Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The transcription is a guided sleep meditation that aims to help the listener achieve deep and restful sleep. It encourages the listener to relax deeply and let go of any effort to fall asleep. The meditation invites the listener to imagine a peaceful garden and to let go of any fear or negative patterns associated with sleep. The meditation also focuses on the physical sensations of relaxation and the benefits of deep sleep for the body. It concludes with affirmations for effortless sleep and a deep, rejuvenating rest. As you relax so incredibly deeply, you feel a wave of confidence because you recognize that deep relaxation is a prelude to great sleep. You inform your powerful inner mind how much you long for regular deep and restful sleep, for a full night's deep sleep. And as you listen to this recording, every word on this recording causes your powerful inner mind to do whatever healthy things it takes for you to achieve your goal of sleeping naturally and effortlessly, and waking each day fully refreshed and rejuvenated. As you breathe, every breath is a signal for your inner mind to magnify and reinforce every positive idea on this recording. You again inform your inner mind of your goal, that goal is to sleep deeply and be fully refreshed in your normal sleeping times, and to be awake and totally refreshed and energized the rest of the time. Your inner mind listens to this recording and implements the ideas here effortlessly and easily. The first new idea that your inner mind implements is this, from this day forward, you'll never try to go to sleep. Sleep is natural, all beings sleep, but human beings are the only beings who have difficulty sleeping, and that is because we get confused and try to sleep. Trying requires effort, and making an effort causes us to wake up. From this day onward, you refuse to try to sleep, instead, you allow yourself to easily flow into the gentle and natural sleep that is your birthright. In fact, when you totally relax and let yourself sleep, it happens so naturally and quickly, it is amazing. In fact, after the first few times you use this recording, you don't even hear the end of it anymore, because you are already deeply asleep. At bedtime, just hearing the first few words of my voice causes you to sleep deeply. At bedtime, even remembering the sound of my voice causes your inner mind to magnify all the ideas on this recording and lead you rapidly into deep, refreshing sleep. Imagine a beautiful garden, the safest and most pleasant place you can imagine. Sense it, feel it, notice the colors of the sky and the flowers. Feel the warmth of the sun on a perfect late spring day. Imagine the feeling of a light breeze refreshing you. Notice the wonderful aroma of the roses and other flowers filling the air. Be aware of the trees swaying gently with the breeze. There is a hammock under the trees. Imagine yourself rocking gently in the hammock, watching the clouds flowing across the sky. It is so wonderful here. Perhaps sometime a long time ago, a part of you became afraid of sleep, and you learned, like a soldier in a war zone, to make extra efforts to stay awake and alert. At the time, the pattern of avoiding sleep may have been useful to you. It may even have saved your life. But all that is, is in the past. You are now letting the past fade into the past and set you free. What was a useful pattern at the time is now hurting you. I want you to imagine your past self, the past of you who learned not to sleep. Picture your sleepless, frightened past self and inviting your past into the garden. Thank the part of you that has been forcing you to stay awake because that part of you was trying to help you in the past. But also let your sleepless self see that the old pattern is now more harmful than helpful. Show your past self how the pattern of not sleeping is detracting from your ability to function. Show your sleepless self how it is negatively affecting your energy levels, your mood and even your health. Then move your past self into the garden. Every part of you is totally safe here. So you let your past self feel how good it feels to be relaxed. All that fear drains away as your past self realizes that you have grown far beyond the old days and that you are totally capable of keeping yourself safe and healthy. And your past now realizes that helping you get deep, regular sleep is the most important thing it can do to protect you and help you thrive. The old pattern fades away and every part of you is now ready for you to sleep deeply and soundly. Let's move into deep sleep now. It is literally as simple as falling off a log. Place your attention on the deep, gentle breathing and notice how smooth, rhythmic and relaxed it has become. Sleep now. Feel the way your abdomen rises and falls as you breathe slowly and deeply. Sleep now. All points of tension dissolves totally into the rhythm of your breathing. Sleep now. Now imagine how your breath is sending oxygenating blood from your lungs all the way through your body. Your blood carries oxygen and nutrients. Your cells need to be rebuilt, refueled and to repair damage. The deeper you relax and sleep, the healthier you are. Feel and imagine this rich, aerated blood flowing from your lungs and heart down in the center of your body. Feel and imagine it reaching the base of the spine with a warm and refreshing wash of goodness. Feel the oxygen and recharging sensation rising up your spine like a mercury in a thermometer. Imagine you feel it flowing all the way up to the top of your head and down through the brain like a gentle creek, washing away stress, tension, worries and problems. Washing away every point of tension, every distraction. Imagine it out of your brain and letting your mind and brain just sway gently in your garden hammock, totally at rest. With every breath you take and with each beat of your heart, you'll feel moved at peace and more relaxed. You are feeling totally loose and limp, perfectly at peace. As you continue to breathe, you notice the comfort and peace filling your entire body. And you notice how the tension is simply draining out every bit of your body and flowing away. You feel so good because you know you are reaching your goal. It may even be difficult to consciously keep track of all the words because your conscious mind is letting itself sleep, while the inner mind takes over and recharges and refreshes every fiber, cell and tissue of your being. Sleep now. All negatives, thoughts, flow away, just going, going, gone. Sleep now. All unwanted tension and worry is being dissolved like sugar in a cup of coffee. Sleep now. Watch it disappear, feel it disappear and with each relaxing breath, you know that you are now and forever a natural healthy sleeper. Your mind's new mantra is, I fall asleep effortlessly. I sleep fully and deeply. I wake up fully rested every day. I fall asleep effortlessly. I sleep fully and deeply. I wake up fully rested every day. Want it to happen? Expect it to happen. Feel it to happen. Feel it happening now. Sleep now. Each moment of relaxing leads you in a deeper and deeper relaxation in the next moment. Feeling so relaxed, so calm, so peaceful. There's nothing to do. Just relax and let your inner mind and body carry you away into the arms of the deepest and most refreshing sleep you know. Sleep now. Rest now, letting it happen. Sleep now, so softly. Joyfully, peacefully, at rest. Sleeping now, sleeping so deeply. Deep sleep in the arms of your deepest mind, gentle sleep, being still in sleep and sleep, sleeping, sleep now. Calm sleep, drifting and floating, swirling deeply in sleep, refreshing, restoring, rejuvenating. Sleep now. Deep sleep, deeper, still deeper, and even deeper sleep. Sleep now, sleep. The sound of my voice lulls you into a deeper and more relaxed sleep. The sound of your recording automatically shutting off is a signal for your mind to double your sleep of deep restful sleep. Sleep now. Every breath you breathe causes you to sleep deeply and fully, naturally and effortlessly. Sleep now. Sleep now. Deeply asleep. Sleep the whole night through. Sleep, sleep, sleep now.