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Events in web development are actions that happen within the browser, like clicks or scrolling. They make web pages interactive. Events can be triggered by user actions or scripts. Event handlers are functions that are executed when an event occurs. Events can be handled through event listeners or OneVent attributes. Event listeners are more flexible. Understanding events is important in web development. Check out MDN for more resources. In this section, we'll embark on an exploration of events and their significance in web development. Events are essentially actions or occurrences that take place within the browser. They encompass a wide range of interactions, from simple clicks and hovers to more complex actions like scrolling, key presses, and form submissions. Essentially, events are what make web pages interactive and responsive to user input. Now let's understand how events are triggered. They can be initiated by either user actions or scripts. User actions are straightforward, think clicking a button or typing into a form field. But events can also be triggered programmatically by scripts. For example, you can change the content of an input field dynamically using JavaScript and then trigger an event to signal that the input has changed. Event handlers play a pivotal role in event-driven programming. They are essentially functions that are executed when a specific event occurs. Events can be handled in two main ways, through event listeners or through OneVent properties attributes. Event listeners are more modern and flexible, allowing you to attach multiple handlers to the same event. On the other hand, OneVent attributes directly assign a function to handle a specific event, but they have limitations in terms of flexibility and scalability. As you delve deeper into web development, understanding events and how to handle them effectively will be crucial. If you want to dive deeper into this topic, I recommend checking out the resources available on MDN, Mozilla Developer Network, where you'll find comprehensive documentation and examples to enhance your understanding of events in web development.