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Ivy Joy



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The speaker, Ivy Joy, is hosting a motivational show on the internet radio station 595. She talks about the challenges of starting the week and how it can be difficult to adjust from a relaxed state to being productive. She mentions the motivational speeches of Martin Luther King Jr. and quotes him saying that love should be chosen over hate because hate is a heavy burden to bear. Ivy Joy encourages listeners to find light and righteousness in their experiences and to grow from them. She ends by telling listeners to relax and enjoy the vibe on station 595. We're 595, the internet number one station. Hats off to SRV Soul and throwback music. Welcome back to the unlike your child with me, your girl, your hoe, Ivy Joy on the Ivy Joy Show. Namaste, we love long. We also, yo, let's get it motivational one day. We started the week, and sometimes the start can feel a little hard, cause you know what I'm saying? You got used to chillin', waking up, you feel me? Enjoy the vibe. As soon as it's happening, locking in on 595 and you feel me? Just being you, right? And then you gotta reprogram yourself to set the time, set the goals, and get it done, okay? So, but we wanna keep you motivated and speak about a lot of the great, powerful, impactful, motivational speeches given by the most honorable Martin Luther King Jr. So he was quoted saying that, I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. That doesn't resonate, because sometimes you may experience things, you know, as we always talk about here on Unwind, going through what we go through and experiencing certain experiences that you feel like, oh my goodness, I would dislike that to the max, to where I would even say I hate it. But that word hate is too great of a burden. It's heavy. You know what you say, it just feels unright. It feels like a distorted reality. You know what I mean? So in that light, it is too great of a burden to carry and it's forever. You don't wanna stay in that state forever. You have to find light within that. Okay, find the righteousness in that and that is going through what you're going through and that is working within you to see what you are able to grow within that experience from. Okay, listen, continue to get the vibe here, just feel that relax, vibe 95, enjoy.

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