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2024-03-19 The School of Jesus Christ & Bekah Moss DONE YAY

2024-03-19 The School of Jesus Christ & Bekah Moss DONE YAY

Isaac R. LeeIsaac R. Lee



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The speaker discusses their desire to capture authentic conversations on their podcast and their preference for genuine dialogue rather than scripted content. They share their journey of wanting to write a book and enrolling in various classes to learn different subjects. They reflect on the importance of truly understanding and digesting the material rather than focusing solely on exams and assignments. The conversation shifts to the speaker's experience with ignoring promptings and the importance of listening to the Holy Ghost. They also discuss their idea for a school based on Jesus Christ's principles and their desire to create capable and bold leaders. The speaker explains their vision for the school and the importance of learning from Jesus Christ in various subjects, such as leadership and chemistry. The conversation ends with the speaker reflecting on their journey of exploring the idea for the school and how it relates to their podcast and book. Pretend like there's I don't know pretend like we're not being recorded, you know, like we're just Having a conversation, you know, cuz that's that's really what I want to Capture is that conversation? There's so many podcasts that podcast You know, you know I'm saying they just yeah, they just Are literally saying what they're saying because it sounds good on the air. Mm-hmm That makes it you know, you want authentic I Guess so. Yeah. Yeah, like I just want If we were if it was still just after class and we're still just talking what would be our conversation? Well, I was asking you about So when did you have the idea that you wanted to start a podcast? Well, actually It was Couple things Like I said, like I wanted to start a book or write a book and that was actually like a year and a half ago and So I would I was enrolled in all these classes Just mostly for the sake of the classes themselves Like I wanted to learn what was in there. Like I didn't care if they gave me credit or not but I was enrolled in Buddhism and in I think a Philosophy of myth and legend in In CS Lewis and J. R. Tolkien's Works and their letters. Yeah, it was so cool. If you ever get the chance to hear from Harrison Kleiner He's on campus he's actually the Dean of That department now, so but he's so cool. He's he's so he's actually Catholic But and then there's just some other classes to like one of those leadership and It was like two weeks into the semester right up to these drop deadlines and Something was like just told me like You know, why are you why are you trying to learn from these classes or what do you what are you trying to accomplish with it? You know and something was like you know, there's truth in one class and there's truth in another class and There's truth in another class, but they're all different pieces of the puzzle You know like what I what I hear in my psychology class Is gonna be taught in a certain way It's gonna be taught in a certain way and it's going to use certain terms and vocabulary and same thing with you know my philosophy class or Buddhism for that matter, you know and so it was like If you're focused on these tests and this homework and you're bogged down with that and That's where your time's going. You're not going to have any time to just Actually think about it, you know actually digest the material actually Think about it in a way that's constructive in your own mind Not just you're using your brain power to fulfill this test or any of that. Does that make sense? Totally, that is so cool because I think we need more people like you in this world Like I don't know this world. We're really like earlier Isaac and I were talking about standardized testing and how we're preparing We're preparing these children to take tests, but I love how you found the love of the learning itself rather than of taking of the class because I've definitely had classes where I Got completely lost in the assignments and the grade and that's what I remember that is my memory of the class not the things I learned and I've taken classes because Because I need to for requirement rather than actually loving the subject and I've also Not taken a lot of classes that I would have loved because it would be Hard and it would be time-consuming and I mean this in the most endearing way you remind me of my high school French teacher Really? Yes, because when I was in high school, I loved French so much But I decided not to take it in college because I was like, okay, it's four credits That's a lot of credits and I don't even want to go into French probably so I'm not going to take it and I told my French teacher this and she sat me down and she was like Becca, you know that learning is Becoming like God and learning is a sacred duty and responsibility and I did not listen to her and I did not take French really and then a whole semester passed and I had this big prompting to take French And I was like, oh for sure definitely like I could not deny it. It was like, oh my goodness I want to take French and then I told my friends about it and they totally They were like, that's a dumb idea and I just listened and I was like, you're right Credits, I'm not even and I was preparing for mission at this time And I was like, I'm totally gonna get called Spanish or Portuguese speaking So taking French is a waste of time and guess who got her mission called right a month later France and God wants you to learn French. It was very obvious despite all of the promptings that I Ignored so now currently in life. I am working as a classroom aid in a French immersion program and I'm not getting paid very much. I'm only working 30 hours a week I'm not going to school, but I am happiest I've probably ever been because I love my job. That's so great I love my students and I love helping them learn and I love speaking French God knows that I need to learn. So did you? your French teacher to be like Oh She oh, yeah, so did you ever take French? After high school, no, I am next semester when I register for classes though James so it was twice Twice your French teacher told you to take French yeah, and you just Okay, and then this holy ghost told you to take French. Yeah, I Still remember it so clearly like I was sitting on my bed really and I was looking through class lists like the class on college Yeah for schedule or something. Uh-huh, and I saw French and I was like, oh my goodness I should totally take French because at this point I had changed my major like three times I didn't know what I'm really in one year. Yeah, I think I had four majors my freshman And I didn't know what I wanted to do and I saw French I was like, yeah, I could I should totally take that and I got so excited and that's one of the feelings of spirit Like fruits of the joy, you know, no fruits of the spirit are joy and I just I felt that and I got so excited and just like This feeling of light I still like very very clearly remember this moment and then I went out of my bedroom I told my roommates I was like guys, I'm gonna take French next semester and they were like Bro, that's so dumb. It's like that's gonna be so hard and I was like, you're right And then I instantly shut it off didn't even think And this is in I guess it was a couple months before I got my call. So this is in November of 2021 and then in January end of January some of my papers February 1st, I got my call France and I just remember thinking wow God really prepared me for this moment and I didn't even know And the other thing that I really learned throughout this experience is not necessarily Like my life wasn't completely changed because I ignored this prompting God was giving me an opportunity to prepare more for my mission. I definitely would have gotten More out of my mission sooner if my level of French had been a little bit more advanced but But not Taking advantage of this prompting this opportunity that God gave me did not negatively affect me He still called me to France. I still not listening people. I I just learned a lesson through it all I learned how to listen to the Holy Ghost and I learned that I always want to taste that feeling Yeah, that's feeling it Of Learning from the Holy Ghost wait say that again that last part Just the Holy Ghost, yeah, I want to take advantage because I know that when I take Something that God gives me he'll give me more that's the book That's that's the book that I wanted to write that's actually the school that I wanted to make mm-hmm school with Jesus Christ Something in his name Because he knows the most about whatever you want to learn mm-hmm, you know I'm saying oh definitely like I'd missed if you teach it. I wanted to start a school of about leadership to like help and create more I Don't know more capable leaders like more bold leaders that like aren't scared of what people think and He was talking about a name. He's like you don't want to call it like the valiance Institute Or something like that. He's like you know I could have a high school and like a junior college and stuff like that so But I was just like really thinking about it like well if you know Given what I know what would be the name of the school that I want to make you know and It's like who Would it be like the school of you know George, Washington or like the school of you know? Lafayette or like you know all these or the Julius Caesar You know leadership School, but like honestly he knows the most about leadership Jesus Christ, yeah Or chemistry right Jesus Christ. Yeah, and I and I hear like people say like the And and like that school Would be based on his principles It would be learning from him you know and It couldn't be a public school. It couldn't be a charter school. It would have to be something that just exists on its own basically From the Lord you know So I pretty much just went on this Like journey to learn what that is or learn what that school would do if like what it would look like What are the what are the teachers like how old are they? What's their background what are their qualifications? Qualifications What do they get paid? How do they get paid do they advance you know? What are the administers or administrators like? So this school I want it is it something that you still want To do or you kind of just taking the ideas from the school and applying it to the podcast in the book because I feel like In a way what you're describing the school is really just life Like Amen Is the master teacher and I love that you said about chemistry because he knows more chemistry than any person on this earth and Really all just assumes Anyway, tell me more about this school. Yeah, I want to hear more seriously. No, that's right. You've thought through this. I like that yeah, no, I literally was like trying to do this for like Almost well, actually, yeah like a year like from the time that I Like wrote down like and The name of this, you know, it's gonna be the school Jesus Christ That's gonna be this practical that I make to the point of a year later is actually a pretty cool experience is In the temple actually in Idle Falls temple, there's these healing rooms that are attached to the to the celestial room there and There was just an experience where I was just sitting in this whole room and just, you know, saying a prayer to myself and Right when I felt like it was being answered. I like looked up and this person was walking up to me. I'm like, what's going on here? I'm like, what's going on here? I'm like, what's going on here? I'm like, what's going on here? I'm like, what's going on here? I'm like, what's going on here? I'm like, what's going on here? I'm like, what's going on here? I'm like, what's going on here? I like looked up and this person was walking towards me and I was like, all right and They Invited me over to one of these attached healing rooms And I'm like, hey, we have two sons That are going to be that we want to feel at the same time We were just looking would you want to to do one of these feelings with us, you know? So you do both of them at the same time and I was like sure and so one in there with this family and Got to be, you know sealed as you know ceiling to ceiling to parent twice and that was the first time That I had seen how the hands are arranged in that setting So if you want to if you want to know more about that go to the temple and go to a to parent a child ceilings at the same time and Notice how they teach other fans because There there's you know that there's a certain Way that they take each other's hands that I thought was only with the husband and wife in those situations and that children Just participate as like an appendage or they're just an add-on. So they put their hands in a different way but the children Took each other by the same in the same way that the husband and wife take each other And that was the first time I realized that the kids participate in the same sort of Bond or Relationship or exchange that you know that you know, basically A mother and father do Her husband wife do you know and that's it's like equally sacred or equally is important And that's going on in every you know in the homes Mm-hmm. So and that was the day and I was like That's the school of Jesus Christ I've made it It is a franchise it is reputable just like you thought that it would be Because there was literal times when I was like, oh, that's that's what it's like, you know, like it has to be replicable You can't just be like one guy. That's really charismatic That you know make this thing you know and he teaches people and other charismatic people as well, you know, but in this or it's like really personality driven Right Or it's like you'd need a lot of work to start it up, but it was like Whatever this is it's going to have to be easily reputable Hence little that I know, you know, there's millions of these, you know, like you know everywhere and just how they're designed to teach you but And on one hand you kind of feel like that's a letdown I'm like, oh is this all along but in another way? Maybe that teaches you a little bit more about the family Okay, you literally just read my mind. I was just thinking about that's the most important people we can teach, right? Like yeah, our kids our family our brothers our sisters Those are important and and not only that Not only you can teach them in the family, but no you are the student True. You are the one that's being taught Yeah, when you when you participate in the family when you're when you become a wife and a mother, you know when I become a father and a husband and like I Feel like as you live the roles Whether you're a kid or you're a brother or You're a brother or You know, or you're a niece You're being taught when you're a nice, you know what I'm saying? You get When you're when you're taught to walk or when you're taught to to I Don't know Treat people kind of like that. You're being you're being shaped. You're being educated. You're being cultivated. Mm-hmm. You know I'm saying There's things being taught through the actions that's that's the messed up thing that we have in our head about education or teaching is that It happens through whiteboards and You know filling in checkboxes or you know multiple choice or You know, it's all about the writing the reading and the talking but no it's about the doing Doing TG you so much more than anything else You know, and so I feel like as you live the roles Whether you're a kid or you're a brother or You know, or you're a niece You're being taught when you're a nice, you know what I'm saying? You get When you're when you're taught to walk or when you're taught to to I Don't know I don't know Treat people kind of like that. You're being you're being shaped. You're being educated. You're being cultivated. Mm-hmm. You don't send definitely And also like a lot that goes into like breadwinning That teaches so much, you know, I'm saying definitely But so that was kind of yeah the realization that a A it's mortality. It's this life. Mm-hmm. This is God's classroom and That You know be it's it's really that institution he's not one with with walls and and a bell you know and and blackboards, it's Right within the four walls and one roof for your own home You know so true And it's like you were saying like Wanting to be guided by the Spirit or wanting to be taught by him It's a mindset it's a lifestyle it really is You know and it looks a lot different than Normal Education looks like it looks a lot different than your k-12 like you're saying the whiteboards and the school bell it's not like that and Instead of grades we have trial and error and the Atonement of Jesus Christ to guide us and to slowly lead us Well, what's what's the grade? What do you think or like what what's? Right the grade is the incentive Right true because because you want to get an a mm-hmm. What's your incentive in? regular life I'm thinking eternal life, but I don't feel like that's a great. I feel like that's like That's the end. That's like graduation. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so what's what's the grades? What's the little rewards along the way or like her and I'm not just talking spiritual. You know Like what's what's the reward for I? Don't know When you treat somebody kindly Like here and now I don't know is it those relationships we make definitely right, you know with God's children Yeah with friends or anybody that you're with like and That's intrinsic Or like it's valuable just because it's valuable. It's not It's not to get you something else it's not a means to an end like okay, I'm gonna get some friends so that Like what? No, it's like, you know, you want to have relationships because they matter and they make you happy and They're good You know, and I honestly think that that is God Teaching us his ways because what is his work in his glory to bring us past the immortality and eternal life of man? Everything he does is for his children. And so I think what you're describing those Like the reward being those relationships we make and those connections That is us learning how God works Stop with the podcasting. Let's just have it. I don't know. I don't know Is that what you really think that is what I really think on my mission. There was a BYU speech Called What if our only motive was love mm-hmm, I listen to this probably every week after I found it And it's by Russell T. Osgood's orb and He So yeah, I honestly believe that when we Learn about people we learn about God and like today you asked me you're like wait are you just being nice or do you actually care and And I do actually care because and it all comes back to that principle of God's people or how we can come to know God Like I can't come to know God if I lock myself up in a room and I can do all the studying I want But until I leave my house and I go and I get to know God's people. I don't know God. So Yes, I definitely believe that Those connections that we make with people when we serve them That is the reward because that is God teaching us This is what matters in life. That is how God works. That is how God functioned. He works with people it's like Doing stuff for stuff that matters. Mm-hmm. Yeah, like if you take people out of the equation what's left Yeah, like why Yeah, like people like to have a house and they want to make it beautiful. I'm like Like why do you make good food? For people to enjoy for people to enjoy, you know, when someone says they don't like my cookies People say that no So one time I had is I did not a lot of people that cookies so oh that was my bad That they didn't enjoy them salted caramel, but I mean But yeah, even going to school and the thing is I think that it's so important to Continually remind ourselves of This motivation that we're doing this for our families for the people. We love Because it's so easy to get lost that kind of like what we were talking about a little bit ago About getting lost in the learning no, not getting lost in learning getting lost in the grades and In the latter Yeah grades is just a microcosm of the of the latter, you know And you forgetting what the big picture is what is the big picture God? Wants to bring this past the immortality in the eternal life of man, and we can do that in A very small scale we can help him by helping our families by helping people and I think just continually reminding yourself of that Is so important Getting cut to the chase, you know What does that kind of life look like We talked about and we're telling each other life of a man people think of missionary work you think of You know going to the temple and and you know helping people receive their ordinances, but What's that are all for what's next, you know, like now what you know, like pretend we're all baptized pretend. We're all Sealed and endowed and etc What does life look like then? Honestly, I don't know. I'm just along for the ride. Well, and that's what I'm saying like, you know If we're so caught up even in the grades of How much good we're doing? Because that's its own form of great almost that's true, you know what I'm saying how much service am I rendering Mm-hmm in like a quantity sort of way. Yeah, even just fulfilling our calling because yeah It's a responsibility to do you have to people are watching me Or even just to be a good person, yeah, or listening to people after after class listening to their Interests and stuff some people do that Because I feel like it's I'm just that way. I'm a good person. You know, that's great. You know, it's actually really good but there's something even better is Like actually caring or you know, I'm not sure I'm not sure I'm not sure When you are feeling feeling like my calling FHT coordinator like fun. Yeah, you know, um, I Wanted something all intense or you know, and then And that was that was that was like, oh sweet, you know and then since then I'm like really just seemed like the happiness of the gospel or the happiness of just Living life, you know like this Monday. We just went and Had pizza and played ultimate frisbee and spike ball and stuff in the park and it was thrown together Like really last minute because something got canceled But it was having fun with people and enjoying their company I think There's a little More so there are a few things more celestial than enjoying the company of others You know, like if we're not enjoying this right now Like just me and you like just be able to have a conversation or I Like talking to you, you know, mm-hmm like We're missing the point I Think that's what it's all for Mm-hmm. I mean there's there's other stuff that's going to be coming right, but I think when you just learn to like Enjoy other people's company is is a lot of what? Like God Seizes love or something. Does that make sense? Yeah. No, definitely. I feel like Sometimes we think the word love or the Word that we use Love it just is pulled in all these different directions You know, it's like a laffy taffy that's stretched from you know, New Mexico to New Hampshire, you know, it's just like It just caught, you know covers so many such a big spectrum that you know Even in the church like we have this idea that loving people is like Just the self-sacrificing service and we have no enjoyment or passion in it, you know Sorry, you know, that's not it, you know, I mean there's there's times for sure but I think it It's joyful So So now right net why Why Do you Learn how to do anything in your career? Why do you Like we make good food because it makes people smile Or we make homes because they'll Put you know, don't give people shelter, you know It'll put a roof over their heads and protect them from the elements and so they can have children That grow up in this no spaces in there and they're good, you know And that's intrinsic to you like you want that for them Right, yeah, why are you a doctor? Or you know, you know in this case, I'm not saying yeah, but it's this way now but just like If that were our primary motivation Yeah, what if her only motive was love Isn't that a talk it is a dog But it's a good thought because That's the goal of life, right to slowly make our motive love all the time Because for me, there are definitely times where I'm not motivated by love. I'm motivated by a grumbling stomach or I'm motivated by a grade. Yeah, or I'm motivated by I Don't know a lot of different things and not just not necessarily bad things but I think the purpose of this life is to Direct us towards or what are you gonna say? I Mean, I know that the purpose of life is to become more like God and I believe that we do that through being motivated by Love or what even is God? What does God look like becoming more? Like God is not becoming more and more Pharisee like No, why do we have that idea? It's not becoming more and more You know close your eyes and just imagine like the most Righteous and most loving and most loving and most loving and most loving and most loving The most Righteous sinless person that never does anything wrong And They've never experienced that and they never Would consider doing that and that just fills them with horror to even think about doing something wrong Try talking that person, you know, it's like How's your conversation gonna go like I don't know, you know, like you're not They wouldn't get it or they would probably just kind of like Feel kind of repulsed by you, you know I don't think that's God Does that make sense? Yeah, and it's hard to put it exactly in words, but It's like I Think God is Someone that literally loves you, you know Mm-hmm, and he enjoys you enjoys your presence. He enjoys Being with you. There's talking with you Even though you've you're rough around the edges Becoming more like God is becoming more like that What if that's what you learned in school Stop circle, but this is what we learned in the school. Yeah, it's great. Like it takes a lifetime to work on that and even though I'm beginning to understand that there are definitely so many times where I'm not motivated by love and I could be better and that That's why we don't graduate from the school of Jesus Christ until we get To eternal life because we're still learning and growing Definitely I think that's it as in I think that's all yeah Hey, thanks. No, thank you. Like genuinely. This is really fun It's funny that you were literally thinking about that early this week and then no, you know Hey Ten o'clock Come join yeah, yeah All Right, okay. Yeah, it's it's about Living life and learning from God. Oh Yeah Yeah, yeah, well, I'll let you visit and do this podcast And let you shut the lights off when you're done. Okay, okay, we will do that I'll just go right out that that door at the end of the hall. Well, you've got any door you like But just make sure it shuts behind you. They're all great. Okay. Hey, I really appreciate that Yeah, if you're pondering God the strength in your faith, that's what this building is for. All right. Amen. Okay Yeah, good to see you. Good to see you, too Have a good night. What's your what's your name again? Evans Evans. Yeah and yours Becca Isaac Isaac. Yeah. Okay. It's good to meet you. Yeah What

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