Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The episode is about dealing with difficult people when trying to accomplish something great. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and empathy. Prayer is also highlighted as a powerful tool for change and generating solutions. The example of Moses praying and obeying God's instructions to sweeten the bitter waters is given. The speaker encourages listeners to invite God and involve Him in difficult situations. The episode ends with an invitation to share advice on dealing with a partner who is not on the same page. Hello and welcome to Join This Chariot for a 5-Minute Bible Study. This 25th episode on A Step of Faith is titled, Working with Difficult People. My name is Greg Alabi and I'm inviting you to come let us study the Bible together. When you are ready to take a step of faith to accomplish something great, having a difficult person in your team could be very challenging. It could cause confusion, slow the process down, kill the spirit or even infest other people in the team. Today we have another man of God from Ireland in Europe who will be sharing some valuable lessons with us. Let us listen and learn together. My name is Ola. We are looking at the topic, Enduring Difficult People. I think it is safe to say that we have all encountered and had to deal with difficult people at one time or the other. Now the difficult person conjures up some images like hardship, oddity and awkwardness. They tend to create an uncomfortable and unfavorable environment. So how do we begin to deal with this situation? One of the things we can do first of all is employ some understanding. We need to differentiate between one scenario and the other. Is this person being temporarily difficult or are they habitually problematic? Is this person naturally abrasive or are they actually pursuing an agenda? When we look at and understand these situations, then empathy and compassion can actually kick in. Now having said that, we need to emphasize that in one and every case, though it sounds like a cliche, we need to pray. Prayer changes things supernaturally. Prayer turns things around beyond our understanding and comprehension. Proverbs 21 verse 1 tells us that the heart of the king is in God's hands and like rivers of water, he turns it wherever he wills. When you encounter a difficult person or situation, pray. God has the power to change that person or change you or change the whole setting. Also, prayer generates instructions that lead to solutions. Also, prayer generates instructions that lead to solutions. When we pray, God instructs. When we obey, there is a change. In Exodus 15 verses 23 to 25, Moses faced difficulty at the waters of Marah with the children of Israel. They murmured against him because of the bitter water. Moses didn't argue with them. He prayed. God instructed. Moses obeyed and the waters were made sweet. In whatever situation you may find yourself encountering difficulty of any type or with any person, pray, beloved. It is not a cliche. It works. Thank you. Wow, that is deep. That is refreshing. The power of prayers. Prayers will either change you, change the person, or change the situation. Bottom line, invite God. Involve the Lord. He is the changer. He is the unchanging changer. That is deep. Dear friends, what if the difficult person is your spouse or your partner? You want to take a step of faith. You want to accomplish something great. And here comes somebody who is not on the same page with you. What do you do when your partner is not on the same page with you when you want to start a new project or accomplish something great, when you want to take a step of faith? Please send your comments and your advice. Make them just three minutes long or multiples of three minutes. Send them by voice note or text messages or email. Send to gregalabee at I want to invite you to please visit our website, Look for the podcasts. Listen to the messages, previous and current ones. You will richly be blessed. God bless you.