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cover of Filling a Glass from a Sink Drain
Filling a Glass from a Sink Drain

Filling a Glass from a Sink Drain




The audio begins with the sound of a faucet being turned on, the rush of water cascading from the spout is apparent. There's a distinct metallic clink as the water hits the sink drain, echoing slightly in the empty basin. The flow of water is steady and constant, a clear audio indicator of a fully opened faucet. A glass is then introduced into the scene, as heard through the subtle clink of it touching the sink's surface. The sound of water filling the glass is different from before, a softer, increasingly muffled rush, as the water level rises. The echo within the glass changes as it fills, the sound becoming more resonant and deep, until it's almost full. The faucet is then turned off, the flow of water slowing to a trickle before stopping completely. The final sound is of the filled glass being lifted from the sink, a faint squeak of glass against ceramic, indicating the end of the process. The audio effectively captures the simple,

Sound Effectsfaucetfill-cupglasspoursinkwater

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