptures in the Bible listed in one book, what God vowed to do if men will go into sin and remain in sin and die in sin, and what he'll do if they'll just give him a chance to have mercy on them. 1,600 scriptures showing God's requirements. So on. So much for that. All right, I think we'll close now with the idea, one or two more texts, and that's in the 21st chapter of the book of Revelation. And verse 8, Without are dogs and sorcerers and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie, outside the city of New Jerusalem, when it comes down to land on the planet earth. See, you're going to be, people on the new earth, the natural boys and girls and men and women, will look into hell. They can see Judas, they can see Lucifer, they can see everybody who's ever committed sin. And they're going to be in the, the angels can look into it, God can look into it, Christ can look into it, the Holy Spirit can look into it. And here, it tells you outside the city, there are these hell holes. Without are sorcerers, dogs, sorcerers, home mongers, whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. 15th verse of the 22nd chapter is about the same thing. So you have four scriptures definitely telling you that people are going to go into everlasting hell. And the purpose of this is to warn boys and girls, new ones born in all eternity, just stay out of sin. That's all. On the other hand, they'll have the resurrected saints and the redeemed saints reigning over them as an everlasting monument of God's grace. One more scripture we'll close. Turn to the 25th chapter of the book of Matthew, verse 46. These shall go into everlasting punishment talking about the goats on his right, left hand, but the righteous, the sheep on his right hand, into everlasting punishment. These shall go into everlasting punishment, and these shall go into everlasting life. There you have the two destinies. I was pastor in Amarillo, Texas, many, many years ago, 27 to be frank with you. And we had a little short, wiry kind of a woman. You know, these little frivolous ones, old. Just as sure as there is an eternal bliss, there is an eternal blister. I thought that was all right. I never have forgotten it. Just as sure as there is an eternal bliss, there is an eternal blister. The blister or the bliss is your choice in all eternity to come. You can only make it now while you're in this life. I just counted up the questions we've had here the last few nights, and we have nearly 400 questions just in the last few nights. I don't know how many questions we would have here tonight. If we don't have too many, Pastor, we'll get to them. We'll have a few minutes to get to a few of them anyway. But a lot of people are interested in questions, and we're glad to have yours right now. Questioner 2 This is Connick, in Wales. And if you'll write your questions out, and we'll get to them. Answerer 1 That's concerning this here. Christ, at his crucifixion, went into paradise underneath the earth. He went into hell, as stated in the 16th Psalm, verse 10, where it says, Psalm 16, verse 10, where it says, Psalm 16, verse 10, "...neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption in the grave." While he was there, he went and made some kind of a preachment to those spirits in prison, the angels in prison. What it was is not recorded, so by which he also went and preached unto the spirits in prison. And in the 4th chapter of Ephesians, verses 8 to 10, we read, And he that ascended on high was also first descended into the lower parts of the earth. You see, he didn't go to heaven the day he died, or the three days he was in the tomb. But he went down into the underworld to carry on and conquer death, hell, and the grave. And what happened was, he took all these captive souls who were held captive against their will, and when he ascended on high, he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men. So he actually went into the underworld of the part of Spyridon, and it is stated in Matthew 12, 40, that if Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. That means that he was crucified on Wednesday instead of Good Friday. I'm sorry, but anybody can count back one, two, three, can get the idea. Three days, three nights from the first day of the weekend when he was resurrected makes him crucified on Wednesday. And if you want to start a new denomination, why don't you talk about Good Wednesday instead of Good Friday? All right, so watch for that, but I'll bless you. And we'll have to get on the road. If the scars remain in the Savior's hands, will his countenance be marred as he looked at Calvary? We'll have to wait and see. All the good book says, One will say unto me in that day, What are these wounds in your hands? It didn't say scars in his brow and so on. I hope he doesn't have them all there, but that would be enough to prove to any of us that he loved us, enough to die for us. Explain what blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is. He said, Any word, you can speak a word against the Father, it'll be forgiven. Speak a word against the Son, it'll be forgiven. But whoever speaks a word against the Holy Spirit, it will never be forgiven in this age or in the age to come. That's in Matthew 32 and 33. Let's just realize, then, that you be careful what you say about the Holy Spirit. Any insulting, blasphemous remark, any slanderous remark, because he's the only one here left of the Godhead by which you are brought to Christ and you're born again and you're saved. And if you sin against him and you reject the only person that can bring you to Christ, you just ought to look. That's the reason. It's too bad. Do you believe in Christian will? Christian will lose their minds and commit suicide? Any human being can do that. That can happen to anyone. So let's be careful what we say even about those things. Did the Godhead make man in his likeness and image, so a God person could be made in the likeness of man and be the express image of God in human form? Well, the first chapter of the book of Genesis, verse 26, plainly says, Let us, not me, let us make man in our own image, not my own image, but our own image, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and so on. So God did that. In the image of God created he him, as in the fifth chapter of the same book of Genesis. The ninth chapter of Genesis, verse 6, Whoso shedeth man's blood, by man shall his blood also be shed. For in the image of God made he him. First Corinthians 11.7 tells us the image of God made he him. And the third chapter of the book of James, verse 9, who was made after the similitude of God. God made his like himself. The Bible tells us Jesus was the firstborn. Does this mean that no one was born before him, was ever a begotten son of God? That's exactly right. If you would have been here last Sunday, you would have gotten this information. I'm going to give it to you just briefly. There was no one born son of God before Jesus Christ was born of God and Mary about 2,000 years ago. There are 15 Old Testament predictions of the coming son of God. God was to have a son. And even whatsoever in the fifth chapter, Micah saith, Thou Bethlehem, thou thou be the least among the thousands of Judah. Yet out of thee sometime in the future shall come forth he whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. And the Christmas story tells us plainly in the first chapter of Matthew that she was conceived with child by the Holy Ghost. And the angel told her in Luke 1.35, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, the power of the highest shall overshadow thee, and that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called a son of God. So in the second Psalm, verse 7, Thou art my son, this day, this day have I begotten thee. When the church creeds say every Sunday when you go to some churches that he was begotten before all worlds, that is a lie. He wasn't begotten until the Holy Ghost came upon Mary and she conceived and brought forth her firstborn son, and God's firstborn and lastborn. But Mary's firstborn but not the lastborn. That's the difference between the two. And in the second chapter of the book of Luke, verse 11, there is born this day in the city of David. So he said, Thou art my son this day, have I begotten thee, and again I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son. And again when he bringeth his first begotten into the world, he saith, Let all the angels of God worship him. You'll find that in the first chapter of Hebrew, verses 5 and 6. There's a lot of fallacies in the world today, and I'm just now completing a book, 1215 fallacies of the religious world. And this is just one fallacy you're just up to with. I tell you, when you find so many hundreds of Bible scholars that give you just the opposite of what the Bible reads in plain English, it's appalling to you. You don't know what to think sometimes. Well, we could all believe the same thing, speak the same thing, have no difference of opinion between any two of us. Why anybody would choose to say something contrary to what's written, when we can both see what is written. Please explain Isaiah 6520. Well, I'm very dim at explaining the scripture. I can tell you what it says. And it won't be so complicated. Thou shalt be no more thence an infinite of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days. A child shall be an hundred years old, but a sinner, being a hundred years old, shall be accursed. Just think of your term, millennium, when that will happen. Human life will be living a thousand years during that time. And sinners will be executed if they commit a crime which has the death penalty. That's what all the verse says. Were man's spirit, if the brain is removed, so on. Now, I don't know very much about this brain surgery. I'm not a surgeon. All I can do is to just take my little penknife and cut out of the Bible anything I don't want to believe. You have that right yourself, but I'm not going to do it. We're just going to let that go, and when you die according to the brain, we'll just let you die. That's all we can do about it. The doctors can't do any more than that. When we go to heaven, will we know our loved ones for friend? Yes, we certainly will, 1 Corinthians 12, or 13, 12. Then shall we know as we are also known. Are you saying that one can sin after he gets to heaven? Now, I don't remember saying that. Did I say that tonight? No, you're going to have to quit the sin business before you get to heaven. I said if you commit a death penalty sin down here on earth, the penalty for sin is death, and any death penalty sin, it will get you every time. But the sins that are not death penalty sins, that's another story. Let me give you a sample. Galatians 5, 17, The works of the flesh are manifest, which of these adultery, fornication, witchcraft, hatred, various wrath, immolation, strife, traditions, heresies, endings, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Any one of them or all of them. Pay attention to when you read your Bible. If the death penalty sins, these are worthy of death. If you live after the flesh, you shall die, but if you do, the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body. Be not deceived, God is not law, for whatever man soweth, that shall he also reap. Pay attention to what you read. In Luke 22, what kingdom did Jesus give to his disciples? That's talking about his literal earthly kingdom when he comes and destroys the armies of the nations under Antichrist at the battle of Armageddon, and then he gathers Israel and sets up the kingdom in Jerusalem forever, even forever and ever, as stated by the angel to Mary when he said in Luke 1.32, The Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David, and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there shall be no end. Revelation 11.15, The kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our God and of his Christ. They shall reign forever and ever. Did Moses ever get into Abraham's bosom? I suppose. Although God liked him a little better than some folk would like, because he buried him and he never has buried anybody else. You read in the 24th, 34th chapter of Deuteronomy, that Lord God buried Moses in a plain on the land of Moab, and no man north of his supper will run to this day. You'll have to ask Moses. Let's get together with him. Let's ask him if he really did go to paradise, or underneath the earth. What kind of angel is Satan? Just an ordinary kind that can commit sin. In other words, a spirit being. It was said of him in the 28th chapter of the book of Ezekiel, verse 15, Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee. Now what is eternal life? Eternal life is the life that God will give you in his Son. And when you get in his Son, you have eternal life. Did Jesus go into the lower hell? Yes, we already had that. What is eternal life? What's all this about eternal life? It's just the life you get in Christ. Any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, all things are passed away, all things are become new, and all things are of God, who hath reconciled himself by Jesus Christ. As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, and so walk ye in him. That's all there is to it, the whole Christian program. What is your opinion about once saved, always saved? Oh, well, that's another one. I'll tell you what, suppose you come to the Sunday school hour in the morning, I won't talk to you. Will it be during the tribulation, or the millennium, that the people will be able to look down? That's in the new earth, it said, concerning the new heavens and the new earth at the end of the millennium, which is after the millennium. We've heard that the soul and spirit are just the same. Well, they are not. The soul of anybody is that which feels. All that's connected with a feeling, the emotions, the passions, the desires, that's what Jesus is like. As Ambrose said, my soul is exceeding and sorrowful unto death. My soul shall have no pleasure in him, and so on. While the spirit is that which knows. 1 Corinthians 2, 12, What knoweth the things of man, save the spirit of man, which is in him? Even so knoweth no man the things of God, save the spirit of God. Now, how did Jesus come into the room with the door locked? He just went through the keyhole, I guess. No, I'll get up and I'll tell you. He is capable, a resurrected body is capable of appearing and disappearing through material substance. That's how he got through, I guess. We'll learn more about it when you get a body like that. We'll just experiment a few minutes going through and coming back. Then we'll get used to it. Then we'll know just how it works. We've always thought that the Bible had spiritual meaning, not too literal meaning. What about that? Well, nothing about that at all. Now, you learn about spiritual experiences by the letter of the word. For example, it tells you that you're a sinner. It tells you that Jesus Christ died to forgive you of your sins and died for your sins, forgive you. It tells you that if you'll confess your sins, you'll receive the new birth, you'll be made a new creature in Christ, and you'll receive the spirit of adoption in your life, whereby you'll cry, Abba, Father. You see, you couldn't get that information for just plain old bracket white English letters. Do you get the idea? So if you'll quit this trying to make the Bible a spooky book, and quit trying to get these deep hidden meanings between the lines of talking about spiritual things, get the idea and go get those spiritual things the way it tells you to get them if you want them. If you don't want them, okay, just forget about the spiritual thing. But you get the knowledge of God, of Christ, of spirit beings, of spiritual experiences, and all these things by the letter of the word. So don't despise the letter. Would you explain your opinion, the Hebrews 6, 4, and 5, please? Well, it's possible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come, if they fall away, to renew them again in repentance. It's impossible, he said. Now, that's about the best I know of the whole thing. I could give it to you again if it will help you. But I think that's clear in itself. He said it's impossible to renew them again in repentance. Now, the Greek word for fall away here means apostasy. You become an apostate. When you become an apostate, that means you don't believe in the blood of Christ anymore. You don't believe in forgiveness of sins, and so you just fight God to the limit. If you ever get to that point, you're a dead duck, as we used to say. You're through. But if you will not get to that place, and if you are an ordinary backslider, you still believe in the blood of fulfillment, we read in 1 John 2, 1, I write these things unto you, beloved, that you sin not. But if any man sin, we have an advocate for the Father Jesus Christ, the righteous who is of propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world. You can get forgiveness in a minute of time. You better do it. If you ever get in a jam, you refer to hell as a reminder of those throughout eternity. It didn't mean, were the children born, or will there be children born in heaven? No, there will not be any children born in heaven. They're going to be born on earth, and we'll get to that tomorrow night. Will anyone ever be damned after they start eternal age in the new earth? No, not that we know of. It's said in Revelation 20, there shall be no more sin, death, tears, former things are passed away. He that sat upon all thrones said, Behold, I make all things new. John 20, 17, why did Jesus say, Touch him not? Well, he just didn't want him to touch them, that's all, because he was going to heaven. Don't delay me, he says, in other words, I sinned to your father and to your God, and he did, and when he got back, why, they held him to the feet and they handed him up to fools. I don't know, I would have done it. When saints die, can they look down on their own funeral? Well, it hath happened. It hath happened. Now, seriously now, such a thing hath happened. Before the Spirit took its final departure, and if it hath happened, and if some good Christian has actually seen a thing like that, that's well and good. Or somebody has come back from the dead and become alive again, like Jesus Christ, after three days, well, it could have been done. What was the nationality of Solomon's first wife? Well, she was an Egyptian woman, according to the 11th chapter of 1 Kings. Can a woman go to heaven if they don't go to church but say they are saved? I don't know. That's up to God to take these women to heaven. They're quite a little somebody all in their own rights, these women are. We're just going to have to let them confess their sins just like you men have to, and get right with God. I don't know. You'd better go to church, ladies, I'd better tell you that. Some churches believe in tithing, and some, is it scriptural? Yes, in Matthew 23, Jesus said, You pay tithe of an eisen. Come on, I have omitted the weightier matters of the law, such as judgment, faith, and what they have sought you to have done, but not leave the other undone. 7th chapter of Hebrews, we read that even Levi and the loins of Abraham paid tithe through Abraham for his yoke, and the loins of Abraham for the milk as it had met him. He said, I'm going to pay my tithe to father. Abraham paid tithe to milk his yoke. It was a practice back in those days, and if you want to practice these scriptures, then it's about the only way you can do it. I don't see how you can refuse to pay tithe, and then practice tithing at the same time. Can these in heaven see things down here on earth? I don't know. I'd be afraid to look down here myself, all these things that are going on. But if you can, we'll all look together. We'll just have a peep out of heaven and let it go at that. If you don't ask for forgiveness for sin, how does God wait for you to repent? Well, you have to ask forgiveness, that's all. Because he said in the 13th chapter of Luke, verse 1-5, except you repent, you shall all likewise perish. Please explain the different heavens. Now we're in 3rd and 4th and 7th, and there's none but 3rd in the 12th chapter of the book of 1st. 2nd Corinthians, Paul said he was caught up to the 3rd heaven. That's as far as he went. That's as far as heavens go. You have to go to the Mohammedans if you want the 7th heaven. You speak of invisible world as a matter of distance between, and not substance. Yet Elijah and Elisha, the servant, saw with his eye. That's right. You can see things. Many things have been seen. God has been seen as a spirit being. Angels, the Holy Spirit has been seen. Angels have been seen. Orphans have been seen. You'll be able to see a lot of things in the next life. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven. That's right. You'd better not break the least of them. How shall then break those best, the least commandments, have a duty to get to heaven? How are you going to do it? Just get forgiveness. Say, God, be merciful to me, a sinner. That takes care of all the big and little things. Just the one little thing. Be merciful, be a sinner. Anybody ought to be able to say that. If you don't learn how to say it, then say it. If saints go to heaven, where do they die? Or when will they die? Why will the graves have to be open? Well, I don't know. I don't suppose they would have to be. But in Christ's case we read, Many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves, and said, The graves are open. And if he wants to take you out without opening the graves, he can do it. We'll wait and see how he does it. Just let that be his job. For he said, The living in Christ and the dead in Christ will be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Will people in the eternal hell be able to see the bliss of the people in heaven? Now, I don't know. That would be a little tormenting to me if I see what all I've missed. But it may happen. I do know this rich man over here. He looked way over another compartment, past the gauntlet. He got talking about that fellow he used to see at his gate. So certain things are possible. We'll just have to wait for these details to get over there in heaven. What is the distinct difference between Sheol, Hades and hell? Well, the word Sheol is the Hebrew word. Hades is the Greek word for hell, and it simply means the unseen world, the world of unseen spirits. Spirits are gone. And the word hell, of course, is your English, and the word grave, that's a place where you put people when you bury them. We've seen enough of that. That's the surface of the ground. That's not hell, that's not Hades, that's not Sheol, and that's not Tartarus, and that's not paradise. That's just what you call a grave. Who are the two men who will yet come back to the earth? They are Enoch and Elijah, who are in the 7th verse of the 11th chapter of Revelation. We read, When they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall overcome them and shall kill them. And so their dead bodies will remain as creatures of Jerusalem. Then we read, They'll come up here, boys, and they ascend to heaven. Well, I guess that's all. So we did get through, didn't we? All right. The Lord bless you. I'm going to just let you go, Pastor, wherever you are.

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