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2024-04-24- A Very Present Help

2024-04-24- A Very Present Help

Gospel Light Holiness ChurchGospel Light Holiness Church



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The speaker is thankful to have their mother-in-law present, who has made a positive impact on their life. They mention a text from Psalms 46 that has been on their mind and feel that it is where God wants them to preach. They emphasize that God is a very present help in times of trouble and reflect on the importance of recognizing God's supreme majesty. They share a personal story about relying on God's strength during a difficult time with their father's illness. They encourage listeners to believe that God is capable of helping and to draw near to Him. I'm sure it's good to be in the house of the Lord tonight. So much has been done already that's touched me, and I thought if he was in the mood to shout, he'd been shouting already, but we'll get into the Word. I'm thankful to have my mother-in-law here tonight. She's made an impression on my life. She was there when I got saved, and long before that, she fought for me, even when Don didn't like me. She fought for me. I appreciate her. She texted me the other Sunday and said, I'm praying for your Sunday school, and I appreciate that. She's been a good mother-in-law. Our text might sound familiar tonight. Turn with me to Psalms 46. Brother Tillman asked me to preach Sunday for this message tonight and asked me if I'd be prepared, if I'd prepare something, and I told him I would. I don't know how far back, but a little ways back. I study my Sunday school message so much, when I get just a seed of a thought, I kind of put it on the back burner, but this text has really went over and over in my mind for quite some time. I thought, well, if I get the opportunity to preach, this is exactly where I feel like the Lord wants me to go. He asked me, and then just a couple of hours later, we come to Sunday night service, and lo and behold, Brother Jameson went right to Psalms 46, and I thought, well, I didn't know what to think of it. I started to tell him Sunday night that I felt like that's where the Lord was leading me, and I was like, no, I'll wait on God, Brother Anthony. I'll see. He preached on it so well, and maybe when I get home, I'll feel differently. But I got home, and I got to opening the Bible, and got to reading, and got to praying to God, and it was even stronger that God wanted me to be back in Psalms 46, so I know God is wanting to do something here in Psalms 46. So read with me tonight, Psalms 46, 1 through 4, it says, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble, therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea, though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah. Brother Tim, would you pray over the message tonight? Thank you so much, Lord, for the opportunity to hear the preaching of Your Word once again. God, I pray that I'm wholly allowed to fall at this place to touch our preacher tonight. God, give me those words. Put them together just like You want them to be. And I pray for the power to be pushed forward. Oh, God, I'm inconstant. I need Your help, God. God, I'd like to hear someone else, Lord. It won't be an honor for me to hear You, Lord. God, help me, Lord. My stomach is drawn not to You, but to You, Lord. In the precious name of Jesus Christ, I pray for someone to hear You, God. Thank you, God. I'd like to title the message tonight, A Very Present God. A Very Present God. I believe He is a very present God. I got to thinking about this text, and I was reading it, and Brother Jameson was talking about how God is our refuge. And I went down a little bit further, and it says, He is a very present help in trouble. And, you know, I got to thinking about that, and the simplicity of the gospel, it's awesome. But it's in a way that a man can understand it. You know, these psalms, Brother Anthony, a lot of times they don't even need commentary. They're so beautiful. They're so wonderful. We go to them for different times when we need strength, when we need to be lifted up, when we need encouragement. We go to these psalms, and they stand for themselves. But it says here that God is a very present help in trouble. And I thought about that word, very, and back in 10th grade, Pam Ross was my writing teacher. And I got to thinking about that word, very, and I wrote a paper. I wrote a paper, and it was the first paper of writing class, and I was proud of it, Brother Tim. As a young man, I really thought I'd done a good job. I think it was like five pages front and back, and double-spaced and all that. And I turned it in, and I just had these visions of her just giving me all kinds of accolades, and just maybe even reading it to the class, you know, how wonderful it was, this thing that I wrote. And I got it back in about a week, and I couldn't wait for it to come back, and there was red marks all over that paper, and it wasn't a very good grade at all. And I looked down, and she had, every time that I wrote the word very, she had a red mark in it, and there was a bunch of red marks. And she had told me, she said, is an overused word. I want you to rewrite this paper, and leave out the word very. And I thought about that, and very is an intensifier adverb that has little meaning in itself, but it's used to add force to another word. I Googled searched the word very, and it said, while useful at times, the word very is overused and sometimes even impressive. But the psalmist says here that God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. I thought there's never been a more appropriate use of the word very. It is not overused here. It's not overstated. He is a very present help in trouble. The intensifier, if I can bring it to your attention, is not on the trouble, but it's on God, and on that present help. God is greater than the trouble. My favorite part about this psalm is it starts by recognizing just who God is, brother Tim. God, You are my refuge. God, You are my strength. You are a very present help. We often go to God wrong. We go to God in a hurry, brother Camden. We'll rush Him. We'll rush those courts. Brother Tim was talking about those courts. We'll go into the court. You can't even go up here to the judicial system and rush it and say, I need help. They'll send you packing. They'll lock you up, brother Anthony. You can't do that. You've got to go in there with some decorum. You've got to recognize who that judge is. And we've got to recognize who God is tonight. We can't rush God without recognizing His supreme majesty. God, I need help. Oh, but what about if we would just enter into His gates and we would recognize who we're standing in front of? If we would give the respect and honor that God deserves tonight. Sometimes when a car pulls out in front of them, they say, Oh God! And that's the first time they've called on God, brother Tim, in a mighty long time. Maybe the first time they've ever recognized who God is. They've never took the time throughout their week to recognize that God is a refuge and strength and a very present help in trouble. But God is merciful. And He will help in those times of need. But we need to recognize Him daily for who He is. Enter His courts with praise and honor. We recognize who You are. It reads on in the second verse, Therefore will not we fear though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea, though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah. There are times when the earth seems to be removed from under your feet. In those times, only God's help will do. I was thinking, and I talk about it a lot, but when my dad got his prognosis, brother Anthony, we hadn't figured out exactly what was wrong with him. He kept falling. He was very sick. And he was out of his mind. He had quit his job, which was so unlike him. And him and mom had taken up these pharmaceutical routes that I was doing just to give him something to do. And he was driving and he stopped right out in the middle of the highway. And we knew something was very wrong. We went back to Bud's Produce and asked the boss there, what was he doing? And they said he was falling down and he was doing things. He was a very meticulous person, a very detailed person, and he was missing things right and left. And he very quickly got really sick. And we took him to the hospital. And he was there, and I don't know if it was the CCU or what it was, but I remember very clearly. I went up there and I had to go to work. And I got there a little bit late and I got to the room and the mom was crying and she said, the doctor had just been here. And I said, well, what did he say? And he said, well, he's got something. They know it's some type of brain deterioration and it's not good, Michael. They said it's going to be, he may have two years at the most. And brother Anthony, I needed God at that time. I did not see that trial coming. And I remember just walking to the bathroom in that CCU and I felt like I was, each step weighed a thousand pounds, brother Tim. But I had to get to God. I was about to have a meltdown. I had to get into a lone place with my Lord. And I remember laying down in that filthy bathroom. I could remember the cold towel on my cheeks and I couldn't get low enough. And I said, God, You are my refuge. You are my strength. You are very present to help in trouble. I need You right now. There's some times that the earth is removed from Your feet and You're going to need that present help. And He is there. There's times that a friend can't help. A mom can't help. A dad has no answer. The pastor just don't have the words. You just needed the loving arms of Your Savior. If you haven't been there, just hold on. You will be there. There will be a time. But our writer here is writing from experience. We can tell. He says, He is a very present help in trouble. Therefore, will not we fear. God and God alone is all the help we need. Do you believe that He is capable tonight? Therefore, if you believe that He is, as our pastor preached so well Sunday morning, draw nigh to Him. I'm going to sound a little redundant tonight because this goes right along with what was preached Sunday. You can chalk it up to inexperience if you want to, but brother Anthony, I couldn't shake it. I've been getting up every morning, 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning, and God troubled me over this. Somebody here needs to draw nigh to Him. There is still someone in this church that is staying in those outer courts that brother Tim was talking about. I asked him Sunday to lift this off me if I was wrong. I said, God, if I'm wrong, if we need to go another direction. It seemed like a lot of stuff was done here Sunday morning, brother Tim. A lot of people got help. There's no doubt about it. But I feel like there's still someone that's holding back that's still in those outer courts. Matthew 27 and 51 says, And behold, the veil of the temple was rent entwined from the top to the bottom. It was preached here so well Sunday. Draw nigh to Him. He is your refuge. He is a very present help. That is the theme for this church right now. And God is trying to get somebody's attention. He is trying to help someone. You can deny it. You can try to avoid it. You can try to shift your attention to something else. But God will be exalted. He will be lifted up. He will get your attention one way or the other. And He's trying to be merciful tonight. I truly believe that someone has doubt. Someone is living in doubt. For whatever reason, someone is neglecting the most holy place that brother Tim was talking about. Somebody did go further than they went in a long time Sunday. But they neglected to go all the way to that holy place and get the final help that they needed. They didn't surrender all. Something was holding them back. I want to tell you tonight, I'm thoroughly persuaded that whatever is going on in your life right now, you need to take it to God and He can help you. Romans 5 and 1 says, Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. You have full access to the throne room of God tonight. The only thing that's holding you back is yourself. You have full access to a very present and capable God. So what is it that you aren't convinced that God can handle? That has to be it. What is that thing that you can't trust God with? Isaiah 53 and 5 sums it up very well. It says, But He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him. And with His stripes, we are healed. Is there sin in your life? He was wounded for it. Did you do that sin knowing full well that you shouldn't have done it? He was bruised for that still. Do you find yourself depressed or dissatisfied? Is there discontentment in your life? He was punished for your peace. Do you need a healing in your body? His body was mutilated for your healing. So I'm convinced that He can meet every need that you might have here tonight. There's not a need here that He can't fix. I want to talk to the young men tonight for just a second. If I can get your attention. I want to know have you found yourself often losing the same battle over and over again? Have you got to the place where you're afraid to be home alone? Do you not trust yourself anymore? Because you keep falling into that same battle over and over again. You keep falling into that same trap over and over again. Your dad goes to work. Your mom goes to town. And there's that same old trap in your bedroom right there and you're just staring at it. And you say, here we go again. And then the devil tells you, hey, you can get in that trap and you can get back out before anybody even gets home. You know, God is very present even when mom's not home. God is very present even when your dad is not there to talk to. And He asks you sweetly, draw nigh to Him. But time after time still, you've gave in to that temptation. You've told God. You've promised God in this very house that you would lay that down. That you wouldn't be fooled once again. But once again, you go back to it on a Monday, on a Tuesday, and you think, well, I'll get it fixed before Wednesday. You fall to it over and over again. All the while, God is right there. And you ask yourself, if He cares so much, why don't He just stop me? He's capable of stopping me. 1 Corinthians 10 and 13 says, There had no temptation taken you, but such is common to man. But God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able, but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that you may be able to bear it. God does not tempt you, but He is very present. And He has a way to escape even that very thing that troubles you over and over and over again. The devil will make you believe that you're different than everybody. That you're battling these things that nobody else battles. That your friends don't battle these things. But let me tell you that God is faithful. And these temptations are common to man that you're falling for over and over again. Can I tell you that I fell for Him before? Okay? God can help you through that thing, but you've got to draw nigh to Him. You've got to choose Him over the trap. Be a man. God wants a man that stands for Him even when their mom and dad is not around, when it's just you and you and God alone. God wants you to stand up and be a man for Him. And He is capable to help you through that. If that is holding you back, if you fell for it time and time again, there is help tonight. Draw nigh to Him. I'm reminded of Judas at the Last Supper. John in 13.27 when they're there at that Last Supper. And after the sop, Satan entered into him. Judas. Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest do quickly. So when you're in your bedroom and you think nobody's there and you see that trap and it's too hard, you think it's too hard, God is right there. He can't stop you. You have a choice to make. You step in the trap or you choose God. It's up to you. God has no control over your free will. You have free will. You have to choose to draw nigh to God. And after that betrayal is over, you feel so all alone. You thought it would feel so good. Can I encourage you young men? Stand for God. He is a very present help. He is always there for you. If you fail again, He will be there for you again. Now let me say something to the older folks. Are you still in love with God? Do you still believe Him like you always did? Sometimes life gets hard, don't it? You may have faced the loss of a loved one. A son or daughter has left the church. Friends have backslid on God. People are slipping away. We experience the loss of friendships just because we didn't see eye to eye on things. And it's hard. And you thought it would be better by now. And it's seemingly not any better. Some of us are battling health issues. Some prayers have seemingly gone unanswered. But through it all, we somehow let doubt creep in. You're not even sure where you belong anymore. Somebody hasn't left the church here tonight, but that joy isn't here no more. Sometimes you feel even more worse when you leave the church than when you came. Sometimes it's the waiting that gets discouraging, Brother Anthony. The wind sets the waves in motion and you look up and all you can see is that big old wave headed your way. And it's about to take you over. And you say to yourself, if only God came when it was just the wind. But Luke 8 and 24 says, And they came to him and awoke him, saying, Master, Master, we perish. Then he arose and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water, and they ceased, and there was a calm. And he said unto them, Where is your faith? And they, being afraid, wondered, saying one to another, What manner of man is this? He commandeth even the winds and water. And they obeyed him. Maybe you said to yourself, if God would have moved before the sickness had gotten this bad, before the prognosis had come. Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if Thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. But I know that even now whatsoever Thou wilt ask of God, God will give it Thee. And Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again. Maybe you said, if only God would have helped Jacob before he went to Florida. Maybe you wouldn't be so hard now. Maybe you wouldn't be talking about atheism. Luke 15 and 21 says, And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in Thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called Thy son. But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe and put it on him. And put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet. And bring hither the fatted calf and kill it and let us eat and be merry. For this my son was dead and is alive again. He was lost and is found. And they began to be merry. I believe Jacob could come back to the Lord right now. I believe Sarah and Bradley. I believe Levi and Whitney could come to the Lord. I believe it's possible. Sister Lindsay, is God still able to move on your parents? Ephesians 3 and 20 says, Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be the glory. He is a very present help in trouble. Can I convince you of that tonight? Isaiah 40 and 28 says, Hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not? Neither is weary. There is no searching for His understanding. He giveth power to the faint and to them that have no might. He increases strength. He can increase your strength tonight. He can encourage you tonight no matter what you're going through. But even still, when we're in those outer courts, brother Tim, just a few feet from hell, we stand back and we see other ones going in to the Most Holy Place and coming out and getting what they want. They go in. They come out and get what they want. And it will even aggravate us sometimes because we're so happy. Why can't I be happy like that? Why can't I be satisfied? We just need to draw nigh to that present help like they're doing. There's a lady at my work, Lisa Clark. She's a very, very kind lady, brother Austin. And one of the nicest ladies you could ever meet. And an older lady. And she wasn't at work Monday. It was the first time she hadn't been there. And her mother had been battling cancer and her sister has been taking it really bad. And she's been very worried about it. And I've been praying for her and she knows that. And she'd come back in Tuesday, brother Tim. And I was even afraid to ask. But I didn't want to come across that I wasn't caring. And I said, Lisa, is everything okay with your mom and your sister? And she said, oh yeah. She said, my dog was sick. And she said it was running 104 temperature. And she said, I didn't know what to do. She said, he quit eating. He couldn't even walk. And she said, me and my husband scooped him up and we took him and we rushed him to Louisville. And they didn't have a time to get to him. So she said, we brought him all the way back down to E-Town Animal Clinic. And I told her that she should have went to LaRue County. But she said, I went to LaRue County or E-Town Animal Clinic. And she said, the door was locked. They wasn't open yet. They opened in just a few minutes. And she said, I was standing there with my dog and I was trembling and I was scared for him because she said his breath was getting slower and slower. And she said, there was a car parked over there. And she said, somebody got out and started cussing me like a dog. And she said, the line's back here. She said, she called her a bunch of names and her husband got out and she thought they was going to fight her. And they was aggravated because she was trying to get as close as she possibly can. And there's sometimes in the church we get like that. We see people getting help over and over again and we don't get the help we need. We don't go up and get the help we need and we don't get as close as we can so we get aggravated and we get discontent and it just seeps into us before we know it. It doesn't matter what others say. We got to get to help. Like that lady that pressed through the crowd, Brother Teal mentioned the other night, the other morning. The prodigal son came to himself. He made up his mind. I'm going back to the Father's house, Brother Jameson. God, I'm going back to the Father's house. I'm going back to the Father's house. I'm going back to the Father's house. I'm going back to the Father's house. I'm going back to the Father's house. I'm going back to the Father's house. I'm going back to the Father's house. I'm going back to the Father's house. I'm going back to the Father's house. I'm going back to the Father's house. I'm going back to the Father's house. I'm going back to the Father's house. 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