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Influence the Influence



Brian and Paul discuss the importance of minding your own business in conjunction to self improvement.

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The speakers discuss the importance of minding your own business and how it can contribute to personal development. They emphasize the value of diversity and the need to understand others' perspectives. They also touch on the topic of oversharing and the importance of keeping certain information private. The speakers advocate for keeping an open mind and focusing on personal growth while helping others. They emphasize the importance of learning from mistakes and constantly seeking self-improvement. Overall, they encourage listeners to be mindful of their influences and strive for positive change. Welcome back and thank you for tuning in to the fourth installment of Influence the Influence. I am your boy Brian B. And it's your boy Paul D. How are we doing today Brian? We are doing very well. We've got some beautiful sunny weather. It's about 82 degrees outside. It's kind of breezy so it keeps you cool while at the same time keeps you up throughout the day. We've got a few interesting topics. And we're going to make it short, sweet, and to the point. Very blunt here. It's about minding your own damn business. Yep, minding your own business and how important it can be to help save your life as well as, you know, continuing to build on that topic of personal development. Now as someone who takes pride in his own networking, I've built a community of a lot of friends. And I've noticed that people are very diverse and there's beauty in diversity. Brian and I are very different, yet at the same time we're the same person. We come from a very similar background. And I see a lot of himself in me and I think it goes the other way around too. But we see a lot of enthusiasm as well as encouragement coming from each other all the time. You know, we like to prop each other up and also give each other props for our small accomplishments that no one else is going to. So I might as well say, hey, bro, you're doing a good job. And it kind of keeps you going. So as well as, you know, continuing on our topic of personal growth, Personally, minding your own business can be a big step in that process. For example, with all the politics going on and with everybody's personal beliefs currently coming into clash all the time, minding your own business has never been more valuable than today. And I enjoy being base, so here's a pitch here. You shouldn't assign yourself the labels. Don't worry about left, right. Don't worry about what someone else believes because everyone has their own experiences, which leads up to who they are as a person and what they believe today. That's not to say that someone is right or wrong or someone can be right or wrong in a situation in the matter of politics, especially. Sometimes I think there are definitely definitive rights and definitive wrongs, but it's important to keep an open mind and understand where the other person is coming from. And whenever I say rights and wrongs, that's just because we all have our own morals where we draw the line. Yes, absolutely, especially regarding the topic of, you know, child development, raising your own kids, and the processes when it comes to them having to be in public schools, things like that. It all comes down to personal preference and everybody's personal idea of what raising a child comes to mean. Some people say it takes a village to raise a child. For me, a child can sometimes raise himself because that's kind of how me and Paul both kind of grew up. We grew up kind of teaching ourselves the ways of coping with the world we live in. Not to brag or anything, but I think we both played our cards right, otherwise we probably wouldn't be where we are today. Absolutely. Like, I myself, I own a house, I own a car, and I got a beautiful, lovely family, wife and a child. You know, we're doing pretty well, we're keeping things together. And, you know, with my perfect family unit, the very last thing I would want is for someone to try to butt in on our beliefs and our processes of doing things. Me, I'm like the kingpin of my household. I control and do everything, I come up with the rules, and as well, you know, I regulate everybody's activities as, you know, as authoritarian as that sounds. It works for my family, and my wife, she agrees with the method. Families are very close-knit, so it's very important to share this information, know what's going on in each other's lives. And building off that, I kind of wanted to explore the topic of oversharing. I've noticed that a lot of people tend to share a little bit too much information, and, hell, I'm using my personal identification on Twitter under my name, FollowCocaineVivo on Twitter, by the way, folks. Yes. Anyways, getting back on track, I think that a lot of people tend to overshare and maybe put their beliefs out there just whenever it really isn't necessary. And that's not to say that you shouldn't be allowed to share your beliefs if you're very firm on your stance on something. But nobody needs to know about your kinks in public, man. For real. Like, come on. Yeah. And on my personal opinion on that topic, like, kinks should stay in the house and stay personal. They should never become a topic of discussion and, you know, be the running purpose of your entire life. Like, you can be whatever sexuality you want to be and identify as whatever you want to be, which is completely okay. As long as it doesn't interfere with my lifestyle or, you know, hurt anyone else, then it's okay. And that goes back to minding your own business. Mm-hmm. What people do behind closed doors is entirely their call. Of course, that goes without saying that if someone's beating their kids behind those closed doors, that is kind of a problem. But how someone chooses to live their life where personal autonomy or making your own choices comes into play, that's entirely on them. And I really don't believe that there is a definitive right or wrong. We all have our own learning process to go through. Sometimes we all make mistakes. And as we really dove in to more of a heartfelt episode last time with episode three, I think personal growth and development and minding your own business are all in the same thing. They're all intertwined. If you are seeking personal growth and you are trying to learn a task or a skill, what you need to do for the most part is basically stay focused on that task and skill and, you know, occasionally tap in on the experts and learn what that task or skill may be and what details are needed in order to refine it. It's all about that grind set, folks. Mm-hmm. Nobody ever starts off a master of what they do. I consider myself a growing artist. I'm definitely not to the point where I'd like to be yet. But I've been working on some pieces for my portfolio for college. And I am excited to be able to share messages with the world as an artist. I think I definitely have a lot of experience under my belt. I think I have some perspective to bring to the table that maybe you've never thought to think of a topic in the same light that I have. Mm-hmm. And that's why I try to preach. The only thing that I'm really passionate about preaching is keeping an open mind and trying to understand why people believe what they do. If you disagree with them, if it's even appalling to you that they would believe that, I think it's important to know why do these people process it this way. Mm-hmm. What makes them believe what they believe? Yeah. And certain belief systems, you know, they clash with others. And with those belief systems clashing, you don't want to start. You don't want to be the one to start a conflict. And you don't want to be the main topic of a conflict by putting your own personal business out there. So a good key point in minding your own business is not sharing your own business as well. It's a classic case of shooting yourself in the foot. Yeah. If you're putting information that is considered inflammatory any way that you look at it, you're basically asking for a fight. And I used to instigate a lot. I spent a lot of time online as a troll. Especially on Twitter. It is just open season right now. I'm pretty laid back these days. Mm-hmm. But for the most part, when it comes to minding your own business, it's a very simple thing to do. Cutting out that middleman of stress by involving yourself in other people's problems. You don't want to step in that OPP. Definitely other people's problems. But for the most part, what I do is whenever I accidentally step in that bear trap of other people's issues, I tend to just take it at face value. And that usually reacts in a snap judgment of really just trying to stay into other people's problems. This should go without saying that you can't avoid every problem. But there are definitely preventative measures. And it always helps to be prepared in the event that a problem like that does come up. Yeah. People have disputes. I think that's very normal. As humans, we are very social creatures. We are intelligent. And we are able to form relations that no other creature on this planet is able to. Mm-hmm. For all we know, any creature that is alive in the universe, humans are that special in that way. Yeah. As far as we can tell, we may be the most intelligent species so far that we know of in this universe. But with that being said, don't be dumb. We do have dumb people among us. And those dumb people tell everybody everything about themselves. And sometimes you just got to cope and cut that out. Because sometimes if you're listening to that other person and their perspective and you come to the realization that they may be a lot dumber than you, all you're going to do is you're going to dumb yourself down by giving them a reaction, justifying their opinion. Whenever you share information with someone, think about the following things. Is it relevant to the topic and what's going on around me? And is this going to help me build a better relationship and a deeper understanding with the other people that I'm talking to? Mm-hmm. And that's very important to keep in mind when you're engaging in conversation. That's how Brian and I have become such good speakers but also fantastic listeners. Sure. We're always interested in what other people have to say. And we love staying engaged in conversation. That's just part of our lifestyle. That's the way that we enjoy living. Majority of the time whenever I'm in a conversation with someone, I take the active approach of looking that person in their face and just taking everything they say at face value. If it turns out to be something that pertains to a topic that I'm thinking of at that moment in time, I would take it and just keep it in my mental written notes and then from there apply it later. But there is the off chance that whatever you learn or acquire from being in other people's issues will be detrimental to yourself. You have to make that personal choice of whether to act upon this information or to disavow it. But that really comes down to personal personality perspective. Folks, whenever we say influence the influence, here's what we have in mind. You should use your experiences to improve as a person. Focus on that self growth and help others with your experiences. If you've been in a certain place before and you know someone is going down a rapid downward spiral, you might be able to step in and help them. And it's important to know your limitations. Obviously you can't force someone to act a certain way. Because everyone is their own person. You can't really hold one person accountable for the actions of others. I guess to a degree you can if it's like parents. Because obviously a parent's responsibility is to raise their child to ensure that they are ready for the real world. And that they have proper behavior, proper manners. That personal development and proper adult development, it takes a lot out of you and it puts a lot back in you. Every time I look in the mirror and think about myself 7 years ago, I'm like I don't recognize who I was 7 years ago. Because that person has since then gained a lot of experience. And new issues. It happens though. That's just part of growing as a person. You'll begin to solve some problems that you may be facing in your life. You'll come against even newer ones, stronger ones that may be pressing. They may stress you out. And it's important to keep in mind that that's just natural. That's just part of being a human. As you learn to grow and change, you'll start to see that the puzzle pieces will fit in together. They'll fall into place. And that's just how you push forward through the worst of it. Just acknowledging that at certain points in time, you're going to be faced with challenges where you're not even sure to begin. You're going to feel confused. You're going to feel overwhelmed. You're going to feel like I'm not able to do this. But it's important to know that humans were created extraordinarily. And our mission statement here for Influence the Influence is just to recognize your influences as well as changing those influences for the better. And it takes a lot of information in order to do that. But just be careful where you get that information from. Because overall, when it comes to building yourself and building a foundation and helping others, overall, you don't want to be giving more than you get. Because if you do, you're not really self-improving. You're just creating more problems. So our mission statement here for Influence the Influence is to constantly seek self-improvement while also helping those others around you getting the leg up. And from time to time, self-reflecting on your mistakes along the way so that way they don't happen again. But also minding your own business while doing so. Thanks for tuning in with Influence the Influence Episode 4, folks. Next up, we have Episode 5. So tune in and give us a listen. Thank you very much for influencing the influence with us. Have a good day and bye-bye. Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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