Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
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The speaker is talking about their experience at a church event where they felt the presence of God and received the Holy Ghost. They then discuss the importance of holiness and separating oneself from worldliness. They share a personal story about encountering explicit content at a young age and emphasize the need to be vigilant against the devil's traps. They urge the congregation to seek the Holy Ghost and not hide their struggles, especially when it comes to the influence of the world on young people. It's been a blessing to me. He's God. How many knows he's been a God? He's been a God. He's always led me. He's been with me. I told Brother Joe, before the service started, I said, my voice is kind of checked out, so I'll talk to you tomorrow morning or tonight. And later at the house today, I told Brother Austin that. And he reached in his pocket and he pulled two orange earplugs out and he stuck them in his ear. So if you've got those tonight, just make sure you pull them out because I won't need your help tonight because my voice is about gone. But I don't think what God did for me at E-Town, I'm not going to take long, but on Tuesday night, Brother Enoch Snow preached on the making of the mantle. And if you were there, it was an outstanding message, wonderful. And I was praying, seeking God, and I remember Brother Maynard walked up to me and he took that mantle that Brother Enoch used and he just shoved it on me real hard. He said, pray. And I was like, okay. So I started praying. And I took that mantle and I remember, if you know Brother Maynard, I'm telling you, he prays. He needs it. I remember as I was praying, I took that mantle and I just wrapped myself up in it. And I'm talking the Holy Ghost hit me back. I was listening to the Holy Ghost. And every time I'd come up, I was thinking, expecting me to be done, but the Holy Ghost hit me again, again and again, and I felt the mantle of God. I want to feel the mantle, church. I want to feel the mantle. Praise God. We're going to turn to 2 Corinthians tonight, 2 Corinthians chapter number 6. I'm thankful for what God did for me at E-Town, E-Town. He touched me and He touched many others. I believe one night, I forgot the night exactly, I think it was maybe Wednesday night at 12, just on that night that I baptized the Holy Ghost. And I'm telling you, God's got revival for this church. The church, you might say that, well, there's just not a lot of evidence. I'm telling you, I see so much proof of an outpouring of the Holy Ghost. And I'm watching for an outpouring of the Holy Ghost. I am waiting for an outpouring of salvation upon this town. I'm looking for a church. Heaven is looking for another wave of glory. I'm longing for a wave of glory. Praise God. Well, let's read the words. 2 Corinthians chapter number 6. We'll begin our reading of verse number 16. Amen. In what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God. As God hath said, I will dwell in them and walk in them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore, come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean flesh, and I will receive you. And there will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. I want to be a child of the King. I want to be a child of the King. I want to preach from text 17. Wherefore, come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you. I just want to preach on a simple title. I felt God lay this on my heart this morning. On why I hate worldliness. Why I hate worldliness. If it's alright, stretch your hands and ask God to help me now. I don't need your help tonight. I pray that, God, you would touch me. Oh, anoint me, God, tonight to preach the word of God the way I feel it. Oh, anoint me, God, tonight to preach the word of God the way I feel it. Oh, God, touch me and move on me. I rely completely on you tonight. I'm not reliant on man's wisdom or enticing words. I'm dependent upon a demonstration of the Holy Ghost. And I ask all these things in Jesus' name, I pray. Amen, amen. Why I hate worldliness. I've noticed in my short lifetime a rapid increase of worldliness slipping into the church. If you've been reading the study and re-articles about the early church, Richard Crane, a well-known Pentecostal holiness preacher, I believe he pastored a church in Tennessee, I forgot the name of it. But he has these books he writes and articles, and talks about the doctrines of holiness and the doctrines of the Pentecostal denomination. And some great stuff to read on how he enjoyed it. But once you read it, you begin to realize that over time, and over the hour that we've lived in, there has been a rapid decrease of holiness preaching. I've been studying lately in this world, and I have found that God is holy. And I have found that God is a holy God. And He requires holiness from His people. I've found in my reading, and in my studying, that we the people of God are not receiving holiness preaching like we used to. What has happened to the hour, there was a time when preaching of holiness was all the time. But now it's every now and then, oh God help us, I say God, revive us to hate the fate of the world. But I will stand, come out among them, and be ye separate. Praise God. Be separate simply means be ye separate. It means be different. Be a peculiar people. I believe it was Peter that said, but ye are a chosen generation, for we will preach good, a peculiar people. We're not like the world. Oh come on here now. We don't dress like them. We don't walk like them. We won't talk like them. That's what we are. We're going to hold on to the name of holiness. Praise God. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate. Sayeth the Lord. Now I'm taking that as a commandment. I don't look at that verse and say, well that's just a recommendation. I'm taking that as a commandment. Sayeth the Lord. All we know is when God says something, you better listen. It was a covenant in the Bible that when God spoke, they listened. Oh come on here now. When he said, be holy, for I am holy. I'm going to live holy. Oh God, help me tonight. Peter said be sober. Be vigilant. For your adversary the devil was walking about as a roaring lion. And it goes on to say, seek him whom he may devour. I'm going to need God's help tonight. I'm going to lay this on my heart. I've never told this as far as I know in the pulpit. Can I get a drink of water maybe? Can I get a drink of water? I never told this, but I was around 12 years old. God help me right now. I was in Wal-Mart. And I'm almost somewhere else in the store. I was 12, 13 years old. Young to your age. At that age, you ought not to know anything. You should know the stuff that you don't have. That's just the truth of the church. The world has put it in the heads of young people, wicked imaginations, and wicked thoughts. Well, I felt God right there. We better be careful. We better be careful. Who we're allowing. I know I'm 16 years old. But we need Valerie. We need company. We need Valerie. On our phones. On our laptops. We need Valerie. I was walking in Wal-Mart. I was around the electronic area. And I walked up to a phone. And I promise you, I stay behind this pulpit. I will never lie. I didn't look up one thing on that phone. All I did is I walked up to that phone just to look at it. I still had an iPhone. You know, I was, oh, an iPhone. That's cool. I like iPhones. I walked up to that thing. And I just tapped the screen. And there was an explicit picture popped up right there. I immediately got out of it. But the devil had already set the trap. It was this much. I was hooked. Oh, you're not listening to him. I believe God was realized. And so was, there is a lion. And he's after your soul. Yes! I've never done it. But, uh, the Durbans, I believe former neighbors, I think they moved away east of Bennett. They, uh, if I'm not mistaken, they, uh, trapped and stuff of that nature. Am I right? They trapped? Yeah. That's cool. I like that kind of stuff. But if we're catching something, if I'm not wrong, if we're catching cows or foxes, we're going to put it in an area that's concealed. It's disguised. Oh, God, help me right now. We're going to put it in an area that won't catch their prey off guard. That won't catch that thing off guard. And as that prey is walking, as that fox is walking, he might just step on a snare and it's gone. That's the same way with the devil. He's going to set a trap and he's going to try to catch you young ones and the old. He is a lion. And he's after our souls. God help me. I did the wrong thing that night. Instead of going to my mom and telling her what I've seen, I hid it from her. And I know I'm young, but I want to tell everybody that's in this house, if you're doing something and you're hiding it, don't hide it. I know you're going to be ashamed. I was ashamed also. Oh, God, help me right now. But it's the worst thing to hide it. It's the worst thing to keep it concealed. We need to compare to what we have done before God. Instead of going to my parents about it and telling them what I've done and what I've seen. Yeah, I didn't do anything. I didn't look anything up. But the devil has set a trap. I'm not trying to say something I'm not saying. You watch out for Robbie. You watch out. Robbie's going to come to age one day and the devil's going to set a trap for her. We better watch out and keep our eyes on the enemy. Oh, God, help me. Oh, we need someone that can stand up and say, Oh, you're not getting my young one. You're not getting my church. God, help me right now. The world has instilled it in our young ones minds that it's normal to look at that kind of stuff. God, help me right now. Oh, that's why we preach. You need the Holy Ghost. Oh, God, help me right now. That's why we preach. You need to have an experience because, Landon, I love you. You're my little brother and we're best friends. But the devil has a trap for you. And you better get feel. But I know my crush's trying to hide. You better get feel and have the power that you need. Raise your hands across the house. God, help me. Oh, I need your help right now. Oh, church, God, help me right now. I need the Holy Ghost of Heaven. That preacher's not me. Because he preaches what he preaches. I've seen so many times, not only 16 years old, I've seen so many times preachers come down to a church and basically prophesy to parents, you better watch out what your young children are doing. And they just, whatever. Oh, God. We need some people that when the preacher speaks, I better watch my kids. I better watch my kids. This is nothing to me. But when we preached our revival in Tennessee, before I got down there, God spoke to me and told me there were two young men addicted to pornography. God preached to both of them and they came to me afterwards and said, how did you know that? And I said, God told me, you better watch out what's online and on your phone. Oh, God help me right now. It's all right if I preach, right? It's okay if I preach for a while. We will have way too much. We will have way too much slack. We will have way too many apps. Oh, God. We will have kids that have social media where they can look at all the junk at the world house. Here's how I look at it. It's okay if I tell you how I look at this. If you're willing to go through a sewer just to find one good piece of, well, let's say, if you're willing to go through a sewer to find one good piece of food, if you're willing to go through a lot to find one good thing, that's how I feel about social media. That's just how I feel. If you're willing to squeeze through all the disgusting pictures and all the evil explicit comments just to find one good thing, I don't think it's worth it. The Bible says have a pure heart and a pious. I want a pure heart and a pious before God. Raise your hands. Ask God to help me. How he gonna help me? Whoo! Jesus help me. Be once sober. Be vigilant. We'd rather serve the devil as a roaring lion. Oh, God. We'd better watch out for what we're allowing our own. Oh, God. I hope the Holy Ghost just breathed on you there. Dream of all three. All three. Of all three. I am a lover of books. But you'd better watch for what you're letting your young ones read. Oh, God. I've seen graphic novels at Walmart and Target and I wouldn't even think to the door to read. Oh, God help me. We'd better be careful. We let our teenage and our young ones read and listen too. Are you listening to me? We'd better get down to business with the devil. We'd better watch out. We'd better watch out what we're letting them listen to and what we're letting them read. I'm gonna have my helpers come. Come on, guys. I need y'all's help. I'm Bronson Landon, daddy. Thank y'all guys for helping me. I've told God to prick my heart to do this and we're gonna do it tonight. I'm gonna take this sign out right here. I'm gonna put it over here. All right. I brought me an empty trash can by Brock and I want if it's all right I want I want you to hold this. If you can read that, I know it ain't very big but it says holiness. Bronson, hold that for everybody. That says holiness. There's a lot now in it and more than this. Bronson's the one who's torn here. He doesn't know what to do should he take the right side or the left side. Welcome me, Bronson. Bronson doesn't know what to do and Bronson doesn't really know what to do. See, his friends at school those days, go ahead and say something. His friends at school say this. You need some morals, son. You need to have a little bit of those cigarettes You need to have a little bit of that alcohol and that tobacco and all that good stuff. That's what you need. A little bit of worldliness. But on this side, we're representing a little angel here. I'm not a little angel, but I'm going to represent one. Bronson, you know better than to chew tobacco. You know better. Don't smoke that joint with those boys. You lost your mind. Don't do that. Bronson, he's trying to walk the right road and as he passes by he starts reaching puberty and slowly over time there comes this real worldly group of boys who are just going to run the roads and smoke joints and shoot a mock and drink alcohol and look at pornography. I don't know why I'm doing this right now but there's coming a day when our young ones and I've had sources I've had to bait and the devil is going to come right up to you and tell you, Chew tobacco. I say, Chew Jesus. I say, Chew Jesus. That's Bronson walking through life. Here comes this real worldly boy. Go ahead, say something. No. No. No. So Bronson's got more choices he's got to make and he's still torn. He's still torn between those two worlds. He doesn't know what to do. The devil's telling him one thing and God's telling him another but over time Bronson has got to make a decision and thank God one night on the highway of holiness Bronson made the decision. Let me have that paper. Walk up to that and rip that in two. Go ahead, rip it up. That's it, rip it up. Smash it all together. I don't want it. Throw it in the trash can. Throw it in there Bronson. Hallelujah. On one night on the highway he chose holiness. He chose holiness. He chose holiness. What are you going to choose? Touch him God. You're not helping me. What are you going to choose? Raise your hands across the house. I need God's help. Go ahead and hold that for a minute. Thank God for the song. Thank God for the song. Where are you going to choose? What are you going to choose? Oh God. I told you about this world and what it offers. I told you about what it will do to you if you go that way. I told you what it's going to say to you. Oh God. I'm not trying to put you on the spot. But here we are now. The world is going to lie to you. The world is going to lie to you and tell you it's alright to do those things. Johnson & Winston listen to your old brother. It is not alright to do those things. It is not alright to indulge in those things. I don't know why I feel it but I'm going to do it anyway. I'm looking for somebody to step up right now and hold this time up. Do I have any partakers? Step out. I don't care how young you are or how old you are. I'm looking for somebody to step out and hold up this time. Do I have anybody who wants to hold up all of this? Is there anybody? Is there anybody who wants to hold up? Is there anybody else? Step out right now. Oh, come on church. Is there anybody? Oh, I've got my pushcart and my high five. I've got a Holy Ghost right now. Is there anybody who wants to hold up the time and hold up the banner of holiness? Hold it up. That's it, Mr. Hager. I choose holiness. That's it, Mr. Hager. Hold it up. Hold it up. That's it, Mr. Christie. Hold it up. Hold it up. I choose holiness. That's it. Hold it up. I choose holiness. That's it. I choose holiness. That's it. I choose holiness. That's it. I choose holiness. That's it. Hold it up. I choose holiness. That's it. Hold it up. I choose holiness. That's it. I choose holiness. That's it. I choose holiness. That's it. Hold it up.