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In the "Fright Film Forum" horror film fanatic josh convinces his best friends, who would rather watch paint dry then sit through a horror, to endure a horror movie and share their thoughts on his podcast. Josh's friends dive headfirst into the spine-tingling, eerie world of horror cinema with josh as their almost TOO enthusiastic guide! join us on our adventure with B rated Horror movies and CULT classics and Laughter! Proving that sometimes the scariest stories bring people together!

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The transcript is a conversation between two people discussing their thoughts on the movie "Five Nights at Freddy's". They both enjoyed the film and thought it was well done, considering it was based on a video game. They discussed the acting, the jump scares, and the realistic animatronics in the movie. They also talked about some of the plot points, including the yellow rabbit character and the mysterious police officer. Overall, they both gave the movie a rating of 7.5 out of 10. Alright, welcome to Fright...ugh, Fright Film Forum, oh my god, it's been a long night. Okay, so what did we watch tonight, Kevin? Five Nights at Freddy's. Five Nights at Freddy's, right Bubba? Got the old tater here with his old snaggletooth. Yeah, snaggletoothed out, we'll eventually get a cat in Forum. Right, little horror bubs? Oh yeah. So where do we start? Where do we even start? What did you think of the film? Really, really good. Actually, it was very well done. I liked it. When you first mentioned it coming in, I was like, it's for kids, it's not going to be fucking scary, it's not going to be fun at all. And I was like, you know what, the movie I had planned for us was just off the wall fucking crazy anyway, but you had already seen it. So I was like, you know what, and we started scrolling through Amazon, and you're like, I haven't seen Five Nights at Freddy's. I haven't either, let's fucking watch it. So, obviously, spoiler alert. Hey, that's going to happen, so don't listen any further than this if you don't. So what would you rate it one out of ten? I would give it a nice seven and a half. Seven and a half? I'm right there with you on that one. I mean, there was a lot of, I wouldn't say plot holes, but like missing links. Well, you've got to come from, like, it was a video game, and it was about, like, you're just a security guard looking at cameras trying not to get killed by these animatronics. But the way they put it together, I think they did a really good job. Oh, yeah, coming from, you know, them making an entire story out of it, out of just a video game where you're just... A security guard in a locker room. A security guard in a locker room just, you know, guarding a left and a right door while watching computer screens. They did a fantastic job making a back story out of it, which I thought was great. Definitely got interesting. Yeah, yeah. For the back story. They definitely did good on that. As far as... That's the neighbor. He's got a new car with, you know, subwoofers in the back, so he's trying to show them off. That's why the wall's shaking. Okay, I was like, is there an earthquake? Yeah, yeah, yeah. We don't have earthquakes here. So getting into it, Matthew Lillard's in this, and I had no idea he was in this. Shout out Shaggy. Scooby-Doo, you know the Shaggy. You were watching it for a couple minutes, and you're like, is that Shaggy? And I'm like, yeah, yeah, that is. He's a great actor. Fantastic. He's fantastic. Why are you wrecking me right now? There's also some other characters in here that you probably know. Josh Hutcherson was in Hunger Games, Bridge to Terabithia. Yep. He's the main character. He's the main character. And then Matthew Lillard. The girl. I don't know her. I can't remember her name. I think Vanessa. Well, that's the character's name. Yeah, she's a police officer. Something Lallol. Yeah. She was from, what movie is that? You. And then You, the Netflix series You. And then she was in Once Upon a Time. Yeah. Yeah. Which my sister watched that all the time, you know, when COVID first hit. That's all she wanted to watch. Oh, it's the first season, so. Oh, okay. Yeah, I mean, it's not that bad. It's not my cup of tea. It's interesting, but if you're really, really bored, it's worth watching. Right, right. All right, so. Let's see what we've got. The acting in the movie. Decent. I mean, you got a lot of good actors in the movie, so it wasn't like watching a B-rated horror movie where, like, the acting's just god-awful. It still works. But also, I got to say, the main character, his name is Mike in the movie. He played it really well because he's a sleep-deprived person and he's using sleep medication just to get into, like, this dream world to find out about stuff because there's, like, a whole plot. But let's just say he looks always tired, which makes sense since he's using sleep medication. Right, right. So they hit the nail on the head with that one. And then he becomes a security guard on night duty, so he's even more tired. Yeah, yeah. Working third shifts, pretty much. I think he acted that out really well. Yeah, yeah. The little sister did a good job. She was very good, playing, like, the creepy, you know, having. . . She plays the standard creepy girl that has, like, imaginary best friends. Yep. Yeah. Likes to draw pictures that come into the movie later on, which at the beginning you're thinking, oh, it's just a little girl drawing pictures, you know? She's in, like, what, maybe first grade? Just drawing pictures all the time? I wouldn't say first grade. Probably kindergarten, right? No. You think it's preschool? Really? No, I don't think it's preschool. Probably, yeah, first or second grade. That's what I'm thinking. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, because she's just drawing little pictures, and she's doing a good job, which means she definitely is past, like, preschool and kindergarten. Yeah, yeah. Let's see. There was. So during the movie I started writing down a lot of notes for stuff for us to talk about. Jump scares. No? Yeah? No. Yes, there was. Little balloon boy. When he opened the locker for the first time and there was a little fucking, like. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The balloon boy did pop up a little bit. He was like, oh, shit. So that was interesting. Yeah. The balloon boy probably is the only part in the entire movie that had the jump scare parts. The hand coming out of that got me. Yeah. I was, like, standing there because I was going to go have a smoke, and I'm standing there watching, and the hand comes out and grabs her, and then you just see chopped right in half. Yep. She's staring good inside the mouth of an animatronic. Yeah, yeah. Takes her head inside and snaps her body in half with the mouth. Right. That was probably my favorite scene, honestly. That was an awesome scene. Yeah, that was phenomenal. But I got to say, the balloon boy did come up two other locations throughout the movie. It came in halfway. Right in the beginning when he opened the locker, the next active one was in that. It's the janitor's closet. The janitor's closet. And he looks to his right, and it's just standing right there on the shelf. And then, spoiler alert, if we haven't said it in the beginning. Yeah. So after that, like, they get into a taxi, or the taxi driver has a mask on. He's, like, sleeping. No, I'm not trapping anyone anywhere. He hears the door open and close, and he pulls off his little mask. He looks over, and there's the little balloon boy sitting in the passenger seat. And let me tell you, the scale of this, it literally looks like a toy. Like a little bobblehead. Think about, like, Toy Story Woody-sized toy. I thought it was, like, the size of, like, the bobblehead. Like the little Funko Pops. You know what I mean? Yeah, around that size, absolutely. Right. Very, very interesting. So balloon boy, interesting. Yeah. One thing I'd like to talk about is, like, going into this movie, I thought all the robots and everything were going to be CGI. I don't think they were at all. I don't think they were at all. They looked, and if they weren't, fantastic job. Absolutely. They looked amazing. It looks literally just like, I would say, a mascot outfit put on with, like, different types of metal parts. Yeah, like, if you think of, like, a knight from the old medieval wars, you know, they had, like, panel pieces on different parts of their body, and then they had the openings, like, right where they're at. Yeah, for, like, the flexing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So they could move around, and it kind of looked exactly like that. Right. Which is really interesting. I think it was actually legit. Don't quote me on that. Yeah. What else do we have to talk about? The yellow rabbit. Oh. From the beginning, I said it. The second I saw it, man. As soon as the opening credits were happening, you're like, that rabbit's taking kids. And I'm like, what? And I look, and then the screen's just blank. It's all the kids are partying. And I'm like, I don't see it. Two seconds later on another screen, rabbit grabs the hand of a kid and walks into a dark hallway. And I'm like, ah, fuck, man. And these are, like, drawings, like, kid drawings. It's like CGI for, like, kids' drawings where the picture is moving. And then you just see this rabbit. Well, it kind of reminded me of, like, an 8-bit video game. Well, that's. Like Super Mario. And this movie was based off of, like, the early 1990s. Well, yeah, it happened in the. In the 90s. But, like, the 90s is when the story takes place. Yes. Yeah. And, yeah, that yellow rabbit stealing kids, man. No, no. That's a bad thing. Yeah. Kids don't go into vans. If anyone says that they got candy, they don't. They don't. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's why we go to candy shops or Walmarts. Target, Walmart, anything but. Yep. Don't listen to anybody. Yeah, yeah, yeah. From the beginning, like, the first note I have written down is, what's up with the cop? Right? Yeah. Like, the cop just shows up slamming on the door on his, like, what, second night there? Was it his? Yeah, it was his second night. Yeah. And, yeah, she's just like, oh, and she just walks in like she knows the place? Like she owns the place. Spoiler alert. Oh. But very, very weird. If you get out from under the desk, you're going to rip stuff out. Can you? Yeah, I will too. Come on, bubba. Go lay on your bed. Oh, all right. He wants pets. I gotcha. Yeah, I gotcha. But, yeah, she walked into the place like she owned it. And she knew exactly where the first aid kit was. Yeah, and she knew where the power box was. Yeah. She knows what she's doing. Yeah. She's been there before, which is interesting. I mean, also could have been for the fact that it was a kid's place, and if she's a cop that's in the town, she's got to have grown up with that. What did she say? She said it was on her beat. Like, well, I guess that's a. On her beat. Yeah. Because Mike was saying, like, how did you know I was here? And she goes, oh, this place is on my beat. So is that like. Her route. Yeah. Her cop route. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what it means. Hopefully. Don't quote me on that either. Yeah. I don't know cop talk. But. Yeah, I was actually really shocked about this movie. I heard about it. Saw the trailer. Okay, it's good. Shout out Blumhouse, by the way. Blumhouse has made a lot of good movies. Are you familiar with any of the Blumhouse movies at all? After seeing, like, the intro for Blumhouse, there was something I remembered. Blumhouse does all the insidious movies. The Purge. The Purge. That's where I saw it. Yeah, because you saw the two girls in the hallway. Like, in the beginning. With the masks on. With the masks on. It had, like, that Liberty mask. Yeah. Yeah, it's coming from me, guys. Like, I'm not literally, like, I don't watch horror movies, other than the fact this guy lets me watch them with him. Yeah, so. Well, it's good to have you here with me, because, you know, I like watching horror movies. Eventually, I'll take pictures and upload, you know, the horror room that we're sitting in. Yeah, yeah. You're wearing your Jason Lives frickin' shirt. Baseball jersey. Horror, I live and breathe it. I love it so much. My first horror movie, and eventually we'll watch that, was The Exorcist. The original Exorcist. I remember I was, like, six or seven, and I was staying at my grandparents' house. My mom and dad were doing, like, a date night or whatever. And I came down in the middle of the night to get, like, a glass of water, and my grandfather was watching The Exorcist. And I just remember seeing... Oh, my God. Reagan. Her head spinning around. And I stopped and was like, what are you watching? And my grandfather went, you know what? It's time. And he sat me down, and he restarted the movie, and we watched it all the way through. Mind you, I'm six years old. Dear God. Yeah, dear God. I'm six years old watching The Exorcist with my 50, 55, 60-year-old grandfather. Crazy. Oh, it's crazy. And then that just threw me down the rabbit hole. Yeah, it's been amazing. I have hundreds of horror movies and all these Pennywise Funko Pops. Are you kidding me? I'm looking at it right now. I'm not lying. There's too many bookshelves in here with too many movies. Another note I have here is the movie was funny. It was. It had some funny moments to it, especially the callbacks of when Matthew Lillard... I can't remember his name. Shaggy. Well, no, like Matthew Lillard's character. I can't remember his name. Oh, yeah. I don't remember the name of that character. Where in the beginning, he's like, yeah, you just have to do one thing. He was talking to Mike and he's like, you just have to do one thing. Watch the cameras and just tie the place up. Make sure nobody breaks in. Make sure nobody breaks in and then tie the place up. He goes, that's two things. And at the end, he's talking to his daughter and he's like, you only had two things. Or one thing. Or you only had one thing to do. Keep this place locked up and make sure nobody broke in. And she goes, that's two things. And I just started laughing so hard. Kevin's looking at me like, what are you laughing at? I'm like, that's from the beginning. That was like what he said also. He was like, you had one thing to do. Keep him away. Yeah, keep him away. Or kill him. Or kill him. That's what it was. That's two things. Yeah, and then, spoiler, he stabs his own daughter. Really bad. Yeah, that fucking got me. I did not know that was going to happen. Also, side fact, another spoiler alert. I had no idea. As soon as the yellow rabbit took his mask off, and it was Matthew Lillard, I almost wanted to pause the movie and look at you and be like, what the fuck just happened? And he was like the career specialist or something that the main character went to try to find another job. Yeah, he was a job recruiter, pretty much. Oh, man. There was another thing on there about dreams. Yeah, dreams. The dream effect that he was having constantly. He's not doing cocaine, ladies and gentlemen, just so you know. I wasn't even going to hear it when that was just saying. Well, it popped up on the screen. Oh, that's my allergy. See that little blip there? That was you doing the fucking breathing. I'm allergic to a lot of things. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Especially bullshit. Yeah, the whole dream scenario was a good touch. It was. I think that's what made the movie be able to become what it was. Yeah, I don't think if they would have left that out, it would have made sense. Right, yeah. Because they're just a security guard watching cameras of these animatronics coming to life and trying to kill people. Right. So why are you here? How did you get here? They needed a plot. They needed something. And it was a great idea to have him go, you know, look for a job. And even the beginning, like they didn't even explain it as well as I thought they would have. Because he's talking to the lady getting ice cream and he sees a guy grab the kid and he's yelling at him and running away. And he chases that kid and he's a security guard at a mall. Yeah. So he's automatically thinking that dude's kidnapping that kid, tackles him and beats the ever-loving shit out of him. In a freaking fountain in the middle of the mall. In front of his kid, no less. Yeah. So he loses his job, then eventually has to go to a, there's a name for it, but it's like a hiring agency. It's a career management company. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So they find jobs for people who, you know, need them. Maybe they screwed up too many times in life and they need a little extra help. Yeah, yeah. And that's where that TikTok comes from. I don't know if you've seen it, where it's, like the caption would be like, me wanting to drink again the next night. And it's the wife holding the clipboard going, I don't know, Mike, you think you've exhausted all your options. So like it's something like that. Yeah, but the beginning was like, I have to say, starting it out, watching through the very beginning, it's like you have no idea what the hell is happening. Not for a while. You know it's Friday night at Freddy's. Yeah, yeah. So you're like, oh, all right, we're going to see how this is going to go. Or Five Nights at Freddy's. Five Nights at Freddy's. Yeah, so you think you're like, okay, it's going to be kind of like a game, but the whole intro, like till you get to the Five Nights at Freddy's location is like all over the place. You have no clue what's happening. Then later you have to watch more and more in order to understand the actual plot. Right, right. It takes a while before it actually starts to make sense. It's a slow burn. Yeah, the beginning is. Yeah. The rest of it's amazing. You just have to sit there and just be patient for the beginning part. Yeah, I mean, like the first 20, 25 minutes, it was real slow. And then once he started working for the Five Nights at Freddy's, it just started picking up. Or what was it? It's not Five Nights at Freddy's. It's, uh, it's for Ferdinand or Freddy. Freddy. Fender Bear or some crap. Fazbear or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, the lights kept going off. It was hard to see. What else do I have here? Oh, still with the dreams, though. Like. Yeah, yeah. And you called this when the one kid attacked him. And he had the one kid attack him with the hook. You're like, that's the fox. And I'm like, it just happened so fast. I'm like, how the fuck did you see that? Yeah, yeah. He had a big ass gash on his arm. And then next thing you know, it pops back into reality. And you see the fox with the hook and there's blood, blood on the end. You eventually can see it. First off, I gotta say, if this is a child's place or a children's, I'm supposed to have fun. Why the hell does a fox have a hook? Yeah, exactly. Or is it a hook at all? No. I mean, he was supposed to look like a pirate. Yeah, the eye patch and everything. But why is the hook made of metal? Also, why does it look so freaking sharp? The light hit the end of the fucking hook and it glistened. Like, I'm not even joking. I'm pretty sure. And believe me, we work with metal. We know what we're talking about. Oh, yeah. But back to the dream, like, yeah. He was, for some reason, he has problems sleeping and he uses medication. And then it always comes back to the same dream he's having. He's with his family, you know, hanging out, eating burgers on a camping trip with his family. He's got a little brother. And it always goes to the point where his little brother is in the back of someone's car just driving away. So, it gets pretty intense. So, if you've ever played the game, the only question I have for you is how are the animatronics moving? How are they moving? What is causing these animatronics to move? You know what, you're right. They're not even hooked up to any power cords. They're not hooked up to any. Yeah. It's a closed area. If you've ever gone to Chuck E. Cheese, you can see the animatronics standing on the stage. And there's some kind of wire. There's some kind of. Did Chuck E. Cheese even have animatronics? Yeah, yeah, yeah. On the stage. It was Chuck E., there was a duck, and there was something else. I never went. Really? I've never been to one. I've been to Chuck E. Cheese three or four times in my life, but I was at least five, six. I think seven was, like, the last time. But, like, it was a bunch of bears, rabbits, and plants. Like, the same thing as Five Nights at Freddy's. But when you walked up to the stage, you could see that there was wires going from the backs. Right. Yeah, they have to be. Behind the curtains. Controlled by something. Yeah. That's funny, though, because I remember. At least that I remember. And if there's anybody out there who's worked at Chuck E. Cheese and can prove me wrong, prove me wrong. I'd like to hear it. Also. But I remember seeing cords going from the back of the animatronics behind the curtains into the back. Yeah. Well, my favorite part was at the beginning. We were just like, this is like Chuck E. Cheese. It's a horror movie. Yeah, it's a horror Chuck E. Cheese movie. It literally is. It literally is. Kids being fucking taken. All sorts of crazy stuff. Which, I'd like to talk about how this originally started. As a video game. Who was this made for? I'm not sure. Yeah, honestly, I think it was just because it was a horror. Well, eventually it became popular with younger kids? I wouldn't say, like, five, six. I'd say, like, fifth grade? How old were you in fifth grade? Ten? Nine? Something around there. Yeah, so, like, a lot of nine-year-olds, ten-year-olds. Of course he brings his squeaker in. Yeah. No snaggletooth. Really wants to lock the mic with volume here. I'm glad you're having fun. Yeah. All these are the squeaks. That's funny. It is what it is. It is what it is. We can edit it out. Eventually. Or we might leave it in just for some comic relief. Who knows? Who knows? So, yeah. Dark game for, like, I have a note here. Dark game for kids. It definitely has become that. It has become that. Also, in this generation, like, we're around, we're, like, 30 years old right now. And if you think about it, kids have gotten a lot more involved in video games. Roblox, Minecraft. Fortnite. Fortnite. Yeah. Yeah. No offense to anybody who plays Fortnite. No offense to anybody who plays video games at all. We're 30 years old. We play horror games. Or, you know, Elden Ring. Or Dark Souls. Or Dark Souls. Try that. That's a little bit difficult. But most of the kids that I've, you know, I've seen who are, like, fans of Five Nights at Freddy's, like, even walking around at, like, I mean, this is probably an old-time sentence, but, like, walking around at the mall or walking around at, like, Walmart or, like, Target, all the kids have, like, Five Nights at Freddy's t-shirts, backpacks, sneakers, jeans, whatever. And until now, I've never looked into the game, never looked into any of the merchandise, just had no interest. I eventually saw the trailer and was like, you know what? It kind of looks good. I might watch it. Haven't watched it since. Devin comes over and goes, I have a movie planned for us to watch for tonight. I start telling him and he goes, I've already seen it. We watched this together. Did we? Yes. And I'm like, well. I went on Amazon Prime. The first thing that popped up was Five Nights at Freddy's. And he's like, I've never seen that. Me neither. And I don't want to watch it. I had no interest in watching it. He goes, let's just watch it. Okay. It was a good decision. It was a very good movie. The ending did not see coming, like we said before. Definitely wild. I didn't even know that there was a yellow bunny in Five Nights at Freddy's. I guess that's how they made it work, right? That's another good question. Is the bunny from Five Nights at Freddy's even more related? I don't think so. Anytime I've ever seen pictures or snippets of, I'm going to name drop, but like Jacksepticeye or what's the other guy's name? Markiplier from Five Nights at Freddy's. I've never seen the yellow rabbit. It's always the bunny. Or not the bunny. The chicken, the bear, the blue bunny. The blue bunny bear thing. Yeah. And then the fox. Yep. And then the rabbit I've never seen before. So I'm wondering if they added that. And I'm actually just looking at it right now, like all the characters were from the game. There is no yellow rabbit. So, yeah, they might have had to have added that for plot. So it's not lore related. Which is cool, though. Yeah, I mean, if you have to. Dude, when that frickin' yellow rabbit came around the corner the first time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. In the welcome area. The welcome archway. Yeah, he comes around the corner. And then he comes out and Mike sees him for the first time. He looks so terrifying. He looks so badass. That's so scary. Yeah. Eyes glowing. I would have, if I were in Mike's pants, I would have shit them completely. That's what I would have said. Hey, cop, give me your gun. Give me your gun. Why aren't you here? Well, the cop winds up shooting him anyway, doesn't she? Yeah, like he's in like a frickin' bodysuit. Metal. Metal, yeah. And then Mike winds up tasing him, but it doesn't fucking do anything. It's got a human body inside. Yeah, that's when like all the other animals or animatronics they eat, use the taser and shot. And you see them shake and fall over. And I was like, okay, cool. Okay, cool. Yellow bunny comes around the corner, pulls out a taser, and bop, or like taser gun, bop, shoots him. Nothing. Nothing. You hear the, and he just rips it out, rips the gun out of Mike's hands. And immediately I looked at you and I'm like, fuck. And you're like, yeah, that's not right. That can't be right. There's something wrong here. That's not a robot. That's not a robot. And then he says, you should have stayed away. And then he kicks him and then takes the helmet off and it's fucking shaggy. It's the guy who gave him the job in the first place. And as soon as I saw it. The career counselor. I was like, fuck. It made no sense. Not at the beginning. At the beginning, yeah. Let's talk about the beginning. I noticed. I noticed what he said and I didn't say anything and I should have. Because he was going. I was going to. Yeah. Well, I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to be like, oh, yeah. Why is he saying that? And it not mean anything. Because he's giving him a job. And then he goes, oh, yeah, well, your name's Mike Schmidt. And he stops. And he smiles and becomes really nice. And he goes, yeah, I don't know how to help you, man. And then he was. I don't know. I mean, Mike goes to leave. And then he's like, wait, come back. All of a sudden. Yeah, I have a job. And I was like, why? He's like, come back here. Come back. Take a seat. Take a seat. And I look at them and I'm like, why the fuck is he now? So compliant and wants to help him. And I'm like, there's gotta be something wrong here. Or maybe he just knows the place is fucked up. And he's just kind of like. That's a job. It's a job. But you can see if you can handle it. But lo and behold, the whole entire time, he's the fucking owner. Like, oh, my God. It was. And I don't mean to knock five nights at Freddy's. I've never played the video game, like I've told you before, hundreds of times. I've never played the video game. Never had any desire to play it after the movie. I might actually download the game or buy it on Steam and just try it. It doesn't. It's definitely. Yeah. I mean, like I said, I've seen, you know, another name drop again. Markiplier, Jacksepticeye. I've seen them play it hundreds of times. Overhatch and over another name drop. I've seen them play it thousands of times. And I'm like, OK, you know, that's what they like to play. Whatever. I have no interest in playing it. But now after seeing the movie, I'm kind of like, I don't want to be that person that jumps off the bandwagon. Oh, you know, and the next thing you know, you're going to come back in the horror room. All my Pennywise merch is gone. There's going to be five nights at Freddy's everywhere. And you're like, dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? No, I'm going to be there actually watching you play. Yeah. Because it's actually an interesting game. They did it well for a cheap version. Like what they had a budget for. Like Private Owned, you know, came up with the game. And it was good. It launched really well. When did the game even come out? I want to say like mid 2000. Yeah. 2010, 2011? Maybe. Maybe? I don't know. We have a computer right in front of us. I don't understand why we're not using it. Oh, let me look. 2014. Really? Mm-hmm. August. So after I graduated. Mm-hmm. Right after us in senior year. Year after. Well, probably two for you. I got help back. Let's don't ask. Yeah, I was 2012, so you were 2013. Yeah. So two years for you, one for me. Yeah. Really? I thought it was out during while I was in school. Nope. Interesting. Yeah. Very interesting. It's weird just watching people play it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. What are the other two notes you have here? Don't worry about it. Balloon Boy. Yeah, yeah. So I'm wondering like. And you've watched people play the games more in depth than I have. Yeah. I've just watched like, like I said, I've watched them play just the simple keeping both doors blocked. Yeah. And then the power cord. That's like a DLC that comes out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Balloon Boy. And there's another character. We'll get into that later. Okay. Yeah. The Balloon Boy, you know, looking all happy. He's like, oh, like, oh, here's some cake. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And once you mentioned him in the beginning, as soon as you saw him with the jump scare, you were like, oh, there's definitely going to be another part. There has to be because it would have to do with like, hopefully like a DLC type thing, you know? Eventually, yeah. And Balloon Boy, like anybody who played the game knows what I'm talking about. Like, pops around just there. You see him. He's not. Oh, dude. I didn't even know they had an abbreviation. It's FNAF. Yeah. He looks creepy as shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He does look creepy. And that's. Yeah. I wonder if they have any Funko Pops of them. I'd like to buy one. Probably. Yeah. So anyway, that knows a Balloon Boy. Like it was creepy, especially after just playing the normal game. And then they have like a couple extra characters come in. The Balloon Boy was. Oh, I don't know. Oh, they do. Just a terrifying little bitch. 61. 61 bucks. On eBay. On eBay. Nice. That's actually not that bad. Yeah. So Balloon Boy showed up a lot. And then he showed up at the very end of the movie. So I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. 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