The audio begins with the distinct sound of a toilet handle being pressed, indicating the start of a flushing process. This happens in a typical restroom setting, where the echo of porcelain and tile is notable. As the handle is depressed, the sound of rushing water fills the air, signalling the commencement of the flush. This is accompanied by the slight clinking sound of the internal mechanisms of the toilet. Soon, a torrent of water gushes into the toilet bowl, creating a strong swirling sound as the liquid forcefully interacts with the porcelain bowl. The water level quickly rises and then falls again, a process that is accompanied by a distinct, resonating gurgle. As the water level decreases, the solid waste matter, or feces, is effectively carried away, leaving the bowl clean and ready for the next use. The flush continues for several seconds, the sound of draining water gradually fading as the toilet tank refills for the next use. The echo of the water filling the tank can be