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Brit Chadasha Portion for 08/12/2023

Brit Chadasha Portion for 08/12/2023

God Honest TruthGod Honest Truth



Triennial Brit Chadasha Portion for 08/12/2023


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In Luke 9:57-62, Jesus tells people that following him means sacrificing comfort. He says that even foxes and birds have places to go, but he doesn't. He tells someone to let the dead bury their dead and focus on spreading God's kingdom. Another person wants to say goodbye to their family, but Jesus says that once you commit, you can't look back. Luke, Chapter 9, Verses 57-62 And it came to be, as they journeyed on the way, that someone said to him, Master, I shall follow you wherever you go. And Yeshua said to him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the heaven nest, but the son of Adam has nowhere to lay his head. And he said to another, Follow me. But he said, Master, let me first go and bury my father. And Yeshua said to him, Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and announce the reign of Elohim. And another also said, Master, I shall follow you, but let me first say good-bye to those in my house. But Yeshua said to him, No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the reign of Elohim.

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