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cover of Rocking on July 9th, 2014
Rocking on July 9th, 2014

Rocking on July 9th, 2014




The audio titled "Rocking on July 9th, 2014" begins with the immersive sounds of a field recording, transporting the listener to an outdoor setting. There is an engaging rhythmic pattern that underlies the piece, echoing the percussive nature hinted at by the tags. This rhythmic foundation is created by the sound of stones, perhaps being struck together or against other objects, producing an organic, earthy beat. The overall tone of the audio is dynamic and lively, resonating with the spirit of rock music. The 'rocking' in the title is manifested both in the musical genre and the literal use of rocks as instruments. The audio effectively creates a vivid auditory landscape that draws the listener in, making them feel as though they are experiencing the sounds firsthand in an open field. The audio concludes, leaving a resonating echo of the rock-made percussion, fading out and leaving the listener with a sense of having been part of a unique musical journey.

Sound Effectsfield-recordingpercussiverockrockingstones

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