The audio titled "Voice Cord" unfolds as a mesmerizing blend of acoustic elements. It starts with the soothing sounds of a pan-flute, each note lingering in the air like a soft whisper. This peaceful melody is gradually joined by the strumming of an acoustic guitar, creating a harmonious chord that forms the backbone of the piece. As the progression continues, a crescendo begins to build, the music swelling and intensifying in a beautiful surge of sound. Amidst this symphony, a choir's vocals are introduced, their harmonies floating above the instrumental base like a feather on the wind. The choir's collective voice weaves in and out of the melody, creating a rich tapestry of sound that embodies both the gentleness of the pan-flute and the strength of the crescendo. The audio concludes with an echo of the initial chord, leaving behind a sense of tranquility and fulfilment.