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cover of "On Television"
"On Television"

"On Television"




The audio begins with the unmistakable hum of a machine coming to life, followed by a series of mechanical noises that set the stage for the main event. Suddenly, there's the distinct sound of a power switch being flipped, a soft, satisfying click that triggers a wave of anticipation. The electronic static that follows is a testament to the power of technology, a symphony of white noise that fills the room. It's a sound that's familiar yet intriguing, a signal that something is about to begin. Then, the grand finale: the television springs to life. The initial burst of static gives way to the soft hum of a TV show in progress. The audio doesn't focus on the specifics of the program, instead, it captures the generic sounds of a television show, a comforting background noise that's a staple in many homes. The television continues to play, inviting listeners to imagine their own visuals and narratives. The audio ends with the subtle lowering of the volume, the television show fading

Sound Effectsmachinenoisepower-switchturn-ontv

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