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Vaccine -Gov't Violators of Canadian Rights

Vaccine -Gov't Violators of Canadian Rights




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Ontario has suspended a thousand students for not having vaccines, which goes against the Charter of Rights in Canada. Mandatory vaccines are not mandatory in Canada, and there are opt-out options available. The government is trying to change the Immunization Act and violate the Charter. There are exemptions for medical, religious, and conscientious reasons. Vaccines may contain ingredients that go against certain religious beliefs. It is important to know your rights and spread this information. Immunization is not mandatory in Canada according to Health Canada. The government should be impeached for violating the Constitution. Hey everybody, this is Tony Panteloresco and I usually do a show on the micro effect and sometimes on one radio network and sometimes on other networks when I get invited and I decided to do a show kind of early part of the week because something has come up in Ontario. So for those of you who are Canadian and are listening to this podcast, you may want to stand up and take attention. Ontario just suspended a thousand students for not having vaccines. This is a direct violation of the Charter of Rights of Canada. In Canada, mandatory vaccines are not mandatory. There are three provinces in this country that require people to get vaccinated but even in Ontario there are opt-out options in Ontario as well. And this is not being discussed among parents. This is not being discussed among students. This is not being discussed at all. Well, in fact, the information is actually being purposely withheld from the general public. Well, I'm here to expose that information so that you have an understanding. So let me read something to you here. This is a Health Canada Statement on Immunization. This is by the federal government. Unlike some countries, immunization is not mandatory in Canada. Immunization is not mandatory in Canada. It cannot be made mandatory because of the Canadian Constitution. That would be the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Only three provinces have legislation or regulations under their Health Protection Acts to require proof of immunization for school entrants. Ontario, New Brunswick require proof of diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella immunizations. In Manitoba, only measles vaccinations is covered. It must be emphasized, though, that in these three provinces, exceptions, exceptions, exceptions are permitted for medical or religious grounds or reasons of conscience. Legislation and regulation must not be interpreted to imply compulsory immunization. Do you understand that statement? Legislation and regulation must not be interpreted to imply compulsory immunization. Right now, the province of Ontario is trying to change the Immunization Act for young people as we speak by violating the Charter. The Board of Education, the public school system has suspended 1,000 children in the educational system against the Charter of Rights, the Constitution. This is a precedent for legal action for lawsuits here because this is a direct violation of the Charter of Rights. And even under the current law as it states right now, legislation and regulations must not be interpreted to imply compulsory immunization. This is an outward lie that these politicians are trying to make the changes in our parliamentary system in Ontario. These parliamentarians should be impeached, removed from power, and tried for the violation of the Constitution or the Charter that we have in Canada. This is, again, a direct violation of our personal rights and freedoms. This is heading toward the biblical reference that states that in the last days, there will be a mark of the beast, a mark on the right hand and forehead. This is not to be to, again, beleaguer a statement that's been used so many times, but it's already happening in this province that if you want to go for certain jobs, you have to have a vaccination. This is against, this is, again, a violation of personal choice, okay? If you want the job, if the job requires a vaccination, you should be able to have an opt-out issue. Now, they are also not giving you the waiver that you should be having, which I have right in front of me as well, okay? This waiver should be given to every Canadian. The waiver is called Statement of Conscious or Religious Belief Affidavit. Immunization of School Pupils Act 1990. Okay? This gives you the right to waive off all forms of immunization. It says the requirements of the immunization of school pupil act 1990 conflict with my sincerely held convictions based on my religion or conscience. I understand that the section 12 of the act provides the medical officer of the health in the order that the above named pupil be excluded from school if there's an outbreak or immediate risk of an outbreak of designated diseases in the school in which the pupil attends or the following have not been received. This is a fair request. And there is an outbreak. Well, your kids shouldn't be in the school system anyway. They should be leaving. And the majority of times there is an outbreak. It's because the kids have been vaccinated, which are now carriers of the genetic anomalies in their body. A statement of immunization or other satisfactory evidence of immunization, a statement of medical exemption stating that immunization is unnecessary because of evidence of immunity. Okay? And then there's a whole thing here. Now, I have this and you can get this as well. All you need to do is go type in form-2-vaccination exemption form for Ontario. And again, or you can type in immunization of school pupils act 1990 or type in statement of conscience or religious belief affidavit. You do not have to vaccinate under any circumstances in Ontario or anywhere else in Canada. It is not a mandatory requirement to be vaccinated in this country. Let me read this again. Health Canada statement on immunization. Immunization is not mandatory in Canada. It cannot be made mandatory because of the Canadian Constitution or Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Only three provinces have legislation or regulations under their health protection acts to require proof of immunization for school entrants, Ontario, New Brunswick, and Manitoba. But in each of these provinces, exceptions are permitted for medical or religious grounds or reasons of conscience. So you have three ways you can waive off a vaccination. Legislation and regulations must not be interpreted to imply compulsory immunization. So no matter what these politicians are saying out there, no matter what medical staff might be implying, no matter what drug cartel is trying to push, this does not mean that it's compulsory. This is basically a deception to get you vaccinated, to get you chipped or whatnot. Now, let me take this another step further. How many of you out here listening to my voice are Catholic? And how many of you are anti-abortion Catholics? And how many of you had given your children a vaccination within the last five or six years? Did you know that the vaccines that you've given your children have aborted babies in them? The human diploid cells, a genetic material from aborted babies. Are you aware of this fact? Are you aware of the fact that they pumped in aborted babies in your children? How many of you are Muslim and are of the Judaic faith and are listening to this program? Did you know there are pork products in these vaccines, that they've actually put pig in these vaccines? Hmm, interesting. One is unclean, one is haram. How many of you are Hindu? How many of you are Hindu and did you know that they put cow products in these vaccines? Are you aware of that? How many of you are Buddhist? How many of you are Buddhist? Did you know that these components in these vaccines violate your beliefs as well? How many of you basically understand the chemistry of these vaccines? See, a lot of you don't. A lot of you are under the assumption that this has been going on for so long that these are all perfectly safe, and yet we have the highest, highest levels of autism that we've ever seen in the last 40 years. Let me read the exemptions, okay? Students can be exempted from receiving immunizations for any appropriate medical reason. If you have an allergic reaction to the vaccines, you can be exempt. A statement of medical exemption must be completed and signed by a physician or nurse practitioner. So if you're going for a medical exemption, you have to get this signed by a physician or nurse practitioner. Students can also be exempted from immunization if there's a religious or conscientious objection. A statement of conscience or religious belief affidavit is a legal document which must be signed and sent by a commissioner for taking affidavits. Example, a lawyer, a republic, a clerk, a judge, justice of the peace, anybody who can basically make the statement legal. Children with exemptions may be excluded from attending school if there is an outbreak. Fair enough. One of the designated vaccine preventable diseases noted in the ISPA forms and directions for completing these exemptions are available on the Ontario government's online form repository at www.forms.ssb.gov, or gov.org.ca. Let me repeat this. You may not find this. The government of Ontario may have yanked this down, but I do have a copy. So if you need a copy, I will email it to you, and you can make copies and give them to all your friends. So you can go to the Ontario government's online forms repository at www.forms.ssb.gov.on.ca. Okay, and again, statement of medical exemption is immunization of school pupils act, that's what you need. Statement of conscious or religious belief, immunization of school pupils act, again, same thing. So again, you have an option, and you need to spread this information everywhere you can, getting it out to the general population so that you're not being naively distorted with facts about your rights to be vaccinated or not to be vaccinated. As I stated, it is under the Health Canada Statement on Immunization that immunization is not mandatory in Canada, and it cannot be made mandatory because of the Canadian Charter of Rights or Constitution. So when we're talking what's going on today, those who are representing Ontario trying to pass these laws should be impeached. There should be a protest at City Hall to, again, force them into retirement to end their term sooner. This is a non-confidence government. In other words, nobody has confidence or faith in this government, and they started off with Bill 198, now it's Bill 87, and they are going at last report for a second reading. You need to be aware of your rights because if this is being taken away, all your other rights are going to be taken away as well. You have to realize that this is how we maintain our rights by standing up for what is ours. You cannot in any way, shape, or form, again, just sit there and accept this is all nothing we can do about it. If you don't speak your voice, you're in compliance to this act or this anti-act. You have to recognize that the check and balance of any government are the citizens of the population. If the citizens of the population do not react, do not act, do not take measures to stop bad legislation, then it becomes accepted as law, and that means you are in agreement with it if you do nothing. You have to go after your MP, you have to form lobbying groups, you have to form organizations, and you have to unite in this situation. If you're a parent, this should alarm you to no end. This should make you realize how much of a precipice we're actually sitting on with our charter of rights and freedoms here being, again, manipulated and being regulated by people who have no desire for our well-being. Vaccinations have never proven to ever work, ever. In fact, if you want to validate this, go look at Vaccination, the Hidden Truth. This was an Australian study, you can look at it on YouTube. They used the American studies in Australia to see the evidence of vaccinations and found that every time an outbreak was released, which probably came from a lab, what happened was the outbreak would start to diminish and go down all by itself. But the moment they introduced the vaccination program to it, the pathogen or outbreak actually went back up again. They just went with pertussis and went with polio. Interesting about polio is there's always been a cure for polio. Copper sulfate, copper ascorbate, copper citrate have always been used to treat and cure polio. There's a Dr. Tent in Michigan who actually studies about polio vaccines and did a, basically an oratory on this and stated that during the developmental stages of the polio vaccine, there was an actual doctor on board who was a researcher that saw that the polio vaccine was actually a live culture, not a dead one, as my generation, those who were born in the 50s, who had received this vaccine. This was going to cause all kinds of genetic mutations. When you give a child or anybody a vaccine, you shut down the proteins involved in triggering an immune response when the body's under attack. When the body's under some kind of an attack, what winds up happening is proteins trigger the immune system to release whatever's required to fight off whatever pathogen is there. When you take a vaccine, you literally shut down your defense mechanisms. You have no defense. You get hit with whatever, and then it takes over. So when you're hearing these things I'm saying to you, these are all validated. You can go on YouTube, look at Dr. Tent out of Michigan, look at Vaccination, The Hidden Truth out of Australia. This was actually done in 1980, and they interviewed the medical staff in Australia on this. They interviewed a naturopath who goes in there and talks about, you're adding DNA from animals and other things. When you're putting metallic products in the body, like aluminum and mercury and other metals in the body, or even other chemicals in the body, you know, propylene glycol, for instance, this alters the genetic structure of the human being as well. Causes all kinds of anomalies and all kinds of things to occur in the body that shouldn't happen, and again, further compromising the immune system so it doesn't activate when it needs to. These have never proven to work. Where we have come ahead on treating illnesses and issues is because good hygienic practices that were being utilized back in the past keeping the food supply clean, which is no longer the case. It's been, again, between the chemtrails, dumping on our food supply, the nanoparticle sprays that are spraying on the foods, the organosilicates are spraying on the foods, the glyphosates, the atrazines, and then storing the foods in silos with sulfuric fluoride. The food supply itself is being poisoned. When the very area you're breeding is loaded with nanoparticulates, nanopollutants, which have been going on in North America since 1960, at the time we called them ultrafine particles. Today they are nanoparticles, which have integrated in this chemistry in the ionosphere mixing with all kinds of biological agents. We have things in the chemistry up there that is not even listed on the periodic table. So we're talking all these things and all the things that have been going on. A lot of you are seeing your children at an early age starting to have diabetes, 6, 8, 10 years old having diabetic issues because the glyphosates, if you're consuming the grains, you're feeding your children, are loaded with these nanoparticulates and glyphosates, which is causing an accelerated process of breaking down or debilitating the children, causing an accelerated aging process to go on. You see your kids are fatter, more rounder, more puffier. That's inflammation showing at a young age. Kids today who are both 15 and under, a good portion of them are not going to see 30. The food supply has been compromised since 1986. They removed the Delaney Act in the United States, which carried over here in Canada and other places, and as a result, the restrictions and regulations on food safety went down the toilet. In the 1980s, they started introducing glyphosates and genetically engineered foods. In the 1970s, they introduced nanoparticulates in all the food supply as well. This is validated, verifiable. You can look this up anywhere you want. And nanoparticles can be affected by frequencies. The right frequencies can activate these things and cause them to do all kinds of things. Because we've been eating these things for 4.7 decades, which have translocated throughout the body, any frequency device, anything can trigger these things for them to, again, manifest and create autoimmune issues. So the vaccines would further cause a compromise in the immune system because, again, the proteins are no longer there to create a defense mechanism for all these things that are going on at once. They are using nanotechnology in vaccines today. They are using nanobots, nanoparticulates, to deliver the payload more effectively into specific areas of the genetic code. Once that happens, it is bound to the code. Then the child is continually in this dysfunctional phase all the time. Well, it constantly needs some kind of medicine in order to sustain a nominal form of health or a compromised form of health. You have to understand these vaccines do nothing but cause problems. They don't fix anything. They've never been proven to fix anything. So when you're looking at any of the outbreaks that have ever occurred, once the environment was cleaned up, that's when the outbreak went away. So this is my things I'm pointing out to you so that you understand that we have options. And, again, let me read some of the excipients, contents in vaccines. Bovine protein, this is your cow. Calf skin, another cow. Chicken embryo, ooh, chicken kidney cells, chicken embryo cells. We've got Fenton media-containing bovine casein, okay, that's usually mercury. Human diploid tissue, that's important. Babies, more human diploid tissue. This is our, and, again, this is, I'm just reading the list here. I'm not even telling you what shots they're in. There are some of these shots of human diploid are in hepatitis A and hepatitis B. There are polio shots, rabies, herpes shots. Chicken eggs are in the influenza shots. Chicken embryo are in the measles, mumps, and rubella. These are all genetic materials that are altering the very genetic structure of human beings. Lantan medium-derived from bovine casein. Again, this is for your DTAP, tetanus shots, IPV. Lingud, Fenton medium-containing bovine extract. Again, it's your DTAP, hepatitis B. How many of you are of the Hindu faith? There's about 10 different vaccines that cure this alone. Medium-199, including amino acids, vitamins, sucrose, phosphate, blah, blah, blah. It has high levels of glutamate, human albumin, again, and fetal bovine serum. So, we've got human, again, abortions, and we also got fetal bovine serum. In other words, cow blood. Another one, and this is going for your measles, measles, mumps. Okay, then your rubella has also another form of the same thing, fetal bovine serum, human albumin. Monkey kidney tissue. Ooh, African green monkeys, again, rotavirus, poliovirus. Okay, mouse brain culture, Japanese encephalitis. Wow, there's your Buddhist. Mueller-Hinton agar medium. Again, this is a polymer material. What else? Rhesus fetal lung tissue. This is for monkeys. This is for babies. Rabies, sorry, rabies. Soy peptoid broth for pneumococcal. This would alter the genome or the DNA or the endocrine system of a child, especially if you're giving this to males. This could alter their, again, their biology. Synthetic, semi-synthetic. Again, what is that? We don't know. Yeast or yeast extract. Okay, then you wonder why you're having issues. And these are the vaccine recipients, some of them. Some rastro, that's in almost every one. That's a form of mercury. Sucrose, the sugar. Tostril hydrogen succinate. Again, it's, I guess, a form of vitamin E. Mixed with hydrogen, tyrosine, urea. Again, this would cause a lot of gout issues. Again, this would affect the genetic code. Let's see here. I mean, the list is huge. So, again, if you're having issues and you want a copy of this, you understand what they're putting inside of everybody. You know, they're thinking there's nothing wrong with putting these chemicals in a person's body that would cause all these wonderful side effects. And now, they're wanting to, again, using nanotechnology, which is even more lethal because of the way it delivers and how it delivers and how it attaches itself to the genetic code. This is far more dangerous. You got formaldehyde in here. Egg protein. Some of them have EDTA. You got DNA. Booze, who knows? You got a benzothionate chloride, another toxic chemical. I mean, aluminum potassium sulfate, aluminum phosphate, aluminum hydroxyphosphate, aluminum hydroxide. These are, again, have been, the Chinese actually have come up with studies that actually tie the aluminum to the autism because the aluminum is actually causing the immune response to the mom that attacks the fetus causing the issue to occur. Okay, and not everyone whose child has autism gets it from a vaccine. That could also be coming from the diet that the mom consumes with the glyphosates, the soy, and all kinds of other wonderful things. This is creating the anomalies that we are, again, are going to be forced to have a vaccine policy in place that violates almost everybody's belief system. This is nothing but pure garbage. And why this would work or what makes them think this would work is beyond me. So, again, you know, I'm pointing this out. If you're looking for the list, let me know. I will send you the list gladly. I'll send you the forms if you can't find the forms. I'll send you the statement from the Canadian government itself, and you will find that it is not mandatory. Okay, it is not mandatory. So, again, take a hard look at this. Those of you who are Canadian, I would encourage you to share this podcast with everybody across Ontario, especially share this across the United States because, again, some of the rules will apply there as well. The one thing that's universal is nobody should be forced to take a vaccine, and nobody should be penalized for employment or education if you do not get a vaccine. This is the reality. If you're not wanting to take a vaccine and since you are paying taxes to this infrastructure and this system, no government should be able to deny you the right of access to an education or deny you a right of employment because you refuse to wear this mark or this shot or take these chemicals inside your body that would violate your genetic code. This is almost so absurd, it's beyond absurd, that somebody that would indicate that this would be instituted to a people without any conscience to what this can do to somebody. This is premeditated murder is what this is. So like I said, the MPs are in power, they're trying to pass this legislation. It should have litigation set against them, the thousands of students that have been suspended because they didn't get the vaccines should form a lobbying group and should sue the Board of Education, the public school system, and the government of Ontario for denying you access to what is rightfully yours. Your parents paid for the taxes so that you can get educated. The government has no right to say that you cannot go to a school system because you didn't get vaccinated and they have no right to mandate a vaccination program on anybody in Canada or Ontario. So again, this should lead to a litigation on some demand and with a thousand students lobbying together, if your parents would get together and form a lobby, do not comply, do not capitulate to this. Stand up for what is rightfully yours. These students have every right to go to an educational system and if they don't want to receive them, then they're better off being homeschooled anyway. The statistics and the facts show unequivocally that kids who are homeschooled are far more intelligent, have higher grades, have better education than those who go to the public school system. That is a fact. So by all means, like I said, I would encourage you to take a look at what I'm saying. You'll look it up. I will give you the sites again so that you can check them out. You can look up statement of conscious or religious belief affidavit. It's under the Immunization of School Pupils Act 1990 and that's the form. You can check it out. You can look up excipient table. It's on the PDF. Now again, if you can't find it, by all means, you can go to my website, augmentinforce.com and in the directory of conscious section on the left side, you will see recipe for YouTube. Click on that link and on the left column, I think second or third link, you will see a vaccine link. Click on it. There you will see the excipients. There you will see what's in these vaccines. So you have a clear base understanding of what is going on, what is happening with this system that's currently being, again, happening. So again, you can check it out. You can download it. You can share the information with everybody. The other document that's there as well is, again, it's the Health Canada Statement on Immunization, unlike some countries, immunization is not mandatory in Canada. Immunization is not mandatory in Canada. It cannot be made mandatory because of the Canadian Constitution or Charter of Rights and Freedoms, okay? And again, the only three provinces that do require some form of vaccination, again, have an exceptions are permitted for medical, religious, or reasons of conscience. Legislation and regulation must not be interpreted to imply compulsory immunization. Legislation and regulation must not be interpreted to imply compulsory immunization, okay? So pay attention to your rights. Do not just sit back and let this happen because what will eventually happen is you will not be able to open up a shop, you will not be able to go to any job, you will not be able to go to any educational institution, you will not be able to run for any kind of political office, you will not be able to do anything because they may implicate this as a form or a standard in order for you to be able to have access to government or access to your job or access to a bank or access to anything, okay? This needs to be put in check hard, really hard, not just accepting because, oh, what can we do about it, oh, we're going to sit there and have our beer and watch television. No, you can't do that. You can't, that's the attitude they want you to take. They want you to take a defeatist attitude in this. They want you to, again, feel that there is nothing you can do, yet everything is stacked with you, that you have every right to say no to this and you have every right not to be punished for saying no, you have every right not to be, again, disqualified for anything because you said no. This is well within the parameter of being a Canadian in Canada. So, again, if this is going on, what else are they going to do next? Like I said, those in Parliament need to be removed. They need to be impeached. They need to go find another job, you know, work at a slaughterhouse or something. You know, they do not belong in position of power. Like I said, the bill was 198, now I think it's bill 87. So, you may want to take a look at this and see what is going on and read this correctly. All righty, I'm going to let it go there for now. I think I've ranted enough about this. Again, there are all kinds of ways to protect your body from being affected by a lot of these passages, by taking iodine, by taking copper, good doses of vitamin C, by using garlic, onion, leek, chives, by using ginger, turmeric, you know, by using different herbal remedies out there that are out there like chaparral or even black walnut. You can mitigate a lot of these issues, you really can. So, again, just don't eat bread, don't eat grains, don't eat pasta, don't eat cereals. And I mean by bread, all bread, doesn't matter what it is, gluten-free or otherwise. These are all genetically engineered. They all have nanotechnology in them and they're all designed to cause autoimmune dysfunction, keep that in mind. All right, when you get a chance, check out the site, AugmentInForce.com and look at the scripts that are shown in there. You might find some interesting information. As well, go into the recipe for YouTube, which is, again, in the directory content section. Feel free to go in there. There's all kinds of remedies that you can, again, utilize and make. And in there, you will find the vaccination link there in the left column. As an internal report from the top, you'll see the excipient list. Feel free to make copies, feel free to share, share the information, share the site, share everything you can, get everybody awake, get everybody mobile, get everybody on board. All right, until the next segment, to your health.

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