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cover of Marker 2 Audio File from May 5, 1986
Marker 2 Audio File from May 5, 1986

Marker 2 Audio File from May 5, 1986




In the audio recording titled "Marker 2 Audio File from May 5, 1986", a variety of sounds can be detected. It begins with the soft but distinct sound of a marker being uncapped, followed by the continuous noise of the marker moving across a surface, creating varied strokes. The texture and rhythm of the sounds suggest that the surface might be a whiteboard or a large piece of paper. The marker's squeaks and screeches indicate fast and intense drawing or writing. Later on, there's a brief pause, followed by the sound of the marker being recapped. The audio then progresses to incorporate a collection of foley and SFX sounds. These include a subtle rustling of papers, a chair being moved across the floor, and the distant echo of a door being opened and closed. The audio brings to mind an image of someone working in a quiet space, perhaps preparing for a presentation or a meeting. Toward the end of the audio file,

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