The audio titled "Frozen 4" begins in a serene yet chilling environment. The sound of a biting winter wind fills the air, conjuring up images of a landscape blanketed in untouched snow. The crunch of footsteps echoes, creating a rhythmic pattern that suggests a solitary journey through the frosty terrain. As the audio progresses, a unique effect comes into play: a noise that resembles the soft gibber of a brook, frozen mid-flow, its usual babble replaced by an icy stillness. It is reminiscent of the quiet that comes with the freeze, a stillness that engulfs nature when winter takes hold. There is the distinct crackle of ice underfoot, as well as the unique sound of frost forming, evoking a sense of bitter cold. These sounds intermingle with the continued footfalls, reinforcing the impression of a solitary journey through a frozen world. As the audio draws to a close, the winter wind noise reasserts itself, the ever-present