In this audio selection titled "Raw Sine Noise," you are immersed in a uniquely extraneous sonic environment. The audio starts with a peculiar sine wave, producing a sound that is strange yet intriguing. The sine waves are layered and interwoven, creating a maze of noise that is both rancid and weird, a testament to the rawness of the sound. The rhythm of the waves is not consistent, which adds to the overall feeling of strangeness. They ebb and flow, peak and drop, creating a fluctuating symphony of raw sound. The waves come in different frequencies, creating an intricate pattern of noise. They bear a weird quality, one that is not commonly found in everyday soundscapes. The noise is not just static, it is alive, morphing, and changing, a testament to the raw power of sound. The audio is rancid in a sense that it's not sweet or pleasant, but it captivates you with its strange beauty. It