Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker emphasizes the importance of unity and the need for each other in the church. He references the Apostle Paul's plea for the church to pray for him and highlights the benefits of being part of a ministry and working together. He also mentions the importance of unity in the body of Christ and how it keeps the church alive. The speaker acknowledges that no one person or family can operate the church alone and calls for confidence in each other's prayers and support. He concludes by mentioning characteristics such as loneliness, meekness, and forbearance that contribute to maintaining unity in the church. I do appreciate the Lord. If you don't have a lesson book this morning, don't worry about it. I felt this on my heart for some time now. If you have studied lesson book, let me make this very clear. I'm not skipping about tithing, okay, because we do need to tithe. So let that be clear, because that was what the lesson was about, and it is very, very important. But I felt this on my heart for some time now, and I was praying last night, and I just kind of felt like, in prayer, that the Lord led me to this. Of course, I prepared it for our class this morning. But I think it's inevitable that it's for all of us anyway. In the book of Romans, I'm just going to read one verse here in the book of Romans, but I've got other verses I will be reading later on. But in the book of Romans chapter number 15, there's a very familiar verse here that Paul speaks of. He comes into here in the book of Romans chapter 15, in verse number 30. Paul writes, he says, Now I beseech you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake, and for the love of the Spirit, that you strive together with me in your prayers to God for me. Let me read that again. He says, I beseech you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake, and for the love of the Spirit, that you strive together with me in your prayers to God for me. I want to talk to us this morning just for just a little bit on a very simple subject, on we need each other. We need each other. You know, when you look at Paul's life, a lot of times, I mean, I know I love his life. I love reading about him. I love preaching about him. But you would think that Paul, probably without a doubt, was probably one of the greatest, if not the greatest, Christians who ever lived. He was a very great man of God. And you would think that a man of his stature would probably need nothing. He probably wouldn't, you know, you would think that he probably wouldn't need to depend on anybody. He was just a great man of God. But we find him calling on the church to pray for him. I thought about this as I was reading this and studying it. You notice Paul, he calls upon the church. Now hear me this morning. I know there's times that you may text an individual or you may call out to an individual and ask them to pray. But there's something about calling on the church to pray. There's something about calling on the church to come together. And I'm going to get into this here in just a minute and try to lay a foundation. But we need each other. Paul, here, he calls upon the church to pray specifically for him. He is asking a question, who will pray for me, basically. He's also illustrating for us one of the greatest privileges that is in our lives as Christians, that we have a privilege of being part of a ministry in the work of others. I thought about this. There's a lot of people this morning that I can mention the names that have gone on before us. They've done, went on. They've left a testimony, if you will. So many people. Sister Hannah, I thought about Brother Taylor. I was just thinking about him. He's done, went on. He's gone on before us. So many others that I thought of. But when you think about this, they didn't do it by themselves. They didn't do the work alone. You know, they held a title. When I think about Brother Taylor, such a great man of God that he was, held a great title, but he couldn't do it by himself. Amen. A church cannot operate by one individual. Now before I go any further, I want you to understand, I don't feel like that we have any problems here. I don't want you to think that I'm trying to teach this, amen, to throw at anybody because I'm not. But I just feel like we need each other. There are things that we go through, amen. There's trials that we face. There's things that we face sometimes that we just can't fight it by ourselves. You know, when the text goes out sometimes, we see it all the time, we're a small church here, a small group, and I've said this before to my class, but when the text goes out, it just thrills me to see the response to the text. It's just, I mean, immediately, it's just one after another. I'm praying, I'm praying, I'm praying. You know, the heart symbols, the praying symbols, you know, just the kind words. And so how much does that mean? It means so much. But there's a reason for this, amen, that Paul calls upon the church to pray for him. Amen. Paul realizes, I need them. They need me, but I need them. You've got to understand this morning that we need each other. I believe that Paul is aware of the benefit of having the saints of God lift him up in prayer. We should be aware of those benefits as well. In 1 Corinthians 12, verse 14, the Bible says, For the body is not one member, but many. If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body, is it therefore not of the body? And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body, is it therefore not of the body? If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were a hearing, where were the smelling? But now hath God set the members, every one of them, in the body, as it hath pleased him. 1 Corinthians 1, verse 10 says this, Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, that there be no divisions among you, but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. Let's find it here real quick. I had it marked in the book of Ephesians. God puts everything in order, and he does it perfectly. He doesn't do anything halfway. He does it just right. Paul writes here in the book of Ephesians, chapter number 4, he says, Therefore the prisoner of the Lord beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation where ye are called, with all loneliness, meekness, longsuffering, forbearing one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, one Spirit, even as ye are all called in one hope of your calling. One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all in you all. But unto every one of us is given according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Let me read that again. But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Wherefore he saith, when he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. Now that he ascended, what is it? But he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth. He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, and he might feel all things. And he gave some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers. For what? For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, until we all come in the unity of the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. Why do we need each other? We need each other to keep the church alive. When you think about the human body system, it's a group of parts that work together to serve a common purpose, and that is simply keeping the body alive. I know I've said it like this, and I'm not saying this to complain, so don't take this the wrong way, but when I was pastoring at Seabury, I did it all, Brother Ronnie. I did it all. And I'm not saying that to complain or to brag, either one, but I was a song leader. I was the preacher, the pastor, and sometimes the teacher. I did it all. And I'm telling you, it's a load. It is a load when you carry that. Gladly done it. I was glad that God called me into that ministry, but it is a load. But Paul here, he's talking now in the book of Ephesians here, he's talking about the perfecting of the church. He gave some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the saints. Paul in verse number 3, he says he challenges the church to work toward the goal of unity or agreement. That's one of the things I want to talk about this morning. Why do we need each other? Amen. For unity of the church. This church cannot operate by one individual. This church cannot operate by one family. It would not. It's just impossible. When you think about a marriage, and I know, amen, I'm not going to get off on that rabbit trail, but when you think about a marriage, a marriage is not a one-sided relationship. It cannot work if it's just a one-sided relationship. I mean, a husband and wife has to come together, and there has to be a relationship there for a marriage to work. That's how God designed a home. He designed a family that way. He designed a church to come together and work together, pray together, worship together. Amen? Go to heaven together. I thought about this this morning. There was times that I would call prayer meetings or something, or I would call some kind of church gathering, and it just seems like it was me and my family and maybe one or two others and that was it. But I'm telling you, when Paul here, he calls upon the church, I believe he's calling with confidence. I believe he's calling them knowing that when I call for them, Brother Austin, when I call for them to pray, I know they're going to pray. He's calling with confidence. He's got confidence in the church, and I do this morning. I want to say that I've got confidence in this church. I've got confidence in each and every one of you here, amen, that I believe that when somebody calls, amen, for prayer, I believe there's prayer that takes place. How do I know? I have felt the prayers, amen? I know because I've seen the results of prayers. I know because I've seen this church, amen, as a result of prayer, amen. There is a path to unity, amen. Paul mentions in several characteristics, amen, that should be true to each of us. These characteristics, if they are true in our life, that we will go a long way to helping keeping the church alive. Loneliness is one of them. This word means to think or judge with loneliness, to possess loneliness of mind. It speaks of humility. I would never be anything if I think that I'm something. I don't ever want to get to a place where if I felt, Brother Joe, that well, if my family wasn't there, boy, that church wouldn't go nowhere. I don't ever want to get there. But I want to get to a place where I'm praying for Brother Ronnie's ministry. I'm praying for my pastor's ministry. I'm praying for every deacon in the church. I'm praying for every preacher in the church, the preacher's wives. It comes to a place where I've got to realize I can't do this on my own. I can't do this by myself. We can't do this just as individuals, but we must come together, amen, in spirit and in truth. Let me back up here again to the book of Romans. I'm kind of skipping around here just a little bit. There's so much that I could probably cover. We need each other. I think Paul, when he brings out here in the book of Romans, and when he says there, Now I beseech you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake and for the love of the Spirit, that you strive together. When you come together as one, when a church comes together and strives to come together, that church can become a powerful church. The book of Acts, chapter number 4, verse number 31, the Bible says, And when they had prayed. I've been thinking about this when I go into my prayer closet at home. There are times, and I've said this in testifying and I'll say it again this morning, there are times, Brother Camden, that I've had to force myself into the prayer closet. There's times, I mean, I'll be dead beat, tired, working all day, but I've had to push myself into that prayer closet. But I've noticed that when I do get in there and I get humble before the Lord, He's there waiting on me. I'll tell you, it's a wonderful thing. But it says that when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together. I thought about that, and I don't know how that you look at that, but when I'm thinking about that right there, Brother Quentin, it's as if gospel-like holiness church gets in their prayer closets at home, and the fire of God comes down in that prayer closet, and the power of the Holy Ghost comes down in that prayer closet, and we feel something from the glory world. We get into that inner court that you've been preaching about, that place where the veil was rent in twain from top to the bottom, that place that we've been invited to come into. That text that our pastor sent out just the other day, I was so...this thrilled me, that text, that we've been invited, amen, to come into that place. And we get into that place, Brother Ronnie, and the power of God shakes us into that place. And I thought to myself, if we would all do that, and I'm preaching to the choir this morning, I'm talking to Anthony right here, amen, if we would all get into that prayer closet, and let God shake us in that prayer closet, and let God shape us and mold us in that prayer closet, and let God pour out the Spirit upon us into that prayer closet, what would happen when we came in through them doors, and we all gathered here together? And I'm telling you, the place where we assembled would be shaken. I thought to myself, we need each other. Why? Amen, because there's a world out there that needs us. Amen, there's sinners that needs us. There's backsliders that needs us. Hey, I'm not trying to preach this morning, but I feel the Holy Ghost coming upon me. Amen, we've got people, amen, that's coming in these doors. And I thought to myself, Brother Camden, do I have what it takes, amen, when they come into the doors? They're needing help. Amen, they're needing deliverance. They're needing salvation. They're needing something from the Lord. And it's going to take us getting into our prayer closets, and letting God shape us and mold us, amen, and get us to a place that when we come together, amen, it's said that when the place was shaken, where they were assembled together, and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and spake the Word of God with boldness. And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul. Neither said any of them that ought, amen, of the things which he possessed was his own. But they all had things common. Oh, I'm telling you, church, amen, we could be a powerful church when we come together in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen, when we get home and we get into the prayer closet, and we let Him work on us. I love that song that says, I'm working on the building for my Lord. Amen, I like the little song that the children sing. He's still working on me. Amen, when I get into that prayer closet and I let Him show me things that I need to set aside, show me things, amen, that's hindering me or maybe hindering the service, I'm telling you, church, we need each other. We can be a powerful church. Not only that, but we can also be a church that prospers. Nehemiah chapter 2, and I know that I'm skipping around quite a bit, so if you can't keep up, it's okay. But Nehemiah chapter 2, verse number 20, then answered I them and said unto them, The God of heaven, He will prosper us. For we His servants will arise and build. We have no portion, no right, no memorial in Jerusalem. Don't you notice what he said there? He said, the servants, we His servants will arise and build. I know we talked last Sunday on the servants of God, and I had this thought in my mind even last Sunday, but I just didn't feel like going this route, but this morning I did. He said that we His servants will arise and build. Oh my, I'm telling you, I'm not a builder. I'm not a carpenter, but I have helped build pole barns, and I've helped build a house and things like that, and it takes a lot of people coming together and working together to build that project. There may be one guy that's just cutting wood all the time. There may be one guy that's hammering nails all the time. There may be one that's just handing a two-by-four up here, or a piece of plywood up here, but every one of those people on that job site has a position, and they'll stay in that position, and they'll do that to the very best, because they want to build the right thing. They want to build the right project. We're working on a building, and not just four walls here. Hey man, I tell you, it's come together. It's been a long process, but it's looking great. Hey man, and it's not finished yet. I'm looking forward to see what the finished project will look like. Hey man, eventually, and I'm talking to myself too, hey man. But we've got to come together. We need each other. That's what Nehemiah was talking about. We're going to rise together, and we're going to build together. Hey man, I'm going to put that in the spiritual terms. Hey man, we've got to pray together. Hey man, we've got to worship together. Hey man, we've got to come in here. Listen to me. Like I said, I don't perceive there's any problems here. Hey man, but oh my. Hey man, you cannot work together when there's strife and contention. Hey man, you cannot come together and worship together when there's disagreement. I understand we're not going to agree on everything. I know that. But when it comes to contention and divisions, that's what Paul was talking about. Hey man, that there be no divisions among you. I'm telling you, I've been thinking. My mind's been on the upper room here lately. I've been going to my prayer closet and praying about it. When they came into the upper room, that 120 that was there in that upper room, they all came with an expectation of a move of the Holy Ghost. Hey man, they didn't know when it was going to happen, how it was going to happen, but they knew, hey man, they come in there with an expectation. And the Bible says that they was all in one place and one accord. Hey man, they had their mind upon the same thing. Hey man, I'm coming to worship God. I'm coming to serve Him. I'm coming to help my brother. I'm coming to help my sister. I'm coming, hey man, to lean upon them and they lean upon me. Hey man, that's what Paul is saying right here in verse number 30. He's saying, strive together with me. Hey man, in other words, I'm not just putting the load on you. Hey man, but I'm telling you, strive together with me, but pray for me. It was a diligent prayer. He was asking for a diligent prayer. Hey man, he was asking for a dedicated prayer. He was asking for them to come together, strive together in prayer. I'm telling you, church, that's what it's going to take. Prayer is what brings revival. Prayer is what gets a hold of the backsliders. Prayer is what gets a hold of those who has run from God for such a long time. Prayer is what gets a hold of people, hey man, who play church a lot of the times. Hey man, I had a, well, most of you all probably, I know you young folks wouldn't know who I'm talking about. My father-in-law does, but there was a man that I knew all my life. He grew up, I grew up at Church of God of Prophets, and he lived behind the church, Red Grimes. And I guess that was his name, Red, because if it wasn't, I never knew his name. That's all we ever known him as. And he would come, Brother Ronnie, there would be times you could see him. He'd be looking into the windows of the church. He lived right there in a little shack behind the church. And he would come up and look in the windows. And he never would come inside, though. Well, he had some sisters that believed in prayer. And they prayed and prayed and prayed for him, hey man, to get saved. And I remember one night I was there, I'll never forget it. I was just a young feller. I remember one night the back door opened up, and Red came in. Red, come in there. I'm just going to be, I'm just being transparent with you. Hey man, he'd come in with his white t-shirt on. That's what he always wore. He had a white t-shirt, a little pair of, I don't know what they were, they weren't blue jeans, but like dress slacks. He had his twisted backer in his back pocket that he always had. He'd come in the back door, Brother Ronnie, and went straight to the altar. I'll never forget it. I remember I was there. I remember he knelt down at an altar, and he bawled like a baby on that altar. I'd never seen a man cry like that. And he cried, and I mean, laid it all at the altar. And that night, he stood up and he testified. And he said, I thank God for saving me. He said, I had my sisters praying hell upon me. And he told the story. He said he was laying in bed. It was a night or two before that happened. He said, I was laying in bed, and he said, I woke up in the middle of the night, and he said, I'm going to tell you, hell is real. He said, I saw the hell-firing brimstone at the foot of my bed. That was his story. And he said, when I saw that, he said, I knew that's where I was going if I didn't change my life. I don't know how many years he lived after that, but he was a different man from then on. I remember that the Lord changed him. But what was it? Somebody came together and prayed. There were people that came together and lifted up Red Grimes' name to the Lord. I'm telling you, church, amen, when we come together and we pray, amen, we may not be right here all the time praying, amen, but when we're at home and we're lifting up Jacob Harper, amen, and we're lifting up Melissa Harper, amen, and we're lifting up the name Sam, amen, and we're lifting up the name Holly, and Brad, and Sarah, and Jonathan, and Justine, and Hunter, amen, and many more. Amen, I could go down the list. Amen, I'm telling you, we're lifting those names up. Amen, it ain't just going up to the roof and coming back down. But I believe when we get together and we're praying, it's entering the throne room of heaven. And one day after a while, I believe, amen, that we're going to hear, amen, that they hit the floor, amen, praying for some reason. Because prayer works, church. Prayer works. Hallelujah. Amen. When we come together, we can be a powerful and a prosperous church. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3, starting at verse 6, this is what Paul says. He says, I have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth anything, neither is he that watereth, but God that giveth the increase. Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one. And every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labor. For we are laborers together with God. He are God's husbandry. He are God's building according to the grace of God, which is given unto you as a wise master builder. I have laid the foundation and another buildeth upon or thereon, but let every man take heed how he buildeth thereon. Acts chapter 2 and verse 47 says this, Praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. I'm a believing church. Amen. That there's going to be souls added to gospel like holiness church. I believe it. Amen. I'm not here and you all know me well enough. Amen. I don't hold on to this name it, claim it, you know, blab it, grab it. Amen. That's not what I'm talking about. Amen. But I'm telling you, I believe with confidence. Amen. As Paul had confidence in the church when he called upon them to pray. Amen. If you read and study this out, and we don't have time to go into all of it. Amen. The things that he had them to pray for. Amen. God answered them. God took care of him. God was with him in everything that was taking place. Amen. He answered the prayers. Amen. Can I tell you this morning? Amen. That when we rely upon one another. Amen. And we pray one for another. And we take each other's burdens upon ourselves. Amen. And really diligently get down and pray. Amen. For that burden. Can I tell you? God is listening. He hears the prayers of the saints. He sees the tears of the saints. I'm telling you church. Amen. I'm praying for something right now. Amen. And I'm not going into it. Ask the church to pray with me. Amen. For a situation. And I believe God's going to move. Amen. I know God will move. Amen. God has never failed me. He's never failed you. Amen. There's not anyone here this morning that could say He's ever failed us. We've been through the valleys. We've been through the trials. But I'm telling you, when we come together and we lift up His name. And we lift up the burdens of one another. Amen. And we diligently pray and dedicate our lives to the Lord. It is then that the place will be shaken. Amen. Something's going to happen when we lift up His name. Amen. Trying to move on here. We can be, or we will be, I believe, a prevailing church. When we're praying and coming together and realizing that we need one another. Matthew chapter number 16, starting at verse 18. Or verse 18 says this, and we know this very well. This is where Jesus was talking to the disciples. And He was asking them, who do men say that I am? And they said, some say that they are one of the prophets and Isaiahs and other names. And then Peter speaks up and says, thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And He looks at him and He says, I say also unto thee, thou art Peter. And upon this rock I will build my church. And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. As a church, we are praying and seeing the Lord work on His will and in our midst. There is joy. There is refreshing spirit around the house of God. And we are running our own steam. There is lack of power. I can't do it with my power. I can't do it just with my own steam. Our pastor can't do it with just his own steam. But we've got to have one another. That's why He said, thou art Peter. And upon this rock I will build my church. My church. The building is not the church. We are the church of the living God. We come together and we worship Him in spirit and truth. And we realize that we need one another. I read to you there in the book of Ephesians. And He said there that He gave some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers. And I know that He didn't go on and say musicians. And He didn't go on and say singers. And I'm not trying to add to or take from. I'm going to tell you right now, it would be a bad service if I jumped on that piano and started playing the congregation songs. I'm telling you. I can chord a little bit on it. I know some keys on it. I can play Amazing Grace. I can play Amazing Grace. I can play Amazing Grace. And I can play, what is that song, In the Garden. I can play that one. But I'm telling you, if I jumped on it and Jameson took off with that song, we'll understand it better by and by. It would be a bad, bad song because I can't play it. But God's given me a talent to play the bass. I'm not bragging. I'm not trying to do that. But that's what I do as far as music goes. I play the bass. I can play the guitar a little bit. I'm not a very good guitar player. I can play. But I'm trying to say that to say this. It all comes together as one. It comes together as one. There's not one greater than the other. There's no one in here. I think our pastor may have mentioned this one time or somebody did. And but I back it up 100 percent. When we get up here, the preachers get up here. And I believe I'm speaking for all of us. I hope I am. We're not up here in competition. I'm not up here. Amen. When Brother Joe preaches and I say, boy, I tell you what, let me get a hold of that thought. And we'll do something with it. No, no, we're not. We're not up here doing that. And I'm just picking on him. That's my buddy. He knows that. We're not doing that. Brother Jim, the other night, he wouldn't care if we're saying this. So I'll say it anyway. He texted me when he got home the other night. And I told him, I said, that was a great message you preached. Wonderful message. And I was serious about it. He texts back and he said, now you got a thought. Do something with it. You know, he just does that. I mean, we just tease each other back and forth. That ain't what it's about. We're not about that. We're not about trying to go above this one or I can play better than that one. Or I can sing better than him or her. But boy, I tell you, if it was me preaching that message, we would have an altar service like never before. That ain't what it's about, Brother Ronnie. But it's about us coming together and realizing I need Brother Ronnie. I need my pastor. Amen. I need, amen, Brother Quentin. Amen. I need the sisters. Amen. I need the brothers. Amen. Oh my, that's what Paul was realizing here. Amen. God has called me. Amen. But I'm telling you, church, I need you. Amen. That's what Paul was doing here. He was calling upon the church, letting them know I'm in need of prayer and I've got confidence in you that when I call upon the church, you're going to pray for my need. Amen. You're going to pray and we're going to see results. Amen. When we come together, we're going to see God move. Amen. That's what I believe this morning. That's what I have confidence in. Gospel light holding this church. Amen. That when we come together, we're going to see a move of God. Amen. Because we realize, amen, that we're praying one for another. We're leaning upon one another and we're coming together in spirit and in truth. We need each other. We need to pray one for another. Help one another. Pull the load. Depend upon one another. And most of all, the most important thing is go to heaven together. That's what we're striving for, church. Amen. I believe that we're living probably in one of the most perilous times, amen, that we've ever lived in. And it seems like the ministry, and I've got, I'm not going to get into it because it's another lesson, but I believe the ministry, amen, is under such attack like it's never been before in the day that we're living in. That family, it just breaks my heart, I don't even know them, that Joe sent out the text, that missionary family. I don't even know them. But it broke my heart, Brother Ronnie. I mean, they gave their lives, sacrifice basically, for the work of the ministry. And here we are today. We're gathered in the house of the Lord. I'm getting ready to close this Sunday school lesson. I'm done. Here we are gathered in the house of the Lord. We're gathered together. And I thought to myself how easy it is for us to get into a rut. How easy it is for us to get into a habit. We've been here a little over a year now. And I'm telling you, God is blessed. God has moved. We've seen things. Amen. We've seen healings. We've seen salvation. Amen. We've seen God come in here with revival, and He's moved and done great things. And I thought this morning, here we are. We're in the house of the Lord. We've come in here. Amen. We may have aches and pains. I know I do. Amen. Age takes toll on some. I understand that. Amen. But the Bible says this. Amen. Whatever has breath, praise ye the Lord. Amen. I thought this morning we'd come in here. Amen. And I'm not trying to pump you up or anything like that. But we'd come in here. Amen. And just get together and just realize. Amen. I need you. And you need me. Amen. And come in and just worship God together and praise God together. There's no telling what He could do right here this morning. Amen. I know. Amen. You don't got to tell me. Amen. Because I'm a human also. I know this morning that you brought problems to church. I brought problems to church. Amen. I know this morning that you brought troubles. Amen. There's things. Amen. That's weighing on you. Amen. That you don't understand why you're going through it. You don't understand the trial. Amen. But oh, when you come into this presence of the Lord. Amen. And realize He is all that I need. Amen. Oh, but when you come in and realizing I can depend upon them to pray. I can depend upon them to call out upon the name of the Lord. Something's going to happen when we come together in the name of the Lord. Something's going to happen. When they prayed, the place where they assembled was shaken. Amen. God bless you.