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soundtrack doc proj 1

soundtrack doc proj 1




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The transcript is about the speaker's passion for the Philadelphia Flyers hockey team and their journey to create their own media company, Mayer Media, to cover the team. They talk about how they became a fan of the Flyers and their love for the game. They also express their desire to be known for their work and the hard work they put into their media company. The speaker emphasizes the importance of doing what you love and finding passion in life. Mayer Media aims to provide unique and diverse content and is constantly growing and expanding. The speaker's ultimate goal is to continue pursuing their passion for the Flyers and their media company for the rest of their life. There's a quote from famous author John C. Maxwell that I've always enjoyed. It reads, Dreams don't work unless you do. What does this mean? What classifies as a dream? Do I have dreams? When you're nine years old, you don't know the answer to that. But you do know what you like. At least, sometimes. I liked hockey. Hockey and videos. That's what I did. I always enjoyed making things. Playing video games, sports, whatever it was. I could never really find something and just stick with it. It went from Super Mario Brothers to Disney to Star Wars to anything. That was until February 9th, 2013. A random Saturday afternoon where two hockey teams played. And not just any hockey team, the Philadelphia Flyers. The Flyers won 4-3 in overtime. The Flyers won 4-3 in overtime off of Danabier. Goal off the post winner. Beating Cam Ward on the short side. I remember watching this with one of my buddies growing up and feeling a bit sad after it was over. I didn't know anything about hockey at the time. I knew the basic things, but mostly as I grew into it, I learned more. This was the start of... The Flyers won 4-3 in overtime off of Danabier. Goal beating Cam Ward on the short side. I remember watching this with one of my buddies growing up and feeling a bit sad after it was over. As soon as it was done, I looked up online the Flyers schedule to try to find their next game. Ever since that day, I've been hooked. I haven't missed a Flyers game in over 10 years. I haven't missed a Flyers game in over 10 years. A random Saturday afternoon where two hockey teams played. Not just any two hockey teams. The Philadelphia Flyers and the Carolina Hurricanes. The Flyers won 4-3 in overtime off of Danabier. Goal beating Cam Ward on the short side. It was a crazy game that went back and forth. A ton of penalties called. Flyers had some bad goaltending. Carolina had some bad goaltending. It certainly was an eventful afternoon. And for me, it was the first ever Flyers game that I ever watched. You know how earlier I said I couldn't really get into anything at that point? Well, that kind of stopped that day. I haven't missed a Flyers game in over 10 years. And frankly, I don't think I'll ever miss one for the rest of my life. I didn't know much about hockey at the time. I knew the basic things. But mostly, as I grew into it, I learned more. And that led me to YouTube. I started YouTube in 2014. I made these random videos of me just talking about the Flyers. And I never really posted them. I had a whole series of videos in my camera roll that just kind of sat there. And I didn't really know what to do with them. Then, randomly one day, Christmas break, a couple days after Christmas, Flyers had a big win in Winnipeg, beating the Jets. And I put it up on YouTube. And it was simply titled, all lowercase, as a 9-year-old would do, Flyers beat the Jets 4-3. If I had any footage of this, I would show you. But unfortunately, it was deleted. I wish I never did delete it. But unfortunately, I did. And if I had any footage of this, I would show you. But unfortunately, I don't have any of it anymore, as my old iPod kind of crapped out on me. But as everything kind of went on and life moved on, I didn't really know what I wanted to do. I was always into the Flyers. Again, I hadn't missed a game. And in 2019, I had that passion. If I had any footage of this, I would show you. Unfortunately, my old iPod kind of crapped out on me, and I don't have any of it anymore. But that did lead me to do a lot of different things. And over the past couple of years, since 2019, I haven't really stopped playing games. And I haven't really done anything else. And I haven't really done anything else. And I haven't really done anything else. And I haven't really done anything else. And over the past couple of years, since 2019, I haven't really stopped into kind of making this my dream. My dream is to cover the Flyers full-time, to always be the guy, to always be the person that everyone knows, to be the number one outlet for Philadelphia Flyers coverage. That's always been my goal. I've never felt the passion about something in my life than the Flyers. There's nothing in the world that makes me as happy as seeing the team of orange, black, and white win a hockey game in battle for 60 minutes. There's something really special about being a sports fan. And for the Flyers who haven't necessarily had their fair share of success since I became a fan, I think it makes the passion grow even more. And that led me to start Mayer Media, which is my media company. Mayer Media isn't just something that I want to, you know, just do for a couple of years. It's my life. Mayer Media isn't something that I just want to do for a few years or until I'm done college or whatever. It's my life. I want it to be my life. I don't think I'd ever forgive myself if I ever fucked that up. But I will say there isn't a day goes by that I don't think, act, look at, study, break down, read, anything that involves media, how to grow a media company, do anything different. We try to do so many different things. We launched in September, and it's led me to do a lot. I've had relationships with former Flyers. I've done multiple podcasts. I've learned graphic design, video editing, all these little things. And part of me, I think, sometimes forgets that I'm 20 years old. But there is part of me that realizes that one day I'll never. Mayer Media isn't just a media company. It's my life. There's a lot of things that we do that are a little different than you might typically see, whether it's videos after every game, written content, all these different things. There's so much different content that we do, whether it's Flyers history, Flyers prospect, National Hockey League coverage, our podcast, Four Fly Guys. There's so many things that we do that make us so different than everybody else, and that's what I want to be. I want to be the company that everyone knows. I don't think a day goes by where I don't think about content, ideas, videos. I don't. Say it. I don't think a day goes by where I don't think about how to do things differently or make different content or how to make our social growth better or anything. The amount of times a day that I look at engagement rates and tweets, our Instagram posts, all the numbers, breaking down everything, how we've been doing in this month versus last month, all these little things that go into it. And it's not just one thing. It's not just one post. Yes, you can blow up overnight, but no one sees all the hours and minutes and sweat and tears that gets put into things like this. That's what I want to be known for. I don't want to just be Chris Meyer. I want to be known for something. I want that name to carry something. I want people to understand how much I want this. And it's not just for people to know who I am. It's for that little kid inside of me that's still there that always said to himself that you'll be that guy. I don't do any of this for fame. I don't do any of this for fame or fandom or money or anything. I do this because I love it, and that's the goal. And if there's anything that I can say in this documentary that you're watching right now that might give you a little bit of a spark, it's do what you love. Because I don't know where I would be if I didn't do any of this. To me, Mayer Media isn't just a brand. It's a lifestyle. It's not just a media company. It's a family. There's so many things that we do that separate us from everybody else, and there's so much content that changes every single day. The amount of times that I've looked at tweet engagements and Instagram posts and our YouTube analytics and all these little things, that can just give us the extra step. And I don't do any of this for fame or the glamour or money or anything in these next however many more years I'll be doing this for the rest of my life. I do this because I love it. I don't know where I would be without the Flyers. The Flyers are so important to me in so many ways and have helped me in so many ways to grow as a person and to also grow as an adult. When I was a kid, I used to look around and go and try to find any thing in the store that had a Flyers logo on it, whether it was old, new, and it could be something that didn't even have any relation to hockey at all. But I always wanted to make sure that that was there. It was something I wanted. There was a reason that I always looked for that. I could never get into anything as a kid. I always changed different things, different varieties of things. I'd like something for a month, and the next month I'd hate it. And that was just how I grew up. The Flyers just stuck. I don't know why. I don't know what led me to like them. I don't even know why my friend came over that day and we watched the game. But we did. And if we didn't, I wouldn't be where I am right now. Talking about the Flyers is one of the best things that I could do. I don't think there's anything in this world that I love more than talking about the Flyers. Whether it's a game recap, a tweet, an article, a podcast episode, anything. There's so many things that I love about the Flyers. Anything. There's so many different things that we do at Mayer Media that just make us a different type of company. We have four brands right now, and we're looking to add a fifth for next year. We have four brands right now, and we're looking to add a fifth in 2025. There's so many different things that we have in the works and so many different collaborations. It makes me so excited to grow and do more with this company. If there's anything inspirational that I could add into this message, it's just do what you love. I can't express that enough. For the amount of times and years that I watched my dad work the same job every day that he hated and just did it because, frankly, he had to, it's something that I've kind of taken and kind of made sure and said to myself, don't do that. And not to not make light of my dad, it's just why would you want to work and do something that you don't love? Where will Mayor Media take me in the next five years? I have no idea. We started this back in May, and since then I've had an absolute blast doing this. I have no idea where we're going to be in the next five years. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I have no idea what's to come for us, but I do see a lot of things. We have so many ideas planned and so many opportunities ahead of us, it makes me really excited for the future. If there's anything inspirational that I can say in this, it's just do what you love. Simple as that. Thank you. There's nothing else that I love more than the Flyers. When I was a kid, I used to watch old videos of Bernie Perron and Bobby Clark and 1974-75 teams that won the Stanley Cup, and that's how I got into it, watching endless, countless hours of YouTube videos on the old games and teams and players and all the little things that made the Flyers the Flyers. I remember when I was a kid and the Flyers were out west, my parents would never let me watch any of the late games. It would be like you could watch only the first period, but that's not enough, right? That's up to tees. So instead of obeying the order, I would watch the games and I would watch the games and I would watch the games and I would watch the games and I would watch the games So instead of obeying the order, when the Flyers were out west, I was never allowed to watch the really late games. The 10 o'clock ones that would start wouldn't really start until 10.15 and then around 1 o'clock in the morning. So I would just sneak my iPod into my room and follow along on Google and refresh every couple of minutes just to see the score and try to just hide in silence and lower the brightness on my iPod all the way down so my mom had no idea what I was doing. Most of the time I did get caught, but it was so worth it. All the pictures and videos that you see on the screen here are all the little memories that I have. I can't even describe to you how much this team means to me. It's all the little things from signings, trades, the different moves that they make. Each game, each period, each shift, each shot on net, each goal, fight, assist, block shot, save, whatever it is, there's nothing more important to me than seeing this team win. There's so much joy that comes behind every single thing that I just mentioned. Each goal, save, shot, assist. The excitement that I get. I don't think there's anything in this world that I like more than the Flyers. I know, that sounds crazy. You know, obviously there's people, pets, friends, whatever it is. But, you know, it's a team. It's a team. It's a team. It's a team. It's a team. It's a team. It's a team. It's a team. It's a team. It's a team. It's a team. It's a team. It's a team. But fandom for this team is something that I don't think will ever go away for the rest of my life. I mean, the logo is tattooed on my left bicep. You know how I said earlier there was always something that I wanted to get into? That was also video making. Making videos has always been fun for me. I've always enjoyed talking in front of a camera, talking into a microphone. I've always enjoyed YouTube. YouTube is so fun. It's so fun. Mayer Media started when I reached out to one of my friends, Paul Jackson. We got together in May and haven't stopped since. We launched on September 2nd, 2023. A day that I'll never forget. Mayer Media has so many little brands and ideas and all these different things that we have planned. Just the other day we were working on a brand for 2025. There's so much that we have in store and there's so much coverage that we have from the Flyers to the rest of the NHL. Mayer Media. One day Mayer Media is going to be the number one spot. One day Mayer Media is going to be the spot for number one Philadelphia Flyers coverage. One day Mayer Media is going to be the number one spot for covering the Philadelphia Flyers. One day Mayer Media is going to be the spot for all things Flyers hockey. I'm not just saying that to sound cocky. I'm not just saying that to sound cocky. I'm not just saying that to sound cocky. I'm not just saying that to sound cocky. I'm not just saying that to sound cocky. I'm saying that because if I... I'm not just saying that just to say it. It's how I am. I have to speak things into existence to make them happen. If I don't say it, I'm just going to let down that nine-year-old kid inside of me that has been dying for that since he started watching this team.

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