The audio titled "Metro Station in Tbilisi" begins with the soft hum of a bustling metro station in the heart of Tbilisi, Georgia. The rhythmic clatter of a train pulling into the station echoes through the airy expanse of the location. The train slows to a halt with a screech of brakes, and the doors slide open, revealing a chorus of arrival and departure announcements in the background. The everyday chatter of locals and tourists alike fills the air, painting a vivid picture of a typical day in Georgia's vibrant capital city. The soundscape is punctuated by the distinct sounds of the railway, the metallic clanging of the tracks, and the low rumble of the train engines. The recording takes you through two stations, Nadzaladevi and Didube. The sounds shift subtly as the hustle and bustle of Didube station, one of the busiest in the city, contrasts with the slightly quieter and more subdued atmosphere of Nadzalade