The audio titled "Rattle Made from LEGO" begins with the distinct sound of a box being opened, followed by the rustling and shuffling of numerous small LEGO bricks. The listener can hear the sound of someone rummaging through the box, their fingers brushing against the plastic pieces, causing a soft, consistent rattling noise. Occasionally, the sound of a LEGO brick crashing against the sides of the box interrupts the steady rummaging, adding an unexpected element to the audio. Amid the sounds of the LEGO bricks, one can also discern the distinctive clink of LEGO minifigures being moved around. The continuous shuffling and rummaging through the LEGO bricks create a unique rhythm, reminiscent of a rattle. This rhythm is maintained throughout the audio, acting as the backbone of the soundscape. It is a playful and nostalgic audio experience that transports the listener back to their childhood, evoking memories of hours spent building and creating with LEGO.