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The 34th episode of "Join This Chariot" discusses the importance of taking a step of faith and embracing new opportunities. Many people are skeptical and hesitant to venture into unfamiliar territories, especially if they have experienced disappointment before. However, the Bible shows that promotion and advancement come from the Lord, and he often calls people to take a step of faith. Natural progress is based on motion and movement, but supernatural progress puts individuals at a level they do not naturally qualify for. Examples from the Bible, such as Joseph, David, Esther, Ruth, and Mephibosheth, demonstrate this. God gives gifts to people that they are not qualified for, and it is important not to underestimate or reject these opportunities. The story of Peter and Paul in Acts serves as a valuable lesson about embracing new paths and not limiting oneself based on past experiences. God's plans may be different from our current pathway, and divine opportunities may be opposite to ou Hello and welcome to Join This Chariot for a 5-Minute Bible Study. This 34th episode on A Step of Faith is titled, New Territories. My name is Greg Alabi and I'm inviting you to come let us study the Bible together. Because of our background and our previous experiences, especially after a series of disappointments, background because of where we come from, what we are used to, our knowledge, training and experience, we tend to be very skeptical when we are offered new opportunities, especially if that site is an opportunity where we had failed previously. We tend to be very careful and not rush into things or taking a step of faith into unfamiliar territories. We protect ourselves and express our doubts and reservations. We may even quote the scriptures and say, test all spirits. But if we take a critical look at the Bible, we will notice that promotion and advancement comes from the Lord asking people to take a step of faith. He is the lifter up of our head, he is the one that opened it and no man shut it. 1 Samuel 2 verse 8 says, He raises the poor out of the dust and lifted up the beggar from the dunghill to set them among princes and make them inherit the throne of glory. My point, natural progress is as a result of motion, movement, promotion from your current level to your next level but supernatural progress puts you at a level you naturally do not qualify for. For example, Joseph did not become prime minister of Egypt because of natural progression in the system. David was not the deputy or number two or the heir apparent to king Saul. Neither did Esther or Ruth grow through the ranks to get to their position. Mephibosheth never ever thought or prayed to spend the rest of his life in the palace eating at the table of the king with the king himself present. Ephesians chapter 4 verse 8 says, When Jesus ascended on high, he let captivity captive and he gave gifts unto men. If it comes as a gift from God, then you do not have to earn it. It is an unmerited favor but if I have to work hard to earn it, then it is my wages, my salary, my reward for my effort and not as a gift. The Bible says God gave gifts to people meaning what he has for you is something you are not qualified for. Now let us learn some valuable lessons from a man who God gave a big opportunity to but he turned it down because he was not used to big and new things. Acts chapter 10 verse 9 to 16, Peter, one day he was hungry, he had not eaten, he fell into a trance and saw a vision of different types of animals. A voice told him, kill and eat. Oh no, I do not eat animals like this type. He said, Do not commonize what God has sanctified and approved of, a voice told Peter. Many times Peter was given the same opportunity to take a step of faith and accept this but in verse 14 Peter said he had never ever eaten such animals but 17 says he doubted the opportunity and it was withdrawn back to heaven from Peter. Peter not knowing God was offering him a chance and the calling to become an apostle, a minister to the Gentile nations, traveling all over the world to preach the gospel of Jesus but his background, his knowledge, training and experience limited him. Three chapters later, chapter 13 verse 2, God gave the same opportunity to Paul with Barnabas to go with him. The rest is history. Now let us learn some valuable lessons here. First, where God is taking you to may be completely different from your current pathway. Take that step of faith. Second lesson, where God is taking you to may not necessarily be your next natural step in the hierarchy of progress. Third lesson, divine opportunities may be completely opposite to your past experience, knowledge and training. And fourth lesson, Acts chapter 10 verse 15 says, call not thou common. The lesson, we must never commonize any opportunity God is bringing our way. Fifth lesson, Peter was a fisherman, Acts chapter 10 verse 13. Three times he was told, kill and eat animals in the land or on land and sea, or rather on land and flying animals, not the ones from sea. He said, no, I'm not a hunter, I don't use guns, I use nets, I'm a fisherman, not a hunter. The lesson, our next opportunity may introduce us to something completely new to us. Let us receive it. God is wiser than us. He's taking us to places on familiar territories. Let us pray. Father, thank you for the lessons we are learning. Give us that faith to take a step of faith in Jesus name. Amen. We invite you to visit our website, Look for the podcasts, listen to them, past and current messages. God bless you.