This audio recording, titled "Distant Firearm Discharges (13)," features the chilling sounds of various firearms being discharged from a distance. The echoing gunshots permeate the air, creating an atmosphere of tension and suspense. The sporadic, yet persistent, shots range from the sharp crack of a bullet being fired to the deeper, resonant boom of larger munitions. The occasional sound of a weapon being cocked punctuates the sequence, reminding the listener of the human agency behind these discharges. The audio invokes imagery of an army in action, with the resonating sounds of firing weapons suggesting a scene of conflict or perhaps a rigorous training session. The distinct reports of a revolver being fired can also be discerned, giving an old-school edge to the modern warfare soundscape. This audio provides an immersive experience of the power and intensity of firearms, from the intimidating roar of gunshots to the subtle mechanical clicks of a weapon's operation.