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The Israel & Gaza War (part one)

The Israel & Gaza War (part one)

Healing To The Nations



A teaching on the purpose of Israel as a nation and why God brought them into existence in the earth and how disobedience to their God released hatred against His chosen nation. All truth is established in the covenant made with Israel through His prophets. We all must follow that or war and conflict will always be the result.


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The main idea of this information is that the nation of Israel was created by Elohim for a specific purpose and reason. Their purpose is to reveal the fullness of who Jehovah Elohim is and to bless all other nations. Despite opposition and attempts to destroy them, Jehovah's plan for Israel will be fulfilled and they will be protected. The world is currently at war due to disobedience and rejection of the Torah and the Tanakh. Christianity cannot bring about the Kingdom of God or change the world condition. The belief that the world will get better as Christianity grows is misguided. The truth is that rejecting the Torah and the Tanakh leads to darkness and deception. As I said last week, I'm going to share on the Israel and Gaza war. That'll be part of where we go, what we say. And the subtitle is The Torah and the Tanakh, An Inconvenient Truth. They both go hand in hand together. Genesis chapter 1, verses 26 to 28. Humanity was created in the image of God, the image of Elohim. So these couple of verses say, Then Elohim said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them rule over the fish of the sea, over the flying creatures of the sky, over the livestock, over the whole earth, and over every crawling creature that crawls on the land. God created man in his image. In the image of Elohim, he created him. Male and female, he created them. Elohim blessed them and Elohim said to them, Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the land and conquer it. Rule over the fish of the sea, the flying creatures of the sky, and over every animal that crawls on the land. What's that got to do with Israel and Gaza war, you say? When it comes to the understanding of the nation of Israel, it's always important to remember or to keep front of mind that they were a nation that was created by Elohim for a specific purpose and reason. They're not here for any other reason than the one for which Jehovah created them. They are like no other nation on earth and their beginning and their existence never came from the will of man, from the power of some autocratic leader or as a break away from an existing people. Their beginnings and their history is like no other nation on planet earth. Their purpose and reason for being, no other nation has their purpose and reason for being. Israel was brought into existence by the will of Elohim, just the same as Adam and Eve were. Like Adam and Eve, Israel was created to be like and to reveal the fullness of who Jehovah Elohim is. The great I am, who the great I am, who Jehovah really is to the rest of the world. Through this nation, Jehovah was going to reveal himself to every other nation on the earth. Through Israel, the entire earth of humanity would be blessed, just as was intended through Adam and Eve who tarnished the image of Elohim through sin, through eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and they brought sin into the world. And now in Abraham, the provision to reverse the curse of death on all man would come through the nation that would be birthed by Elohim supernaturally through a barren man and a barren woman. And he was going to bring a whole new beginning for mankind through Abraham and Sarah. All of mankind bears the image and the likeness of their creator, whether it's followed or not. We're born with a moral compass of right and wrong. We're born with the understanding of what it means to be righteous and loving and kind and truthful and honest. It's in our DNA, whether it's followed or not. We're born with these understandings of its right to treat people right, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. We are a highly intelligent species, creative, inventive, hardworking, with the ability to understand, to problem solve, to create, to live in wisdom. We have these innate abilities within us as part of the creative purposes in the image of Jehovah Elohim. We were created with not only the ability, but the command to reproduce and to rule in the earth. Just like our creator, we are to function and live as he does in integrity and in truth and in justness and in wholeness. We are created eternal, just as our creator Elohim is. Just as Adam and Eve were created eternal, humanity is created to be eternal, just like their creator. None of this has changed. This is still true to the word, still true to his purposes, still true to the heartbeat of our heavenly father. But how we live this out, whether or not we live by these truths, is another thing, of course. We can choose not to, and most of the world does choose not to. Sin and Satan will be at work until the end of the two resurrections and until the kingdom of Elohim once again fills the whole earth. Sin and Satan are going to be at work until it ends, when Jehovah brings it all to an end. We have, mankind has, an eternal purpose, and this is seen in Israel and in their name. Israel means to rule as El, to rule as God, according to Strong. Jehovah's plan and purpose for Israel will be absolutely and totally, completely fulfilled. From the day that they began in Abraham till the day Yeshua comes, Israel will be protected, Israel will become a people whose purpose and life and reason for being will never be lost and will be fully and completely accomplished, no matter what Satan wants to do, no matter what the Arabs would like to do, no matter what the world would like to do, no matter what the anti-Semites would like to do. What Jehovah says will come to pass. The reason he raised them up will be in all its fullness established in the earth. We'll just read it just for the sake of those that may not be fully aware of where we're coming from. But Genesis 12, 1 to 3 says, Then Jehovah said to Abram, Get going out from your land, from your relatives, from your father's house to the land that I will show you. My heart's desire is to make you into a great nation, to bless you, to make your name great, so that you may be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you. Whoever curses you, I will curse. And in you, all the families of the earth will be blessed. Chapter 22 goes on from verse 15. Then the angel of Jehovah called to Abraham a second time from heaven and said, By myself I swear, it's a declaration of Jehovah, unchangeable that is, because you have done this thing and you did not withhold your son, your only son, I will richly bless you and bountifully multiply your seed like the stars of heaven and like the sand that is on the seashore. And your seed will possess the gate of his enemies. Your seed, in your seed, all the nations of the earth will be blessed, because you obeyed my voice. Amen. That's as true today as it was the day it was stated to Abraham on his journey. All of mankind bears the image and the likeness of their creator, like it or not, followed or not. Sorry, did I read that? I said that before. Isaiah 2, chapter 1. Go to Isaiah. We have, mankind has, I said that, an eternal purpose. And in Israel and in their name, we see something of the purpose of the desire of Jehovah. And because Jehovah raised them up for a purpose, he states it over and over again in his word, that that purpose is going to be fulfilled. And Isaiah 2, verse 1 says, The word which Isaiah, the son of Amoz, saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem, it will come to pass in the last days that the mountain of Jehovah's house will stand firm as head of the mountains and will be exalted above the hills. Mountains, types of nations and governments and cities. Jerusalem will stand as head of those mountains, nations, governments. So all nations will flow to it. Then many peoples will go and say, Come, let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of the Elohim of Jacob. Then he will teach us his ways, we will walk in his paths. For Torah will go forth from Zion and the word of Jehovah from Jerusalem. He will judge between the nations and decide for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning knives. Nation will not lift up sword against nation nor will they learn war any more. Come, house of Jacob, let us walk in the light of Jehovah. You look at Israel today, you look at the world today and it looks absolutely nothing like that whatsoever. And in chapter 66 and verse 10 it says, Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad with her, and all you who love her. Rejoice for joy with her, all you who mourned over her. For you will nurse and be satisfied from her comforting breast. You will drink deeply and delight from her glorious abundance. For thus says Jehovah, Behold, I will extend peace, shalom to her like a river, and the abundance of the nations like an overflowing stream. You will be nursed, carried on the hip, bounced on her knees, as one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you. So you will be comforted in Jerusalem. You will see, your heart will rejoice, your bones will flourish like grass. So the hand of Jehovah will be known to his servants and his indignation to his enemies. For behold, Jehovah will come in fire and his chariots like the whirlwind to render his anger with fury, for his rebuke with flames of fire. For by fire and his sword Jehovah will execute judgment on all flesh and those slain by Jehovah will be many. He makes a distinction between Israel and the rest of the nations. According to the covenant promise made to Abraham. These are written. Because of disobedience, because of the rejection of Torah and the Tanakh, the Law and the Prophets, the world is at war. And Hamas and Iran and Hezbollah and the whole Arab world seeks the destruction of Israel and of course Satan is at the helm. The end time apocalypse and tribulation will be fulfilled exactly as it's written. Christianity in all its forms and colours, religious systems of men, cannot change the heart of man or the world condition or bring in the Kingdom of God. Many believe they will. I've had them tell me. You're the same. The world will get better and better as Christianity gets bigger and bigger and the Kingdom of God will be established and Yeshua will return. It's a crazy doctrine. I don't know how on earth they come up with it when you read the Scriptures truly. They do like the Jews. They believe that they can get every Jewish male to put on the filling in a generation cycle. It's the same sort of idea. What can we do to make them come back? It's not going to happen. Of course we know it's not going to happen. The world isn't getting better and better. The Scripture says it will. An inconvenient truth. The truth of Elohim's Word is that if you reject, if you walk away from the Torah and the Tanakh, you walk away from Elohim and into the darkness of deception. To walk away from the truth is to walk away from the Kingdom and Satan will always fill the void. Always. Christianity only sees that in Christian terms as applying to non-Christians. They say that deception isn't theirs. Deception belongs to the world. They say by getting rid of the Torah, getting rid of the law and focusing on grace is walking into the Kingdom of God, being ready for heaven to be opened up to them. And all of these kinds of thinking is just about the world out there. It's not about them. Christianity says that if you're not a Christian like me, you're not accepted by God. But in their rejection of Elohim's Word, the Torah, they are in fact rejecting God and the truth of His Word. Now that's a hard thing to get their head around. But if you reject Torah, if you reject Tanakh, if you reject the truth of the Word and what He calls righteousness, then you're rejecting Him and the truth of His Word and the outcomes of His Word will fall squarely on them as much as on the people who don't even believe in God. Matthew 5. We'll read a couple of verses that we are very, very familiar with, but we'll read them just to refresh. Matthew 5, 17 to 18. Do not think that I came to abolish the Torah or the prophets. I did not come to abolish but to fulfil or to fully live them out. Amen, I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or serif shall ever pass away from the Torah until all things come to pass. Chapter 7, 21 to 23. Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, didn't we prophesy in Your name and drive out demons in Your name, perform many miracles in Your name? Then I will declare to them, I never knew you, get away from Me, you workers of lawlessness. Chapter 13, verses 36 to 43. They will... 43. Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their father. He who has ears, let him hear. The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field which a man found and hid. And because of his joy, he goes out and sells all that he has. No, 36, my apologies. Then he sent the crowds away and he went into the house. His disciples came to him saying, Explain to us the parable of the weeds of the field. He answered, The one sowing the good seed is the son of man, and the field is the world. And the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom, and the weeds are the sons of the evil one. The enemy who sowed them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are angels. Therefore, just as the weeds are gathered up and burned with fire, so shall it be at the end of the age. The son of man will send forth his angels. They will gather out of his kingdom all stumbling blocks and those who practise lawlessness. It's very clear, isn't it? On life's journey, we always come to a fork in the road, many times over. One leads to the Mount of Cursing and one leads to the Mount of Blessing. We'll read it in Deuteronomy chapter 27 from verse 1. Moses and the elders of Israel commanded the people saying, Keep the whole mitzvah, commandments, that I am commanding you today. Now on the day when you cross over the Jordan to the land that Jehovah, your Elohim, is giving you, you are to set up large stones for yourself and coat them with plaster. Then you are to write on them all the words of this Torah when you cross over, so that you may enter the land that Jehovah, your Elohim, is giving you, a land flowing with milk and honey, just as Jehovah, the Elohim of your fathers, promised you. Now when you cross over the Jordan, you are to set up these stones about which I am commanding you today on Mount Ebal and coat them with plaster. There also you will build an altar to Jehovah, your Elohim, an altar of stones. You are not to use an iron tool on them. You are to build the altar of Jehovah, your Elohim, of whole stones and you are to offer up burnt offerings on it to Jehovah, your Elohim. You are to sacrifice fellowship offerings and eat there. And you will rejoice before Jehovah, your Elohim. You are to write on the stones all the words of this Torah very clearly. Then Moses and the Levitical Kohenim spoke to all Israel, saying, Be silent and listen, O Israel. This day you have become a people for Jehovah, your Elohim. Therefore listen to the voice of Jehovah, your Elohim and do his mitzvot and statutes. That I am commanding you today. Moses commanded the people on that day, saying, When you have crossed over the Jordan, these are to stand on Mount Gerizim to bless the people. The tribe of Simeon, the tribe of Levi, the tribe of Judah, of Issachar, of Joseph and Benjamin. For the curse, these are to stand on Mount Ebal. Tribe of Reuben, tribe of Gad and Asher and Zebulun and Dan and Naphtali. Then the Levites are to answer and say with a loud voice to every man of Israel, Cursed is the one who makes a carved or molten image, an abomination to Jehovah, the work of a craftsman's hands and sets it up in secret. Then all the people are to answer and say, Amen. Amen. And then go through the curses that apply. And then in chapter 28, all the blessings are stated and the people are made to know the difference between blessing and cursing. What will bring blessing into your life, what will bring cursing into your life, is stated very clearly from those two mountains as they stood on them. So, one is the wide path of the curse. It leads to death. The devil and cursing on lives. It's the wide path that rejects the commandments of God. The Torah was established on Mount Ebal. Both the words of the Torah and the altar of sacrifice and rejoicing before Jehovah were built on this mount, were built on the cursing mount. Why? Because if we do not follow the truth of the Torah and the commandments, it will curse you. If we don't follow Jehovah's worship system and rejoice before him in the way that he desires, your worship and your prayers and your sacrifices will curse you. And he wants that to be very understood. And that is an unchangeable truth. That is an inconvenient truth. No matter how inconvenient that is to people, it's the truth of his word. Jehovah, how Jehovah is worshipped, praised and obeyed, is a non-negotiable with Elohim. And to do so is to be cursed. This is idolatry, called spiritual adultery to Elohim. The other pathway in this fork of the road is the pathway of blessing, called Mount Gerizim, the Mount of Blessing. To obey is better than sacrifice, says Samuel, and rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Yeshua calls this pathway the narrow pathway into the kingdom of God and his blessing. One is the wide path of the flesh and Satan and religious tradition and false teaching. The other is the path walked by those who put the kingdom of God first, obey the Torah and know that the Father's blessings will follow them. These two pathways are summed up in the truth as given to Adam and Eve. Eat of the tree of life and walk in my blessings and my favour forever. Eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and you'll come under its curse and death. The pictures are the same, the timings are different, but prophetic revelation keeps on revealing itself through the word. Shechem. Shechem stands between or near the base of these two mountains. It's the first place that Abraham stopped at his entry into the Promised Land. And there at Shechem he built an altar and he called on the name of Jehovah there as he entered into the land of promise. When Israel came out of Egyptian bondage and into the Promised Land under Joshua, they had to go to Shechem and they had to stand on the two mountains and proclaim their understanding and acceptance of the Torah as that which outlines Elohim's blessings and cursings based on it. Nothing's changed. How Abraham came in obedience to Jehovah and established the truth of his calling there at the base of Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim, built an altar, called upon the name of Jehovah in honour of the one who had called him out of his father's land into the land of promise in the same spot. And Moses said, Israel, Joshua, when you cross into the land of promise, a land flowing with milk and honey, the first thing you do is you go to Mount Gerizim, Mount Ebal, to Shechem, where Abraham honoured Jehovah and his call that in him he would produce a nation that would be blessed of him and used of him and raised up for a purpose. A nation that would be like the stars of the heaven and the sand of the sea. But it's based on honouring the truth of my commands. Obey me, walk in my ways, honour your calling and who you are and you will be a nation blessed beyond imagination. And if you don't, you'll be a nation cursed beyond anything that you can bear. And that's what they did. Today, it's still true. Nothing has changed. Shechem is the place where people take their stand on the truth of Torah and its blessings or cursings. And this is where the name of Jehovah is called upon and leads us on to Hebron and leads us on to Hebron where Abraham next went and built an altar and called upon the name of Jehovah to a place, Hebron, a land that speaks of milk and honey and the kingdom's blessings. The spies were sent in and they went to Hebron and found grapes as big as pomegranates, truly this is a land blessed of Jehovah according to the promise. That's why we meet at Shechem. And that's why we go to Hebron every month and celebrate feasts there because it's the pattern set by Jehovah. The inconvenient truth is you become part of HTTN and you have to make a choice to follow Torah or not to follow Torah, to believe in the God of Israel or to believe in the God of Christianity. They teach two different things. I'm not saying they're different gods but I'm saying they are based on two different truths, understandings and journeys. One has taken the pathway One has taken the pathway, the wide path that brings cursing at the end or the narrow path that brings blessing and fulfilment in the end. It's a choice. Shechem stands for the choice. Messianics, in the truth of the word, the Torah and the Tanakh, with Yeshua and the apostles or we walk a different pathway according to the traditions of men. An inconvenient truth but it's written into the scriptures. In Hebron, Abraham sleeps there. David ruled as king from there. Yeshua, the Messiah, is fulfilling these men's lives as he is our spiritual Isaac. He is like David, our king and our Messiah. And Israel and Christianity must accept and live by these truths as revealed by Abraham and Moses and Yeshua. Israel is a secular nation today. Its government is secular. It's not spiritual and godly. Christianity is very, very secular in its government, in the way it runs things, in the way it operates and functions. It's very political. Christianity in America is built on politics. Christianity in Australia rubs shoulders with politicians and governments and wields influence and thinks they can change governments and nations by doing so. It is so far removed from the truth of Jehovah's Word. It's the wide path that leads to destruction and not the narrow path that leads to the kingdom of Jehovah. It's the two paths or two pathways of revelation and these two pathways outlined in Jehovah's Word by Moses and Yeshua is in reality two forms of revelation knowledge given to the world. One is the devil's vehicle of revelation to the world as the god of this world. The other is Jehovah's vehicle of revelation as the creator and the owner of this world. And Satan's vehicle of revelation is Christianity. Now, I know I will get stoned for such a comment but if you don't compare these things with Scripture you're in trouble and we're supposed to stand true to the Word and there are lots of Scripture that says that. Satan is the god of this world. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. The devil has Roman Catholicism, Protestantism including Evangelicals and Pentecostals and every other Christian flavour and denominations doing his bidding and peddling his lies and deception. That's according to Yeshua and the apostles. And we just look at the most simple and most basic of lies and deception like Sunday worship, Easter and Christmas, various forms of baptism, the weakened message called the Gospel, the rapture and many second coming beliefs. Christianity is a system of half-truths and a mixture of doctrines of demons and traditions of men. Easily verified throughout the Scriptures. Satan masquerades as an angel of light and he has many, many preachers, teachers and followers who run great churches and denominational structures who are also masquerading as angels of light. So says the apostles. We have to take it seriously. Yeshua said in Matthew 24 that deception and false teachers and apostles and false messiahs would be abundant, multitudes in the last days. We're living in them. An inconvenient truth to those who don't want to look at the word objectively and truthfully. The second vehicle of revelation is Elohim's, God's vehicle of revelation which is Israel. It's the contest between Christianity and Israel, the truths that Christianity espouses as truth and what the word of Jehovah reveals as truth in the nation of Israel. In the nation of Israel and we know that multitudes of Christians hate Israel and stand strong for the Palestinian cause. Whole denominations have decreed it. Palestine they stand for, Israel they block. Tell their people not to buy things from people who are Jews, from stuff that comes out of Israel, manufactured in Israel or the West Bank. That's because they don't know the truth of the word or understand the truth of blessing and cursing. There is no other truth outside of that which was established in the nation of Israel. No other truth. In Israel all truth is held and made known. We're not talking about the nation today. We're talking about the nation in Abraham, the nation in Moses, the nation in the prophets of old, the one established by Jehovah, the nation that is going to be changed at the second coming, the nation which will be epitomised by the new Jerusalem that comes out of heaven and establishes itself on the old. So any teaching, any path, any belief, any doctrine, any tradition that is not based on what was established by Jehovah in their Torah, the covenants and the promises and the commandments will be rejected by the God of Israel. Any tradition, any doctrine, any teaching, any doctrine, any teaching, any plan, any belief that is not based on Torah, the Tanakh, Yeshua and the apostles will be absolutely and completely bring destruction upon people's lives. Elohim has Abraham, Moses and the prophets, Yeshua and the apostles as the carriers of truth and the revealers of the will of Elohim. They're all Jews. Don't add, don't subtract from the truths as established in his word. That's the command. Man shall live by every word, every word. We must emphasise it, every word that proceeds from the mouth of Elohim. Anything different is a lie. Anything different is a deception. What Elohim implanted into that nation through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and the prophets is truth and anything that differs from that is deception and a lie. It's the battle between the God of this world, Satan, and the God of the kingdom of heaven and it's the battle between Roman Catholicism, Christianity and the truth found in that given to the nation of Israel. We ask ourselves into what have you, into what have we been grafted? Were we grafted into Christianity or were we grafted into the covenants and promises and inheritance of Israel? Choose this day whom you will serve said Joshua. The kingdoms of men and their religious ways and traditions or the kingdom of Elohim as found in the Torah of Israel and its teachings. There's no other option. They're the two options. Mark 7, 5 to 9 says the Pharisees and Torah scholars questioned Yeshua. Why don't your disciples walk according to the tradition of the elders? Why do they eat bread with unwashed hands? And he said to them rightly did Isaiah prophesy about you hypocrites. As it is written this people honours me with their lips but their heart is far from me and in vain they worship me teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. Having left behind the commandments of God you hold on to the tradition of men. He was also telling them you set aside the commands of God in order that you may validate your own tradition. Was there ever a truer word said today? Luke 24, 25 to 27 Yeshua said to them O foolish ones so slow of heart to put your trust in all that the prophets spoke was it not necessary for Messiah to suffer these things and to enter into his glory? Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets he explained to them the things written about himself in all the scriptures. And one thing's for sure Yehovah never put all of those things into the Torah and the prophets and never ever said that when Yeshua arrives all I said is finished with. Don't have to worry about anything ever again just ignore it all. Wouldn't that be a waste of time and an unmitigated unbelievable mindset to have. Christianity and paganism you cannot mix paganism with the truth of God's word. That's an abomination to him and it will bring the curse or loss of entry into the kingdom of Elohim into the promise which is promised through Israel. You cannot enter his kingdom you cannot enter into the blessings of other than through the promises as they were made to the nation of Israel. Many prayers go unheard because they are not or our lives are not according to his will. 1 John 1 5 we're not going to read it but you know the scripture 1 John 5 the first verses Whatever you ask in my name according to his will I will do it. And if our prayers are not according to his will no matter how eloquent they are he doesn't listen to them hear them nor answer them according to how they prayed. We have to know what is his will. Your kingdom come your will be done on earth just as it is in heaven. The truth of the word is his will. Six million Jews died at the hands of Hitler who was the the sixth head of the beast of the Roman Empire as revealed in Revelation because Israel mixed Elohim's word and their worship with paganism. Jehovah said this is what is going to come upon you if you worship other gods if you follow the practices and the ways of other nations if you want to live as they live and worship as they worship and intermarry with their people and become like them then these are the judgements that are going to come upon you and that's why these things have happened. Israel mixed Elohim's word and their worship with paganism. King Jeroboam of the Northern Kingdom opened that door in all its fullness. 1 Kings Chapter 12 We're getting closer to the end Then Jeroboam rebuilt Shechem Strangely enough it was at Shechem when David died sorry when Solomon died Jeroboam his son was to be king Jeroboam went to Shechem to be proclaimed as king at Shechem with all the people and of course it all went south from that point on when he said I'm going to make things tougher than my father and Jeroboam rose up and his people were having none of this so Jeroboam rebuilt Shechem in the hill country of Ephraim and resided there from there he went out and built Penuel but Jeroboam said in his heart now the kingdom may return to the house of David if this people keep going up to offer sacrifices to Jerusalem then the heart of these people will turn back to their lord to king Jeroboam of Judah then they will kill me and return to king Jeroboam of Judah big competition here ten tribes against two he's thinking ahead so the king sought counsel and made two golden cards he said to them you have been going up to Jerusalem long enough here are your gods to the land of Egypt you know put that in his mind don't you good old devil he was there when they did that under Aaron then he set up one in Bethel and the other one he put in Dan now this thing became a sin for the people for the people went to worship before the one even up in Dan he also made shrines on the high places and appointed priests from among the people as well then Jeroboam instituted a festival in the 8th month on the 15th day of the month imitating the festival that is in Judah he went up to the altar that he built in Bethel to sacrifice to the calves that he had made he installed in Bethel the priests of the high places that he made then he went up to the altar which he had made in Bethel on the 15th day in the 8th month in the month and made up a festival for the children of Israel and went up to burn incense tells the story doesn't it Judah and Rehoboam followed in their footsteps did exactly the same thing 2 Chronicles 12 1 thanks Jehonim now it came to pass when the kingdom of Rehoboam was established and he had become strong that he and all Israel with him forsook the Torah of Jehovah so Rehoboam king of Judah the Benjamites forsook the Torah it is the heart of man deceitful desperately wicked above all things very true Matt you know the same happened in Gaza on the 7th of October this year this attack by Hamas was on the last day of Israel's feast of Sukkot tabernacles or booths and we know of course that this is an 8 day festival celebrating the second coming of Yeshua and the thousand year millennial reign and those of the nation of Israel with their covenants and promises the millennial reign is all about the bride the bride groom the kingdom the reign of Yeshua over the earth as king of kings and the millennial reign is all about the bride the bride groom the kingdom of kings and we are one with Israel through Yeshua the Messiah we can only become one with Israel's covenants promises and be part of their inheritance through Yeshua the Jewish Messiah Hamas attacked on the last great day of this feast and that day is proclaimed a Sabbath by God no matter what day it falls on and this was the feast day that Yeshua stood on the steps of the temple in John chapter 7 and proclaimed his great proclamation on the last day of the feast this gives us context to the timing of this by God who is in control of times and seasons and everything Hamas attacking Israel on that day was no accident and no coincidence Yehovah is in charge of times and seasons especially when it relates to the nation of Israel this particular weekend is extremely important to God and the purpose for which Israel was brought into existence they are the messengers of truth they are the revealers of Yehovah and his word they are meant to be the light that shines on the hill and to carry the name of Yehovah Elohim of Israel to the rest of the world they are a witness nation to the world of what is required of all peoples of all nations by God that's their purpose that's their reason for being that every nation on planet earth that every person on planet earth that the world may know that who we are our laws are your laws our God is your God righteousness and truth is based on our Torah and if you live by them you will be blessed there will be no murder there will be no rape there will be no adultery there will be no idolatry there will be no thievery there will be no nothing that will bring cursing justice and death upon you so Israel is a witness to the nations of Elohim and his great love for them and his great love for the whole world we'll read Isaiah 55 just about finished I said 55 didn't I 1 to 9 Ho everyone who thirsts come to the water and you who have no money come buy and eat come buy wine and milk without money and without cost why do you spend money for what is not bread your wages for what does not satisfy listen diligently to me and eat what is good and delight yourself in abundance incline your ear and come to me listen so that your soul behold you will summon a nation you do not know and a nation that did not know you will run to you because of Jehovah your Elohim the Kadosh one of Israel for he has exalted you seek Jehovah while he may be so he may have compassion on him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon my thoughts are not your thoughts nor are your ways my ways it's a declaration of Jehovah whereas the nation of Israel under the leadership of David is a nation that will lead you in the righteous paths of truth and good Isaiah 43 8 to 13 bring out the people who are blind yet have eyes who are deaf yet have ears yet have eyes who are deaf yet have ears all the nations are gathered together and the peoples are assembled who among them can declare this and proclaim to us former things let them present their witnesses so they may be justified or let them hear and say it's happened in the past and declared prophetically and have come to pass and if they can't tell of things that were proclaimed in the past and fulfilled as was prophesied then let them hear and say no what do you say and your God is true you are my witnesses it is a declaration of Jehovah the chosen so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he before me no God was formed and there will be none after me I am Jehovah there is no savior beside me I alone declared saved and proclaimed and not some foreign God among you so you are my witnesses and I am Elohim from eternity I am he none can deliver from my hand I act who can reverse it but now sorry that yep Jehovah is making sure that you people who are worshipping other idols you people who are going after other gods you know very well that the things that I proclaimed in Moses the things that I declared many years ago have come to pass and are true none of the gods you served and worshipped can declare anything remotely that shows any truth in who they are but he says I'm God not them follow me listen to me I am the eternal one Jehovah picked the time when Hamas would attack Satan and Hamas might have thought that's the appropriate time because we will get them when they're celebrating and partying and everything else but Jehovah had a different message because of the timing of it and 50 years to the Yom Kippur war Yom Kippur yes yes and 1948 when they were instituted as a nation the next day they're at war Egypt Jordan Syria Hezbollah or Lebanon we're going to wipe them out before they even could establish themselves as a nation they won the war Jehovah had a purpose and a reason for that nation to be a witness to all the world and of course in the midst of all that there are miracles there are the protections and the overshadowing blessings of Jehovah upon those who will stand true to his word and Christianity needs to reassess and reassert and you hear too many Christian voices standing up for the Palestinians saying their children are dying the babies are dying yet in the midst of all of that you have to have a reason for the nation of Israel and Jehovah said I will wipe them all out men women and children unfortunately families raise their children to hate the Jews and to become worse in each succeeding generation Jehovah has to stop it he has the right to stop it because he will not listen to their ways Jehovah will not control a world in the way man controls a world he will not listen to the United Nations he will not listen to the EU he will not listen to the rulers of governments who say cease fire now and have a peace treaty it's not that he will achieve his objective his way as difficult as it is to our understanding as much as we hate it and don't like to see it it's there and it is like the nations in this stupidity and blindness who are calling even louder for a two state solution it is an absolute nonsense and nobody asks the question how can you have a two state solution Arabs don't want it correct correct it is it is the Arab nations the Palestinians only have one agenda to wipe Israel off the map when Israel was formed when the land was divvied up before Israel became a nation some of it was petitioned to Israel some was petitioned to the Arabs in that area of land and the Palestinians or the Arabs were given much more than they got now and Israel said yes we are happy to live with that we will the Arabs would not sign it we don't want it within a few days they were at war going to wipe them off that was their agenda if there is to be a two state solution then all the commentators and all the news reporters have to ask them the question are you going to change your constitution they just plant the rhetoric into people's minds that how unfair Israel is because they are occupying the West Bank because they are occupying Gaza because of this that and the other but they won't ask the Palestinians will you change your charter will you take that out of your constitution will you say we will not have as long as you want it is just totally and absolutely ignored Jehovah's in control at the end of the day Amen John what was Yeshua's message on day 8 he said all you are thirsty come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come to me and out of you the most being will you come

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