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cover of 07+Anxiety+Relief+Meditation+TurnOverYourObstacles





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In this guided meditation, you are instructed to sit comfortably, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. You are asked to imagine a safe space and acknowledge an area of your life that you've been controlling. You then visualize placing this area of control into a golden basket and surrendering it to the universe. An angel comes and takes the basket away, symbolizing the release of control. After a few minutes of stillness, you are instructed to gently open your eyes. Follow my guidance, sit comfortably on the floor or upright in a chair, close your eyes, roll your shoulders back and lengthen your spine. Take a deep breath in and hold it, then on the exhale, release. Take another deep breath in, honoring all that you have been holding on to, and on the exhale, release it. Continue to breathe long and deep throughout the rest of the meditation. Imagine yourself sitting comfortably in a safe space that you love. See yourself at ease. Settle into this space and know that you are held, protected, and supported. Now take a moment to acknowledge the area of your life that you've been controlling. Allow yourself to feel whatever feelings arise when you focus your attention on this situation. Honor what comes up for you and continue to breathe long and deep. In your mind's eye, begin to hold a vision of a small golden basket placed in front of you. This basket is illuminated from the inside out. When you're ready, gently place the area of your life that you've been controlling into the basket, offer it up, and surrender it fully. Set the intention now to fully release the need to control and allow the universe to take over. Take a deep breath and honor your devotion to surrender. Now hold a vision of a beautiful angel stepping behind you. The angel gently places their hands on your back and assures you that it is safe to let go of your need to control. Then the angel picks up the basket and flies away, waving goodbye. You have released it to the universe and it is being taken care of. Sit in stillness for a few minutes as a new, relaxed energy settles in. When you're ready, gently open your eyes to the room.

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