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Mentoring plays a crucial role in personal and group development. It gives individuals a leading edge and helps them identify and address gaps in their knowledge or skills. In the ministry of Jesus Christ, mentoring involved allowing mentees to take action while the mentor watched and corrected them. The final stage was releasing the mentee to act on their own. Leaving a legacy is important for mentors, as they won't always be around. Mentors should give their mentees the opportunity to practice in their presence or absence. Practice makes perfect, and the Lord will provide the skills to raise up successful mentees. Visit for more messages and podcasts. Hello and welcome to join this chariot for a five-minute Bible study. This 58th episode on a step of faith is titled mentoring part 3. My name is Greg Alabi and I'm inviting you to come let us study the Bible together. We all agree that mentoring or mentorship plays a leading role in equipping you and I anybody before you take a step of faith to achieve anything significant for personal development or a group of people. Those who had the opportunity to have been mentored always have a leading edge and it's obvious and for those who could not or did not get mentorship they turn out successful though but you could see some gaps where oversights could have helped to identify and address. That's why it's important to take the time to study why it's important, why we should do it, why we should go through mentorship. Welcome with me reverend Sam Akpeji, the principal of Ezra Bible School in Nigeria as he continues to teach on mentorship. Now let's look at the third and the fourth stages of mentoring. Let us see the third stage of mentoring in the ministry of Jesus Christ. Here the mentor allows the mentee to do it alone while he the mentor is still around watching. In Luke chapter 10 Jesus sent expanded disciples that is the 70 out to do a groundbreaking in places he would have to go later. He empowered them to raise the dead, heal the sick and cleanse the lepers. They were to take no pause nor changes of clothes with them. He was training them to believe God for their supplies. They returned with outstanding testimonies of sources but quickly Jesus pointed their attention to the right focus that really matters. He told them not to rejoice in this but to rejoice in the fact that their names were written in the book of life. The mentor allows the mentee to do it while the mentor watches and corrects them where and when they miss it. The fourth and the final stage is to release the prodigy to do it in his absence. In John chapter 14 verse 12 to 14 Jesus said verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me the work that I do shall he do also and greater work that is shall he do because I go unto my father and whatsoever you ask the father in my name that will I do that the father may be glorified in the son if you shall ask anything in my name I will do it. The emphasis in this passage quoted above is the phrase because I go to my father. Every mentor should know a time will come in their lives when they had to depart from this world so wisdom demands that they leave a legacy in their mentee for the next generation. Later we will see Peter stand at a beautiful gate to speak a layman up on his feet using the name of Jesus. We will see Peter kneel down before the dead and stiff body of a dead character Peter and command her to rise up and duck as would jump off from the dead. We will see the shadow of Peter healing the sick lined up by the roadside. Wow that was a successful prodigy of a successful mentor. I hope this helps you let us leave a company legacy in our mentee. God bless you. Wow thank you Reverend Sir Mpagy for these deep messages. The importance of leaving a legacy as mentors and also he mentioned we as mentors should give the people and our followers the opportunity to practice in our presence or in our absence not do it all by yourself. Give them a free hand so that they will begin to practice for we know practice makes perfect. The Lord will give us the skills to raise up mentees and prodigies in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. I want to invite you to please visit our website You will find previous messages there and current messages in the podcast. Look for the podcast, listen and share with friends. God bless you.