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cover of VSL BCN Jan'24
VSL BCN Jan'24

VSL BCN Jan'24

Gaspi Montllonch



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This is an advertisement aimed at e-learning business owners who want to scale their businesses. It claims that most e-learning businesses struggle with lead generation and time management. They offer a SCALE framework that focuses on improving services while they handle marketing and sales. The framework includes elements such as a student mindset, closing the marketing and sales gap, being at the forefront of change, being addicted to data, leveraging repetition, and engaging with clients. They emphasize their experience in the industry and offer a fee based on actual sales generated. The advertisement also mentions successful partnerships with other e-learning businesses. They encourage interested individuals to book a discovery call to see if they are a good fit. Are you an e-learning business owner striving to scale to $100,000 and beyond? If you are struggling with lead generation and lack of time due to all the operations you are involved in, come check what we have for you. Most e-learning businesses are either stagnated because they depend mainly on their organic marketing efforts or are running paid ads ineffectively. Either because they are doing it themselves with their limited expertise and time or because they have hired an agency that over-promised and ended up under-delivering. We know how this story ends and we want to help you avoid going down that rabbit hole. Our SCALE framework empowers you to focus on your zone of genius, also known as improving your services and delivering your programs, while we take control of your marketing and sales efforts to do exactly what we've promised, scale effectively. Let's quickly dive into our frameworks. S is for Student Mindset. We surprise our clients with a proficient level of understanding in record time, to the point where we become e-students of their programs as well. How else could we become irreplaceable partners? C is for Closing the Marketing and Sales Gap. The two main reasons why e-learning businesses fail are 1. Because marketing and sales are pointing fingers at each other and 2. Because of inefficient back-end systems. Our solution? We take control of both marketing and sales departments and make them flow seamlessly like ever before. The major weakness of your competitor becomes your biggest strength. A is for At the Forefront. You need a partner that embraces change and invests heavily in this. AI mastery and access to the top online trainings in the world of big media and business development are two of the main ingredients in a recipe for success. A is for Addicted to Data. We speak the data language and have in-house tracking systems to pinpoint exactly what works and what doesn't in your customer journey, unaffected by privacy updates of any kind. We also set up goals that focus on return on investment and actual purchases, avoiding talking about bullshit KPIs. We make sure our eye is on the price, and failing is not an option. L is for Leverage Repetition. Been there, done that. For the last 7 years, we've been servicing e-learning businesses full-time, and that means that any problem you bring our way or that we've seen from you, we've already resolved it in one way or the other. E is for Engagement. Our clients consider us highly proactive, but we can help it. With our boutique business model, we only win if you win. That's why we're constantly bringing new opportunities to grow to the table. If you're not serious about scaling, it's best to stay far away from us. And this is exactly what I wanted to highlight next. With a fee 100% based on the actual sales that we generate for you, you get a fair and win-win relationship from the get-go, where you only pay if you actually are making sales and are getting money in the bank. Most of our clients have been with us for over 2 years, and that's what we're looking for. Long-lasting, scalable partnerships. Come check our website and discover other e-learning businesses that have grown with us. For example, the Lifehack Method, that scaled to 7 figures by increasing the ad spend from $700 per month to $120,000, to conquer the whole wide world. Or how we've helped CZ Pro go from 0 qualified leads to selling out 5 high-ticket courses consecutively to reach the 6-figure monthly mark. So if you're ready to take your e-learning business for serious and break out from the frustration of not reaching your goals, book a discovery call with me today and let's see if we can be a good fit.

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