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37. The Dreaming LOL COA

37. The Dreaming LOL COA

Gabe ZoromskiGabe Zoromski



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Marcus wakes up early to begin his training, feeling tired and in a bad mood. He leaves Ashlyn sleeping and joins a guard who takes him to a courtyard in the castle. Black, his teacher, is waiting for him. Black explains that the crystals allow the body to access a different source of magic and make it stronger. Marcus learns that he can tap into the Dreaming, a different dimension, to strengthen his body and sense the life aura of living things. Black also mentions that the crystals can affect the body emotionally and spiritually. Marcus recounts his experience with the woodies and how fear caused him to release powerful energy. Black teaches Marcus to open his mind to the world around him and not be influenced by outside forces. This will help him protect himself and gain an advantage over other crystal bearers or magic foes. They discuss the difference between mutants and those influenced by magic. Marcus realizes that this is a lot to take in, but Black reassures him that they will The Dreaming Marcus The next morning, Marcus left Ashlyn to let her sleep a little longer. It was nearing the ninth hour, and it was time to begin his training. Having very little sleep and excitement for the actual training, Marcus was in a foul mood and dreaded what he would be doing this morning. Having woken up still in Ashlyn's lap, with her sitting up, he barely managed to slip out of her grasp and set her gently down onto her side. He didn't want her to have a sore neck upon waking up, but he supposed that it would be too late for that. She muttered in her sleep as he moved her, but other than that she remained asleep, just about as tired as I am, he thought, as he got dressed with his back to her. Still, he stole a glance every so often, looking upon her sleeping face so peacefully. It's different than it was back in the Wastelands. At his side, Marcus harnessed his staff, with the crystal glowing brightly within. After strapping on his backpack as well, he stepped out and then crossed the hall to meet up with the guard on duty. The man took him through the throne room and down another hall downstairs. After a long walk, it seemed, Marcus then stepped out and saw that he was in some sort of courtyard in the center of the castle. Fresh snow had fallen, yet the sun was out, bright but not warm in the slightest. The tall walls and towers, filled with windows revealing the interior of the castle, hid the yard from the rest of the world, the bright blue sky glaring down overhead. All around him, the snow looked to Marcus like a blinding carpet of fire. Hedges circled the center of the yard, and in the center of it all stood Black, garbed in his black armor, with his sword stuck in the frozen ground and his cloak flapping in the wind on it like a flag. Having said thanks to his escort, Marcus left the guard behind and started forward, his feet crunching in the snow. With each step, he talked himself out of his subdued anger towards the hunter. It did him little good to blame the man now, considering what Marcus now knew about his father's role in this whole thing, as well as Black's own. It was all a part to be played in a massive game, comprehensible by Marcus's own present standards. For now, he simply just had to play his own part in this giant game he had been sucked into. And Marcus stopped before Black and cleared his throat. The man looked at Marcus for a while, his hair blowing in the wind like black fire. Having mostly keeping his hood on, it was strange seeing his hair flowing like that again. Now that he was closer, Marcus was finally able to look upon the hunter with different eyes. The face he looked at aged with time and having a slightly bent nose from his fight with his father. Black was a new man, just like Marcus was. Eventually, Black reached into his pocket and pulled out his crystal, which glowed red in the sunlight. Upon seeing it, Marcus's own crystal in the dagger glowed bright and blue, as if it was reacting to the crystal in its own presence. Not only that, but Marcus himself felt something as well, as if someone else was standing next to Black, watching him. The seven were designed for different purposes, Black suddenly said in a tone that was clear and stern, indicating that the lesson had begun. Marcus found it funny that the man didn't even bother to say hello or good morning, each one having similar but different traits, like the spirits within. However, one thing they all have in common, at least due to my personal experiences in research, is that they allow the human body to work considerably better through a different source of magic. The different realms or dimensions within the world we live in seem to come together into the human body, making it stronger. For example, if you will it to be, you can become stronger, faster, and can probably jump higher if you wanted to. However, your body is still as fragile as the day you are born, so I'd advise against anything rash. Rash? Like anything about this is even remotely rash. Still, Marcus kept his mouth shut. He was honestly intrigued by what Black was saying, and continued to listen as his teacher continued. Your reflexes are that of a cat, and through the realm known as the Dreaming, can sense the life aura of all living things. In fact, you found most of this out in the Fiery Plains, against the monsters created by the witch who pursued you, did you not? Marcus felt his mouth twitch, the memory of what happened out in the Plains flashing through his mind. How did you figure that? Ignoring his question, Black asked again. Did you? Yes, Marcus said, still trying to grasp everything he had just heard. The Dreaming? Just like what Abner said? Black nodded. Basically, if you imagine the fact that your body is stronger, you can push it beyond its natural limits. Through the energy passed through to you by the crystal in your possession, the multilayer of the Dreaming, condensing in the world around you and I are currently in, allow you to strengthen your body and mind. It is also apparent that the crystals will affect and react, not only to your body physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well. This is part of the balance of the mind, within the dimensions between our world and the Dreaming. Marcus said nothing, still trying his best to take in all of this. Black said it so casually. It was strange not to say anything, but Marcus just didn't have the words to speak. Please? Black then said, breaking into Marcus' train of thought. Ask me anything if none of this makes sense to you. It makes sense. Marcus answered. It's just surreal. Basically, there is another dimension that the crystals draw in energy from and pass into me. That's why I was able to hold my own against the woodies. Black's expression softened, seeming impressed before he continued. Tell me, what did you feel out there when the woodies attacked? Marcus looked down at his feet, ashamed to say, but he felt that he had no choice. Marcus had to know what had happened, and if he could manage it again. I was afraid that me and the girls would die. That Ruth would die. Fear, Black nodded, a powerful influence, not only causing your body to react, but the soul as well. The traditional fight or flight reaction, as it were. Marcus subconsciously reached up with his hands, rubbing his arms as if they suddenly got colder. In fact, you witnessed it first hand when you released all of your emotion into energy. Kind of like your laser bolts. But instead of energy being passed through a small generator your father installed into the spear, it passed through your very life aura. The sheer will of your human nature, thus, releasing it as a powerful expansion and eliminating the woodies around you using the very force which is not only in the crystals, but now inside you. Magic. Marcus looked over to his right, where the nearest hedge was, as he took all of this in. Marcus could see the plant's own life aura, faint, dormant beneath the snow, but still very much alive. That's a lot to take in, he said, raising his eyes back up to the hunter. Is this really magic? Black nodded. It is a type of magic, yes. Ancient or new, I'm afraid I cannot tell for certain. I understand this is a lot to take in, which is why I am not going to teach any magic at the moment. That isn't the point of you and I meeting this morning. Marcus looked at Black, confused. I don't understand. Then what is the point? The best way to learn is small steps. I once read a book when I was very young. It was an old book, nearly four thousand years old, but still in good condition. I found it in a small compound beneath a building with my own father, back when I was a child. Marcus thought it was strange, thinking of Black as once being a child. One of the lines read, Life is like a crossing river. Take too big of a step and you will lose balance, and the current will sweep you away. So with small steps, you have more control, Marcus gathered. That's right, Black said, seeming pleased. So I'm going to train you to open your mind to the world around you, and so you will not be influenced by outside forces. I do not believe we will run into that problem, should Baron Ovid actually have a crystal in his possession. In fact, if we are attacked, I plan to keep you as far away from the action as possible. I plan to only use you as a greater pair of eyes, which this first lesson in using magic will help us with. But let's not worry about that now. For now, let's just say another master of a crystal, or even a powerful magician is in your presence, and he is not friendly. He will try to break you mentally and emotionally, so that you are deemed weak physically. If you open your mind to the world, and better understand it without your own emotions or unnatural forces to influence you, you will have not only better control yourself and know your limits, but also better protect yourself from such entities. So finding a balance in nature? Not quite. It is like finding the balance between this world and the dreaming, which influences human emotion and imagination. If you learn to control that by seeing and hearing the current world around you, you will achieve perfect balance, and gain an advantage over the other crystal bearer or magic foe." Marcus nodded, piecing what he had heard together. Black, thankfully, allowed him such a time to think this over. Will the same go for witches and warlocks? No. However, there are some that can influence the mind through great and sometimes forbidden practices. They receive their powers from potions, spirits, and radiation mutation. Mutants? Yes and no. A mutant is only influenced by radiation, which is biochemical and nuclear hazard. However, in reality, when in terms to the mind and soul, they are no different than you or I. Magic is a different influence on the human body altogether, as well as everything around it. It is merely energy coming from spirits, potions, or even within. It is when the energy inside you and the energy around you are shifted out of balance, so that you can bend things to your will. But in concern to other wielders of a crystal, we are talking about true power from within. The power of the human mind. Marcus began to scratch his head, which started to hurt. This is all hard to completely understand. I don't expect you to understand, Black said, waving his hand and gesturing to the spot in front of him. Take a seat. After Marcus sat down, he continued, I don't expect you to understand at all. I only expect you to focus on small steps, one thing at a time. Marcus nodded, okay, but can I ask one thing? What's that? Am I really going to be fighting in a war? Like this whole prophecy you all keep speaking of? Is it legitimate? Nothing is legitimate in the world we know of today, Black answered without any hesitation at all. We aren't going to throw you head first into the fray. That would be irresponsible on our part, it would break our promise to you. For now, you are just another piece in a big game, a major piece, but not for now. My goal is to make you a more powerful piece, so that you can choose for yourself what is right and wrong in your own eyes. Your agreement to help our cause is admirable, but I can also tell it stresses you. We don't plan you to win the war for us, I plan to make you strong, so that you can use your power as the keeper for the greater good. And then, eventually, you will be able to chart your own course and pick your own battles, prophecy or none. Marcus fell silent, lost in his own thoughts. He had agreed to help the Leviticans, yes, but he also felt like this was all just a big game and he was just another pawn the way the hunter explained it. But at the same time, Black, he made him feel like so much more. Marcus then said, Be honest with me. The prophecy. About me. Do you really believe in it? Do you really think that I... that I am the keeper? Black didn't even hesitate. I have no doubt in my mind. Marcus looked away, honestly wishing that Black had hesitated. Alright, he muttered, still uneasy, but also somewhat ready. The hunter nodded. We're going to take the first step now. This is not a spell and it will not test your body physically, but it will help you defend yourself from outside forces for the time being. After this, I will show you how to harness the energy to make your body stronger, so that you are better suited for battle. When the time comes for you, of course. We need you at your best, and since your crystal, Abner, chose you, then you will be a very important part of the whole ordeal. But for now, the mind. Any form of magic requires mental training, and therefore, that is where we will begin. Can I ask one more thing first? Marcus asked, hoping that he wasn't being too much of a hassle, though at the same time not caring too much. You may. You said that the crystal chose me. What does that even mean exactly? I still don't fully understand. Black tilted his head. He actually looked confused at the question. Did I not explain already? There is a spirit inside that crystal, a tortured soul trapped in a prison of concentrated energy. The spirit within chose you. That is who Abner is. The one who revealed himself to you when the crystal finally awakened. But why? Who can say? It might have known you were the prophesied keeper, or it may have just liked you. Why did mind choose me? It's like... friends, I suppose. Sometimes you just click with people, with no explanation. I am sure there is more to it than that, but we don't have time to go over it all. Maybe someday, though. You can ask him yourself when you are strong enough to reach out to him, rather than him come to you and not show up again after so long. Marcus wanted to ask and learn more, but he figured it was better just to go with the man. All right, the mind then. Black nodded with approval. As I said, it requires a lot of mental training and focus. A cluttered mind will not be able to become more aware of the world around it. It creates unbalance, not only in magic, but also crucial decision making. So I'm going to show you a type of meditation that will help us clear the clutter in your own head. All right. Marcus was confused, but eager to learn what the hunter meant, actually. Happiness, dread, fear, pain. Everything in terms of emotion must be unleashed. If there is pain, sorrow, fear, I want you to let yourself feel it all, so that all the stress is relieved from your mind. Once your mind is clear, reach out until you can feel everything around you, the dirt beneath you, and the people all around you. Using the crystal, amplify your reach. But only once your mind is clear, sit in what weighs you down and reach. Reach? Marcus took out his dagger, and rubbing his thumb on his crystal, feeling foolish as he began to try and concentrate. But every time he focused on one thing, the aura haze would disappear as he looked from one hedge to another. He just couldn't focus his energy at all. This is difficult, he griped. There are too many plants here, and most of them are under snow. This is hard. That isn't the point of this meditation, Black said patiently, almost as if he expected Marcus to react as such. You're allowing yourself to be influenced by your feelings. How? Well, aren't feelings supposed to make us human? Marcus countered the hunter. What is the point anyway? Why does it matter what I feel? Black sighed patiently. Right now, you have a lot of clutter. Things that bottle up in your mind. The feelings, for example, fear, sorrow, anger, these things only add pressure to the mind the more you hold it all in, and I can tell you that you have a lot held in. Thing is, if held in together for too long, it creates too much pressure, and you lose the chance to see the bigger picture around you. All that your mind is focused on is yourself, and all that effort can and will eventually explode, and you will lose control of yourself both physically, mentally, and of course, magically. Grr! I already know that there is a bigger world out there other than me! Marcus snapped, but immediately pulled the reins on his frustration. He took a deep breath before speaking again. Look, I'm not like you. Unlike you, I can't just... not feel anything. I have to be either happy, content, angry, or sad. That is just how life works, right? I can't just... numb it all like you. Black's brow angled slightly as he peered at Marcus. For a moment, Marcus thought he saw anger flash through those cold eyes of the hunter's, but the light quickly faded away when Black breathed. You think I don't feel pain, guilt, or loss? Marcus said nothing, but glared defiantly. The reason why I appear so calm is because I allow what is hurt to hurt, and whatever thoughts I have, I think in reason. It is because doing so keeps me relaxed, and helps me concentrate. It helps me to think logically, and not react emotionally, when the time comes to protect those I care about. I'm not saying feelings are not important. As you said, they are. But in specific situations, if you allow yourself to get emotional, you will become blinded. Both in magic, and in life itself. This lesson is no different than when a commander needs to make an educated decision that will either save his soldiers, or get them killed. This is a lesson in which you learn to take back control of your thinking process, and in turn, control your new abilities, and more. Marcus stared at the hunter, and then sighed to try and focus again. You're still holding in the negative energy inside you. I am not. Yes, you are. Black said, I can see it within you. It burns bright like a candle, trying to breathe life into a dying flame. Sorrow, anger, regret, all welled up inside you, as if you were a bottle. So what? Marcus snapped, and tossed his staff into the snow in front of him. This is stupid. Explain. Black said, setting his hands on his lap. What? Explain what you feel. Not only will these relieve your tension, but it might help you to overcome it so we can continue your training. Now that made Marcus angry. What is he now? A therapist now instead of a hunter? What's it to you? Marcus said in a low voice. You don't need to know what I am feeling. It's not like you can understand anyway. Black peered at him with a colder expression. I'm trying to help you, Mark. Don't call me that. Black didn't have the right to call him that. Marcus, then. Black said in a seemingly bored tone. The man obviously couldn't care less. What is it you are feeling? What if I don't want to tell you? Marcus demanded. What if I say this whole thing is a bunch of crap and I don't want your help with anything? Then we will remain sitting here until we freeze or the Baron comes to slaughter us all. Whichever comes first. Black sounded so indifferent that it was impossible to tell whether he was being serious or not, but the cold look in the man's eye told Marcus that it wasn't a threat, but a promise. A dare to try to stand and walk away. Marcus's brow furrowed as he glared at Black. Like you care. Try me. He sighed. This. Guy. Look. It doesn't matter what I feel, he said. Even if I did, I don't know how to turn whatever I do feel off and... I never said turn them off. I said let them out. I can't. I cannot even explain them if I were to try. It doesn't matter. That's where you're wrong. It does if it affects how you react to everything around you and affect your energy, Black paused, and if it affects those around you. Excuse me? How you feel not only influences your actions and energy, but those around you. Look at Ashlen. Or better, think about Ruth. Marcus felt his blood boil beneath his skin. The feeling of the cold was gone, despite how chilly it was. Shut. Up. He said, in almost a whisper, don't ever talk about Ruth. You have no right to. Black shrugged, as if he did not care in the slightest. Then listen to me carefully. I'm not going to sugarcoat it for you. You are mentally and emotionally unstable. For some reason, the words stuck in Marcus like a knife between the ribs. The mind is like your body. When you place your hand on a hot plate, it burns. It hurts. It's your brain telling you that something is wrong and you need to act. Your feelings work the same way. But instead of letting the pain register, you bottle it up. You allow your guilt, your gut feelings, to surpass your common sense. You value others too much to do anything reckless, and that is good. It proves that you are an honorable young man who cares. But you allow the burden of others to affect you more than you should. And you worry so much and keep it all inside. That makes you fearful of failure. And the fact that you feel that you failed your sister, it causes you to dwell on it like a child with a broken toy, instead of learning from it. No matter how much you wish you could try again, it won't happen. Yet you keep dwelling nonetheless, which makes you not only open to attacks on your subconscious, but a nuisance to all and whatever matters. Shut up!" Marcus snapped as he felt his hair spike up as he heard a snap and crackle along with the smell of ozone. Black merely chuckled, as if he was amused by Marcus' abnormal reaction. You see? Black said as if he expected this to happen. This is a manifestation of all the pain you kept inside yourself. If you were to allow yourself to feel that sort of pain, it wouldn't have built up in such an epic proportion. Instead, you held it all in, and you let me get at you when I brought up your sister and taunted you with her. How could I not? You can't expect me to just accept the fact that she is gone in less than a day. How can I ever get over the fact that she is gone? Maybe you won't ever, Black reasoned, but at the same time, why do you blame yourself for what happened, when you couldn't have done anything to prevent it from happening? Marcus was struck dumb. He couldn't say anything, despite how much he desperately wanted to argue. You blame yourself, and as a result, you cannot accept that what has happened has happened. Sometimes you can't stop terrible things from happening. Sometimes you have to pick the better of worse scenarios. Or sometimes you don't even get a chance. Life just happens, and there's nothing you can do about it, other than grow from it in order to be better for yourself. Ruth would want you to grow, to become a better person for yourself and others around you, like Ashlyn. She would want you to live your life, instead of letting her departure anchor you in the same spot forever. Don't you want that? Marcus looked down at the snow, trying desperately not to cry in front of Black. He was right. Marcus was afraid to fail, and the fact that I failed Ruth... Oh, Ruth. Don't ever forget your pain, Marcus, Black said, but you can't let it control your life. Not just in this training of magic, but your entire life as a whole. Don't hold it all in, Marcus. Black said this a little more softly now. Talk to me, open yourself, and tell the plants around you. They're listening. Let it all out. What is it that you feel? Marcus took a shuddered breath, as if Death's hand was whispering his very spine, making his skin tingle and upset his stomach. He thought long and hard as to how he was going to pull it all into words while Black sat there patiently, not moving a single muscle in his body as he waited what his pupil before him would say. Still as a statue, he waited. Finally Marcus looked up at Black and opened his mouth. I don't think I can do it, Black's eyes wavered, a subconscious signal for the boy to clarify. This whole prophecy thing... I think your mystical owl thing made a mistake. If I can't even protect my own family, how am I going to be much help to an entire city? My father was killed in order to help you guys. My sister has died going on a crazy trip to find a kingdom in the clouds. Now the Baron is on his way here? And even if it takes him weeks or even months to get here, how are you, a man I hate, going to make this into the warrior the people expect me to be? Marcus cried all this out while pointing at himself. I can't let go of my pain because of Ruth. I'm afraid that I don't want to forget. I just... I don't have the will to do anything anymore. Not this prophecy or anything at all. With her, everything seems like too much. Black said nothing. He remained silent, staring, irritatingly, staring at Marcus as if he was studying him. All of that, he had said thus far, he couldn't even bring himself to say to Ashlyn. And though he felt ashamed, Marcus continued. There's nothing special about me. My father's crystal? Abner? You should have picked someone better to fulfill any dead legend's wishes. You could do it. I'm sorry, but I think this is all a mistake. Black, I'm not the hero everyone wants me to be. I'm just a poor schmuck who can't get a break. The son of a mechanic, or who I want to believe was a mechanic, and nothing more. Regardless of what you or the Queen says, there is nothing special about me. I have failed my sister and my father, and I will never forgive myself for it. I can't. Still, even hearing all of this brought no reaction from Black, who continued to listen as Marcus proceeded with a moment of effort. What if I fail Ashlyn? The Queen? The city? Everything will be devastated, and all the dreams of hope and peace against a tyrant who wants nothing but complete control will be shattered. When he comes, that is all that will happen. What then? He shook his head miserably and muttered, I can't deal with that. It's just too much. After his rant, Marcus awaited Black's response. For a long while, the hunter still sat there motionless and thought as he studied the boy before him. Marcus had to admit, expressing what he felt made it a little better, as if the weight on his heart had been lifted only slightly, but the weight still hung over it, just threatening to come all crashing down into reality. After minutes of uncomfortable silence, Black stood with slow feline grace. Come with me, he said with a turn, walking to the main doors. Marcus stood up in a hurry, trying to catch up as he scooped up his staff. Hey, wait up! Where are we going? Black did not answer, so Marcus merely followed, confused and also afraid. Black continued to move in swift silence, sometimes taking turns so fast that it left Marcus falling behind. Staggering as he tried to keep up with the elusive hunter, after what felt like chasing the man for hours, Marcus and he eventually ended up near the southern part of the castle, where Marcus saw warehouses filled with many tanks and flying machines. Machine guns and swords were being forged on anvils by the dozens, by many men and androids who were darkened with soot and grime. He nodded hellos as Marcus and Black passed by and the two went to the main strip, where a few dragonfly choppers were stationed, including the one Marcus was told took them to the city. He was intrigued by the symbols on the side, the pair of wings on either side, a simply drawn owl-like sigil. He thought of asking about the origin, but decided against it. The hunter continued to walk, despite Marcus eventually demanding to tell him what they were doing. Still, however, the man said nothing to the point where it began to drive Marcus crazy. They all then came across a flight of stairs to one of the towers aligned with the massive wall. After climbing up to the top of the tower, where a cannon blaster was mounted, they finally stood on the wall surrounding the city. They both stopped at the parapet, overlooking the entire northern wastelands below. The sea of snow and trees stretched out as far as the eye could see. Beyond that, Marcus was able to see the Razorback Mountains. And above them, the circle of birds and hools making their last morning flights before bedding down for the day. The sun shone bright in the far distance, setting the world aflame with its brilliant glare. The world looked so much bigger high in the sky that Marcus couldn't help but stare in awe. They really were floating in the sky. They really were in the City of Angels. Wow! He eventually said, The view is beautiful, Black said, not looking at him. Isn't it? I still can't believe how high up we are, he turned to Black. All of this because of a crystal? I will show you it later if we have time, Black said. Or someone will. It was actually the first crystal ever created, before yours or mine or any of the others were created, including the eldest. It is because of it that we have been able to hide out for so long. Hearing Elizabeth's story, Marcus nodded. Wow! Incredible! The city's survival depended on being high above the clouds, and the movement of the island is so slow that almost no one notices that it moves until they realize the mountains are further away. To be honest, I'm surprised they never thought to take you out here yet, but under the circumstances. Marcus understood. Black was trying his best not to tear up scabbed wounds. Still, he appreciated it. That's amazing! Yes. That is why Levitica has managed to stretch the legend. People below in the villages and cities we monitor would only catch mere glimpses and blame the sun for mirages if we do not move among the clouds. Although, it does make it difficult in the summer when there are hardly any. So the city remained near the mountains for years in preparation for the second rebellion. Marcus nodded, still amazed by the view. It was incredible, thinking how small they really were in the world. But there was a reason Black brought him up here, and it wasn't for the view. So why did you bring me up here? He asked looking at the hunter. To tell me more about the whole war and prophecy and all? Black shook his head. I noticed you brought your eagle's wings. The backpack on Marcus' shoulders suddenly felt heavier. So? The hunter turned so his back was against the parapet as he faced Marcus. I also remembered, from back in Nineveh, that you liked to fly. And as simple as ever, like it was nothing short of normal, he fell back and over the parapet. Marcus gasped, rushing over and looking down to see the man free-falling far below. His cloak flapped behind him until they seemed to stretch out and slow his descent, like a hang glider. The updraft of air then launched him back skyward, and he turned his head to give Marcus a mischievous grin. He looked like in a hool, flapping his wings and flying across the sky. He dipped and rose three times as he glided across the clouds before turning back and shooting a grappling hook towards the parapet, which stuck in the railing ten feet away from where Marcus stood. Then, in almost a minute, the hunter was brought back to the city walls, a small smile on his lips as he looked at Marcus, who was practically balancing over the parapet in shock and relief. Extenders, Black explained as he pulled himself up closer to Marcus. They helped me to stretch the cloak out and catch me like a hang glider. Incredible, Marcus said still amazed. He shook his head. You're insane! Amused by the remark, Black said, They're not as good as the city's eagleswings, for I cannot stay in the air for too long before I fall too low and cannot pull myself back to the city. You're insane! Black nodded as he scaled the railing over to Marcus, never letting go of the parapet or the grappling gun in his hand. Come. Wait, what? Marcus asked as Black suddenly lashed out towards his shirt like a python, pulling Marcus over the ledge with him. He screamed as they both plummeted towards the ground, the air pushing against their faces and making their hair billow around their heads. Gah, good god! Marcus cried out as he flailed in the air like a bird that had just been kicked out of its nest. Relax, Black said, falling head first next to him, as Marcus tried to straighten himself out and slow down his descent. It was almost comical seeing Black act so calm while Marcus freaked the hell out. Let the planet pull you towards it, and when I say so, open your wings. I'll crash before I fly at this rate, Marcus screamed. He was absolutely positive that the man was indeed insane. Well, good time to practice, Black grinned, which only made the falling more surreal. Now! And he opened his cloak and the giraffe pulled him high up above Marcus like he had opened a parachute. Marcus then struggled to find his lever and released the pressure in his pack to open the eagle wings. He felt something move behind him and the pressure of the air beneath him alleviated as he straightened himself out and his wings spread out with a neutral connector strapped to the back of his head. With full control of his wings now, he began to glide over the valleys, still thousands of feet below the city, which Marcus saw was indeed a massive island with a rocky bottom holding up the massive walls and city within. The castle was obscured at this angle, but it was beautiful to see just how massive it really was. With the wind blowing past his face and through his hair, Marcus practically swam through the gusts, feeling the adrenaline spread through his body and make him feel excited that he could actually fly. It had been so long since he could do this. Flying high above the world, no desolate and ruined cities for miles, no sense of dread of ever having to land, Marcus just felt relieved. Up here, he felt free, especially when the sunlight caught the glint of the bronze wings as he blinked around and circled at high speeds like he used to back in Nineveh as a simple delivery boy. He banked around to see that Black was grappling back up. He clicked on the boosters on the wings and flapped up towards the hunter, circling him like a vulture hunting prey. Not bad, Black called out as he dangled there. I missed doing this, Marcus shouted to him, still circling. He saw Black peer at him as the glint from his wings reflected the sun. I know, the hunter replied, shielding his eyes with a free hand. Clears your head, doesn't it? How did you know? Black shrugged. Cause it's what I used to do when I was just a child. Hearing that confused Marcus. Did Black have a normal childhood? Then again, he didn't know much about the guy. Marcus doubted anyone really did, but the fact that the hunter used to act like a child was bewildering to say the least. Take your time, Black then said, hoisting himself up. I will call you when it's time to come back for training. Marcus looked at him, confused. Aren't you going to stay a while? I'll stay at the tower, watching. Like I said, I can't glide too long or too far from the city. You just go out there. Clear your head. Marcus nodded before diving down towards the ground again, feeling the rush of wind and the thrill of the fast approaching world filled him with ecstasy. When he was just about to reach it, Marcus pulled up and looped up just in time for his feet to kick off some of the snow off the top of the little hill. He swirled and spun as he made his way back up, only to release the current and freefall back down. He then opened up his wings again and merely glided easily across the sky. Far below, he saw another herd of giant slugs, oblivious to the flying human high above them. It felt really good, and Marcus felt all his fear slip away. His worries for the time being was gone. The pain from his loss was still great, but being up here made Marcus feel closer to Ruth, as if he was flying right beside her, a figurative angel beside an actual angel. He smiled as a thought passed through his head. I know what you want, he said to her as he dipped up and began flapping back towards the city, back to Black, to actually begin his training. Once again, Marcus sat across from Black in the courtyard, right in the exact same spot as they had before, with his dagger in his hand and resting in his lap. Marcus felt the crystal's glow tingle against the skin of his hands and travel up his arms. He tried once again to let his feelings go, and let them wander free, as Black had said, and begin his journey. He closed his eyes and opened his consciousness to the life around him. Reach! A familiar voice that was not Black's whispered. This time, he allowed himself to feel everything. The pain he felt when he thought of Ruth and his father, the fear he felt living in Innova, the regrets he had held since being a little boy, the guilt of all the things he had done, the moments of utter despair. Marcus allowed himself to feel it all. It felt like a thousand needles were piercing his stomach. He clenched his fists, and felt foolish because it felt like he was on the verge of tears. Sitting here, in the cold, with the hunter Black, and not doing anything but sitting in his own trauma, hurt worse than any injury inflicted on Marcus's own body. How much time had passed? He had no clue. It felt like hours of just sitting and feeling until, little by little, the pain slowly left his body, like a heavy spectral, and he all of a sudden felt lighter than ever as if a weight had been taken off his shoulders. Immediately like a rush, Marcus began to see it all. Through closed eyes, the world was shut out into complete and utter darkness, yet everything around Marcus was alit with life. Across from him, he saw the hazy shadow of Red portraying the calm demeanor of Black, who twirled his own crystal in his hands, which glowed a brighter shade of dark purple. Why does he feel guilty? Marcus found himself wondering as his mind began to stretch out a little further. All of the dormant bushes and grass around them were a mere whisper of light gray, and the little insects and animals burrowed deep beneath the surface was a smoky light blue color, little flames, little candles. Beyond the courtyard, he saw the guards marching down the castle halls and along the walls. Shades revealed them to be human, while the androids remained as dark as the environment around them, for there was no life in their humanoid bodies. Marcus then saw Sligar in his study room, his shadow a whispery white, occasionally flickering red in frustration. He also saw Esmerelda and Ashlyn in another room. Ashlyn was sitting down while Esmerelda was hunched beside her. Ashlyn's bluish aura also flickered red in frustration, as if she was concentrating on something. Esmerelda, on the other hand, was a yellowish color, as if she was indifferent as she watched her new friend. The two apparently really hit it off, and Marcus was glad that Ashlyn had made a friend already. He began to push further into the fray of oblivion. The queen, Mark saw, was studying over something, by the way her posture was hunched over, pointing at nothing to his eyes. Her aura was as red as blood, darker than that of black's. Marcus continued to watch until he even saw the birds flying around them, and the animals crawling across the world miles below the city. It was amazing to see this far without actually seeing the world with your own two eyes. He wanted to see further. He wanted to reach further. Marcus felt himself being pulled back into his own body as he felt a hand softly shake his right shoulder. Like a vacuum, he was sucked right through the haze as he gasped as he felt himself collide with his own body. He opened his eyes to see Black squatting in front of him. The punter's face looked oddly concerned. Wow, Marcus said, realizing that he was sweating. You pushed yourself pretty far, Black said, sitting back and standing up. Going through the life essence of all around you can take a toll, like running. You run too much, you will grow fatigued. Some people have pushed too far and never made it back to their body. Marcus looked at him, concerned, as he stood up. As he stood up with the hunter, Marcus then asked, Is that what happened? Did what happen? To the Eldest? He pushed himself too far? He just let himself become trapped in his own crystal? Didn't he? Black was silent as he stared at Marcus in careful thought, as if he was afraid to tell the truth. Finally, he said, Yes. In a way. The crystals allow you to draw power from the dreaming. And because of that, you are able to live in both dimensions. That is how you are able to reach out. And as for the Eldest, yes, that is what happened to him. In a way. Marcus thought of asking what Black meant by, in a way, but decided against it for the time being. The hunter then reached behind him and unsheathed his sword, which glimmered before Marcus's eyes as he brought it to a bracing posture, with his feet spread and shoulders squared. There is no need to talk of such things. Not yet, but soon, Black then said. For now, I will teach you to better use that staff while training your body. Unsheathe your weapon. Marcus did as he was told, and from dagger to staff, he held out his weapon as if he was ready to skewer the hunter. You sure this is a good idea? Like sword against staff? Don't worry, I won't break it, Black said with a sudden gleam in his eye. Now, defend yourself. And without so much as a warning, he came right at Marcus, his sword swinging in a flash of steel.

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