In this session we will be discussing different types of Bro Codes/ Sis Codes
In this session we will be discussing different types of Bro Codes/ Sis Codes
The hosts discuss various topics including playing a game of "Would You Rather," the concept of BroCode and GirlCode, and the importance of sticking by your friends in certain situations. They also touch on the idea of universal code that transcends gender. The hosts share their personal opinions and experiences, such as helping a friend with wardrobe malfunctions and going to the bathroom together for safety. They also discuss the importance of loyalty and calling out a friend's partner if they are seen with someone else. Hey guys, it's your boy June T.D.E. It's your girl Mai. And you don't know this girl Kira F. because I'm legendary. All right. And welcome back to today's session. This is Episode 4. All right. We're going to start off with our icebreaker like always, and Mai is going to take that off. All right, y'all. So our icebreaker would be a game of who would you rather. So I'll start with the first question. My question is, would you rather have hair for teeth or teeth for hair? I'd rather have hair for teeth. You'd rather have hair for teeth? Yeah, hair for teeth. And what about you? I'd rather have the opposite. Teeth for hair. Teeth for hair, yeah. Me too. Because, like I said, you could wear wigs. No, yeah. I want to wear the hair out. Really? I don't want the teeth on my hair. Yeah, because you could cover it up. You want the hair for teeth. That's what you want. But my question is, is the hair going to be hot? Because then I could just put grills on. When you really think about it. Oh, my God. I'd rather have teeth for hair, so you could cover it up, yeah. Okay, okay. Because if you have hair in your mouth, how are you going to eat? I'm going to eat soup. Soup all day. You're going to eat soft things for the rest of your life. Soup all day. Yeah. It's all right. Okay, what's your would you rather question? So, mine would be, would you rather be in the Purge movie or the Resident Evil movie? I would be in the Purge. Me too. Because you have a higher survival rate in the Purge. Yeah. That's my answer also. I'd rather be in the Purge because I feel like it's more fair because it's human against human. You know, in Resident Evil. I don't know what those things are, but they're not. They weren't human. Exactly. So, and then on top of that, I could do a little scamming. You know, a little scamming. Yeah. Right. Stopping them cars. Yes. Somebody got it. All right. So, for mine, would you rather would be, would you rather have the ability to tell a lie and get away with it or detect a lie, any lie? I would rather be able to tell a lie and get away with it. Yeah, that's me too. I would pick detect a lie because I could use that as a profit. Okay. Makes sense. Makes sense. Okay. So, moving on to today's topic, which is BroCode, SisCode, or GirlCode, however you want to define it to be. So, what do you guys think a BroCode slash GirlCode is? Well, in my opinion, a GirlCode is something that you basically, all females basically live by. Whether you're going out to the club, whether it's in school, whether it's college, whether it's your everyday life, like, it's just stuff that you follow and you absolutely do not break, you know? All right. For me, BroCodes would be for your homeboy. So, that is rules that you would not break and stuff like that with your homeboy, not any guy. It's just like, these are your good friends, your bros. Okay. I agree with you when it comes to that, when it comes to solely for somebody that you consider to be like a real true friend. So, we have some things there. Yeah. So, I want to know, what do you guys also think about universal code? Because that's a thing. Uh-huh. You know? So, what I think about universal code is something that doesn't really fall in the box of gender. So, that's what we're talking about right now is like BroCodes, GirlCodes. It doesn't fall in a gender. Boys do it, girls do it, friends as a whole does it. I feel like universal code is felt all around the world. Like, I could meet a girl from Jamaica or a girl from Spain or something in college, right? And we all know the same universal code. So, I feel like it's something that a lot of people know all around the world because it's being taught to us, you know? So. Yeah. I can understand that. Okay. So, we have a couple that we have listed out in the three topics that we just spoke about, which is GirlCode, BroCode, sorry, and universal. So, we're going to just list out and speak about the ones that we have. So, I don't know about you guys or if you ever heard about this, but one of the GirlCodes that we really stick by is if you're having a wardrobe malfunction, wherever you are, whether you're at the beach, the pool, a club, school, church, if you're having a wardrobe malfunction, another female is, I don't want to say obligated to help you, but should help. What do you guys think about that? Well, your sis, that divine, she should do. A random changer ain't going to do it. Now, don't get me wrong. Some do. Yeah, some do. Some random changer might say, like, hey, you know, your skirt funny or your dress is funny. So, yeah, some do have the courtesy of doing that, but your main friend is like, girl, what are you doing? You got to fix that. Right. Some people just leave you walking. Yeah, you're crazy. That's like, sorry, this is off topic, but that's like, it kills me when, like, you're out with somebody. Say you have something on your face, right, and you're just talking to all types of random people and your friend would never tell you, like, sis, you have something on your face you need to wipe off, you know, whatever you have on your face. You ain't my friend. If you ain't going to tell me, I got something stick in my teeth. Right. I'll be talking to you all day. Oh, your nose. You ain't my friend. Okay. Or your eyes or your breath stink, your hair walking around. Me, no. Okay. Like, no, you smell a little funky. Right. I mean, like. Your hair walking around with your breath hot, hot, you know, and nobody is telling you nothing. Exactly. Oh, no. I've had a few, you know, situations where I've had to tell people, like, I consider my close friends. Okay. Hey, you know, it wasn't a situation where there was stink. It would probably mean, like, your breath hot or something or a building up to that. Right. So, and I feel like if you can't take that type of help, well, I don't think it's criticism. It's just helping, you know. If you, if your friend come to you and tell you something like that and you get upset, I agree with that friend never telling you or helping you again. But do you believe there is, like, a time and a place for everything? Yes. Because some people don't have that way, like, oh, well, I want to help. But then you in a room full of people and you talk about, yes, your breath stink. Yes. Yeah, no. It's a time and place, yes, and it's also how you say it. Exactly. Right. Because I could text it to your phone. Nobody would never know but me and you. Right. Or I could pull you on the side and tell you something in your ear. But I'm going to embarrass you because what type of friend I is to do that, you know. Okay. But that was my first one. So, um, there's also one where from since I was younger, my mother used to always say if you go places with your friends, you do not go to the bathroom alone and you don't allow your friend to go to the bathroom alone either. So if I ever go to a club, this is standard order of business. Whenever we go out, if I got to use the bathroom, I don't care if I have to use the bathroom six, seven times in an hour. We're going together. It's called the buddy system, guys. We're going together. Because anything can happen to you in these strange, you know, places that you're going to. What do you guys think about that? So I do agree. I do agree. Especially this should be a standard email code. Um, if you go to the bathroom, you know, someone goes to, I was actually just thinking now if you're out to dinner, would that still apply? Yes. This is what I'm saying. If it's you and someone else, it's just two people. Right. You go to the restroom, do you be up in the restroom too? Because now the waiting staff don't think you're trying to skip the bill. I call that, I call that, but I feel like that code goes to proximity on some of the things. Right. You don't expect. How close the bathroom is to the table. That too, but you don't, depending on where you are, you might not expect something happening to you in a high, a high end restaurant. So basically the environment. It depends on the environment. Yes. Right. That's what I think. It depends on where you are. Gotcha. Okay. Okay. So also my third goal code is if your boyfriend, no, if my friend's boyfriend is out someplace and again, if my friend, boyfriend is out someplace and I see him with another woman automatically, I rat it off rip. I call in her and I'm like, I might even take some pictures. No, I might call you on FaceTime to show you what your man up to. I feel like that's goal code. I feel like when you do that, make sure you have your headphones in because like now is that's like actually like a family member that she know about. You don't want to be like, yeah, I kept him. And then you look dumb because she knows. Nine times out of 10, I probably won't know the situation because you ain't going to be, that's like, I feel like that situation is something where your, you and your friend ain't like on good enough terms to have conversations like that. I feel like if it's your best friend, you absolutely know who this person is, what they doing, this person ain't belong here with this, like that type of situation. So basically you're just snitching. Oh yeah, no, I snitching. You ain't gonna snitch? Okay, well. What? Come on. So what Kira was saying, I would, as a best friend, you should know a good amount of people. So like for my best friend, I know her family. So I've seen her dad, her mom, and her sisters. Now, if I see her with someone else I may not know of, then I'll act. So you don't know everybody, but I would probably just take a picture and say, hey, who is so-and-so with? And then she'll clarify, but oh, that's his cousin or that's his aunt. You know, you don't want to try to make a big scene. But like you said, you know, you're doing your loyalty. Because you know I have some girls that make that scene. They're like, oh, you must be doing that to my friend. And now they're fighting the girl, fighting the man. Oh yeah, no, it's never that serious. I ain't fighting no girl for your man. No, what do you mean? Because you know I have some girls just like. I mean, I can write for you, but not ridiculous enough to get myself in trouble. But you know you have some girls like that. Yeah, no. Okay. I'll pass. I'll pass. Also, there's another girl quote I strongly believe in. When you go out, do not under any circumstances let your friends get too drunk. Like everybody should know their limit, okay. And if you see your friend reaching the limit of, you know, fumbling, mumbling, slipping, both of all, can't hold up their self, barely could even like have a conversation with you, then you know it's time for like a cut off, you know. And not cut off as in like stop the friendship. I mean like cut off as in like no more alcohol for you. You got to sip on the water or it's probably time to go. Right. Everyone should know their limits when it comes to drinking, however. People don't. Yeah, people don't. Yeah, people don't. So if you have two friends that drink a lot, it could really work. If you have a friend that drinks a lot and another friend that drinks a little bit, it'll work because that's like, all right, you're getting a little bit too much. But even if, you know, you two do drink a lot, you know, you have to try to know your limits. You both can be pitchy drunk. Right, because then how are you going to get home? Exactly. How are you going to get home? And females and males, you need to know your limits because, again, you get pitchy drunk. I have experience of going out and I'm hearing girls like, oh, I'm going to get so wasted and stuff like that. Like they get pitchy drunk to like they don't even remember what happened the next day. Right. How the fuck you get home and shit like that? So, you know, you got to be careful. And what about where's your phone? Where's your keys? Where's your purse? Like if you sloppy drunk, you don't know, you can't keep track of your shit. Exactly. You can't keep track. You don't know who you come with or leave with. Right. You know, you can't keep track of your friends. Exactly. So you got to be extra careful. Exactly. So that brings me into my other girl code, which is if we in a club or we out anyway for that matter. And whether my friend drinking or not, I'm going to be keen to who they talk to. Like if I look over and you're talking to like this strange guy with a big old mustache or like you just look weird. We ain't doing that. We is not doing that. I'm going to shoot you a text ASAP. That ain't it. Or like if you try to leave with somebody, I will make sure that I know, okay, this person driving this, they have on that. You know, I going to be mindful of who you talking to. I ain't going to just leave you with some strange person. So that's my other girl code. I see. I think that's very important. Yes. I think that's very important too as well of making, sometimes you don't want caught black. Right. Right. So again, you make sure your friend is good in her right mind. You like, okay. All right. She's going with this dude. What's your name, sir? Fred. Okay. Fred. Um, some goals were like, they'll question the guy first. They'll question the guy person. Okay. I have this information, this information, this information. How are you going to go? I mean, everybody can do it, but I'm just saying. I feel like that's really important. We got to be careful out here. I know like everybody likes to have fun and stuff, but at some point these codes are set in place for a reason. Like everybody know about this stuff for a reason. Obviously people have had situations where they did not do these things and then they end up in a bad situation. I feel like you have to be mindful when you're going out, whether it's your best friend, your Sunday, Monday friend, your church friend. It don't matter who friend you're out with. You have to treat people as if they's your sisters. And that's why I feel like it's CIS code slash girl code. So tell me about some of the borough codes. I want to know because I just told you guys a lot of the girl codes that I know. I want to know about some boy slash guy codes. All right. So we do have some bro codes. The main one, and every guy knows this, bros before hoes. Oh, God. Okay, bros before hoes. Right. Now, basically guys always put boys first before a girl depending on the situation. Right. Okay, because, you know, if a girl going to give it up, he going to go with the girl. Yeah. So basically, bros before hoes, like I said, your bro is going to have your back. Basically, that's what it is, in my opinion. So when I hear that saying, I think about it in a different way when I hear bros before hoes, in the sense of not really the giving up part, but in the sense of you can't take her word over mine. Yes. I'm your boy. I'm your boy, exactly. And she's just a ho. Until she turns into a ho. But what if that girl is his girlfriend? Because you say until she turns into a girlfriend, but does it still apply in some sense when that girl becomes his girlfriend? I think it still applies in certain things because you have to realize this romance, they formed this or whatever the case may be, and now she's coming in as a third party. So he knows more about this boy than the girl. So if the girl come in and try to disrespect him in some way, that's sort of, well, you're my boy. But then you have to sit down and think about the fact that if your girl come in and your brother disrespecting your girl, yeah, he's still bros before hoes, but you can't disrespect her. Some men don't realize that there's a thin line between just messing with somebody and somebody being your girlfriend. Okay. So there's another broker that I found that you cannot mess or get involved with a bro's mom or sister. As long as I've been growing up, I've heard that saying. Now, with that being said, some do apply and some do not. You shouldn't be messing with my mom or my sister. That's off limits. I feel like the messing with the sister situation, it's very close to home because it's like, you ain't going to be treating my sister like how you're treating the rest of these girls. Now, if you come to me, respectful and be like, hey, I like your sister, your sister like me. We want to try to make this work. As being his friend and being her brother, you have to come to the conclusion that, okay, you're either going to give them the blessing or they're going to sit behind your back anyway, which they're old enough to make their own choice on this. Right. When it comes to the six, it's no way in hell, heaven, shape, or form. Anybody, I ain't talking about bro, but anybody my age to my oldest brother age is going to be dating my mother. Hands down. I feel like that's biased because moms want to live her life too. Not when nobody my age. I feel the same way. Thank you. You cannot mess with my mom, especially if you're on the same age and we know each other. No. If my mom messed with someone around my age, but I don't know them, I still would feel that type of way. That's not going to happen. I understand that. I still would feel that type of way, but it'll hurt more or feel more if it's somebody you know. Right. So, let me ask you a question. You think that I look like the type of person that's going to allow somebody to date my me and be in high school with me and then sleep with my mother and date my mother? You're not going to date my me. Do I look like Eminem? I'm not him. We're not doing that. You're not going to date. Allegedly. No, this was in the movie. Hey, it was in the movie. Allegedly. Go ahead. Well, I don't know what happened. Me ain't know what happened in the movie. My name is. My name is. I know. If you is my age to my oldest brother's age, and I ain't even talking about underneath me because if you don't exist, you're not dating my mother. Or every time I see you, it's on sight. So, you're throwing them hands and limbs, any type of like family reunion? No, Stephanie, it's supposed to be on sight. It's on sight. I mean, I am partial to this because I feel like it don't matter who mom it is. If your mom is single, she should be able to get her groove back. She should be able to get her groove on without me knowing. Oh, God. No. No, I feel like she should be able to date whoever she wants to as long as they're not too young. Like, they're like at least 20, 25 up. We all come from the same place. Let's call a spade a spade. We all come from the same place. What we come from is very small. Do you think I look like somebody that could be coming on to the airport and people saying, oh, yeah, you know, Freddie the bakey. No, we're not doing that. You're not going to date any mother of mine. We're not doing that at all. And that goes for my father as well. I was just about to. I'm glad you said that because I was about to say, are you biased by us? Listen, there's always a 60-year-old to 80-year-old man someplace out there that have a 20-something-year-old girl on their arm, and nobody don't bat an eye. But the minute there's an older lady with a younger guy, oh, he must be using her for her money. Oh, you know, there's always some type of stupid bias at all. I see. Okay, this is how I see it. An older lady wants to get a younger man, that's her thing. However. You don't want to know them. Yeah, exactly. I don't know them. Not my mother, but a young person around my age. So, I mean, it might be biased, but that's how I see it. They could do their thing. They can. Not with my mom. Yeah, and that's the thing. I don't even have to know the person. As long as the person is around my age, to my oldest brother's age, which is 10 years older than me, she cannot have no type of conversation. If she tries to do her thing, she will do her thing with somebody her age. Okay. And that's the same thing for my father, too, because I don't find it weird. Like, me and you in preschool, not you and my father. That's kind of weird. Yeah. That's kind of weird. All right. So, another bro code I found was a bro should not tell another bro his sexual experience in detail, because that will make the other bros think of them naked, and that's forbidden. Now, with this bro code, I kind of feel it's false. It's capped. It's capped. Because bros don't talk. They don't talk how they had this girl bend over in the backseat and giving out deep strokes, had her scream my name and shit like that. Okay. Now, that's, like I said, and a lot of different men, again, it might not apply to you, me or whoever, if they play football, they shout together, they see their shit, they see their shit. And, again, that don't mean nothing because I'm not, like I said, I'm not attracted to you in that type of way. Right. So, I, like I said, I think that's false. I'm telling you, like, it's false because boys, some boys, some boy groups, they go after the same girl. I have seen different people in my high school. This one boy talked to the girl, and then he talked to the same girl, and then he talked to the same girl, and they ramped in in a group together. Well, what is so fascinating about this young lady that everybody want a piece of her? Because when the first person got a piece of her, she told them what the piece was, and they were like, yeah, I'm trying to see if I could get that as well. So, that's false. They don't sit down and talk about their stuff. They're saying, oh, her breasts are this way. She has to look this way. She has to look nice doing this. That kind of talk. So, they're not thinking about them sexual organs. They're thinking about the womanhood. So, they're going to talk. Yeah, they're going to definitely talk. They're definitely going to talk. And you actually just brought up a point for the next bro code, which was talking about a bro should not mess with another bro's ex. Now, that is a universal bro code that I've heard all the time, that you shouldn't mess with my ex, and if you have feelings, you should come to me first, instead of just trying to talk to her. Some bros do do that, and some bros don't. Like I say, dude, he's my bro. How come you messing with Keisha? You know that's my ex? So, it's like… Not Keisha. Keiki. Keiki. So, like I say, it's a universal code that some guys live by. Like, you can't date my ex, dude. What's wrong with you? Right. You know, and like I said, if you do, you have to come to me. Like, how come you don't tell me you're talking to, you know, Keisha? That's my ex. That's my girl. Like, so, me and Mike had this conversation a couple of months ago, and we got shit for having our feelings on the same topic, which was, if you really actually is my friend, my A1, ha, nah, you wouldn't want to be with one of my exes to begin with. Now, me and my friends, when we was in high school, we done had a talk with each other, which ex you cut off to which I don't care, and then which ex that to not speak to. So, we know what to do or what not to do, or whatever the case may be. But I feel like our feelings on that was, you just should not want to speak to my ex to begin with, because that's kind of weird to me. I mean, some people see that way and some people don't. Because, like, you and that ex might probably kick off at the beginning and, you know, just end up not happening. And then something with your homeboy and your ex click, and they, you know, they see that they have something together. But I feel like that does come back to the sense of your homeboys being your actual friends. They know this from the get-go. They know who you click with and who you ain't click with. So, I get the fact of, okay, but I like this girl or whatever the case may be, and then I will go and ask her a question. So, I do agree in that nature. I just don't think that any of my friends would do that. True. All right. So, another bro code is always have your bros back. So, with that, you know, and I think similar, like, for the goal code is, like, he needs you to help him. If you go someplace, you're going to leave your bro stranded. So, you're always going to have your bro back in a time of need, in your time of need, his time of need, stuff like that. Right. So, and like I say, that's universal. Like I say, that's true. You're always going to have your boy back. You know what that saying says to me? When we were just talking about the goal code, you had a goal code saying about not allowing your friend to go with any random person. Like a creepy person. Especially when she's drunk. I feel like the quote that you just said or the saying that you just said, it goes hand in hand because a lot of things happen where your friend might be perfectly, like, sober, but this girl might be drunk and she might be coming out strong and he don't understand and he's like, yeah, let's go do it. And then after they do it, she don't have no recollection. Now she's saying that you forced yourself on top of her. You need to have your boy back and say, I don't think you need to be mingling with her. Not saying that she, you know, when she gets sober, then try to talk to whoever the person is because now you could be helping your friend save his life because of something in her nature. And on top of that too, if you see that your friend being like a little extra creepy, you could tell him, well, hey, bro, hold it down. Because like I was saying, being uncomfortable doesn't have a gender towards it. So everybody knows how it feels and how it looks to be uncomfortable. So having your boy back would be like, hey, you're coming off a little too strong. You go run away, calm yourself down a little bit and, you know, send him back out to do his thing. And that's also accountability. Like you have to hold your friends accountable regardless if, you know, they can't take criticism or not. Or if you feel like you can't always talk to them about stuff, you have to hold your friends accountable. Especially when it's something serious like that, you know. I do agree on the fact you as a homeboy, you guys have to watch each other back. As in, if your friend being a little creepy or being too strong, you gotta let him know how it is. Some men might not think that way because, again, you're just trying to gain this gold pass, right? But you also have to think on the fact that if she's too drunk, you know, play your cards right. Because, again, you don't want it to turn around and then all of a sudden it's like, oh my gosh, he raped me. So, yeah, you might be the wingman and you encourage your boy on to press this gold. But if the gold is not in the right mindset, you need to say, yo, be wary of that. Check that out. Just like I said, you might prevent your boy from talking to an ugly girl. You need to prevent your boy from talking to a girl that's too drunk. And then you catch a case. Exactly, you catch a case. Or something bad happens. Exactly. Because they have a lot of situations like that. You gotta take the situation and deal with it. Yeah. Right. That's the truth. Well, you mentioned a lot of universal codes, June. But I want to know, Kira, if you have any universal codes that you know about or have heard about from other people. Okay. So, like, one of them is don't ever leave your drink unattended. Now, due to the fact that I'm a female, it comes off at first as being a gold code, a female sub, but now in this age, you don't ever want to leave your stuff unaccountable. Back to the same reason I was just saying, you might leave your drink unaccountable and then somebody might put something in it and then somebody do something to you, no matter what your gender is. So, what do you think about that? I feel like all across the board, whether you're a teen, adult, you know, senior, whatever, it don't matter your age or gender, you should not leave your food or drink unattended at all. Because some people are here to do great stuff. You don't never know who's paying attention to you or what other people's intentions is. There's a lot of date rape drugs and stuff that's going around. We in 2023, like, shit is advanced now. Before, it used to be, like, little old stuff. Now, it's very, very advanced. So, you need to be careful because sometimes, like, for example, you could order water and they have a drug that's colorless or odorless where you probably ain't going to smell it, ain't going to fizzle. You wouldn't know. So, you know, you have to be careful. I saw on Facebook a while back that this lady or somebody created, like, a nail polish that was able to detect date rape drugs. Like, once you put your finger in the cup, if your nail polish turn a certain color, then you would be able to know, you know, this is what the case is. I thought that was cool. Oh, yeah. And sometimes the bartenders will be in on it. You never know. It could be human trafficking or shit, something else. That is really big today. Male and females, be cautious. Do not leave your drink. Do not leave your food unattended. Because, like I said, men get raped. Men get sex trafficked as well. Yeah. Okay. You have money. You're an athlete. A female drug you and have sex with you. Boom. You get her pregnant. Now, you get paid for that. Being men, sometimes you might think we are invincible, but we are not. We have, like I said, we have to think and be cautious. The same thing that happens to these females can happen to men. So, again, like I said, that is a universal thing. Be aware. I'm pretty sure everybody's parents have told them when they go out, be cautious. Be aware. Don't leave your stuff unattended. So, to the one that I just said, which was don't leave your drink unattended, how do you guys feel about people that would smoke, right? How do you feel about people smoking and not seeing the person rolling? Rolling. Oh, yeah. When I was in college, I never used to play that shit. Even at that time, I wasn't even, like, a frequent smoker, but I knew some stuff. You know? But I would always tell my friends, like, when I get invited to kickbacks or we get, like, a group text talking about me here and here, and we're going to group up and whatever, listen, if I ain't there to see what you're doing, I ain't smoking it. I don't care who the person is that roll it. It could be a female or it could be a male. I don't care. Because a lot of people are heavy, pouring all kinds of weird stuff in their joints and stuff, and they don't think it's a problem. But you probably going to be thinking it's a problem, like, hard drugs or whatever. Some people, they waste their weed with coke and with heroin. And you smoking it thinking it's just weed. Next thing you know, the next day, you running around. Smoky. Smoky, yeah, naked, running around the neighborhood. Yeah, no, we ain't doing that. Right. We is not doing that. That's the same thing, like, for me, if I don't see you bust a seal on something, I ain't trusting it. I'm sorry. I have to see the seal come off of it. I ain't trusting it. Okay. So another universal code is if we arrive together, then we leave together. And that's fact. I've known this all my life. It's been, like, drilled into my head at this point. Right. You is not leaving with nobody else unless it's somebody we know, the person we know you leaving with. I ain't even doing none of that because you leave your home. You tell your mother we're going to a job, right? Your mother by the door, your mother see me in the passenger or the driver. All right, Kira, when I come back, okay, boom, boom, boom. And then you gone ask for this person. You don't even know what they're doing. Now, if something happens to you, who is your mother going to blame? The last person that she see you with. She see you with. Which would be me. I ain't taking that chance. And we have heard different scenarios and situations where somebody may have taken a ride from somebody and got into an accident or took on a ride with somebody not knowing that they were going to rob some place or do something or even to hit somebody. I don't want to be put in. If I come with you, then I go in with that person. How do you feel about that? I mean, it should be practiced. It should be practiced. However, you know, people do not practice it. Especially, like, again, if I come with you, but, you know, I see somebody I like and they feeling me and I'm feeling them and, you know, they want to mess around, they gone go and do it. And more likely the bros will be like, just go get that, go get that. So it's like, all right, you go get that. Especially probably like if you go get a quickie quick, I'll wait for you. You get your quickie, then I'll take you home. But then sometimes I'm like, oh, well, you know, she drive and I go in my whole place and beat it up. They're going to be like, go ahead, get yours. Because, again, they're not going to be a cop blocker. So what's the problem? The problem with me, if you want to call me little miss cop blocker, you go ahead and do that. Because you leave to go with this girl taking you to get something. And when you get back to the house, she get five more waitresses to meet you up. Mm-hmm. Trying to set you up to get robbed. You have to assess the situation. Yeah. But man... Think on a different level. Yeah. And then with a woman, you don't want to be like, okay, well, I'm going to go with Fred. But then when you go with Fred, Fred get sure he friend him. So you're in a bad situation. So you really get to assess the situation when you do many things, to be honest. Right. So another one is, if one fight, we all fight. What do you think about that? Oh, yeah, we definitely bragging. I think so. I mean, my boy going to fight, I going to fight, we all fight, everybody fight. And this was drilled into my head again as a kid. And it started with my siblings. My mother used to always tell us, if you see a brother or your sister getting in a fight, you don't jump in and you come back to get your ass beat. Well, siblings, of course, siblings going to fight. Right. Now, some friends going to be, you hit my boy, I going to hit you back. Now, in my situation, me, I'm going to prevent the fight. I'm going to tell you, you need to cool down, let's go. I'm like, so you cussing my boy, I going to cuss you. Right. Now they start flinging hands, I'm going to try to stop. But if I get hit, hands going to be flying too. The thing is, with today's society, especially as being African-American and Afro-Caribbean, like, we got to protect ourselves. So, you know, you start cussing words, I don't start cussing words. But like I said, I'll try to de-escalate the situation and try to keep on moving. But you flinging hands first. It's all better. It's all better. Well, that's the crazy thing because it's all better from the beginning. When it comes to me. Well, no, sometimes I don't assess situations. If I feel like it's not worth my time, we fight in a country. If it makes me escalate, bye. Every time a fight don't need to be. Yeah, because a lot of people lost their life in a fight that was so stupid. I agree with that, but what I know going to happen for me though, maybe by 30, I might be in a de-escalating stage. But if you tell me something, I'm going to take something back. Because your mouth ain't big enough. You tell me something, I'm going to take something back. And like I said, it's funny though. Like, you give the opportunity to be like, bitch, you're going to hit me. Bitch, you're going to hit me. Right. But being island folk, that don't work for us. It doesn't. Especially if the other party is not island folk. Oh, you're going to hit me. You're going to hit me. Bitch, we're going to hit you. Nine times out of ten, you're going to hit me. Like, you're going to get hit. We're going to hit you hard. I have seen fights with, you know, seaside people. Oh, you're going to hit me. Oh, hit me then. Hit me then. And I'm watching this like, bitch, are you going to hit her? Shit, I'm going to hit her for you. Like, because like I said, we don't be like, you don't say, are you going to hit me? Hit me. Because this is back and forth. Oh, hit me then. Hit me then. Yeah, all around. We don't have time for that. Exactly. Like, you don't have time for that. I'll say, you hit us, or we're going to hit you. Like, we have time for it. We don't have time for it. I know. Good. It's cool. It kind of just like, it kind of says, yeah, so you fight, we fight, everybody fight. So the last one I have for you that's also cool is, wait until your friend gets in their house before you drive away. That's a definite for me. I don't know about you, but growing up, like me going with my friends to parties and stuff, every, even now, when we go by my sister's house and stuff like that, or we come here, we drop something off, or we drop a person off, and they, you know, walk into the door. You don't just peel off and just like, I think they got inside. No, you don't wait and watch them struggle or lock the door, lock it back, close it. Then you beef your hand for a safe measure, and then you drive away. And I hit them with. Yeah. You don't want them to do what they do to the dude from house party. Right. Remember, they walk into the house, and then they leave him on the door and knock on the door. And when he doesn't want to open up, he just follow. You got to be careful. Hey, I don't watch you get in the door before I drive off. It don't matter where we go, who it is. Yeah. That's standard practice for me. I feel like that's something that is underneath the right category, because anything could happen to you coming from my car to the door. Somebody could come up and try to rob you. Somebody could come up and do anything to you, and your car could be the safe haven for this person to get away from the threat. Right. If your car is not there, they're just running aimlessly trying to get away from this person. I do agree on that. Everyone, male and female, should practice that. If you drop whoever off, your homeboy, your homegirl, whoever, whoever you drop off, make sure they get into the home secure, and then you take off. Especially if they have a lot of stuff carrying in their hands. Especially if they're drunk. Oh, yeah, and if they're drunk. In the Virgin Islands, we'll call it jargy. If you see a friend have a lot of jargy in their hand, you need to wait for them to get in the door. Obviously, it ain't going to be that easy for you to get in the door when you get food or a drink or whatever in your hands. It's going to take a while. That whole time, whoever, like you said, could be waiting or something could happen. Somebody could be in their house. Yeah. Somebody could be in there, robbing their house, and they walk in to somebody being in there. Whatever the case may be, they could just drop. What are you doing? Run back out to your car. Let's go. Let's go. But you done gone. Like I said, now they're just outside running. True. I don't mean to laugh at that, but that's creepy. Yeah. Well, I have a question. Have anybody ever broken a code with y'all, or have you ever broken a code? Be honest. Let's be honest over here. Okay. I would say yes. I'm trying to think of one. I do believe I did mess with one of my friend's exes. Oh, you low down. So, yeah. Did you ask for permission? No, I didn't ask for permission. To be honest, for me, I don't deal with the pro code. Oh, no? No, I mean, I'm not saying that. I just never really do them. I have messed with a friend's ex before. Okay. Bro, I can tell you this one quick little story where I'm no longer friends with this person anymore, but they've had a situation where me and a few friends were out or whatever, but the one person was somebody I was really cool with, and we had drinks or whatever, and I tell her, you know, I go into the bathroom, you go watch my drink. At the moment, the other two people was, like, mixing and mingling, not really too close to the table. So, I say, you know, watch my drink. I go into the bathroom to come back. When I come back and my drink is unattended, like, you're going to leave with my drink? Yeah, you got to go with it. Like, excuse me, ma'am. What? We ain't doing that. So, you know, I have to reorder a drink. Yeah, I definitely had trouble with drinks if I left it unattended and come back. I definitely did. We ain't doing that, sis. We's not doing that. I could say with my friends, all of these questions, I'm basing off of people I consider to be my brothers right now and who was my brothers at that time, which is the same people. No, I have not broken any bro codes with them. Does that make sense? Do you guys think that it's something that is taught to you or is every code that we spoke about so far, right? Is it taught or is it something that some of us just automatically feel like it's instinct, like we know not to do this? I think some are taught and some are, like, you just know. Okay, right. I think for me, some of them are, like you say, taught and some of them are unique to the friend group because my friend group might say, don't talk to none of my exes, period. His friend group might say, well, if me and she weren't really that serious and I was like puppy dog love, then you could do what you want. You don't have to come and tell me anything. So, I think that some of them are made for the group. Okay. Okay. Let's go to the last question before we wrap up. And it's not a juicy question, okay? Okay. So, if your best friend, she said, uh-uh, if your best friend sneak around with your sibling, how would you feel? If my best friend sneak around with my sibling? Yeah, and I mean, like, when I say sneaking around, I mean, like, tooting and booting. I don't mean, like, no texting. I mean, like, they full-fledged getting it on behind your back, you know, ain't telling you shit. I would definitely feel that way. And they both will hear an earful, point blank, period. So, you can send them out. It's basically what you said. Is it enough to, like, stop your friendship or no? Probably. I guess. Yeah. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe it would be not. Nah, because then the reason why he said that is to me now. And it might sound bad, but you're not trustworthy now. That's my sister or my brother. Who ain't trustworthy? The friend or the sister? The friend. The friend. The friend. The friend. Well, you can keep saying what you're saying. No, no, no. I'm fighting everybody. Let's be, let's get back to it. These hands are evil. Everybody got a hand. But when it comes to talking, this is my blood sibling. He's my friend. Somebody should have said, you know what? Maybe what we're doing to Kira ain't right. Because I'm sure if Kira do it to you, you wouldn't like it. Got it. So, don't do it to Kira. I mean, I would say, I would feel that type of way. Actually, I might not break off the friendship. Depending, right now, it's like, okay, are you doing anything? I should at least say something, because it's kind of weird. Right. A lot of people might handle it differently. Some people might, it's okay. Some people, like, say, nah, you can't be doing that. That's my brother. Well, you know what? I'm going to personally, we're going to just have to. What is it called? You got served? That's what happened? You got served? When Omarion was dating my sister and sister without him knowing? That's exactly what happened. And then my sister got sued. And I thought he was upset because he was supposed to be my boy. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. He was supposed to be doing these things. And he was over here eating burgers and milkshakes with my sister. He never beat up the girl, but he surely was going to fight Omarion. I feel like we might not, the friendship might not lose, but I'm going to have to cool off on you for a minute. Yeah, I agree. That's my take on it. Like, I might not cut off the friendship, but certain shit, you just have boundaries. But, like, let me ask you this question to your question. You said all of this, but what is the scenario? How did you find out? Did you see a text message? Did you walk in and you were just knees deep in your sister? Like, what had happened? Because if you knees deep in my sister. I would say that based on the situation. If you walked in on me. Then I think that would have been done. That would have been rough shot. Knees deep. I'm definitely going to cup my hand. I'm going to hit you up. Over your head. Over your head. Your whole head going to be hot. Oh, my gosh. And then I love he telling you, oh, yeah, I meet this girl. She doing X, Y, and Z to me. All of these sexual things. Oh, yeah, no, that's violation. All of these sexual things. You're like, okay, yeah, yeah. And then you find out it's your sister. Yeah, no, that's a violation, though. That part is a violation. The whole thing is a violation. Yes. From the first thing. Well, I mean, that's a, okay. For me, that's a deal breaker. If you telling me that as in, oh, you're this person doing this. And that's me or whatever. When I find out it's my brother. Sis, we ain't talking again, you know. Like, it's a wrap. It's a wrap. I'm going to have to cool off on you for a minute. Because I feel like some, especially if you know. It don't matter if me and my brother or sister close. Whatever the case may be. You as my friend should still decide that you going to tell me. She as my sister and or my brother need to say something to me and say. But, hey, I like so-and-so and so-and-so and so-and-so. That's just how I feel. Got you. All right, guys. So, we're going to wrap up today's session. But if you guys have any questions, we have a Twitter. All about the hair, say podcast. Drop us a line. Ask us a question. We'll bring it on here. So, we'll see you next time. This is your boy, June, to the E. Oh, what it do, boo. This your girl, Mike. I don't know. This your girl, Kira. That's me because I'm legendary. All right. And we will see you next time on the All About the Hair, Say Podcast. Boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop. [♪ music playing ♪