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James Fent



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The book "Tongues of Fire" is dedicated to a group of young people who introduced the author to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ in 1972. The author and his wife accepted Jesus as their Savior and received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. The book discusses the biblical evidence for speaking in tongues and explains the need to continue using this heavenly language on a consistent basis. It also addresses the reasons why some Christians have not received this experience, such as limited teaching, fear, and false teachings. The book aims to provide sound, logical, and scriptural evidence to eliminate doubt and fear and to demonstrate the purpose and benefits of speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues is described as a perfect language from God, and while it may be the language spoken in heaven, on Earth it is a way to communicate with God and utter mysteries with the spirit. Tongues of Fire, The Purpose and Benefits of Speaking in Other Tongues, written and narrated by Dr. James Stent. This book is dedicated to a group of young people who call themselves Jesus People. They came to my office in 1972 on the campus of Coquivoc Community College and talked to me about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That day changed my life forever because I accepted Jesus as my Savior and received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Later that day, my wife followed me in this life-changing experience. I never saw these young men and women again, and I never had an opportunity to say thank you. So I dedicate this booklet to them and to all those who were part of that Jesus movement back in the 1970s. This is the only way I know to say thank you, not just for myself, but for the hundreds, maybe thousands of lives that you have changed. See you all in Heaven. This book was written for those Christians who have received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, specifically to demonstrate the need of continuing the use of this heavenly language on a consistent or a daily basis. However, this section is written to show the biblical evidence for speaking in tongues to those reading this book who have not yet received this blessed and powerful promise of the Father. The baptism in the Holy Spirit and its validity for today is clearly explained in Acts chapters 1 and 2 by Jesus himself. Just prior to his ascension, 40 days after his resurrection, Jesus told his followers in Acts chapter 1 verse 3 to go to Jerusalem and to wait for the promise of the Father, which Jesus reminds them he had already told them about. Then he again explains in verse 5 for John, truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now. We know the Father's promise is the baptism in the Holy Spirit, which takes place 10 days later to the 120 who are in the upper room. That's in Acts chapter 1 verse 1 through 6. Did it expand beyond the 120? And is it meant for today? The answer is a resounding yes. Throughout the book of Acts and the epistles, you will discover those receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit and those attesting to its use. It is also clearly stated by Peter right after Pentecost when he addressed those assembled. He said, for the promise, which is the baptism in the Holy Spirit, is to you and to your children and to all who are afar off as many as the Lord will call. Yes, the baptism in the Holy Spirit is available to every believer. While it is not a requirement for salvation, it is a requirement if you desire to receive the power spoken of in Acts chapter 1 verse 8. And if you desire to operate in any of the spiritual gifts discussed in 1 Corinthians chapter 12. The validity of speaking in tongues or other languages is so obvious in Scripture. It's a wonder so few Christians have experienced the baptism in the Holy Spirit. However, there appears to be three prominent reasons why so few believers have received this experience. First and foremost, there is a very limited amount of sound, logical, and scriptural teaching regarding the scope, value, purposes, and benefits of speaking in tongues. Second, many Christians actually fear this phenomenon because they lack understanding or have received false teaching. Thirdly, many Christians have received unscriptural teaching that actually denies this blessed experience. The intent of this small book is to provide the sound, logical, and scriptural teaching or evidence necessary to eliminate doubt and fear while presenting those with a baptism the purpose and benefits of speaking in other tongues. The remainder of this book will assist you in understanding the many blessings of using this heavenly prayer language on a regular basis. The Introduction This book, with the exception of the previous discussion, is not about the validity of the baptism in the Holy Spirit or speaking in tongues as the evidence of this blessed experience. Rather, it is assumed that the reader understands the biblical basis for this experience but may need a clearer understanding as to the purpose and have stated that they see no need to speak in tongues or have asked what is the purpose of speaking in tongues or what good is it. Hopefully, the following discussion will clear up any confusion, answer any questions like those above, and clearly demonstrate the purpose and benefits of consistently utilizing this heavenly prayer language. What does speaking in tongues do? It does exactly what the Bible says it will do, which is what this book is all about. Most individuals who have not experienced the baptism in the Holy Spirit refer to speaking in tongues as speaking gibberish or talking nonsense. The truth is, speaking in tongues is the most intelligent, perfect language in the universe. It is God's language. Did you ever wonder what language they speak in heaven? Languages are given their name based upon the country they come from. For example, Spanish comes from Spain, German comes from Germany, and English comes from England. So where does the heavenly prayer language come from? Heaven? Now, I have not yet visited heaven, so I can only speculate about what language they speak there. But I would not be surprised if speaking in tongues are what they speak in heaven. Languages are given their name based upon the country they come from. For example, Spanish comes from Spain, German comes from Germany, and English comes from England. So where does this heavenly prayer language come from? Heaven? I have not yet visited heaven, so I can only speculate about what language they speak there. But I would not be surprised if speaking in tongues are what they speak in heaven. The only difference being that people in heaven understand what everyone is saying. However, here on earth, the Apostle Paul says, For anyone who speaks in tongues does not speak to men, but to God. Indeed, no one understands him. He utters mysteries with his spirit.

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