Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker, Jake Cable, discusses a series of events that he believes violated his legal rights as an elected chief union steward. He filed labor charges against the union and employer, faced harassment and discrimination related to his mental disabilities, and had grievances pending for himself and another black union member. He was terminated without proper process and a sealed warrant was issued for his arrest. False reports were made about him, leading to a dangerous manhunt. He faced police retaliation and child protective services involvement. The CEO of the employer began following him on LinkedIn after he threatened to file more labor charges. He filed claims with the EEOC and received right-to-sue letters, but his claims were rejected by the Federal Northern District Court. He believes this was a violation of his legal rights and obstruction of justice. He also experienced threats and harassment, which he reported to the police. He had to refile his claim, but had to remove i Hi, I'm Jake Cable, and this is the Jake Cable Show. I'm going to be going over some dates and some factual documents with you today that support some of the allegations and claims I've made in Northern District Court that were recently dismissed January 23rd, 2024, I view as I was further violated in my opinion and I'm pursuing other legal remedies. So on July 20th, or not July 20th, in July of 2022, I filed a labor charge with the National Labor Relations Board against the union and against an employer. The response after the claim was denied was a petition was popped up, circulated in my work areas, break areas, and online, and it involved a convicted felon and an older woman. They were attacking my mental disabilities and my role as chief union steward. I responded by posting Tupac photos with some descriptions as to who's involved in some of the issues and some of the issues that were going on on my days off as protected concerted activity as a chief union steward. I also typed two-page letterhead, JC letterhead letter, and emailed everything to the Chicago lawyer that was representing the employer, the HR, and also plant managers at the time, as well as sharing it with all the union members. So from that point, there was a removal of the union business agent, been there over 10 years, on October 23rd, 2020. I continued to speak out and take actions, and so did others. So he was removed, six days later, October 29th, 2020, I'm pulled and forced to go to the director of the EAP program through the employer via anonymous concerned employee. The employer states in the letter that they're here to help me return to my full functioning level and that they genuinely care. Fast forward to December or January 5th, after I complied with everything, I am terminated January 5th, 2021 via text message from a vice president of HR of the employer, and I had no interactive process for the Americans with Disability Act. I had active intermittent FMLA that was approved at the time. I was a chief union steward, I was denied my Wayne Garten rights, and that happened January 5th. Less than 24 hours later, January 6th, there's a sealed warrant issued for my arrest. There is police hired throughout all of Indiana by the employer at five different locations throughout Indiana. There is false reports called in about me having weapons and drugs and all kinds of things that were inaccurate, and with those false reports and that sealed warrant, there was a manhunt throughout Indiana, and it was very dangerous for my health and safety and for others as well. After all that, there is more police retaliation from county police in 2021. There is child protective services on October 29th of 2021 to the date of the removal in 2020, October 29th. There is following me by a CEO that retired on LinkedIn after he did all this stuff to me, starts following me on LinkedIn when I said I was going to speak out and file more labor charges and also report things to the other federal agencies such as the FBI. So that was a big deal for the CEO to behave that way after two terminations. There was also, to cycle back a second here, the arbitrator selection. The arbitrator sat on two different panels with this 700-member Chicago lawyer law firm that represented the employer. That's the guy that had to make determinations with my life and my legal rights and whether or not they were violated and things like that with someone who's friends with someone and works with alongside somebody that's friends with them, you know, it's a conflict of interest in my opinion. So anyways, after the second termination with no write-ups, no warning, no interactive process on February 11th, 2022, there was a strike December 1st, 2022. There's newspaper articles from the strike saying all the things that I was saying when they forced psychological testing and said that I was paranoid and just making these things up. I was denied information requests. I had grievances pending. I had unfair labor practice charges pending. There was a grievance pending for a black man that I was representing. He was a steward as well. I appointed him as steward. He was our first black steward. He had his life threatened. It was covered up. The guy that threatened his life is the same guy that was writing fag on my card, hanging mental instability unit signs above my chair, and things like that. So definitely a significant issue. When I tried to confront the union for helping cover up the racism, that's when the business agent was pulled, October 23rd, 2020. Then I got pulled six days later, October 29th, 2020. So those are some details that were very important. I never made it to the first step grievance for that grievance that I filed for that man either. They may have resolved it with him outside, not sure, but he was also standing with me initially and they took him off and away from that as well. He attended the arbitration, but me and him were instructed not to speak or say anything. And many of our claims that we were making leading up were not raised or alleged or brought up in arbitration. So I went to Federal Northern District Court. I've hired $20,000 worth of lawyers to get there and be abandoned and left, trying to represent myself. In 2023, I filed EEOC claims against the Teamsters Union. I was issued a right to sue letter by the EEOC. I was issued a right to sue letter in 2022 for the right to sue the employer. I consolidated both cases with the Northern District Court, so it would be one case. I wrote my claim, it was rejected. I wrote another claim, it was rejected. And I was told that I could not raise claims with the National Labor Relations Act violations or raise claims of violations with the National Labor Relations Act and that the court, Federal Northern District Court, does not have subject matter jurisdiction over NLRA claims. I believe this to be completely inaccurate. I believe it to be more obstruction of justice and a further violations of an elected chief union steward's legal rights who has issued rights to sue both a union and a employer by the EEOC and had exhausted all his administrative remedies through the National Labor Relations Board prior. So it was most definitely the place to be to resolve such matters as is in a Federal Northern District Court to raise violations of federal law involving the National Labor Relations Act. The federal judge violated me in my opinion in his order in December of 23, late 23, December of late 23, so we got that. And after the judge filed that, I went and I filed police reports. After I filed the police reports, because the judge violated my legal rights, I also included the local mayor that I wanted to have reported for his involvement in situations involving the litigation as well. The stress and pressure of it all was immense the entire time. And after I filed the police report, less than 24 hours later, approximately less than 24 hours later, my wife and I received text messages from L.A., California, at exactly 424, which is one digit off from our address, and differing content, they lie in the message and whatever. So I reported it as a threat, the police agreed with the timing of it as well, that it was coming from California, that it was to both husband and wife, that they acted like they accidentally put the wrong area code in, which you can't accidentally program a husband and wife's phone at the same exact time and text them at the same exact time by accident. Very clear threat, they marked it high priority. I had to refile this claim and essentially cut out all the parts that made me me. I worked for a union shop, I had been elected three times, I had no write-ups, I was wrongfully forced through psychological testing, wrongfully thrown in jail, and wrongfully incarcerated. January 6th, 2021, the day of the insurrection. So on January 6th, the day, hold on, let me start that. January 5th to January 6th, you got a guy getting fired and thrown in jail, and it's the day of the insurrection, he's an elected Democratic leader in Indiana. If you think the temperature in the country at that time wasn't absolutely insane, it was. Had grievances pending for a black member having his life threatened and covered up by the union employer, both. I had grievances for myself, for group hostile work environment, we were calling, both me and two other people that had grievances, were calling for the removal of the people involved. So, the union took action, removed one of the people involved, okay, filed grievances, now we want the company to remove the people involved. So instead they removed me, forced me through psychological testing, terminated, and threw me in jail, January 6th, 2021, I was not incarcerated, but there was a sealed warrant issued for my arrest, and false reports called in, and then hunted throughout Indiana. I didn't even know I was under investigation, no one talked to me to get my side of the story when the company removed me, the police never talked to me to get my side of the story when they issued sealed warrants for my arrest. The employer never talked to me before they terminated me, and they said that it was by recommendation of the doctor when the doctor said that they don't make the decision to terminate at all, that is not their job. They said it wasn't recommended I be returned to the same work environment with the same colleagues, superiors, and work responsibilities. That's not saying Jake Cable's paranoid and we don't want him employed here, he needs to be fired, and he's making up lies about people being racist and crooked and corrupt and abusing their power and authority and defrauding people and forcing 60 hours a week for years and years, and it's violating labor laws. It's crazy. Then they go on strike in 2022 and all this same stuff's in the newspapers that I was saying that cost me to be literally have my whole life just ripped to shreds. Lost my home, lost my job, lost my retirement, lost my rental business at 15 years, lost my lifetime achievement, humiliated my son's childhood during a pandemic, trying to do homeschooling, that he's in public schools but you had to do homeschooling when there was no vaccine. So all those things were going on at the time, you know, it's just absolutely disgusting to be attacked under such conditions, to be attacked when people said they're here to help you, it's just disgusting. So the federal litigation where it's pending at in 2024 is very important I get a lawyer. I need a lawyer right now as soon as possible to come and raise claims against the federal judge in the Northern District Court for him wrongfully violating my federal legal rights by not allowing me to write a claim that involves the National Labor Relations Act violations and trying to restrict my docket because he doesn't like who's on the docket because there's a mayor on the docket, there's city police, there's county police, there's a global employer, there's a union, there is the union's lawyer, there is the employer's lawyer, there is the EAP, there's Clarity Clinic and an arbitrator. That's the docket. He didn't like me suing all those people. Well, imagine all those people bearing down on one person's life with an ulterior motive to smear him because he's speaking out, taking action, filing grievances, filing information requests, filing labor charges, standing up for black people, standing up for 200 people alleging a group hostile work environment, been there eight years, no write-ups, elected three times in three different union roles, less than 45, 60 days for psychological testing, fearing gun violence, termination, incarceration, all these things. You look into my police report, all I did was yell, do not call, do not text, do not message my wife, she's my wife, stay away, that's it, not or else, nothing like that. In the police report, it has it in there, the guy said, come on my property and say that and I said, I'm not here for that and I left. That's what the incident was they used to turn into a sealed warrant for criminal intimidation, no prior criminal record, seatbelt ticket, speeding ticket, like eight years prior, volunteer for the people, volunteered tens of thousands of hours of my time, lost everything you could lose, everything that could be attacked away, even with criminal intent or ulterior motives or unlawful, just any kind of way that people could attack, it didn't matter if it was legal or not, that's my point, they didn't care, they were just coming at me in droves. So I need help, need help, need a lawyer, need someone willing to get involved in something to correct an evil that has just been killing me, I mean it's just taking everything from my family. There's a new CEO, there's a new president of the union, there's all these other changes that have been made, but one thing that has not happened is no one's acknowledged the person that was behind driving a lot of these changes through his actions, through his voices, through his charges, grievances, information requests, through his support of his fellow colleagues, it's important, appreciate you Ryan, I'll try to give another like introduction to Jake Cable Show or something just to get you another one in there. Hi, this is Jake Cable and I'm here to talk to you on the Jake Cable Show. We have a few things to go over today and it's going to be involving some dates, times and factual documents that I'm providing to help support some of the claims and allegations that I've made and my right to sue letters, things like that, so I hope it helps inform people a little bit more on what's going on, I hope it's useful and we can start making a difference together. Thank you.