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Myths Retold - Lines 5 - 10.mp3

Myths Retold - Lines 5 - 10.mp3

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Dedos and his son create mechanical wings to escape from King Minos' prison. They jump out and start flying towards an island, but Dedos warns his son not to fly too high or too low. However, Icarus ignores the warning and flies too close to the sun, putting himself in danger. Days passed and passed, it all seemed like a repeating cycle. But then, Dedos had an idea, an idea to escape. Behind his bars, it seemed as if he was creating a new invention to police King Minos, the king who imprisoned him and his son. Whereas in reality, Dedos was working hard each and every day to create an invention that would allow him and his son to finally be free. Something that could free them from their cage. They couldn't escape by water or land, so air was the only option. But, they didn't exactly have great airlines back then. Days passed, months even, but the invention was finally completed. Dedos had created two pairs of mechanical wings that would be attached to the shoulders by wax. Sounds painful, I know, but they didn't really have that many options at the time. One pair of wings for him, and a smaller pair for his beloved son. The long-awaited prison escape had come at last. One night, when King Minos and his guards were deep asleep, the two of them used the winds from the vents underground and jumped out to see if they could fly. In truth, they were not very good at first, likely looking like headless chickens in the air, but they believed that with time, they would get better. One early morning, when the king was still asleep, the two of them jumped out into the air and soared west to an island far out of Minos' control. Foolproof plan, right? Well, this story wouldn't be interesting if it was, so I think you can predict that something is going to go wrong. As they were flying, Dedolus warned Icarus to not fly too high in the sky, else the wax would melt and the feathers would fall off. He also warned him not to fly too low, or the spray from the water below would dampen the feathers and cause him to fall. Not too high, not too low. You see the Goldilocks reference now? However, Icarus was still a kid, and kids have dreams. His dream was to fly, and so when he finally did, too high on the euphoria of flight, too proud of himself that he had made it this far, he decided not to tell this to his father, and instead, he flew higher and higher, getting closer and closer to the sun, where he might as well have seen the mighty Helios himself.

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