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cover of Christ Church Daily Devotion June 15 2024
Christ Church Daily Devotion June 15 2024

Christ Church Daily Devotion June 15 2024

Gregory MerrillGregory Merrill



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The sermon focuses on the mission given to followers of Jesus to make disciples of all nations. It emphasizes that this mission is not just for pastors and leaders, but for all believers. It encourages everyone to stay focused on this mission and reminds them of the importance of sharing the good news of Jesus with others. The passage from Matthew 28:18-20 is referenced to support this message. The sermon concludes with a hymn that reinforces the idea of following Jesus' command and relying on His guidance. Welcome to Christchurch's Daily Devotion for June 15, 2024. Today we will be reading from Matthew chapter 28, verses 18 through 20. Then Jesus came to them and said, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age. Throughout this current sermon series, our focus has been on the word big this week. We turn our focus to a reminder that the mission our Lord has given us is big. Go make disciples of all means that our work is never done as long as there is someone else that needs to be told and shown the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. We have a good news message to share with everyone we can. It is so easy for any of us as Christians to lose our focus on that mission. We live busy lives and have much that begs for our attention. We can also succumb to the thinking that making disciples is the work of the pastors and other leaders in the church. But this mission is for all who follow Jesus. Why? Because it takes all of us. There are people that only you are connected to. The pastors and other leaders who don't know them, you do. God has you in place in their lives. You are the only one who has the opportunity and the challenge to guide them to a relationship with Christ. Be reminded today of how we state this mission at Christ Church. Learning to live the way of Jesus Christ and inviting all to follow him. Lifelong learning and lifelong inviting. It's a big mission. Yes, we read this passage often. For this week's focus, we are reminded that the mission Jesus gave us is big. Your personal worship option today. Leon Adkins wrote the words to the hymn, Go Make All Disciples. The last verse fits with our focus this week. Go make all disciples. We welcome thy command. Lo, I am with you always. We take thy guiding hand. The task looms large before us. We follow without fear. In heaven and earth thy power shall bring God's kingdom here.

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