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Ivy Joy



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The Ivy Joy Show on radio station Vibe 95 plays the latest R&B, soul, and throwback music. Ivy Joy encourages listeners to smile and think highly of themselves, as it leads to self-respect, appreciation, and recognizing one's worthiness, power, and purpose. Thinking little of oneself holds one back, but thinking highly of oneself leads to productivity and giving back to the world. Tune in to Vibe 95 for more great music. 595, your number one internet radio station that has all the latest, all the best in R&B, soul, and throwback music. Welcome back to the Unwind, get down with me, your girl, your host, Ivy Joy on the Ivy Joy Show. And I'mma say these are live for you all, let's get it. Listen, it's Friday, okay? And so it's my job, it's my due diligence to put a smile on your face. If anything, I want you to smile, I want you to feel good, okay? Listen, listen. Cause the music that I just played was bonkers, alright? So I know that put a smile on your face, okay? Listen, so let's get back. I also want you to think highly of yourself. You heard me, think highly of yourself, because to think highly of yourself is to think of yourself from the perspective of your highest self. You gotta break the word down, you know what I'm saying? And you gotta do it consistently. See all things from that higher perspective. When you think highly of yourself, you naturally respect and appreciate yourself. It comes naturally to you. So you'll also recognize your own worthiness, your own power and purpose, right? And in addition, you'll consistently expect and accept the best, right? When you don't think highly of yourself, you will be suddenly holding yourself back at the root level. Thinking little of yourself is a symptom of seeing things from the level of pain, okay? So now when you think highly of yourself, you gotta understand you're moving differently, right? So that means that you get your things done. Like you know what I'm saying, you are giving back to the world. Let's say continue. Let's say tune in Saturday Night Live right here on Vibe 95. We give you all the latest, all the best in R&B, soul and throwback hits. Since I'm alive, Vibe 95. Enjoy.

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