Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
JP is hosting a podcast episode discussing being in relationships or situationships that one shouldn't have been in. He shares a personal story about being in a relationship with Lady L, who he planned to propose to after finding out she was pregnant. During the engagement event, JP's friend's brother's girlfriend joins the party and JP ends up breaking up with Lady L. They later become single and JP helps her set up for her birthday party, which leads to them spending the night together but nothing happens. They continue hanging out and eventually develop romantic tension. Alright, alright, welcome to another episode of the Full Circle Podcast. I'm your host JP and tonight we got a special episode. Tonight is episode 16 and tonight we're going to be talking and discussing about being in relationships or situationships that we had absolutely no business being in. So make sure that y'all stay tuned for the story time with JP and some tips on how to avoid being caught up like how I was. So earlier this week I was sending podcast ideas to a fellow friend of mine, my guy, y'all already know him, Mr. Too Toxic himself, Mr. Darryl. And one of the topics that we came up with was have you ever been with someone you know you had no business being with? And that one really stuck out to me because it was it was a few relationships or situationships that I should not have been in but because I'm not even really gonna chalk it up to being young and dumb I'm gonna really chalk it up to just being curious and not really caring about others feelings at the time. I know I was really just in a place where I just you know wanted for myself like I wanted to put Chris first. But this one situation that really comes to mind in actuality I was all the way wrong. It wasn't planned or anything like that but I promise you I was all the way wrong and I paid for it in many ways many many ways but let's just jump right into it all right. So I was in a relationship with a young lady I'm not gonna say her name let's just call her Lady L right. Me and Lady L we were kind of going strong for a couple months um you know we were in that strong puppy-dog phase like where it was like I love everything you do I love the way you look at the world I love the way you eat your cereal like everything like it was just really annoying to everybody else but at the time like it was just you know a relationship that you you know it was a new relationship it was a new experience for the both of us and um you know months down the line um we found out that she we were pregnant at the time and I'm a huge stickler for marrying a person that you're you know as a man impregnate like you pregnant somebody your next step or it should already have been in your your to-do list is to at least be engaged and be married to them. So with that being said um at the time I was working at a high school as an assistant director um you know and I was making okay money but this is not about the money but yeah at the time I was an assistant director I had a lot of connections I could pretty much get anybody in into the after school program that I was working at so you know let's just put that as a keynote right keep that in mind people. Um going forward I started planning that you know an engagement surprise engagement to Lady L for the simple fact that like yeah like she was pregnant and I've always told myself and I made a promise to God that I would be the type of man that's gonna marry whoever I'm pregnant like I said earlier so in the process of literally planning this whole elaborate elaborate event to propose to Lady L um I invited a fellow friend of mine who was a younger brother to somebody I actually went to high school with but I got to know him while I was in high school because my high school had both a middle school and a high school in it so yeah um pretty confusing at the time when I first got in there but you know that's neither here nor there um so yeah got cool with him and as time went on um he definitely was invited to the the engagement you know event and things like that um and not many people know that I was engaged and that's not something that I want to hide but it's not something that I'm always talking about right um fast forward to the event um everybody pops out with a few people missing which you know it happens and shit like that but little did I know that somebody in the crowd was going to be someone that I was going to end up being with next right like I'm I'm sitting here looking at Lady L and I'm just thinking to myself like yo this is really about to be the rest of my life like we about to have a kid we about to get married like you know the whole nine yards like you know how I'm gonna do this but like I'm literally stepping up to the plate boy did God have other plans for me uh well you know we all make it to the hotel after oh and um I'm pretty sure I left this out the event was down in on 42nd street on the red steps made a whole spectacle about it videos had a professional photographer um yeah like it was pretty dope but um I definitely won't ever do that again um so we get to this hotel down in the city everybody's there you know we doing our one twos we smoke and we drink and we listen to music it's a party or whatever but apparently we were over capacity and we were smoking in the hallway so we got kicked out of said hotel again not name dropping um but yeah going forward um my friend's little brother right who has a girlfriend at the time asked me to get his girlfriend a job because she had just lost her job so you know me being the middleman and everything like that I was really cool and I still am but like we don't really speak like that but that's on me um yeah being the person that I was I was able to you know get her in interview her so on and so forth I don't know what propelled me to even bring her on board um maybe that was just like me trying to do a good thing but a good thing led into a really bad thing and I'm pretty sure you know to all my listeners y'all pretty much know what I'm going with this um so you know she starts working there we start hanging out more um and bombshell her her dude who happens to be my bro break up because he was cheating on her a whole lot with her friends you get what I'm saying so it's not something that was easy to like for her to even process and she went to the nearest male figure to I guess at the time get like a male males perspective as to why he was doing the things that he was doing and in that process me and lady l ended up breaking up we lost the child unfortunately um due to complications and um you know and everything kind of went downhill there um some people would say it went downhill for me personally I would say that true colors showed right we were able to really see each other for who we were once we lost that child unfortunately you know and um so yeah like so I became single um right after she became single if I'm not mistaken and she eventually wanted to have a party I forgot what month her birthday party was but she wanted to do an airbnb and I had my car at the time like I had my first car at the time and she asked me to like just drive her to a spot help her set up and everything before everybody got there all that right now fellas I know y'all listening and I know y'all probably picturing in your head like yo this man done probably did the illest dirt slime move off the first try I promise y'all I did I promise you so with that being said we get to the airbnb we setting up and everything and the airbnb is in Williamsburg and I'm like damn I was mad late I don't really feel like driving back you know I'm saying so I was really gonna take the couch and sleep on the couch but you know she she talked about I was just like nah you can come lay down with me you know yada yada yada you know um you know just you do your thing I do my thing or whatever we just ain't looking at each other like that I'm like you know what fuck it it's better than sleeping on the couch that me myself I'm wider than um so yeah I knew I would have been uncomfortable so we go lay down and shit like that after we niggas smoked and everything went to the roof smoked had a nice view like remember we're in Williamsburg so we on top of a rooftop you look at a certain direction you're seeing the Brooklyn Bridge or the Manhattan Bridge you're seeing Manhattan itself you're seeing all the lights the aesthetic was amazing um real romantic but like I said nobody was in that kind of function nobody was in that kind of mindset where we like thinking that yeah I might be able to fuck with this person or like I could slap this person out whatever the case may be like it was no sexual tension whatsoever in said situation going forward um we finally get downstairs you know smoking um we chilling you know talking da da da listening to music yo and this is why I'm always going to remember this shit because we hung out the first night I spent out there with her was the first night the Popeye's chicken sandwiches came out so around that time was her birthday so for anybody that's listening if y'all want to do like the research as to when it came out that was when her birthday was you know around that time so you know she has the event the next day you know we all having fun da da da she's staying another night and she was just like yo do you mind staying with me I'm thinking to myself like why like why do you need me to stay with you but you know again I didn't really want to be home I didn't want to go home by myself I just broke up with my girl so it was you know it's a different mindset at the time um so yeah I decided to stay to everybody's acknowledgement and surprise we didn't do anything like she slept under the blanket I slept on top of the blanket head to toe so like her head was at my feet my feet were her head um yeah like we didn't do nothing or anything like that like I literally wasn't on nothing going forward we go back to work and we're hanging out more we talking more you know just you know talking regular conversation I'm driving her around and stuff like that like you know just for the company and one thing led to another she came to the crib and we were smoking and she asked me like yo you feeling me like are you you know we're what are we doing here because she started there was it wouldn't say sexual tension but there was more romantic tension like it's like yo I really like you like I really like fucking with you and hanging out with you boy that had to be my hormones talking because I don't know what propelled me to even go forward with this like and I know all the fellas and all the women listening to this have probably slapped their foreheads at least two three times because y'all saw where this was going boy did I wish that I had foreshadowing at the time or foresight so we get to talking about it and things like that I'm single she's single but the underlining thing is that I'm still cool with her ex-boyfriend and her ex-boyfriend came to my engagement party with her so you know it's kind of a little weird and especially because where we worked was across the street from her house and he lived down the block from her so it was always awkward but we eventually did hang out we eventually did talk and came to the conclusion like yo listen everybody's saying that you know we look good together we we compliment each other x y and z um so you know maybe let's try this out and oh and for anybody that's listening um this this this young lady we're gonna call her lady z so I went from lady l to lady z um and yeah lady z was just a really immature um I learned I want to say like four months into the relationship that like it was bad like it was she had a lot of insecurities and I'm not gonna sit here and say that like I wasn't that I was the perfect gentleman or I was the perfect man in that situation because had I been we probably would still be together but I'm glad that I'm not and I'm glad that I wasn't mature at the time because I probably would have still been dealing with some of the bullshit that she was doing um for instance um she was just asking random questions that would lead to arguments right and I'm not talking about like random questions like what would you do if like you lost your pen or you lost your phone throughout the day or whatever the case may be right little things like that like you can answer it and there's no consequence as to no way you like there's no consequence as to what your response is because no matter what you say there's not going to be any negative narrative behind it right but the questions that I was receiving from her was questions for instance like if you were to have a threesome with two of my other friends would you tell me before they told me and I'm not a slime ball I don't like cheaters that's one thing about me like no matter what numbers I was dealing with whatever the case may be as a young man I personally do not like cheaters um so you know and she knew that and I just felt like her asking me these questions was her trying to set me up to see if I was just like the rest of them and after a while it was just like yo I should have known better to then to go to this right to this relationship because one it was under wraps like nobody knew like you had to be around us all the time for us for y'all to know that we was together right on top of that we wasn't showing each other on social media I've never up until this current relationship ever posted a girl I was with regardless if we was in good terms or bad terms just because I didn't want people in my business but this right here this had to go under lock and key in area 51 like nobody needed to know like I was going to take that to the grave you get what I'm saying but um yeah and I think the main thing that made me stay definitely wasn't the sex like don't get me wrong like sex was out of 10 yeah we're not gonna do that let's just say it was I you feel me um but what made me stay was I think the hardest part for me was that I didn't want to be alone you feel me like I just got out of a bad relationship and I really needed some companionship and yeah I chose possibly one of the worst options like and this is no shot at her like this is not saying like she's a horrible person anything like that but the circumstances as to how we met how we continued like greeting each other and you know courting each other and things like that um yeah like it just wasn't right you feel me so it's just like it just wasn't ever gonna work um so yeah like with that relationship like it ended in fire like we were arguing and that's when it really showed me that like this relationship between me and her wasn't worth it and it wasn't gonna last like I knew I had made a big mistake in terms of ruining a friendship between me and her ex um if he had ever found out but I'm pretty sure he knew um definitely wasting my time I could have been with somebody or just been by myself to where I could just love myself or somebody could have just loved me better and vice versa for her like she could have been with somebody or by herself um so that she can you know receive that proper healing phase um she never got the time to heal so you know that's one thing um going forward I think some of the I think one of the biggest reasons as to why people make these kind of decisions that where they get themselves into situationships is because they want to be selfish like I was really selfish at the time where like like I said I wanted companionship I didn't care how I got it I didn't care who it was with at the time but yeah like that's something that I wanted I wanted companionship and I wanted somebody to be there for me um and I just chose wrong we both chose wrong um but yeah like you know and that's just a lesson you live and you learn um don't get me wrong I've made multiple bad decisions um or unwise decisions when it comes to relationships or situationships but all of that will be revealed and you know explained during story times um you know as time goes on with these episodes and you know with more guests and things like that so you won't just be hearing my stories you'll also be hearing everybody else's stories when it comes to different topics um so yeah this has been a great great episode I want to say thank you to all my listeners and please make sure that y'all comment in the comment section below and let me know have what was a time where you were in a relationship that you knew you had no business being in you feel me um but before I go I am going to wrap up the story as far as the story is concerned the way we broke up I you know that shit right there was a spectacle so one day I think like it was like a week we were arguing straight like we just argued every single day about nonsense right um going forward uh I think she texted me it was just like yeah like I'm here like I'm gonna come pick up my shit I'm done with you mind you we had not spoken the entire day like she wrote me like two in the afternoon had not spoken to you the entire day so it literally looked to me like it came from left field right um so I'm like yeah you can come get your shit whatever because like I'm not about to kiss your ass I'm not about to you know fight for something that I gotta keep secret like I felt dirty every time that we got back on good terms which is crazy to say but I felt dirty because I felt like I was lying to the world and lying to myself and trying to tell myself that this is something that I needed to do with with her um but yeah nah that was uh a bad decision going back to the story um my best friend had called me and she was just telling me like hey you know your god children want to see you real quick um and I need you to report to the crib I gotta talk to you about something I'm like all right cool no problem like fuck it I'm on I'm off the crib anyway because while I'm like staying in the crib waiting for her to come from lady z to come from wherever she was at across town to come to my crib to come pick up shit and just to cause a scene bro yeah I just thought to myself like listen she could just take her time when she when she get close she could call me she gonna have to wait outside until I'm done so I dip and I go straight to my best friend crib I didn't think nothing of it maybe an hour two hours passed by you know we smoking in the room it's me her and her husband we all talking and then her mom is in the living room with the kids and she is just like oh somebody here for chris somebody rang the doorbell she was like somebody here for chris something told me immediately it was lady z immediately like I didn't even have to ask like who is it and then I got it all confirmed when she like oh I heard her in the distance like is chris here so I had two choices right I could have just let them lie to her and tell her that I wasn't there but she saw my car outside so that was one thing um secondly the other option was to just you know step up and just take her outside and just like deal with the situation right then and there instead of you know having it in front of everybody so I chose the latter um so yeah I definitely you know approached her and I'm just like yo yeah let's go talk outside or whatever and she proceeded to just go off outside like you know all type of shit like I don't really remember exactly what she was saying I just know that like I was looking at her like yeah you're really dumb and you're making this really fucking easy to like leave you you know I'm saying like yeah I cared about you but I really don't give a shit now like um yeah and then she proceeded to like try to rough me up to get me to drive her back to my crib to pick up her stuff and in the midst of her like trying to do that there were two things happen there were uh two police officers literally like two doors down at the hotel that was on the block right and they're standing there watching it and shorty is literally grabbing my shirt she's yelling at me like pushing me all that right like all in my face to the point where like had I hit her I wouldn't be all the way wrong but I knew that the difference in not only weight and size and strength it had been a different story and I don't hit women so we're not ever gonna play with that um going forward she um you know the officers finally came over because like I'm looking at them my arms are like yo y'all gonna help me or not like because if I gotta handle this myself I don't want to hear shit so they eventually came over they came and um started talking this one officer I don't remember I know I just know he was a dumbass like he sees what's going on and then proceeds to turn and ask me do you mind driving her back to your house so she can get her things I looked at the officer and I said the same way she came over here is the same way she's gonna go back over there the same way she beat her feet on that concrete is the same way she's gonna do it going right back the officer snickered a little bit and but I was dead ass like I was not I was not putting her in my car and she was putting her hands on me hell no it'd be just my luck that this girl say here we driving and she just have a manic attack and just decides to start swinging while we're in the car my name be my first name may be Chris but my last name is not Brown she's damn sure not Rihanna you're not about to hit me while I'm driving I will pull this bitch over and kick you the fuck out the car and then proceed to do a u-turn and do what the fuck I was doing prior to you getting in the car so I told him no she's not getting in the car the same way she found over here same way she's gonna go back so she leaves and mind you this is a whole spectacle in front of my godchildren so like my best friend is pissed at this point because she brought all this drama to her crib and in front of her crib so um she was like all right yeah she's like I'm getting in the car um and I'm gonna meet her at your crib so we all meet her and her friend at the time get in the car we drive back to my spot to beat her there to beat lady z to the crib she doesn't lady z doesn't get to the crib she never comes she never pulls up right because we're standing there waiting and my man's at the time who lived around the corner from me he was doing laundry and he saw I was standing at the car we was on the phone trying to call her whatever it was a little bit of a scene but it wasn't too too crazy he pulls up with me he's just like yo you know lady z was looking for you I said what you mean how you know he was like yo shorty pulled up to my crib ringing my doorbell talking about tell that nigga to come outside I was just like nah no way he was just like nah for real he was like she really did all that he was like and I told her I ain't see you all day I know where you was at so I was just like I mean we waiting on her to come back because she came back to get her shit or whatever he was just like well yeah I don't know where she at you know and I told him the whole situation as far as what happened in front of the cops at my best friend crib he was like oh yeah she he was like I'm gonna stay here and see what happened because if she really want to get you know gully like that we got some shorties around the corner that could really handle that right quick send her home really packing um you know shorty never pulled up and yeah that was literally the last I heard her um yeah but it was such a bad a bad decision on both of us to even pursue a relationship or a situationship yeah I think and I mostly think we made that decision because we were hurt from our previous partners and I think that's where the selfishness comes from right you're selfish because you want all the things that you were deprived of and the last relationship you were in especially when you gave it your all when you feel like you put your best foot forward and it didn't work out that's how savages are created that's how people who really just don't give a shit end up doing things like that um or finding themselves in predicaments like that um but yeah uh to all my listeners first and foremost I want to say thank you for tuning in and still being tuned in um please take the time out to you know put up a drink in a comment section um just to let me know that you're here um with me listening following my story real quick um and lastly you know like I said earlier I definitely want to ask the listeners and all the fans tell me about a time that you yourself found yourself in a bad situation or a bad relationship or you know just a relationship that you knew you had no business being and you know that this person was toxic or you knew this person had too many kids or so on and so forth so many baby mamas a lot of baby daddies you know it goes both ways so you know um yeah definitely make sure that y'all write write me dm me tell me your story share your story um and yeah like hopefully we can get you guys on to the next episode and we can even do a recap of this conversation before we get into the next one but with that all being said this is your host JP peace and out