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Memoir- Isabella Juarez

Memoir- Isabella Juarez

Isabella Juarez



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The speaker tried many sports but fell in love with cheerleading. They joined the cheer team at a young age and enjoyed the competitive atmosphere. They made the varsity cheer team in high school and dreamed of winning the state championship. On the day of the competition, they felt nervous but determined. After performing their routine, they were filled with emotion and cried tears of happiness. They waited anxiously for the results and were thrilled to be announced as the state champions. Despite the decision to end their cheer career, they are proud of their accomplishments and cherish the memories. It was the best day of their life. I have tried many sports in my life, all the way from gymnastics to karate, but to me and my family's surprise, the only one that stuck was cheerleading. I joined the cheer team at my elementary school when I was six years old and fell in love with the sport. Most of all, I fell in love with the competitive atmosphere it created. Every time I stepped onto the bright blue competition mats, my heart would pound against my ribs as if it were preparing to jump out of my chest. My feet felt like soft springs hitting the floor as I ran to my formation, my ears ringing with the gentleness and filled with the loud chants of the crowd. It was terrifying and I couldn't get enough. I continued to cheer at different gyms until I was a freshman in high school. It had been a dream of mine to make the El Dorado varsity cheer team as a freshman. I had heard about their amazing cheer program through some old friends who were on the team. I knew it would be hard to make varsity, but I was confident in my abilities. After my tryout for the coaches, I was nervous because I felt like I didn't perform my best. I went home and waited for hours to hear if I made the team. As I began to give up hope, I got a text. I threw my phone in excitement after reading the words, Congratulations, Isabella Waters. We are so excited to have you on the El Dorado varsity cheer team. I thought it was the best day of my life. Little did I know that day would come just four years later. March 18th, 2023, the day of the New Mexico State Championship. I was now a senior in high school and a four-year varsity letter on the El Dorado cheer team. I had lost to State twice in past years and was devastated each time. It was now my last chance and the most important day of my life. It was the last day I would ever cheer again, and I wanted more than anything to go out with a win. I always knew this day would come, but I wasn't ready to let go of something I loved so much. Cheer was always my getaway, and I couldn't imagine my life without it. When I walked into the El Dorado high school gym that morning, I could tell something was different. My nerves were heightened as I thought about what I was about to lose. I opened the door, and a small breeze from the air conditioner hit my face and sent a chill down my spine. As I continued in, I passed the shelf where we keep the state trophies from past years. I sat and looked for a while, my eyes clinging to the shiny gold metal glistening under the ceiling light. I began to cry. One tear after another fell down my cheeks. I never thought I would have a life without cheer, and the sudden realization hit me harder than ever before. I pulled myself together and decided I wouldn't let my emotions get in the way of what I was there for. After an entire morning of laughing and preparing with my team, we were finally ready. We walked into the UNM pit with both confidence and eagerness. Before we knew it, we were being filed into the back room where we had 15 minutes to prepare for our competition time. My nerves began to kick back in, and I felt sick to my stomach. After we went through our routine, a loud buzzer filled the air, and we knew it was time. As soon as I heard the words, here are your Eldorado Eagles, I began to run to my formation, my heart still banging against my ribcage as it always has, my ears ringing, my eyes blinded by the spotlight shining on the bright blue map. I was terrified, but also comforted by the support of my family, friends, and team. Once I was in my spot, the crowd was silenced by the loud music to our routine. The next 2 minutes and 30 seconds were the most exciting and exhausting moments of my life. I was so proud of my team. We had never worked together better than in those few minutes. Once the routine came to an end, a rush of emotion devoured me. I again started to cry, but I wasn't sad, I was happy. I was happy that even though there was a chance we might not win, I knew we did our best. As I exited the stage, I hugged my coaches and waved to my family and friends in the crowd. The next 2 hours were agonizing as we waited for the judges to decide the winners. It was now finally time for awards. My team all took each other's hands as we listened to the results. The announcer introduced himself and began. He started, in third place, the La Cueva Bears. Our hands tightened around each other as he continued. In second place, the Rio Rancho Rams. We all shot up from our seats as he announced. And finally, your New Mexico state champions are the El Dorado Eagles. I was officially a state champion. Although I was sad to leave, I knew it was the right thing for me to do. I didn't see a point in continuing my cheer career, and I still don't. I was extremely hurt by my decision, but no matter what, I will always have a family in my team. It was the end of an era, but it wasn't the end of my life. I will always cherish the memories I made and will forever look back on such an amazing achievement. I was not only proud of my team, but I was also proud of myself for accomplishing something I never thought I would be able to. It was the best day of my life.

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