Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker discusses the story of David and Goliath and emphasizes the importance of understanding the significance of the territory we possess, just as Judah was important to David and Jesus. The speaker encourages not letting the enemy take what belongs to God's kingdom and reminds listeners that they have the authority to bind and kick out the enemy's influence in their territory. The speaker shares a personal experience of praying against negative spirits in their workplace and seeing positive changes as a result. The message is that we have power and authority in the places we walk and that we must defend our territory against the enemy. The speaker concludes by urging listeners to take a stand and speak against the enemy, as the time is running out. One of these days you will find yourself staring right in the eyes of a giant named Goliath. You won't have to look at your watch. You will know the time. It's five till midnight. Let's take a look at the story of David and Goliath. Now Goliath was a Philistine and he was a huge Philistine. I believe he was about ten foot tall. His armor weighed about 125 pounds. The spear he carried was huge. David, Goliath and the Philistines drew up a camp. They drew up a battle line in Judah. Now we know what Judah is. It was one of the tribes of Israel, but it's important we understand what Judah was. It was the home of David. It was the home of Jesus. This town had significant importance in the history of Israel. It also has significant importance in our lives because that was the possession of David. It was also the possession of Jesus. If Jesus is in you and we are in Jesus, Judah is also our possession. Let's make this clear. When the Philistine draws up a line, a battle line, he's going to do it through our possession. He's going to do it through our territory. We will be the ones that he is challenging, but it won't be us, it will be Christ. We must know what to do. We must not let the enemy taunt us and take that which belongs to God's kingdom. The Bible says everywhere that we have set our foot, he has given to us. God spoke to Joshua in the 14th chapter and said, So on that day, Moses swore to me, the land on which your feet have walked will be given to you as your inheritance and that of your children forever, because you have followed the Lord my God wholeheartedly. When we follow the Lord wholeheartedly, that land on which we walk belongs to us. Whether it be in your home, whether it be at the workplace, whether it be at school, wherever you walk, that land is yours and it belongs to the kingdom of God. We have a right to go into that land and bind the enemy and stop him from working. If we don't own that land, then we have a right to bind him. If we do own the land and there is no authority higher than us, we have the right to kick him out. Or if God says to kick him out, we have the right to kick out that spirit. We have the right to kick every demonic force out of that land. Why? Because of this one scripture, among many probably, it says, The land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance and that of your children forever. All of heaven and all of hell work on legal principles. This is a principle set forth in the Bible and a promise to us that we have the place, the territory on which we set our feet. To back this up, in Hosea 5, it says Judah's leaders are like those who move boundary stones. I will pour out my wrath on them like a flood of water. God pours out his wrath on those who move boundary stones. The tribe of Judah was given that land according to God's designation. You are given the land on which you walk, whether it be at work, at home, or at school. Wherever God puts you, you have authority there and the enemy must not move those boundary stones. When I worked in the factory, I had God's authority in the area in which I worked because I was in charge of it. I was in charge of the display area. Although there was another authority over me who had charge of the whole factory, I was given the permission to have authority in that particular area. So anything that came into the bounds of that area, I was allowed to speak against or command to and they had to obey. That was given to me by the authority above me. I worked in a factory in a little town called Fredericton. That factory is no longer there. The building is still standing. In that factory, I would walk around the factory through the warehouse and through the whole plant because I knew that the places where I walked were given to me. I prayed against the spirits that worked in that place, the spirits that were causing consternation, that were causing stress and infighting between employees. The profit sharing was going down. It was getting to be a harder place to work for. So I asked the Lord, Lord, what is the name of that? What is the Goliath I'm facing? The Lord said it was slave driving. So I started praying against the spirit of slave driving. As a matter of fact, there was another brother and I. We both started praying against it and that thing moved. The Lord showed me a vision of it cowering in the corner of that factory. I said, Lord, why doesn't it leave? The Lord says, because the owner of the factory is amenable to it being there. But you have, Rich, you have walked around the floor, so I've given that to you. So we commanded that thing to be quiet, not to affect anyone, and to leave. And this stood there cowering in the corner. It did not touch us. We saw profit sharing go up. We saw stress levels come down. We saw people getting along with one another. Paychecks were getting bigger. It was an easier place to work for. One day we quit praying and much of that adjusted back to the way it was before. God gave me authority and He gave me power in that place where my feet touched. You, my friend, have power. You have authority in that place that your feet touch. Most of all, you have a legal right to defend it. Hosea says that God will pour His wrath out on them like a flood of water if they move those boundary stones. Boundary stones being the stones that mark your territory. If the enemy decides to infiltrate, to move those stones, to trespass, God says you have the power, the right, the authority to command him to move. For those of us who live the Christian life, we so often look at our circumstances, we look at the people around us and we see them and we think, oh wow, these people are standing against us. These people are our enemy. It's the circumstances that are our enemy. Nothing can be further from the truth. For our enemy is not in the circumstances. Our enemy is not in the people. Our enemy is in the powers and principalities and rulers in high places that stand against us. If you have a legal right, take the ground on which God has given you on which you walk. If you don't stand up for God's presence in that place, then it will never show up. It's time to take a stand. It's time to speak against the enemy and tell him he must move. The time is 5 till midnight.