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'The story of my goat' is a profound sermon delivered by Pastor Z. Malaza. The esteemed clergyman recounted the ordeal of his goat mysteriously disappearing and his relentless quest to find and return it, only for the same goat to vanish once more. He cleverly utilized the missing goat as a metaphor for modern-day Christianity. This sermon is undeniably a powerful message that has the potential to transform lives. I urge you to listen attentively and share it with others.

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The speaker starts with a prayer, asking for God's guidance and challenging the audience to be transformed. He then introduces the topic of his sermon, which is the story of his goats. He reads from the book of Hosea in the Bible, which tells a story of how God used Hosea's marriage to a prostitute as a symbol of his relationship with Israel. The speaker explains that God often uses physical objects or events to convey important messages, and shares personal experiences with his own goats being killed by his dog. He ends by encouraging the audience to see their own stories as messages from God and to trust that they will rise again. Spirit of the Living God, I thank you for such a moment. Almighty God, I pray, let destiny collide. I thank you, Father, because today you will challenge us to the call of God of our lives. And I thank you because those who are not born again yet, they will not walk out of this hall the same. King of Glory, I pray, would you speak to us with all simplicity, but we will hear your voice. Do it, my God. You've done it before. We know you are yet to do it, but you are doing it even today. Let this be so, Almighty God. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. I did promise the other time that I was going to speak on a very strange subject. The story of my goats. And that's what I'm speaking on this time. The story of my goats. And make sure you open your ears and open them wide. Hosea chapter 1 verse 1. The word of the Lord that came to Hosea, the son of Beri, in the days of Uzziah, Jotam, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam, son of Joash, king of Israel. When the Lord first spoke with and through. Mark this one. He first spoke with and through. The Lord said to him, go take to yourself a wife of Hallow Tree. And have children of her, Hallow Tree. Okay. And have children of her, Hallow Tree. I hope we get that one clear. For the land commits great hodom by departing from the Lord. So he went and took Goma, the daughter of Dublin, and she became pregnant and bore him a son. And the Lord said to him, call his name Jezreel or God's souls. For yet a little while and I will avenge the blood of Jezreel and visit the punishment for it upon the house of Jehu. And I will put an end to the kingdom of the house of Israel. And on that day I will break the bow of Israel in the valley of Jezreel. And Goma conceived again and bore a daughter. And the Lord said to us here, call her name Lorahama or not pitied. For I will no more have love, pity and mercy on the house of Israel that I should in any way pardon her. But I will have love, pity and mercy on the house of Judah. And will deliver them by the Lord their God. And will not save them by bow nor by sword, but by equipment of war, nor by horses nor by horsemen. Now when Goma had weaned Lorahama, she became pregnant again and bore a son. And the Lord said, call his name Loahmi, not my people. For you are not my people and I am not your God. Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea which cannot be measured or numbered. And instead of it being said to them, you are not my people. It shall be said to them, sons of the living God. Acts chapter 21 verse 11 says, And coming to see us, that's Agabus the prophet. He took Paul's belt and with it bound his own feet and hands and said, thus says the Holy Spirit. The Jews at Jerusalem shall bind like this the man who owns this belt. And they shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles. God in dealing with his people, in the Old Testament, he spoke through the prophets. Don't worry, next week before preaching I am going to spend time and pray for people. But now in the New Testament, God spoke to us through his son Jesus. And now and again, he speaks to us through the Word and the Holy Spirit in our hearts. In the Old Testament, he spoke through the prophets. And then moving to the New Testament, he has spoken to us through his son Jesus. In our dispensation, he speaks as we read the Word, as the Word is being preached. And again, he whispers into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Holistically, God speaks through the Word, sometimes through dreams and visions, and sometimes through life's events. He speaks again through prophetic utterances. And again, like I said, he speaks through the inner man. But mark this one, when a very urgent and serious message urgent and serious has to be passed on, God usually uses an object, an object, something you can see. He uses a picture message, things that could objectively be observed, just to make sure that nobody misses the message. Because when you say the Lord spoke to my heart, that is very subjective. It's subjective, it's only your thing, it's only you that knows about it. It cannot be objectively tested whether it is true or not. We don't know, but if there is an urgent and serious message, God uses something that everybody can see, and everybody can relate to, it becomes a historical incident that can factually be compared to the reality. When Israel passed through the Jordan, they had to pitch stones and enact a monument. One day God spoke to Hosea, Go and marry a prostitute. And the prophet did not stop prostituting. She went on prostituting, and she started bearing children, and the prophet was not very sure. When the bees were healed, oh no, there was no time for a plan A, but this is my wife, and these children were born in the house. So I believe they are my children, whether they are or not, but they are in the house. And the man of God went back to God, crying, weeping and wailing, and said, my God, you said to me, I must marry this woman, but look at what she is doing. The heart of the prophet was bleeding, day in and day out, but it was God that said he must marry this woman. When the prophet went to God, and God said, are you in pain? The prophet said, yes, and then God turned the coin, and said, in the same way, you feel the pain, in the same way, I feel the pain in my heart. When your woman, dressed by you, taken to the salon at your expense, rises up, goes to the market, for other men to behold. And then God would say, inasmuch as I have raised you, as my people, taken good care of you, but you leave my house, you go and prostitute, with other girls. That's how I feel. So serious was the message. So terrible was the message. God made the man, to taste this thing, so that when the man would go in prayer, he would know how God feels. So that when God, speaks to the man, the man would prophesy, with the weight, the prevency, the agency, that still, when all the patience is there. Why only my... Why would you hurt me so much God? There is a message in your pain. There is a message, in your story. Somebody will say, this is Old Testament theology. The barber says, God sent Jonah, to prophesy in him. And the guy went very reluctantly. And when he got there, he didn't want God to spread the city. And the barber says, it became so hot, that the man needed shelter. And God caused a tree, to grow up to tree, not in a day, in a matter of minutes. It grew up a cool. And Jonah, who was running away, from the call of God, started enjoying, the shade of the tree. Are you okay? Is my sound okay? Good. He started enjoying the shade, that he didn't create. He started enjoying the shade, that he didn't make. He started enjoying the shade, that he didn't work for. And you know what God did? In a moment's time, God released a worm, that ate the tree. And in a matter of seconds, the tree died off. And the prophet started complaining, but God widely said, the man was crying, and complaining, because of a dead tree, that he didn't grow, that he didn't work, he never applied no nutrients. He started complaining, and then the word of the Lord came, and God said to the prophet, you are crying over a tree, you never planted, you never watered, but you want me, to kill a city, with people, both young and old. I created them, and I took time, to grow them, and raise them. God, that you give him, an unchecked lesson, for him to understand, how God felt, the story, of my goal. In the interest of our time, listen to this, and like I did say, someone who said that's Old Testament theology, all one day, he wanted to go to Jerusalem, and God sent a prophet, the prophet Agabon, he picked a belt, Paul's belt, and tied himself, the feet, and then he said, this will happen, to the owner of the belt, when he gets to Jerusalem. Paul, had to get a clear message, this was not a joke, come along with me, the story of my goal. I was really trying to raise goats, actually I'm a preacher, but I'm a farmer at heart, so one of the good days, give me strings very soft, one of the good days, we were at the church office to pray, I called home, to ask the boys to make sure my chickens are safe, and so my big boy tells me, he says, daddy, daddy sorry, I said what? he says your goats, there were not many at the time, there were four, all of them seemingly, I had raised goats before, I had to give them away to someone, I was starting all over again, and they were pregnant my children, so I said what happened? I said all dead, I said all dead, just before the conference, I said what happened? He said I'm not sure, okay, let's put aside the devil, that wanted to confuse my focus, let's put away the devil, let's work on the story, of the pastor's goats, when I got home, all of them were dead, and mind you, just the previous morning, I had looked at my goats, the other one was about to give birth, I had counted, that my goats are not alive, then he said cut, they were about to multiply, and this happened, and it broke my heart to the core, that's the first batch, by the grace of God, I got another batch, and another batch, and another batch, but it cannot remain like that, today you may be down, but you shall rise up again, the devil is alive, you have a story, that God is developing, and your story, has a message, but this is what broke my heart, when I brought in the first batch, right in the middle of the night, while I was sleeping, I heard a cry, from the crow, I quickly ran there, when I got there, I found, one of my goats, trying to kill another goat, this was not the neighbor's dog, it was my dog, then I got convinced, it's possible, that even the other goats, were killed by my dog, I didn't say it, but this time around, I caught my dog, red-handed, red-handed, and the dogs I have are greyhounds, not pygmy dogs, it actually chased one man, who had come to throw up a mess, and he ran, and every time I would be away, I would be so confident, there's no one who would go into my home, nothing will go wrong, it comes by greyhounds, again, but this time around, the same dog, I had hoped, they will protect my property, it's the same dog, that destroyed what I love, there could be three things, that led to that, don't get tired, I'm leading somewhere, it could be the dogs were hungry, it could be the dogs were sick, and it could be because out of their potential, they did what they did, the first one, issues of hunger, I've spent so much money feeding those dogs, put that man aside, the issue of being sick, a disease, it is not, I've spent much money, vaccinating, the only, option left, it is potential, the dogs, they got so bored, begging and begging, that's my genetic formation, I was born, I was raised, for a king, and the Lord took me in, respect my land, how many times, have I trusted leaders, to protect my people, how many times I've trusted pastors, to protect the church, but while I am in heaven, the same pastors, are feasting on the church, do you understand the pain, that I go through, when that happens in the church, my friend, you meant that I had no ears, then you speak to me in such a way, I want you to feel, how I feel, the body of Jesus has become a men's church, we just kill the God that we want, we do as we please, how I feel, I've given you my treasure, but you preach anyhow, you treat my people in such a way, but how you feel, you are dead, how many leaders, have raised in different departments, to raise other leaders, but instead of praising them, they kill them, my goats were about to reproduce, they were at the position to emerge, how many gifts and callings and talents, that were annihilated, just at the point when God was raising, he says that's how I feel, I go, like I told you, I went, I got another batch, brought it in, and unfortunately, you see the issue of potential, there are so many of us that God has called, but you are refusing to function, but I'm sure, you'll bother us, because you will get bored, coming to church and sitting down, you will start gossiping everyone, because you are bored, you are not hungry, you are well fed, you are not sick, but the potential in you, will give us problems, stand up and say, you can't be a cabbage forever in church, for how many years have you been poor again, by what have you done in the kingdom of God, you will actually bother us, it's because you know, what should be happening, that you are sick with, you are sitting down, with the grace, with the anointing, with the calling, with heaven's mandate, stand up and do something, potential, the crayons arose and said, I will show you people, there are so many crayons seated here, they are seated here, they frown as I preach, others laugh as I preach, others are even sick, others are complaining, they are crayons, all of us, seated right there, this is not pig inni, it's not a small thing, this kind of dogs, it's not just somehow, there is a dog, no matter how hungry it is, it cannot kill a dog, to kill, by the crayons, it just stays on the neck, where are we going to go, concerning you, where will we go concerning you, I brought in the new, the one that was attached, that's not a problem, that kind was just the traditional goat, that's the same night, when the dog got into the crawl, the crawl is the place of safety, but they were attacked, I had just brought in the poor goats, those are more expensive, when I got in, I found one who was actually wounded here, that's not an issue, but the next day, they vanished, they can't go back to the same crawl, that's not an issue, they saw one, the one they found here, someone was on the neck, you know what we do as churches, we take good care of the new members, the fat ones, and we ill-treat the senior members, the new expensive goats, ran away because they saw all the ragged ones being attacked, and God said to me, when someone is poor or manic, educated or not educated, come on, treat them well, the manic people that you try to educate, they will never stay in the church, you know what they say, they say as long as Malaza is treated like this, we are now Malaza, you can't treat us like this, we lose, future leaders, because we are destroying, the seemingly useless members of the church, but the new ones, when they come, what's the name called, I lost my Boa goat, not because necessarily the dog was attacking them, they were attacking the other goat already, and God told me, that how churches will never grow, treat everyone, with dignity, respect everyone, whether they have money or they don't, whether they smell expensive, or they smell their natural smell, treat them good, because someone new who comes in, can't you call me Sagadilo Moon, who doesn't let them call me Nambatang Ndanshe, the story of my Zaba, I checked, how did they get out, I found that there is a small exit, Lalela, there are others that was actually there, they did not go out, but this one, they could go out, I said what's this Lord, and God said, there are certain systems, that worked yesterday, and preserved others, God said, there are systems in the church, that don't work, by the church, then I said what must we do, Jehovah told me, I have called people, to raise systems and structures, that will keep my people, that will keep the harvest, but they are not coming to the fold, the story, of my God, and for God to do a thing, this is a mess, it's an issue of urgency, we need to correct, this thing, I had to go to Josie, to attend a conference, with Creflo Dollar, and in the morning, when I was about to start off, as I pushed to close, they said you are not going, I said I am going, which we are not going, I am going for free, I am going, and God said go, when I was there, as I was praying for my goats, the Lord said when you go back home, you will find your goats there, actually as I speak, your goats are back home, that was after a week, I couldn't believe, I am saying to you, even in your fallen state, even if you did not obey, God still does speak to you, don't say it's okay, God is okay with what I am doing, disobedience will kill you, disobedience is costly, no, it still sends the power, I can live in sin, I can still move in the power, this thing will catch up with me, God spoke to me, even though I have disobeyed, when I got home, my boys were excited, you are going to Bethlehem, I said don't play with my feelings, you are looking at yourself, you are begging, I said come on, don't play with my feelings, let go Luke, when I got there, the goats were normal, the goats were normal, the boys thought the goats were still there, not knowing that the goats have escaped, sometimes we get excited about stuff that is not, we get excited about stuff that God doesn't have a clue about, how did they get lost again, when they came back, the owner of the goats was not there, the man with the passion for goats, he was the man, those who were there, they tried to help, but their skills, was not to that level, they lost them, and God said to me, church is bigger than the pastor, whether the pastor is in church or not, things should not go wrong because you are not there, God is calling for people, with skill, there are those who have skills, but they don't have the heart, they are graced by God with the talent, but their heart is in the wrong place, there are those again with the heart, but they don't have the skill, they took my goats back there again, the poor, and they escaped again, and God says I get excited, when someone who has fallen comes back, I get excited, but when I look again, they are not there, because the way you handle people, it is bad, I said what can I do, he said the forge is not with you my boy, but it is the support structure, I am trying to raise people, that will raise a structure and system, but they are refusing, I lost my goats again, my old lady, ask one guy who usually helps us back at home, we asked him, we are good, come tomorrow morning and tie the goats until Umfundi is back, the guy promised I am coming, but he didn't come, that is why they had to release them back to the field, and God said, so many people have made empty promises to me, Lord if only you can do this for me, I will do this for you, God has blessed you so much, it was better if you had not promised, then you would deceive God and Satan, and God would think the servant, who is standing in the cave, and yet you are playing, and we lose it again, the story of my goats, I started looking as I pushed to close, on my birthday which was on the 29th of May, which was on Tuesday, before the conference, people were sending, bless you, bless you messages, enjoy your day, enjoy your day, bless you say, enjoy your day, what day to enjoy? I was wearing my boots, it was so hot, I was looking for my coats, goats I paid for, but they were nowhere to be found, I ended up trying to buy binoculars, that will help me find my goats, not just buying the goats, buy binoculars for your goats, to help me locate goats, and God said, how much more must I spend, looking for you, I paid dearly for those goats, but they are not home, and God defeated me, I love my God, and He said, how many have I paid for at the cross, but even today, I am at holy, because I am at holy, because I am at holy, because I am at holy, because I am at holy, because I am at holy, because they are still not there, they have not paid the price, but you are still hiding in the woods, my goats, they know where they are, it is only me who can locate them, they are hiding in the woods, just like you, hiding in the woods of adultery and fornication, but they have not paid the price, but when God wants to use you, you have nowhere to be found, you are hiding in the woods, but the price has been paid, hiding in the woods of pleasure, I am enjoying myself, and the price was paid in the cross, but you are still not home, it is your day today, you must come back, give God some peace, I am telling you, God is good, you know when God cries, I am out to check, the goats are mine, but nowhere to be found, imagine how God feels, He has paid the price, but you are nowhere to be found, today, you must respond, today, you must surrender, today, come out of the woods, and one said I can't, who am I, there can be anything, the woods of self-pity, you need to come out, God is waiting for you, it is time that you do what God calls you to do, when God calls, it is not like you must stop working, you must stop school, and come and preach like me, but there is an assignment specifically, you have a tax that nobody else can pay, you have a tax that nobody else can pay, you have a tax that nobody else can pay, you have a tax that nobody else can pay, you have a tax 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