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cover of Ambience of Birds Singing Amidst a Gentle Rainfall
Ambience of Birds Singing Amidst a Gentle Rainfall

Ambience of Birds Singing Amidst a Gentle Rainfall




As the audio unfolds, you are instantly transported to an urban setting where nature has a strong presence. The sound of a gentle rainfall creates a serene backdrop, a steady rhythm that blends harmoniously with the vibrant city atmosphere. In the midst of this, a school nearby adds to the scene, with occasional, subtle hints of its existence. It's recess time, perhaps, and the faint echoes of children playing are carried on the wind, mixing with the rain. But the stars of this sonic landscape are the birds. Their songs cut through the ambient noise, a chorus of varied melodies that fills the air. These are the sounds of the city's feathered residents—sparrows, pigeons, even the occasional crow—each adding their voice to the urban symphony. Their songs are bright and lively, filling the air with a sense of life and energy that contrasts beautifully with the steady, calming rhythm of the rain. The rain continues to fall, each droplet a note in this symphony

Sound Effectsurbanschoolfield-recordingnaturerainwaterambiencebirds

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