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Dr. Ben Lim | The New Breed | EP70

Dr. Ben Lim | The New Breed | EP70

John Gallagher



Dr. Ben Lim, founder of Open Heavens World and CEO of Ben Lim Ministries. He is a dynamic Millennial preacher who has traveled to nearly fifty countries. He spent his earlier years in the mission fields of Asia and Southeast Asia, preaching the Gospel to unreached people groups. https://bio.link/talkswithgallagher

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Hi, everyone. Welcome to Talks with Gallagher, where we have conversations that inspire and empower leaders. Today, we have my good friend, Dr. Ben Lim, and he is the founder of Open Heavens World and CEO of Ben Lim's Ministries. You are a dynamic preacher and traveled to over 50 countries and also started in the mission field of Asia and Southeast Asia, preaching the gospel to unreached people groups and many other types of people. You have also just have a powerful anointing for signs, wonders, and miracles. You have preached at large evangelistic crusades in Mexico, Pakistan, Dubai, and Africa, and many other countries, seeing hundreds of thousands come to Jesus. And yeah, you just have such a pure heart for revival, Ben, and I'm just so glad to call you a friend as well. And yeah, I just really highly respect your ministry, and I'm just so honored for you to be on with us today. What's up, Mr. John Gallagher? Fogo de chow! Great honor to know you, and it's going to be a great broadcast, a great broadcast. So, friends, just begin to like, share, comment, let's get the algorithm up, show us some love, and let us know where you're watching from. And I want you to just call it fire. Amen. So, let's spread the fire. It's going to be a wonderful, powerful time together. Amen. Amen. Amen. Yes, let's spread the fire. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to this episode. It's going to be explosive with Dr. Ben Lim. I like your show's name as well, Talks with Gallagher. I like the content. I love what you're doing. Thank you. So, happy to just be a blessing and be a part. Thank you. I really appreciate it, and yeah, it means a lot to me. So, you have written, well, you have written this book, The New Breed, the release of New Wonder, Working Performers and Revivalists. And I'd like for you to share what led you to write this book. I know you wrote this book many years ago, but I believe it's still a very important message today, I think even more so than it was when you started writing it and releasing it. So, can you just share what led you to write this book, and what was God doing in your heart in that time, and what is He doing now? Well, great question. I think you nailed that on the head, John, because I wrote that book maybe 2018-19, and it's a bestseller now. I'm selling more today than I ever did before, right? And that's the thing about us prophets, prophetic people. We write things, we say things, release things, and it's way ahead of our time. And I was talking with different book publishers, and they're interested in republishing this book, which a lot of book publishers never do. Of course, I self-published that book, but the book publishers are interested in republishing this book, this title, just because of how powerful the statement, the prophetic declaration is. But you see, I was hungry for revival, and of course, you hear revival, I guess another cute catchphrase, revival, glory, miracle, signs, wonders. But a number of years ago, I was studying revival, and I was hungering after. I've never been to Lakeland, Toronto, the Argentine revival. Definitely, I wasn't alive during the Azusa 3 revival, right? So I'm studying revival, and I began to search a little, God, what's revival? What does a move of God look like? What does this really mean? What is the essence of revival? And all of a sudden, we had a two-day conference, and it spilled over to 21 days. And I just had faith. There was like a tipping point, a realm of the Spirit. I just knew, I said, you know what, let's extend another day. Let's extend another day. I felt faith and overflow, a momentum of the Spirit. And that's when I knew what an extended revival was. And then I felt the Lord speak in my heart, go 21 days. And so we did. And you know what, the miracle realm opened up, the glory realm, gemstones, gold, supernatural fragrances, blue angels get to show up, like just crazy signs of wonders as we continue to go deeper in the heart and the glory of God. But on the ninth day, or no, on the eighth day of that revival, the Lord spoke a word to me. And He said, the new breed. And I said, all right, this is interesting. The new breed, I want you to minister because every day was different. And on the eighth day, the Lord said, new breed, I want you to talk about the new breed. And boom, the Lord just downloaded this whole word to me, talking about the new creation, the new breed of ministers of ministries, the new breed of Christians that's never been seen before. And the Lord just downloaded this whole word about the new, the new, the new, the new breed. And I released that and I prophesied that that day, bam, bam, bam. And of course, on the eighth day, whenever Jewish boys are born, that's the day they get circumcised. You know, that's the day they're in covenant with God. So as a sign in their body that they are a new creation. And so on the eighth day, that took place of the revival. And then I began to see Apostle Ryan Lestrange, a friend of ours, I began to see that he was releasing words about the new breed. So here it goes, boom, there's a confirmation. And then I began to research about this topic called the new breed. And of course, Bob Jones and Paul Cain of the Kansas City Prophets prophesied years ago about a new breed rising up. And so boom, literally this book was birthed out of revival, out of a 21 day revival. It's a revival manuscript. It's a revival anointing. And so this book, the new breed was really birthed out of that 21 day revival. So I mean, you know, you're going to catch the spirit of revival. So that's how it was released. But again, it was a confirmation of the old prophets, you know, our senior prophets, Bob Jones, Paul Cain, prophesying about a new breed. And the Lord just gave me this download of what that looks like. And like you said, I believe God's raising up a new breed today. And it's going to look very different from what it did even five years ago, even 10 years ago, 15, 20 years ago, no more traditionalism, denominationalism. But now it's even becoming more tribal in a sense, because I feel like, you know, God is refining the tribes, the remnants of each tribe, so that we can truly be the kingdom. And we're not in a church age anymore. It's truly the kingdom apostolic age. So you know, we're living in an incredible time. And, you know, everyone just pray, because the internet here is horrible. Okay, so please forgive me, but just pray that the word of the Lord will be released. And so that's a little bit about the new breed. You can go and purchase that on our website, Dunlopglobal.com or on Amazon. Yes, guys, you can get on Amazon and anywhere you can buy books. Yes. And so in the book, Ben, you share how God is rising up a Elisha generation, and how they will see the death of Jezebel. Can you unpack that for us? Give us a little appetizer of what you're sharing, you know, in that book for us today? And for, you know, the millennials, Gen Z's, how does that apply to them today, those that are called? Well, that's good. Once again, Elisha was the double portioned son, and he was the heir to the greatest prophet named Elijah. And you see that Elisha, though he did not see Jezebel fall by his hands, but it was through his impartation, his connection. Of course, there was Jehu, and there was several others involved around that predicament, that situation. But it was really because the ministry of Elisha that he saw Jezebel fall. And really, in these days, it's the battle of Jezebel and Elijah. It's the battle of the false prophets and the true prophets, the battle of the goats and the sheep, the counterfeits and the genuine. And more and more in these days, we're going to see Elijah on the set more and more distinction. However, it's the Elisha generation that's going to see Jezebel fall. And we already know Jezebel, right? Jezebel, you know, is a liar, a manipulator, a seducer, a murderous spirit, covetous, comes in through a weak leadership like Ahab. And so the Jezebel spirit chases and kills the prophetic, the true genuine prophetic. It's a lying witchcraft spirit. And so we're seeing perversion. We're seeing witchcraft at a rapid rate right now. We're seeing the spirit of death. People are speaking against the prophetic and the supernatural side of the waters. Are you kidding me? And so we're seeing this religious voice of Jezebel trying to attack and persecute the prophets. But it's the Elisha generation. I believe we, us younger folk, in our day, in our generation, we're going to see Jezebel fall and the dogs are going to lick up her blood. And so get ready, because I believe even as Jesus said, I saw Satan fall like lightning. We're going to see Jezebel fall from her high lofty tower of haughtiness, of pride, of arrogance. And that's where we're going to see revival fire and a restoration of the kingdom. So continue to prophesy and continue to preach and stay pure before God, because Jezebel hates that purity. Jezebel hates purity of the church. Yeah, that actually leads me to right to my next question about the purity in the prophetic, something that I really appreciate about your ministry. Is there such purity in your ministry and what you bring to the body of Christ? And it seems like God is, you know, moving in such a strong way in cleansing, you know, the prophetic in the body of Christ and separating those sheep from the goats. Can you elaborate further on, you know, from an apostolic leader like yourself, what God is doing in the church today with this? Well, I think first and foremost, yes, we're called to judge prophecies, right? The Bible says to judge all prophecies. But we need to understand that there's many different types of prophets, okay? Different types of prophets, different personalities of prophets, and their competency of what is released or discerned is different. And so we need to understand that there's a huge cornucopia diversity of different types of prophets, so that's first and foremost. You can't just put one blanket statement where, oh, they all should be like John the Baptist. Turn or burn, the fear of God, right? The fire of God. You can't put a blanket statement and say they're all going to be like John the Baptist. There's many different prophetic personalities. That's what I like to call them. So that's one thing, right? And we have to learn to honor the different personalities, right? You have to learn to do the meat off, but spit out the bones, right? Not everyone's perfect. Not every vessel is perfect. Again, God's not looking for gold or silver vessels. He's looking for woolly vessels. But I also believe there is a purging, like you said, and it's been obvious. And I think the purging really comes, to me, it's not necessarily about the word or the delivery of the word, but it's really about the motive of our hearts. Because at the end of the day, we're going to be judged, really, by the motive of our hearts, and that's where the overflow of our words out of our mouth comes from. So we're going to be judged, yes, for the words that we say. We're also going to be judged by the motives of our souls, the motives of our hearts. And I really believe that a lot of people, maybe they've gone bitter or they've gone toxic or they made it about ministry, about money. They've made it about all these different things where we have veered off the true purity of the heart of God. And really, the prophetic is really about the Father's love. The prophetic is throne room. The prophetic is Bible. It's Scripture. It's redemptive in nature. And I really believe, again, when the love of God is present, the fire of God's present. And, you know, we need a purging. We need a shaking. Really, we need an upgrade. And that's what all of the shakings and testings is doing. It's causing us to upgrade and love, mature in character, right? Which means that we learn to honor one another, and we learn to be brothers and sisters. But as well, there is a higher call to upgrade our gift of the prophetic. Because, yeah, some of this stuff, like the Coca-Cola vending machines or, you know, some of this stuff, I mean, we have plagiarized the prophetic. We have prosecuted the prophetic. We have overly marketed the prophetic. But God is rarefying. He's making things rare. My friend, Prophet Charlie Schatz says, rarefying. God is rarefying the prophetic, where the word of the Lord was very rare in those days, in the days of Samuel. And that's what a distinctive anointing will do. If you are truly called by God, and you excel in that gift and that grace in your office, then you will be rare, and you will stand alone. You will be so rare, so valuable, that there's going to be a distinction because of your prophetic gift and grace. So, I believe that's what God's doing. He's upgrading the church. But really, Mr. John, he's upgrading us in love, okay? Because there's a lot of decisions, and the accuser of the present, which is the spirit of Jezebel, is out rampant today. And we need an upgrade of love and an upgrade of maturity. Yeah, amen to that. Wow, so good. So, we have, you know, emerging ministry leaders and also marketplace leaders watching. And maybe there's someone watching that, you know, wants to be able to better identify their prophetic personality, as you so stated. How does one, you know, they have the gift of prophecy, but they're trying to find their lane in the prophetic. What would you say to them? Well, I think you need to know who you are. You need to be yourself, right? And you need to be comfortable with being yourself. I think, you know, you begin to study, you know, I mean, you look at Elisha, you know, to me, he had a bit of a sense of humor where, you know, he calls forth the bears to maul the kids who made fun of him for having a bald head. Like, that's a bit of, to me, that's a bit of a sense of humor. You look at Elisha, and you see where, you know, he was a little bit anxious at times. And, you know, he had his highs and lows. So, everyone has different personalities. But you need to be comfortable in your own skin. Otherwise, the enemy will use it against you, right? So, you need to know who you are and be confident in the presentation of the gospel through your lives. And not compare, not try to be like someone else, just be yourself. And so, really, I think at the heart of it all is identity, right? Unfortunately, and let me say this, I feel the Lord right now, unfortunately, too many people, their giftings are so accentuated, or their giftings are manifesting so strongly above even the developments of their character and their identity. So, they're moving and operating in the gifts because of the glory of God, because of the anointing of heaven. But they don't even know who they are yet. They're still in darkness, right? And they think being a prophet minister or a master prophet, they think this image, you know, they find their identity in that. So, therefore, they know how to operate in the gifts, but they don't even know who they are. And I see that so much because I had to get delivered from an orphan spirit. I grew up as a PK, pastor's kid, in the church. My father was a pastor since I was born. So, my identity was wrapped up in the ministry, in the gifts, but I had to learn to know who I am and who I was. You got to be comfortable in your own skin. And only when you embrace the unique diversity of who God has made you to be, then bam, then your anointing will thrive. Then the grace on your life will exponentially increase. Here's the thing, Mr. John, a lot of us are trying to be like the next hot thing. We want to be like the next famous person. We're trying to mimic, mock, and copy some other prophet or prophetic voice. Oh, it's working for them, so let me copy and paste. It's working for Rick Warren, Saddleback Church, so let me copy and paste. Those are models. You need to be original, obeying the Lord. And when you do that, that's when, again, you are distinct, moving in an excellent spirit. Yeah, that's it. It's almost like a form of idolatry, right, when you're trying to copy everything this other minister has, thinking it will be like a magical thinking formula for you. But it doesn't work that way. As you've said, it just doesn't work. Principally speaking, and that's what I love about you is that, Dr. Ben, you're just so authentic, so genuine, and just carry the Father's heart wherever you go. Thank you. Can you just share a little bit about your journey into ministry? Because a lot of people, they see the finished product, or they see you on stage, and you've seen thousands. I know. And so, you know what I mean? They're seeing the success of ministry, but a lot of people don't take into account everything that happens behind the scenes, and the journey, and the process, and the molding and shaping that the Lord takes you through to that destination. Can you just share a little bit about your calling into ministry, and how God led you in that? Wow. Well, I would say three or four things. I was born and raised in a pastor's family, so think about the cliche of a PK. I was an ex-litten, a lot of abuse in the family, parents got divorced. You know, I mean, I went through hell. I was involved in drug dealing, gang activity, but I got born again at 18. God saved me, answered my prayer to flee the country, and I fled the country because the cops were looking for me. And that's where I got saved. Why do I miss the mission at the age of 18? But I would really say, you know, I've been in full-time ministry now 14 years. I've been in 60 countries. I've planted at least one church in Southern California. I just transitioned from my role as senior pastor. God bless you all at Open Heaven World. I see some of you are watching. But I would say three or four things, because in my earlier years, I only wanted to obey God. That was it. Okay, I knew what the world was like, so I wanted to go all in, obey Jesus, no matter what the cost. You want me to go to India? I'll go to India. You want me to live in Asia? I'll go to Asia. You want me to love the Muslims? I'll love the Muslims. So I lived in Asia for three years as a missionary, reaching out to unreached people groups. And I lived in Asia, and really, that was where God worked on my theology. God worked on my character. He delivered me from an orphaned spirit, a works mentality, all this insecurity. I was in the world seven years, right, middle school to high school. And so that's where God went deep in me. So it was that obedience and a sacrifice. A lot of people, listen, you're too used to Western churchianity, okay? This is all a facade, by the way. I'm sorry to say, Western churchianity is not real ecclesia, all right? I live in the mission fields in Tibet, China, in India, in Malaysia, Indonesia, ministering to unreached people groups and the highest, most demonic principality realms on earth, where ancient religions have been birthed and created. That's where I lived for three years, studying the supernatural face front, okay? So it's your obedience and your sacrifice. A lot of people don't know that, or they don't experience that. Number two, I would say the second thing that prepared me or has brought me to this place is, you know, I made the commitment to ministry, right? I made the commitment. The Lord said, start a ministry in your dad's church, and I did, and it became a church. And our ministry began to attract the homeless and the street people of Los Angeles. I was 19 years old, John, and my church was filled with homeless people, prostitutes, gangsters, drug addicts, and that's how we started the ministry in the streets of Los Angeles. Reaching out to the least, I feel the glory right now. And that's where God taught me how to be faithful, how to pass on, how to love the unlovable, how to nurture. I didn't want to do this. I was young, I was 19, but God said, I want to see souls saved. So number three, I would say just radical obedience. Again, it comes down to obedience, radical obedience, learning to do crusades, making movie documentaries, doing stuff on social media. It's just radical. I just want to please God, John, that's it. I don't care what anyone says. I just want to please the Lord, and I want to obey God. But you know what? There came a moment of time, probably when I was around 25, 26, just about five, six, seven years ago, boom, favor exploded in my life. Favor exploded, platforms, Elijah List, Charisma. I was preaching at Pastor Benny Hinn's studio. You know, I was preaching at Crusades, the largest churches in the world, and all of a sudden, boom, national platforms began to open up. Favor began to come in. But you know what? There's something called the Christian mafia, and there's a lot of leaders that don't like me, and a lot of leaders who began to attack me and persecute. And you have to go through that as a Joseph and as a David, being misunderstood, being hated, being accused, being persecuted. You have to go through that journey like Joseph, being betrayed by brothers. You love these people, but you know what? They turn their back on you. You love these people, but you know what? You realize these people are all about saving their own ministry and their own name rather than defending the truth. And you begin to see things behind closed doors, in the green rooms. You begin to see the true colors of people's faces, but that's where you mature and learn to love. And that's what's happened with me recently, I'll tell you that, in the last few years. But here we are. God has exploded our ministry. We can go from glory to glory. The unstoppable anoints, and if God has called you, nothing can stop you. And that's what it comes to at the end of the day. Put me in a room all alone. I don't want to sound proud or anything, but I'm going to give them my all, and I'm going to make sure the glory falls, and we're going to stand out, and that's it. And that's the attitude you need to come by. This is a privilege, John. Being in ministry is a privilege and an honor. I am a public servant. I'm a man of God, and it's a privilege. It's an honor, and I don't ever want to mess it up or make a mistake. And people will get disqualified overseeing that. But at this point of life, I really feel that, again, we need to continue to make the sacrifices and obey no matter what. And that's how you become revolutionary. That's how you stay in your own lane. You create your own lane, and you become unique and distinct. And that's why our ministry is the way it is. It's different, and it's so young. But I'm excited for all that God's doing. You just got to be true to yourself and obey the Lord. So hopefully, that's a little bit about my journey, if people haven't known. Wow, that is absolutely amazing. And it just shows you your faithfulness in being radically obedient in your call of what God was having you do. You'll go to different parts of Asia and China, Malaysia, Indonesia, and be with people that no one knows, but being faithful with the least of these. And God always honors and sees your obedience and your dedication, your sacrifice to what He has called you to do. And it's interesting that you share how God gave you favor in a certain time of your faithfulness, but at the same time, you experienced crazy attacks and all those things. The favor attracts Jezebel. Favor attracts attacks, right? I've heard this many times. The anointing attracts adversity. Right when David was anointed to be king, boom, the Philistines heard, and they all came against him. But you know what? I have to say this one more thing before I pass it back to you, John. Another thing that's kept me is honor. And that's one of my core principles, one of my core virtues. It's living a life of honor. That's why I wrote a book called The Supernatural Power of Honor. I remember maybe about one year ago, I was having dinner with Dr. Robert Salerdon, the author of God's General. And you know, he's a theologian, he's a historian. And over the dinner table, he asked me this question. He says, Ben, why do you have so much favor with all these generals and all these leaders? I mean, listen, you could name the charismatic zoo. I probably have met them, or I probably know them, or there's a good rapport, right? In Jesus' name. So he asked me, why do you think you have so much favor with all these generals, all these leaders? And I thought about it for a second, and I said, well, sir, I believe it's three things. Number one, I am a person of character. I'm not a yes man, but I let my yes be my yes, and my no be my no. So if I say something, I'm going to do it. My word is everything. Integrity is everything. So I'm a person of character. Number two, it's because I'm faithful in my work. Okay, listen, if you want a mentor, you want an apostle, prophet, to be a spiritual mom or dad, or something like that, you have to be in the same line of work, in their same lane, okay? There has to be something in your work that also brings them value, that catches their attention. Like, oh, you're doing your own thing? All right. You're not just trying to come up and be in my world. You've got your own world. So that is something that attracts leaders, because I have a church. I have a ministry, right? I'm not just some Joe Primo trying to, you know, trying to distract them or pull on their time. And number three, it's because I have a heart of honor. I know I'm an honored man and a woman of God. And ultimately, that spirit of honor will open up doors. It will open up doors. And let me tell you, I mean, even this weekend, I'm here in Tampa, Florida right now. And I just had an interview with Lance Waldau. This is my third interview with him. And he's been a great friend of mine for the last five, six years. But then, you know, I haven't seen him for a number of years. But, you know, I gifted him with a gift, with a present, and boom, his eyes opened up. And again, favor. When you are a person of honor, it will open up doors, and it will even protect you and preserve you. So, out love, outlandish love. Keep burning heaps of coals on their heads. Keep bearing fruit, and it will shut the mouths of your enemies. So, all right, back to you. Yeah, guys. Wow. That's amazing. You can see the interview with Dr. Ben Lim and Lance Waldau on social media. And yeah, I saw that. And yeah, that's just so brilliant. You know, but it's kingdom principles to honor your leaders and to show respect. And like you said, integrity and authenticity, you know, is extremely important, you know, and not just doing lip service, but following through. And yeah, you know, it's the little things that count, but still matter and are important, right? And yeah. And so, you know, you were talking about mentors and spiritual fathers and such. And you know, I'm curious, you know, we have emerging leaders watching, and maybe they don't have a spiritual leader. And it seems like in the charismatic arena, there's a lot of emphasis on spiritual father and all these things. You know, what would you say to, like, the millennials and Gen Zs, especially when it comes to a spiritual father? This is good. Just yesterday, I did a Facebook Live broadcast, and I talked about the grace falling away. And I said, before the grace falling away, there's a little falling away. So, before it becomes great, there's a little, right? Which means it's progressive. And I said, three things lead you to the grace falling away. Number one, you fall away from first love. Number two, you fall away from truth. You want tickle-me-elbow ears rather than truth. And number three, you fall away from accountability and community. We need accountability and community. And social media is great. It's a great tool and platform. Thank God for online churches and online, you know, you make it work. But it's not the same with when two or three are gathered in one place, in one physical place. Accountability and community. And I feel that since COVID to now, the social media generation, we've been opening up a door to the enemy to keep isolating and dividing and destroying the body, the true union of fellowship of the church, which opens up attacks of deception and of perversion, lawlessness of the enemy. So, you need accountability and community. So, I just shared that yesterday on my Facebook live broadcast about the grace falling away. Last night, I'm here at this hotel and there's some people here and there's some pastors from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and I know them. I'll be preaching at their church in May. But we ran into each other last night and I just sat down and began to talk with these pastors. And one of the lady pastors began to say, oh, there's this young man that's on fire for God at our church. And I'm just praying that God sends him a man or a mentor. Like, I'm praying that God, because I guess he's surrounded by women right now, you know, but she's like, I'm praying that God sends him a man. And I said to her, I said, well, you know what? Just like children, you know, it's proven scientifically, facts have proven this, that let's say a daughter, if you have a young daughter, it's healthy for the young daughter to be around the mother up to the adolescent age. But when they hit puberty and now they're becoming a teenager, then it's very important for the daughter to be around the father, because now the father is showing in the critical age, what a man is meant to be, what a man should be like, and vice versa, same thing for the son. Sons should be around the fathers around, you know, the growing up age up to adolescence a lot, and then they should be around their mother to show what a woman should be like, right? And so there's been studies about this that have proven this. That's the same thing about us. A lot of times you're a man, I'm a man, we're crying out for spiritual fathers, maybe you're a woman, you're crying out for spiritual mothers, but there comes a right time when God sends you a man, woman of God. There comes a right time. And the thing is, yes, we need mentors, but we have turned this into an idolatry, a golden calf. Okay, we've turned it into a golden sacrilegious calf, where we keep looking to man rather than God. No, God is your father. All right, you need to learn to be a son of God before you become even a son of a man. And yes, it's synchronized, because you learn to be a son of God by learning to be a son of man. But we need to understand that, you know, ultimately God is our father, and we need to not look to humans or people as much, because they'll always let you down. They will disappoint you, let you down. Yes, impartation, transference comes from human beings, generation to generation relationships, but we have turned this into idolatry. But at the right time, God will send you the right one, not in Ishmael, but in Isaac. All right, he will send you the right promised father, mother that you've been crying out for. Yes, you honor all the papas and mamas out there, there's plenty of them, but it doesn't mean they're your daddy, doesn't mean they're your mommy, doesn't mean, you know, and so there's a right time and a right alignment, and you'll know it by the Spirit, they'll know it. I always talk about this, and I'll end with this thought here. I always talk about Elisha, right? Elisha and Elijah, right? Elisha knew that in his Spirit, and left out, that's my spiritual father. I'm not going to leave his side no matter what, and he stood by his side like a true son, even though they're not natural father-son, but in the Spirit they are. And so I feel that, again, at the right time, God will send you the right people, and you be content in your relationship with the Father, and then eventually, at the right time, when it's time for the maturation for that purpose, God will send that to you. And He's done that in my life time and time again. Wow, yeah, that's a lot of wisdom right there. You know, we can't just rush to try to find the spiritual father and then have an Ishmael-type situation. And when the Isaac is what God has preserved for us, and the genuine connection of spiritual father leadership that we actually need, that is so good, especially for those millennials and Gen Zs watching and listening. You know, you touched on this a little bit earlier when it came to the prophetic, but I'd like you to speak into this now about the future of the Church. It seems like since COVID, things have been shifting and changing in ministry, you know, within the Body of Christ and everything like that. I know you just did a broadcast recently about winds of change and transition and how that's, you know, one of those buzzwords in the charismatic arena. But still, at the same time, it seems like there's a new thing happening in the Body of Christ in this shift of glory that's taking place in the Church. Can you just speak into that about what is the future of the Church, like, the next 5-10 years, for example? Well, next 5-10 years, that's a big thing to say. But let me say this as an open statement. I remember I was on a Zoom with different leaders, with Bishop Mark Sharona. And Bishop Mark says the new—I forget exactly how it says, so I'm going to butcher it, so I apologize in advance. But Bishop Mark Sharona says something like, the new thing is returning back to the old thing. And so, what's happening right now is there's a restoration of a returning of first love. There's a simplicity of the Gospel taking place. People are sick and tired of the traditional model and methods of Church and Churchianity. It's not working anymore. I've been at a local past 14 years, and I just stepped down. You know, some things need to change. And, you know, I feel that in this hour, there's a restructuring of the model of how we do Church. That's why the terms like hubs, apostolic hubs, these are becoming popular or present. But you know what? I want to propose to you, that's always been the model. That's always been the Acts Church model. Even throughout the OT, you could begin to see that type of exampleship. But I feel that there's a returning of simplicity, pure evangelism, simple Gospel, genuine community. I love what Lance Wallnau said this week, and he said, we left the era of megachurches in America, and we are coming back to microchurch. So there's a coming back anointing to micro instead of the mega or the macro, excuse me. And, you know, people are tired of, you know, just the big things or the brands, you know, they want real, they want genuine. So there's a returning and a simplicity. And yeah, God's going to use media and social media. But I really believe there's a raw, hungry generation that are saying, I don't want the hype. I don't want the social media perfectionist. I want the real thing. And that's why we're seeing things like Asbury or seeing different moves of thought rise up all across America, across the earth, because people are hungry for the real thing, for the genuine thing. The next five, 10 years, I really believe this is a decade of all decades. And you all need to listen to this as I'm speaking to you as a man of God, as a prophetic voice. This is the most important decade ever. Do you know why? Because all of the Bible translators and missionary organizations came together, and they have concluded that the gospel will be translated in every known language on earth, the gospel, the New Testament will be translated in every known language by 2030. I really believe the decade is the decade of all decades. It's the decade, the era, Apostle Chuck Pierce called it the decade of war. But I really believe this is the decade of the era where the mouths, 5, 7, 80, 80 means pay, which means mouth, where the mouths are coming, speaking, you know, Jezebel and Elijah once again. And so, this decade is very important. And I believe there's going to be a lot more shaking, a lot more purging, and there's going to be a lot of innovation. And we as a church, we really need to pray because persecution and war, civil war is on the rise. There's already, look at Heidi Baker and Peppa Mosembeek, her pastors are being martyred. The churches are getting burned down. Listen, that's happening more and more in America. I just saw a statistic where in the last year, Mr. John, in America, there's been over 600 hate crimes against Christians in America this year. So, we are seeing the world, the Mark of the Beast, the anti-Christ system, hear me now, that has even infiltrated many ministries and churches. And we're seeing this anti-Christ spirit come against the true church, come against the body of Christ. We need to speak up against this anti-Christ evil agenda, transgenderism, all right, all these things, right? We need to speak against it because we are salt and light. We're the church. And that's what the end times battle is, all right? Renounce Jesus or you're going to die. And I believe we're going to see more and more of that in America and in Western countries. So, the righteous are as bold as the lions. So, let your roar, let your sound, let the prophetic gift preach the word and watch what happens. God's raising up Charles Finney's modern day, you know, awakening revivalist evangelist. Circuit riders will manifest again, circuits of preaching, circuits of revival fire, tent revivals, you know, preaching on the streets, people being baptized. We're seeing that birth, that re-emergence of the Jesus people movement again. That's what I believe is going to happen next five, ten years. Simplicity will take down the Goliath, simplicity. Wow, simplicity will take down the Goliath. Yes, amen. And, you know, it seems like, you know, when we see persecution happening in parts of Asia and Middle East, you know, and we hear how the gospel is, like, exploding in the body of Christ in those areas, it seems like persecution is a healthy antidote for the purification of the body of Christ globally and in general. And it almost sounds like there's been a tipping point that has happened in the Spirit where, you know, even though persecution is brutal and is messy, it seems like it's almost a prerequisite to the greater glory and the reformation that God wants to bring on the earth, especially in the West, I believe. A thousand percent. I mean, you see that in Exodus. The Bible says in Exodus chapters 1-3 that the more the taskmasters came against them, the more they prospered and the more they multiplied. So that is the antidote that's the key to your promotion, right? Without suffering, you'll never have glory. It's through many trials and tribulations you'll enter into the kingdom of God. You can't have a crown of glory without bearing a crown of thorns. Yeah, that's it right there. And we in America, we have turned churchianity into a convenient, comfortable club. Just come and feed me. I feel conviction, all right? I feel conviction now, right? But we have turned churchianity into a bless me club, prophesy over me prophet club about sack and image. That's the same thing Jesus rebuked the Pharisees and the Sadducees. You with your long robes, you religious sacrilegious hypocrites. That's the same thing that happened then. History does repeat itself if we don't learn it. That is very true. Yeah, absolutely. You're right. But more and more, the remnant is being chiseled more and more. And let me tell you, friends, that's why I love what Pastor Benny Hinn has been preaching the last five, six, seven years. The cross, the cross dies itself. It's all about the cross. Yes, amen. All about the cross. Yes, that is without the cross, we wouldn't do what God has called us to do because we wouldn't have Jesus to bring the salvation and restoration into our lives completely. So yeah, so true. So for those millennials and Gen Zs watching, do you have a word for them, like a prophetic word that has been bubbling in your heart to share with that generation? I know we're both millennials ourselves, but I just see that the Lord is really highlighting in this season the significance and importance of the millennials and Gen Zs. Not that we are the best generation world. We're not. We have our imperfections as well. But it seems like you said these 10 years are so important for the body of Christ. And in these next 10 years, we'll be in our mid to late 40s. And so what does that look like? You know, and so, yeah. You know, rather than a prophetic word, because there's been a lot of prophetic words going forth, I would rather give an exhortation, right? I would rather... Yeah, okay, that's good. Impartation, yeah. And I guess that's the part of a father or the father in me, elder. But like, I'd rather have a word of exhortation where we need to just cut the crap. All right, we need to cut the crap and just stop with all this narcissistic competition. Just preach Jesus, ruin souls for God, and just be real. And we have turned media, social media, following, influence. We've turned this into our gods. We've turned all of it. And who cares if you have a million gazillion followers? Oh, God, give it to me. Yeah, yeah. You know what matters is your heart. What matters is your attitude. What matters is how do you treat your wife? How do you treat your husband, your neighbor? What matters is what's going on in your soul. Because let me tell you, that's just another form or recipe for you to crash and burn. Like, I don't care about influence. I don't care about all those things. Like, are you kidding me? It's really about the weight of authority to have in the spirit. And I fear for our generation, Jon, honestly, because we have access to so much, yet we've never paid the price to have that much. We can have things on demand instantaneously, but we don't know patience. We don't know maturity. We don't know honor. We don't know integrity. But you know, we can have access immediate right now. And that's so powerful. That's a grace. But to whom grace is given, much more is required. And you know, I sense that there's going to be a rude awakening. There's going to be a rude awakening because eventually what we are accustomed to do, which is social media, media, which is, you know, all of our tech savviness or whatever we're accustomed to, watch when that gets shaken. Watch when that gets shaken. Because it will, my friends. Let me tell you, there's going to be, I mean, in these days to come, it's going to be so fun to watch. So fun to watch because there will be, I mean, look what happened about a week ago. AT&T went down and the whole America just went haywire, right? People were acting schizophrenic, right? What's going to happen? I've been prophesying about shutdowns, lockdowns, and power outages for the last few years. What's going to happen? That's where you need true faith and the supernatural. Oh, there's an earthquake that happens or the power outage. You know what? You need to learn certain things, survival skills, or be so one in the spirit where you're communicating through the spirits. And now people know how to locate you or you know how to locate and find people. Like that's the realm we got to start moving and operating in. So I fear for our generation, John, because we have everything yet we have nothing. We have access to everything, yet we really don't possess anything. And that's almost socialism, communism right there. You have access to everything, but you don't possess anything for real. And that's just knowledge, information generation. We have access to Google, internet, boom, boom, boom. But knowledge, do you really know anything? And so for me, I think my word of love, advice, expectation for our generation is go slow. Go slow, go low. In the words of Heidi Baker, go slow, go low, and make sure you have some carpet time. Make sure your carpet ministry, I feel the Lord so strong. Make sure your carpet ministry is greater than your social media ministry. Make sure who you are in secret is greater than who you are in public. Make sure, amen, that your prayer life is greater than anything else. And that's what I feel our generation needs desperately, desperately, desperately, desperately. So that's my thoughts. Well, that is so important. And yeah, just sticking to the fundamentals of your walk with Jesus, not creating a facade, not being a fake person, right? And yeah, just sticking to what God has commanded us and called us to do and being faithful in that, like you just said. And so, wow, guys, this has been such a powerful broadcast. And I'm just so thankful for Ben Lim as a prophetic Apostolic Voice speaking to us in this generation on these very important things that I believe are life-changing. And how can the world change if we haven't changed ourselves first, right? And so these things are a challenge to, you know, challenge us in a good way to become more like Jesus to the world around us. So, Dr. Ben Lim, where can people find more about your ministry, your books, your social medias, all those things? Where can they find you? Yeah, you can just go to benlimglobal.com, as we see under my name here, benlimglobal.com, or you can just Google my name, Ben Lim. Of course, there's some hater-rate videos, right? Some heretic hunters, these phony balonies that have nothing good to do with their lives. There's always haters. Some of them may come up, but bang, bang, fire on them and Jesus sang. So just Google my name, Ben Lim, and we should be top on every SEO. And, you know, I'm just so excited. I really believe, John, this is the most important year ever. And this year, 2024, this is the year of the election, not just in America, but around the world. 64 countries are voting this year. Plus, 64, yep, I've witnessed this. 64 countries are voting this year, plus the European Union. So that is the most ever in one year in human history. So it's estimated half of the world's population is voting this year. So this is the year of election, of selection. This is the year of the boundary lines falling on right places. And I believe the Lord is selecting you, He's anointing you, He's calling you. You did not choose me, but I chose you to go and bear great fruit so it will last. So this is the year of great electing and selecting where the lots are falling in the right places. So I want to declare over you all right now. In fact, I want to declare over you, John, great favor is coming over you. The Lord is going to shower, bask His love and His favor over your life, all over you in Jesus' mighty name. So get ready for doors to open. I release that measure of favor. I release that anointing of grace on your life to do things that you never thought or imagined. What? The spirit of acceleration is on you, says God, for He's about to accelerate. He's about to accelerate every single thing that you put your hands to. And you will know and say, wow, that was God. All of those around you will praise the Lord and say, that was the Lord. So Father, I thank you for the favor of God, the favor of heaven, and for acceleration in the name of Jesus. Father, I ask for every single person that's watching, that's connecting with this broadcast, even though the video and the internet connection is horrible. But God, I ask you that you would still move and minister. You alone are my strength, my shield. To you alone may my spirit yield. You alone are my heart's desire, and I long to worship you. God, I ask you for the favor of God. Keep your children under the hedge of your protection. Release a ministering spirit, and I thank you for break them on all sides. That whatever is trying to come against it will be broken and destroyed. I thank you that this is the favorable year of the Lord. This is the jubilee year of heaven. So Father, I thank you for cancellation of deaths, for salvation of souls, for the returning of the prodigals and their families. And I thank you that you're going to surprise them. You're going to shock them. You're going to wow them. And I thank you for miracles upon miracles in the mighty name of Jesus. God, bless your children from the top of their head to the sole of their feet. I declare doors are opening and doors are closing over your life. Get ready for what God is about to do in the mighty name of Jesus. And now I got people to say amen and amen. Amen. Amen. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. Wow, that was so powerful. Thank you, Dr. Bellin, for that prophetic prayer impartation. Wow, that was amazing. And guys, please don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to this episode. For those that need an empowerment of the Holy Spirit, a word of correction, a word of wisdom for millennials and Gen Zs, this is the episode that they need to hear. So please tag, like, share, subscribe this episode. And yeah, thank you so much, Dr. Bellin, for being on with Talks with Gallagher. I really appreciate your time. Thanks for having me, John. I love you. I believe in you. You're a great man. And thanks for having me on today. Oh, thank you so much. You are an amazing man of God, and I love you too. And thank you again for everything you share with us. It's a word that we need to hear it again and again and again. And, you know, one of those episodes that you need to put on repeat in your car. So, yes. So thank you again. And thank you for everyone for watching and listening today. Really appreciate your time and attention. Until next time, we'll see you soon. Bye, everyone.

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